<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Morning Morning...!!</font>

drag myself to ofis today after longgg wkend.. malassssssss nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! </font>
gooddddddddddddddddd morning singaporeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
<font color="0000ff">Smalldream
alamak.. when u said dat, make me wonder.. can tis pregnancy pull thru??

JTS as im now feel very low and want to let it out of my chest.

last sat is like a rollercoaster ride for me.

I had appt for blood test on sat morning. So I went there ard 10am. After done wit the test, I went home. And ard 12noon, I received a call from KKH. Asking me to come down to do scan as my result shows my blood count is low and doc afraid it might be an ectopic pregnancy and it not a good sign. Den received another call from my gynae. She tried to explain to me and console me like telling me not to think/worries so much.

So ard 2pm I reach 24hr clinic, do another scan. Results out. And doc said it Not ectopic pregnancy, but it not a good one. He also said.. my gynae want to bring my appt forward to do another blood test this thur and will decide from there.

Skg ni I cant tink straight. Really don’t neo what to expect. Really hope for the best.
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!!!!!!!!!!

this week i work 2 days je then wed onwards on leave..yahoooo.

oh dear..i hope u will be strong.
insyaAllah takde pape gerl.
i will pray for u and the baby!</font>
<font color="ff6000">Morning Ladies...

I may not be the one going through this but I hope you'll stay strong and able to pull thru to whatever results your doc/gynae showed you.

<font color="0077aa">Lynn
sorry to hear that... yes, just pray &amp; hope for the best.

If the pregnancy is meant to be, insya-Allah it will be. We can't tell...until the baby is born...

Did doc say what you can do to help? Just rest more and don't tire yrself out k.

*big hug*</font>
Good morning semua...

Lynn, my advise to you is. Just be strong and think positive. What is meant to be will be. I went thru miscarriage twice. Tapi rather than being sad, i think positive. Doc told me that would you rather have a healthy baby or a baby that survive but very sickly ?

You faham what im trying to just pray to ALLAH swt as he knows what is best for you. Remember he plans everything, so it's just right for us to accept his challenges. The more you think, the more stressful you become. And STRESS is not good for your health.... Do talk to us and let your feelings out. Jangan simpan2... bahaya oi..
selamat pagieee all...

Berat mata memandang...berat lagi bahu memikul....
As I've mentioned b4...if it's meant to b will b yours, darl...

Like wati, I too went thru miscarriage twice....yup easier said than is sad...BUT u've got 2 b strong....

Mayb ada blessing in disguise....wateva result it will be...juz take it positively....dun tink too much.....HE knows wat is best for his UMAT...

Lupa nak cakap thanks kat u....yur harness is wiz me..smlm I da try.....I like it....Can I know kat mana u bought it....

Our deal, I shall let u know by wed.....Yesterday ...didn;t manage to meet up wiz my mum...tmrw insyallah meeting up wiz her....
<font color="0077aa">
Lynn, ah tengok tu ramai motivational speakers yang pernah melaluinya sendiri

No prob! I got it at kiddy palace. Kadang2 kat WTS pun ada orang jual if you tak was-was lah...hehhe..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">san,
yelah i took leave cos nak siap for raya and nak do spring cleaning before ramadan.
takde nanti dah start puasa confirm i lemau nak kemas2 ni.</font>
me too on leave tmrw...

nak carik...anaqi's raya pants...n shooes....

nak settlekan semua b4 Ramadan...

I da cakap kat DH....Ramadan ni tak nak kluar2 sangat...unless needed to
<font color="0000ff">hihi ladies....

thks for comforting words, appreciate it a lot.

To those who have been thru, I hope I can be strong like u guys.

Big Hugss</font>
<font color="ff0000">Morning all

I've read the archives...good &amp; bad news.

Hugs...think positively...

Happy 4th Anniversary

Enjoy yr holiday...

Yg khabar semua???
Hi Dan,

Niari thread, very the slow giler ler... hehehe
How are you... so how ? After your hubby come back, you ada 'good' news tak ? Heheheh...
Hi babes =)
Lynn, insyaAllah, hopefully takde pape. Memang lebih senang mata memandang dari bahu memikul.

I'm on leave today cos semalam my dad ada heart attack scare. Since Saturday dia was not well but he refused to go to the dr. Then yesterday morning, he called an ambulance for himself cos nobody except my 2 sisters were at home. The whole family was at the hospital since 9+ on the morning but we only got to see my dad after 6pm. Itupun take turns 2 by 2. My sis and myself (the ones with kids) manage to bring our kids out first and came back once we got updates that we can see our father. My 1st son managed to be allowed in to see my dad just before visiting hr's over. Lepas tu dia cakap dia dah mintak ampun dengan my dad when he went in to see him. Lucky thing it's not a real heart attack.
<font color="0077aa">
Hello anyone in?
I decided to take time off this afternoon.
Baru habis satu cup of Island cremery Cookies &amp; cream icecream. Sedapnye! </font>
<font color="0077aa">Betty, that sounds scary. Luckily he was quick enuf to call for an ambulance! hope he gets well soon, in time for Ramadhan.</font>
Oh dear. Hope your dad speedy recovery. Must take care after discharge from hospital.... does your dad take any supplement???
morning all!!Wah dah lama tak pop in..out of touch with the updates..hehe

Betty, sorry to hear abt your dad. Hope he gets well soon dear*hugz*
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Morning Morning...!!</font>

thks gerl and hope ur dad will get well soon..</font>
Morning Lina / Nazlin...

Amacam happy menang 2nd prize ? Hehehe

Betty, sorry to hear abt your dad. Btw, you ada nerve problem ? Can elaborate ?
<font color="119911">morning all

hope u will b strong dear n tk care ok..

hope ur dad will b fine soon.. seramnya dgr sal heart attack now, seems soo common eh.. </font>
<font color="ff6000">Morning Babes!

Had prata &amp; teh tarik from Simpang Bedok for breakfast today.

Sorry to hear abt ur dad. Hope he'll get well soon. Insyllh.

Finally my very own 5 customised e/s pallete. Hehehe! Oh ya, Nur called me right after she's done with her w/shop with u last wknd and told me abt e upcoming w/shop during Ramadhan prd. Mcm excited gitu bt hv to ask hub if he's avail during wknds to tc of my boys.

Menang 2nd prize eh?

Nora / Nshah,
Cuti ker smlm?</font>

<font color="119911">san
a'ah cam M skit hang lah tanya tak amik leap? so ku teramik dgn hub2 sekali hehe dah tu we kuar bawa budak2 pi orchard to send FIL &amp; breakie at McD n off to JB suka dorang
, balik umah ada class buat marshmallow with e papa, e kids had fun
