<font color="0000ff">Naqi
kau pantang ehh.. shopping bag lagi ke??

aku nak cari bag for raya.. tapi so far takde yg berkenan ahh.. any new design yg cantik2?</font>
<font color="119911">ish NAw &amp; naqi dah pi WTS?
selamat bershopping, nak shop, shop skg nanti bulan puasa lagi rambang noh hehe

dah bis shopping smlm? dpt smua?</font>
Bag raya aku da settle.....
TAPI skg ni aku tgh contemplating...nak beli kasut ke tidak....hmmm...aku menyampah beli kasut....nanti takut sakit seh pakai...

alhamdullilah...da settle....everything under 1 roof...Vivo...
I dun buy things for myself for raye
(i mean bag and shoes)

pakai ajer ape yg ade...
ade barang pun belum terpakai lagi..

seram sejuk pikir pasal jalan raye
betul2.....bila pikir jalan raya...aku malas skali....lagi ngan anak aku tgh nakal ....macam gini consperm make-up aku cair eh..

yep jalan dgn budak takde mood seh
habis botol kuih orang dia atur

last yr at one house he picked up ALL the photo frames and atur on the floor .. sigh
<font color="0000ff">Nora
normally i also dont buy anything for myself specially for raya.. pakai bag, kasut yg ada..!

selalu beli baju kurung 1-2 pasang tu je..

tapi my kasut jln, i wear it for more den 5-6yrs and it time to chg!

and bag besar pulak.. semua dah worn out, and i need Big bag for raya.. utk barang naufal je.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Quote **betul2.....bila pikir jalan raya...aku malas skali....lagi ngan anak aku tgh nakal ....macam gini consperm make-up aku cair eh..**

sebab tu aku semangat nak beli maybelline angel fit tu.. LOL</font>
aku pun begitu jugak....
smlm gi ToyR'us.....abis itu play doh punya container dia bawak turun from the rack and atur.......ishhh...malu tau aku....

aku slalu kalau kluar ada mini wardrobe kat dalam keter.....inside bag aku cuma pampers 1 pc....wet tisu, tuala kecik 1 ...tuala sedang 1...heheh
hahahaha....tapi kan ...aku macam da bleh forsee dis yr nya raya ....anak aku nakal semacam....
last yr dia masih tatih2....s blum pantas lagi dia jalan....dis yr...matilah....huh....
<font color="0000ff">Naqi
sama lah dgn naufal.. they same age only dif mth kan..

last yg, jln blum kuat.. limit2 dia merangkak je kan.. tis yr, takut nak fikirkan how he will act kat rumah org..</font>
<font color="119911">mas
syukur lah all dah siap..

1st day baju dah siap dah.. tgl nak beli batu je tp tak tau bila nak pi.. any other place neighbourhood ada jual batu bata? anybody noes?
mungkin tak beli apa lagi ah tgl tgkkan utk irfan je, azza's shoes dah buy for her baju tgk ah if shes here ill buy else nyainya je akan belikan from KL.. need to find a gd shoes yg tak senang melecet or penat ah hehe</font>
aku pun begitu jugak....
smlm gi ToyR'us.....abis itu play doh punya container dia bawak turun from the rack and atur.......ishhh...malu tau aku.... "

aku pun, muke tebal u know

but i believe in positive strokes

i dun want to scold him in public

dia atur cam gitu aku cakap.. "good job izzat, so nice u put all of them together"

untung nasib aku, dia "clean up" and put back, kalau tak aku yg angkat lah

i also dun like to see orang scold budak budak in public


hah.. memang this time ur kids dah pandai exploration on their own

rajin rajin lah mengejar and apologise to tuan rumah, tebal kan muke
<font color="ff6000">Nshah,
Batu apa u nak beli?
Babe, sebagus mana kasut atau semahal mana pon..tetap akan ada kemelecetannya...beli GLIDE...hehe! Wonder if the spree masih on...

Anyone can help me get the links?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Quote **itu blum termasuk dia nya cranky lagi....kalau nak tido buruk tau**

tis another prob!! my sis punya anak yg same yr as naufal.. senang tau ajak jln, bila dia nak tido.. abah dia just put at stoller or dukung, dah tido.

si naufal ni pulak, bila nak tido very cranky.. memang dari baby till now sey.. dah nak tido tu, tido je lah.. nanti dia nangis lah, nak itu nak ini.. stress sey klu jln time dia nak tido..</font>
<font color="119911">san
nak cari those iron on crystals ah for e baju.. jadi nampak lawa skit.. else hv to make do with my accesories ah nampaknya

alah glide at guardian pun bleh beli noh.. hmm tul gak kata mu, sebagus, semahal mana pun mesti ada blister eh pelik tul.. bt serious not sure wat brand shld i go for this yr? last 2 yrs i bought americaya heels.. bt tulah kena this yr melecet &amp; sakit semacam ish..</font>
<font color="119911">mas
afghan ada eh? which side eh? ada addy or block dia? im gg there besok lunch sms me bleh if u happen to hv e addy at home?

NAw/ mas
i tink kan lau nak make up stay lama baik u all try naz nya stick foundation aft using it kan, it kinda ctrl my oil on my face too ah.. serious tak bedek tau, tght me sorang je yg feel camtu bt apparently my collg also comment e same, we tried using w/o e foundation stick, its more oilier our face seems tau..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Kasut aku byk from C&amp;K.. harga ok-ok.. not so ex. so far ok pulak, jarang melecet..

americaya heels
harga dia pun harga american ehh.. ex!</font>
<font color="119911">san
yup i saw at guardian at cck mrt once same price too

C&amp;K i tink not so cheap anymore &amp; furthermore too bad i cant use their shoes anymore, confirm koyak, melecet rabak u..

americaya mana da ex? i tink harga ok2 ah standard range of $30-$40 per pair.. bt of coz e latest &amp; more cantik more ex ah, bt i always go btwn $20-$39 e most not more than than, lagipun i kai lasak for 2yrs raya &amp; work so ok ah</font>
<font color="ff6000">Nshah,
Ic...myb I can recce any guardians if the organizer dah tkde stock lagi.

Btw ladies, u all da plan bila nk amik cuti for raya? *posa blom tiba, dah plan*</font>
<font color="0000ff">Nshahi
aku klu masuk americaya, pegang kasut tgk tag mesti above $50 tau.. takde pulak ard $20plus..

kat C&amp;K, normally my shoes range from $19.9 - $39.9.. cos i dont buy klu it cost more den $50. rasa mcm tak worth it..

anywei tis just my POV je.. masing2 lah.. ada suka yg mahal maybe can last longer?? hmmmm entah lah ehh</font>
<font color="119911">mas
oh sedeeret Hamid&amp;Sons? meaning dkt banget dgn studio Naz hehe ok then bsok ku tgk.. latest bila u pi eh? hopefully still there.. coz i didnt really nampak got those kedai there ke ku jalan tutup mata tak ehhe

ah try k.. if tak da nak me belikan at my side jus buzz me
cuti yup insyallah plan to take e fri off.. bt entahlah hub dpt ke tak coz me nak naik KL siang skit takut nanti jam rabak</font>
<font color="ff6000">Naqi,
I pon plan gitu...inclusive of Fri before H.Raya eve BUT I nak check with mom if she balik kampung ke tidak. Kalau balik, I've to extend bt also need to save some leaves for end year.

So, you'll raya at KL for fw days of a week?
Msia riuh during 1st wk jer.</font>
<font color="119911">lynn
yes babe i agree mmg i also dont buy if can more than $40.. unless its crocs hehe
bt yes americaya nya price mmg steep mungkin me pi everytime i saw e word 20% or 10% off ah.. n i survey at isetan je
<font color="0000ff">San
amboi puasa blumm start, dah plan cuti raya dia ehh.. hehehe

btw aku pun dah plan jugak.. LOL

raya on sunday kan? mon is PH.. so i'm taking tue and the following mon just to rest at home cos confirm on nx sunday tu byk jln and makan..!</font>
<font color="ff6000">Lynn,
I sendiri tekis leave since my prnts dah sound lagi abt finding solutions.
Tgklah cmne...I dun plan to take so many leaves cos need to save BADLY!!!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Nshahi
hahaha... mesti plan "jauh", try not to take so many days of AL.. kita merancang je, Dia yg tentukan.. hehehe

ur hb nak cat rumah?? boleh ke dia cat ur house tu??</font>
<font color="119911">lynn
hehe taklah bila ku terpikir balik a'ah eh tul gak seh u amik e flwg monday sbb confirm byk jalan &amp; makan &amp; penat, pancit kan hehe pandai gak eh.. aiks tu quote cam kenal je ;)

a'ahlah ku pun terpikir wow superb lah ur hub cat ur rumah yg besar tu hehe rajin.. we hv not been catting our house since e last 5yrs jus lap2 je ah</font>
<font color="0077aa">Lynn
Bagus idea you! I pun nak amik leave the following Monday lah! Actually I boring tau coz I am involved in an event on the Friday yang betul2 lepas raya. Nak amik leave sampai Rabu pun tak sedap sebab sure ada banyak loose ends to tie. Grrr...apa nak buat eh, dah tugas :S

So I think I shall take a break that Monday.

style, ko main lap2 dinding rumah? hehe, Teringat my hubby's aunt. After kenduri last week, dia first to go home, sebab dia kata dia kerja &amp; penat. So the other aunts suruh dia exercise, kerja rumah pun a form of excercise. Tapi dia dah penat sangat, dia kata dia buat housework, lipat kain &amp; "mop Baju" We all had a good laugh!! Nampak sah dah penat sangat, tak sabar nak balik.</font>
my hb cat mane yg sampai jer lah... sikit sikit
kat luar cat porch only

ruamh ade budak, u know lah... picasso banyak noh

but our living room lampu badly needs cleaning, macam mane eh?
tak sampai, nak pakai scaffolding, mahal

any ideas gerls
<font color="0077aa">Nora
susah jugak eh ! I punya rumah rendah gitu, nak tukar lightbulb dah macam apa. I saw my neighbour ada ladder, i told my hubby, gi pinjam tu ladder, pasang lampu sebelum raya.</font>
<font color="119911">peah
a'ah sbb mine is those rockstone yg bleh lapnya wen kotor or berabuk haha so takyalah nak cat over coz tak da org nak cat pung.. janji still ok, dahlah even langsir pun ku tak tukar, i dont do major changes ah for raya.. ala kadar je bt like those cushion covers, bedsheet ah mesti mau tukar hehe n beli baru hehe</font>
<font color="0000ff">Heloo Shahlynn
reporting from bangkit ofis ke??

Nshahi, smalldream
bagus kan idea i.. hehehe

tak payah amik too many leave on hari raya wk tu.. lagi pun wkdays byk org keje kan.. take leave just to rest at home.

betol punya penat lah tu.. sampai kan nak "mop baju".. LOL</font>
<font color="119911">NAw
a'ah seh camne tu eh? tg noh nak panjat.. sorry no idea, my kipas tu pun ku lap terkial2 silap langkah je gedebuk.. hehe</font>

<font color="0077aa">Lynn
I agree, I suka amik leave time raya bukannya sebab nak jalan. mainly to slack &amp; rilek makan kuih raya sendiri. Tido... catch up on rest. Best!</font>
