<font color="0000ff">Quote **tarok kat mulitply also lah, i nak tenok **

jgn jgn jgnnnn letak kat multiply... kita nak encourage nora to open FB acct.. hahaha </font>


i dah try to tarok kat multiply tapikan...leceh ahh...takleh upload...nak kena download sumthing wic i dont likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....nanti abende jer yg aku download...

nora pi bukak acct kat fb...nanti ketinggalan zaman....kakakakakak~~~ amponnnnn
<font color="119911">liz
malam2 pun pi swimming eh? hehe i like e slide tu noh.. dulu badan ringan n slim bleh ah naik, skg takut tersendat je hehe</font>
<font color="119911">liz
is it? hehe coz kita pi siang2 hari dah n pernah kena marah haha so tak berani nak naik lagi..
takpe nx trip will go thru e slide lagi hehe bestkan so u pi sat morning? alik sun eve eh?</font>
kita play there siang sampai evening...tak banyak org so i guess they let us be...another couple also play the slide pasal nak jaga anak perr...takkan nak marah...they wont far ll staffs veryyyy polite..
went on sat took the 12.10 ferry ...balik next day by 2.10 ferry
<font color="119911">ah nasib ku tak baik ah liz dat time gaknya
hehe kena hepp..
takpe kan ku pi naik gak dgn anak2 e nx round hehe
i c so u alik terus aft checking out</font>
tak baik ah korang.. aku takde fb

kepinging nak pi batam... tapi bila ya.


makan kat hotel ke kat luar?
convenient to go around in taxi?
hotel provide trf to ferry terminal?

korang jgn ketawa kan aku yg suaku ni eh.
<font color="0000ff">Quote **"tak baik ah korang.. aku takde fb "

pi create sane....**

dah mcm kawan tiri sey... LOL *wink @ notty and lina*</font>
<font color="ff6000">Lynn / Nshah,
My boss kasi I balik kul 5. =)

Syukur alhamdllh. Rezeki you sis.

Welcome back!
Now Holiday-inn how much per night?</font>

kita malas nak kluar...ada shuttle to nagoya...but we stick ard the hotel jer pasal its supposed to be our lazy wkend there...makan kat cafe..its in they will call for you..theres a bus to n fro terminal...staff from hotel will fetch...

thanks for the infor

insya'allah sampai jugak i kat sane

nak pegi nanti tanyer lagi eh... ish ..

Yesterday i dah pegi TKC got 3 tops already all simple simple nothing fancy and extravagant

bile bazaar dah bukak carik baju boys jer
Hi Nora ~~


FYI I pun dah dapat kerja - will be starting on 24th Aug so I won't be logging in that often.

My daughter actually sent applications on my behalf and this company called me for interview last week.
Hi San,

This time will be assisting the Director of logistics, but office is far away at Lower Delta, working hours is long, 9 to 6pm.

Will try out and see if the situation is ok because the journey by bus is more than one hour unlike the previous job which I am already home before 5pm


Congratulations on your new position too. How's your Mum doing?

Dah lama sangat duk rumah (since end March) so feel like trying out this place to test water.

Lagi pun hari2 makan tidur sampai put on a lot of weight

If within one month tak boleh tahan the long journey then I will quit.
taruk ajer....

Been a *pleasure/hell working with you, *Boss/asshole!

May your business *prosper/suffer from now on

*delete accordingly
<font color="ff0000">Shahlynn

Tu jugak boss ku suruh GET OUTTTTTT!!!!

Cik Nab
Yesterday baru transferrred to AMK Rehab...see how these few days her therapy...
She can moves her right leg &amp; hand...but not so much energy
aik! nshah kau nak resign jugak ke....?????

kepala ngah migraine at the wrong time....baru nak siap pi grocery shopping....

Must try to get someone good to urut your mum frequently Insya Allah will help her to recover fast.

I doakan agar dia cepat sembuh Insya Allah.
<font color="ff0000">Thanks Cik Nab

Will ask my hubby's fren mom to urut after she had a few therapy...

u nak resign jugak ke..
the new work place is at Bukit Batok...WVEGA

aku tgk tingkap macam panas, i keep myself indoors wif the aircond on....pasar malam rounding on my side ajerr...malas nak pi jauh...but ada uncle ringo funfair kan, i kasi sarah n hilmi naik the rides...hepi diorang~
<font color="ff0000">Nora

Alhamdullilah...she ok with all that...need to kol her frequently jugak
Coz HUBBY kat
I gave her more rest or early sleep provided semua dah buat....bangun paling lambat kul 7
My kids semua by 830 semua kat bilik so kalau dia cepat habis kerja by 9 she can join Marsyha to gorok
Gd morning all,

pasar malam makanan dah tak sodappp....

enjoy si kids tak nak pulak...ade ke patut dorang suruh i yg masuk....
<font color="119911">morning all

ladies not me lah nak resign.. jus need e template my dad ni nak resign tak tau plak kenapa.. he called me smlm suruh draft, duh mana ku ada time nak buat at opis n soo confidential plak tu..
ish lau im being offered more higher than here of coz ill resign noh.. bt not for now lah.. still need e moolahs..

dat time my kids nak sgt seh masuk itu ball bt me &amp; hub disagree lelagi time HFMD period then dtg plak H1N1 so we tell them no its dirty inside it, n tgk budak2 yg duk dlm tu adui cam kempro smcm.. </font>
