helo semua...
selamat ptg..
hope evryone is feelin ok today..other den the mummies yg not too well and feelin under the weather..
me batok2 and soon akan kehilangan suara..
mendung je cuaca..nak kelua pun malas..
asyik nak hibernate je..hehe..

take gd care k?..anytime nw ryte..
all the best fer ur delivery k? i doakan smoga it will go smoothly. Insyallah.

hehe..having a baby face is a compliment tau..
tapi wen it comes to org2 yg kepo..
ader aje yg they assume..
im 24 but look like i ni kementot..
nw kan im preggie,wen i jalan2 kat luar..
makcik2,auntie2 semua tgk i cam i ni unwed teenager..hehe..
nak ketawa ader,nak smack satu2 pun ader...

mdm wati, i the youngest here?
alah 28 maner ader tua??...
cuma after celebrate our 21st befdae,yg comin yrs semua cam cepat gitu dtg...kejam eh da befdae lagik..ehehhe..

selamat petang semua ibu~

smalam i kena migraine rabak~!!! takleh bangun saper dah jangkitkan i ni.....hehehehe...sampai pagi nak antar my sarah pi skool pon tak terbangun, nasib baik my hubby ada....kesian pulak sarah, baju skolah tak tergosok....haiz....menyampah lah kalau migraine...semua keje tak terbuat...

wahhh...banyak jugak yg berkenan nama sara ehhh??? i dulu nak nama kan my dotter AQIRA NUR MAYA.....tapi masa on the delivery bed jer terus i changed my mind n told my hubby namakan dia SARAH NUR MAYA.... entah asal eh???


lets do the countdown for you~!! hehehehehe

nasib baik u tukar, kalau tak dah jadi sama nama dgn Akira - electronics company tu...hurhurhur...

I have nothing much to update, cuma bored at work aje...tapi apa kan daya. Nak berhenti kerja, funds masih very very low
lagipon, kena sapu maternity benefits dulu baru leh quit ...hehe (did i sound greedy there)
Hello mummies. Welcome to all the new faces (macam TNP pulak)!!

I pun tgh sakit but still have to drag myself to work. Since a week ago, batuk and blocked nose. Everytime nak tidur ajer the endless couging will start, sampai termuntah-muntah. Medicine pun dah habis pun the problem still persists. Going to the gp again tonight.

Sayang I don't benefit from the longer maternity leave. Hehe. No work no gaji. But can take all the maternity leave I want sampai berbulan-bulan.

All counting down for Sri and Madem eh. Macam excited gitu kan.
Thks Arliana...

yayaya..counting dwn... so excited for Madem too cz she'll be pop out 1st...

betty.bad, i pun sama..cant enjoy both bb bonus & ML... heee

Hmmmm..niari i mimpi my bb gal nye muka... ikut muka i la..hehehe... she was smiling so sweetly.... best nyer gt such dreams... makin tk sabar lak nk tgk dia.... Dearest bb, cpt la keluar... Ibu wanna see u.............
Hello Everybody!
Wah! Begitu rancak eh this thread berjln. Tak sempat nak read everything in details. Cuma scanning through je nak see if Sri dah meletup ke belum.

All the best!

Kesian nye kau. Still having flu. Aft Faiq, kau pulak yg kena. Ish..ish..ish..Better hv alot of fluid and bed rest, gerl. (touch wood) Jgn u pass ur virus again to Faiq!!! Wear a mask!

Btw, still no hp. Tak sempat sempat lah. My mom just got back from hosp. Suspected Hep B. Liver swollen. Doc says : Cause for concern. I'm just afraid that this could lead to liver cancer. X my fingers je. All the symptoms shown - dark urine, nausea, etc. She did her scope and blood test sample. Still no confirmed results as yet. Going to see the Prof and Dr at NUH on 9Sept.'s so frustrating when ppl get sick in Singapore. Luckily my dad was an army officer and my mom can use the CSC card. (It covers all the ops that she used to have the last time). I told my hubby it's better I die than grow sick when I'm older. Expensive man!
the weather been cold lately. do take care everyone. esp, Lynzi. Dari last weekend kan? comments same as babylee. U n Faiq take turns ke?

btw so bad of all the makciks to make such comments.... so far I've never been a victim of such!

I will be on first aid course at beach road til friday! yay! Mademoiselle giving birth thru c-sect where on thursday? KKH ke? Anyone gonna visit her? I dunt mind doing so after my course since its nearby.

sorry to hear abt ur mum. just pray for the best. its hard to see ur love ones suffer.
nasib baik u put up that link. Was looking high n low for some good bby boy names.

*Flu season*
Asal semorang sakit ni.... must eat more Vit C yah
U all tried taking Brands Essences of berries? Dulu i mengandung Nabila, kalo ade nak down with flu aje mesti bedal 1 whole box of that berry essences. Terus flu terbantot. sesape yang sakit, leh lah cuba

Suprised u stil here. Bila ur actual due date ni?
Good morning... I rasa my mum dah berjangkit dgn korang lah.. Dia pun flu, batuk and fever.

Lynzi... jambu siak...macam supermodel..

Senyap ajer si Zu nie.. Gi kerenting kan rambut ker....

Babylee, in Singapore, semuanya mahal.. the cost of medical treatments memang expensive giler..
HI sumer.. I just joined the motherhood club!

Boleh jugak dapatkan ur experiences and advice since im gng thru my first pregnancy..

Kalau ada aper2 tips tu... do share yah!
quote "Location / Age / <strike>Due Date</strike>" rasa mcm dulu2 time alamak or mIRC chat pulak... LOL.. hahahaha

Welcome Aisah...

Hope u enjoy ur stay here.. dont worry sini byk experience mummy.. anything u not sure can always post a Q here..
Kwang Kwang Kwang... tu lah.

Baru aku teringat pasal MIRC.. heheh

Sorry sorry... just a bit of intro.
tu Brands Essence of berries tu ade bau maung ke? rase macam mane...?? nak tanye dulu la before i buy bec i kalau ubat air ni susah nak minum.
Hi Nora,

Essence of berries tu sedap.. Mcm minum cranberry juice cuma abit thicker. Yum yum..

Masa i pregnant with Maya pun i minum tu. Just to give myself a boost of vitamin C. So i susah sakit...
nora aw
bau maung tu apa ke benda? for me i dah tried minum Brands Essence of berries, chicken and Ginseng.. to me semua bau abt the same... cuma i tink berries rasa nicer abit je.. klu nak minum chicken and Ginseng mcm nak kena minum racun gitu hahhaha..

tapi pasal org kata it good for ur health especially after giving birth, so i togok and picit my hidung when drink ....hehehhe
<font color="aa00aa">hihi gerls!

nshah, wati,
thanks...tapi apa yg jambunya?
korang tengok betul2...tu kan makeup...
makeup can do wonders beb...

babylee, styli,
haha...yah aku sick dari saturday sey.
doc said will take a week to recover.
mudah mudahan tak jangkit kat faiq lah.
dia baru baik...kesian...

i ever saw that essence of berries before but i tot its more for complexion...hehe

welcome, welcome!!!!</font>
essence of chicken tu i nampak botol aje i lari sepuluh batu eee... takut sekali. Tak pernah minum bende tu, bau dia aje i tak bole angkat la. Paling banyak makan jelly gamat je.

Bau maung tu opposite bau best hehehh.

mdm wati cakap rase ok. i will try, kalau tak best i kasi my mom makan. time i beranak dulu pun all these essence essence dlm hamper semue my mom yg makan... sampai tak terhabis i kasi org.
my confinement yg recently my hubby bought yg wif ginseng, i drank only 5 bot, still have 1 bot left......dah tak leh minum lagi nak hueek....
morning semua....

essence of berries..? interesting ...maybe shud try that for my hubby...hehehe or myself also lah since we're always getting sick.....


friday u confirm kan datang?? nanti sms me eh wat time...umah ni masih berselerak~!! paiseh jer org tengok umah camni.....hehehehe


welcome here....intro lah sikit diri tu....jangan malu malu buat tak tau malu jerr....kekekekekeke
Frenz, just found out that one of my friends punyer baby pass away semlm. Dan sudah selamat dikebumikan. Baby tu baru 2 weeks old. Due to blocked nose and banyak lendir, so have difficulty in breathing.

Sedihnya !!! Menangis tau.. Baru that day he showed me a pic of his newborn son.. So proud being a father... Sigh* Kesian...

Tuhan lebih menyayangi baby tu... apa nak buat. Yg penting, baby tu jauh dari dosa2 di dunia ini.

Semoga dia akan ditempatkan dgn orang-orang yg beriman. Amin.

Sob sob sob

salam takziah to ur fren...its very sad to hear that such a thing can happen to a little baby....lets pray that the parents can go tru this hurdle strongly....
Minibear, pagi2 i dh bangun.. but after few hrs, i tdo balik.. hehehe

Welcome Aisah!!

wah niari raining heavily... so shiok....
I cant read or noe such stories... so sad.... ltr will cry.. i baca abortion nye poem jer nangis... so emo bila preggie ni... haiz...

Cobaan masing2.. i nearly miscarriage cz syik bleed jer..... glad my bb make it thru...
Hi all.. thanks for your salam takziah. I just found out and cried. Even though belum sempat jenguk baby tu, i feel so sad. I think it's our motherly instinct kan..

Personally, i pernah go thru miscarriage twice before i conceive Maya. It's a very empty feeling after the op.. it's just very sad and quiet. Nie lagi2 my fren masih dalam pantang. I just hope they are strong.

Arwah baby tu very cute. Tapi syg kerana ALLAH lebih menyayangi dia.
Wati, salam takziah. It's really sad. Dlm kegembiraan menyambut kedatangaan ahli baru, tiba tiba have to deal with this kind of blow. I'm sure the parents are feeling awful right now but I hope they'll be strong and pull through this.

I can't wait for the holidays. Dah penat ah!
Hi all,

Thanks for all the wishes!! Need to be at KK by 7 plus tomorrw. My op will be at 930am. Will update on the delivery when I get back.

Sri, you take care ok, no need to come lah and visit me, perut you dah sarat. Anyway, I'll definitely update you when baby's out.

Hope to log in again on Saturday!!
hmm ade jugak kat sini dari mirc.. si zu and sri tk tau pasal mirc tau... hahaha.. i mention a/s/l, den they blur.. hehe.. oh btw hope sri and zu tk tersinggong eh.. saje je post cos dunno wat to post..
lol... madem... u tk reply my sms, i was soooo worried... hahaha... Ler..KK dekat... i gt 1 direct bus... hehehe... k.. c u on Sat... tk sabar nk tgk ur bb.. post pic kalau sempat... hee...

Hidayah, i mmg tk tau ape tu a/s/l la.. but i noe its intro... mcm mana nk tau abt mirc.. i jarang chat... i only chat @ singnet... tu pun masa i muda2... skajap jer.... tk tersinggung... thks for telling me wat a/s/l stands for... hehehe... :p
So sorry to hear abt ur fren's baby. 2 weeks old and I can feel how terribly upset the parents are. Like what smalldreams mentioned, hope that they're holding on strong. I pun tengah nangis ni.
hi hi mommies.

i just want to check if any of you know if tehre is a bilik solat at tn tock seng hospital? i know there's one at nuh but does anyone know if there's a place where we can pray at ttsh?


Salam takziah to you friend. It is unimaginable what the parents are going through now. I feel sad for them. My 1st baby, he too had a nose blocked and already with that we had to bring him to the hospital to do some therapy. How the nurses handled him by moving him around and trying to unblock his nose at a wee age of 1 week old.. was already so heart wrenching. What more a lost.. sungguh mengharukan dan tak dapat dibayangkan. Semuga the parents pull on strong.

Not sure abt the solat room in TTSH though. I guess any corner would do huh...but just ask the malay staff, they'd know for sure. You take care too okie!

Kesiannya yr boy...macam mana newborn kecik gitu boleh kena flu/ blocked nose eh? It's so sad! I tengok anak i 6-7 bulan kena flu aje dah kesian..apatah lagi newborn. They're just learning to breathe on their own... but then again Allah will protect them &amp; ease their pains for sure.

hehehehe..takper its ok...hmmmm, i dont tink i nak kena ask my agent along eh..? just a mutual meet up jer so u n hubby can see see look look....ok? if any interest then u can tell me lahh....6pm shud be time for me to kemas umah..heheheh
just putting my house for sale ad again.....hehehe



wah mamaliz.... lawa la ur umah... colourful n clean.... my hse lak all white... tk larat ahh nk cat umah preggie2 ni...
Morning to all.

all the newbie Linda &amp; Aishah...

my Ind maid nye gaji is $320 + $20.00, no off day. Just hired her recently on April b4 i gave birth on June.

Have a smooth c-sect....waiting for the bb pic...
Hi Linda,

Welcome... Tinggal mana ? Umur braper ? Heheh
(I'm abit kaypo) hahaha

I'm Wati, tinggal Jurong West, have 10 mth old daughter (Maya)...she is my first child.

Mamaliz, your house is so colourful...

I dun think my husband is daring enough to try bright colours.. sigh*

Anyway, this year i paint rumah warna putih and merah.,, hehehe (Patriotic)
