Ok ladies.... got to logged out now. Nak ie pasar beli ikan untuk kucing i... sigh* Ikan sekarang mahal seh... Ikan selar dah $6.00/kg. Tak mampus...?

I will logged in tomorrow when i go to work.. Meantime ladies.... enjoy chatting ya...

Tooddleloo !!!
helo mdm wati..
selamat pagi..

a brief intro bout me since saya org baru..
> ferst time mummy to be
> 24 yrs of age
> werkin in hospital
> EDD 15th nov..insyallah
> having a baby gerl
> stayin in bukit pnjg..

and tgh bored skrg kerana harus ke kerjalah in an hr time...bluek...hehehe
Hi arliana...

tadi rasa contractions dia lagi... gi tdo skajap.. bb very comfy inside la...sal tu i lum branak2 lagi...hehehe

Wati, i lum unload... ni ngah waiting.. countdwn...

k... i gtg... nk gi NTUC beli pampers Nur... cpt seh si kecik ni pakai pampers..mana tidak..syik minum air..kencing pun byk...
good afternoon ladies....

belum pop lagi??? seems that semua waiting game with u ehhhh?? muakakakaka....

these few days rain ajer kaki so sakit sehhh....aching jerr..nak tido pon susah...kalau dapat urut kan best..haiz...

senyap jer semua..? hujan hujan pon semua berjalan ke?? today cam super boring sehh for me...hubby kerja and its raining...sampai nak pi ntuc pon terpaksa suruh sarah jaga hilmi cuma ada olympicccc ajer.....

hope u all have a nice day today yeah~~~
hi all,

Baru can go online. Amaar's taking a nap now. Dia golek2 atas katil for 1 hour before sleeping!!

Oops, guess who walk in??? My muka sembab son, tak kasi chance langsung.

Sri, I got 1 bag of baby clothes for you. I'll text you when we can meet. By the way, what size Huggies diapers is Nur using. I have L size, if you want. Text me ok!

Me also feeling the pain. Was just packing my hospital bag just now. Itu pun have not put in baby's clothes. Have been raining lately, my clothes not dry properly.

Mamaliz, hilmi dah poo poo belum??

Lynn, San Lorenzo Montessori is within the Waringin estate (the private houses near Kem).

Styli, I'm goign check out Yasmine next week. I feel my son sit at home during his afternoons tormenting everyone with his activeness. : )

Ok, got to log off. Amaar asking me to play with him!! Ta ta!

dahh...hehehe...the bau oh sungguh kusmangat!!! i bought the lactus solution thing n force feed him...hehehe...cannot tahan the smell sehh...the kakak bising, cos i was having back pain and she had to help cibukkan kecoh sehh kat toilet....sarah pot pet pot pet about the smell and hilmi was struggling ....waduh!!!


aku nampak the pump solution tapi only for adults n kids...babies n toddlers says that its also for use wen we want to cleanse our bowels eh~? interesting...might try that since i slalu susah pi toilet ..hehehe
Mamaliz, i lum lagi unload la.. tu la.. i pun tk tau bila..hmmm...

Ni baru balik frm mkn pizza & gi NTUC.. OMG!! i tell u eh..mcm nk terbranak aku kejarkan si Nur tu.. baik sgt!!!!! crowded seh NTUC...

Madem, sure! Thks! Nur dulu jer use L.. nw dh makin besar hv to use XL.... pinggang dia besar la...but pantat flat... hehehe... Tadi baru belikan dia pampers... Aniwar thks Madem! I siang2 dh siapkan hosp bag.. hehehe.. maybe cz i single mum & i noe no one will help me to pack.. so in adv ku dh pack.. hahahaha
hihi mummies,
wah kecoh kecoh...kalahkan bazar geylang korang ni.
me been MIA cos been sick.
down with flu...sigh.
from saturday tumpang faiq at my parents cos takut he jangkit me.
my hubby pulak belum betul2 recover...ishk ishk...
now that we have brought faiq back home, terpaksalah ku pakai mask whenever im near him.
takut hamba...
haha.. bole plak kite ter'jumpa' pat Fidgets tadi eh! kau nye muka masih sama la bab tu aku kenal! hehehe.. eh, mana plak aku tau kau nak pakai nama Adam and Sarah! anyway, pat thread nie bukan aku nye anak jer sorang sarah tau! byk oi sarah! aku rasa more than 4 tau!

kau le try la.. maybe will work for u. lol!! tapi kan aku phobia tau! bab dulu kecik2 aku susah nak berak mak aku slalu cocok pump! hehe.. aku nmpk pump jer lari sembunyi bawah katil!

kau sakit ke? asyik kene flu jer.. aku rasa faiq lagi kuat dari kau. hehehe... kau kasi dia supplement and sambucol, aku rasa kau makan for yrself pun ade baik. :p jgn marah! anyway, tkcare and get well soon! nxt week onz lagi tak? eumah aku da bis kemas dah...
stroller scam:
the stroller bp unsuccessful coz they cannot get at the prices their importer promised them. also might be fakes. they went indonesia to get the strollers but the addresses they went to are actually addresses belonging to army barrack not supplier.

haiz ... of all places indonesia.. kalau pergi UK or Euro takpe juga.

waiting for refund. dunno if they transfered already.
they will start refund from mon til fri...kena sabar

Aik? Sakit, hari tu nampak sihat aje...ish ish... skait season indeed. My hubi dah demam 3 hari...kesian...

*Bila Sri nak meletup*
Ok semua...come on place ur ur bets! Bila Sri nak high atau low!
Morning mummies.. wah.. u all tdo lambat eh confirm niari pun bangun lambat..hehe

Take care Lynzi.. get well soon...

Ima, place bet eh... hmmm... the winnings gave to me la.. hehehehe... cpt2.. siapa yg teka ngan tepat will get a wet kisses frm me... whahahahahahahahahahahahaa.....

Hmmm.. pagi2 tiba2 teringatkan Madem...skali tgk date today is 25th... Soon she going for C section.. Dia nk pegi, i lak yg nervous & excited for her..... nk tgk bb dia!!!

aku jarang sakit tau.
ni becos of my hubby ah dapat flu infection for 1 whole week then ter jangkit kat aku lak.

madem c-sect is today?
mudah mudahan mum n baby selamat.
nt today lynzi.. i tink on the 28 or 29 gitu... tu la..i ngah worry juga... Yup.. hoping both are well... Madem... Oh Madem... u take care hor... dh deliver msg me.. so we all can serbu ur ward...
Heloooo mummies...

Arrgh. Guess what.. i'm at home. Kepala berdenyut tak tahan plak. Sigh* I memang ada history migraine. Bingit tau kena migraine.. Anybody share the same sickness ?

Haha.. Muka kau pun sama dah. Terperanjat aku jumpa kau kat FIDGETS. Mak aku pun ckp kau sama jer.. hehe . Anak2 kau cute eh.. tembam si Sarah tu. Si Adam plak hyper active. What a small world.

Saper yg belum pergi, you guys shld try. Best lah. Si Maya nie memang malas tau. She dun want to crawl. Tapi bila kita pergi sana, dia tgk orang crawl, dia nak crawl. Dia tgk orang jalan, dia pun sibuk nak berdiri.. I think it's a good place to motivate Maya. Anak aku nie friendly plak smlm. Sibuk menceceh dgn baby lain... tapi nobody seem to layan her.. hehehe

All the best ok. Nie bulan puasa nak dekat. Kalau you tak bleh puasa, dun force tau. Baby needs nutrients and vitamins.

Muda betul you nie. Akak terasa tua seh.. dah umur 28.. hahah Tak lah. Ada lagi yg lebih tua daripada aku...hehehe (Jgn marah eh mummies yg lain..) Kwang kwang kwang.... gurau jer

Sakit plak kepala aku bila nak bikin kelakar.. *adoi..*

Tu other mums... how are you guys doing...
bukan u sorang la sakit kepala, me pun toaday masuk opis tapi sampai sekarang tak buat ape ape... hidung dah sumbat... hai really hope to get better la before puasa start..

ingat pasal posa nie takut pun ade. bukan ape, i nie tak tahan ngatuk. dulu time i solo i tak bangun sahur.. tak makan takpe, jgn tido kurang.. my otak kering kontang kat opis takde juice seh..
afternoon semua....

nak bet bila sri pop eh??? muekekekeke....apa ni bet bet...nak dekat posa tau!! kwang kwang kwang~~


best wishes for the coming c-sect okies??


dah baik ke belom....? ni musim sakit lahh...tak anak, mak bapak pulak sakit.....


chet!!! apa tua tua...?? aku pon nak masuk 28 ni...mana ada tua?!! jaga jari mu sikit bila menge-type ehhhhhh.....hehehehehehe....
aku pon slalu kena fwen aku tu! almost every mth kena.....terlantar jer lahh kat katil.....kepala pulak bau minyak kapak....
semlm hujan2 lebat kau bawak anak pi gym, nari plak kau sakit eh?! :p aku pun ade migraine jgk! kalo da terkena satu ape takle buat. dok atas katil tarik rambut! lol!! ye lah.. muka aku sama.. cume badan jer yg tak sama..
Oooii.. banyak betul yg ada history migraine.. Maybe it's a girl thingy ? I ada migraine ever since puberty tau.. Kalau kena teruk seh.. sampai hentak-hentak kepala kat tembok sebab tak tahan punyer pasal.. sigh*

Nie dah makan panadol extra at 1pm, tapi the stupid migraine still there.. how ? Nak makan lagi ker tak eh.. betul tak tahan.. Nasib my mum came by to take Maya. Nak gi doc, tapi takut plak aku collapse kat bus stop. Hehehe

Mamaliz, jgn lah marah.. kwang kwang kwang... dah tua tu buat lah hal tua.. hehehe. Nanti raya mintak maaf eh.. hehe

Zu, tu lah.. smlm hujan lebat giler.. pakai tudung pun tak protect sangat kepala aku.. sigh* Macam mana kau pikul anak2 2 orang naik bus siak... leceh kan..

Actually, aku nie tak bleh makan kambing. Ada high blood. Then smlm gie breakfast, my hubby makan Briyani kat Boon Lay. Then ada sekeping daging kambing di dlm kuah dia.. apa lagi, aku pun makan ! Hahaha.. memang padan muka aku.. Terus sakit kepala sampai niari...

Sob Sob.. ok lah.. i want to go and sleep.. nak rest... Talk to you guys tomorrow.
zu.. sorry terpaksa balas sini, else nanti ckp i ni rude plak sbbt ak balas ur email.. anyway im sorry i tgh baca2 ur email sekali nak reply entah apa ku terpicit sbb ada org masuk my room so kelam kabut, terus ilang email u.. cari inbox takda, spam box tak da, del takda, sent pun tak da.. heran bin ajaib seh.. tetau ilang je..
anyway takpe lah sis i pass on the diapers coz ku tgh budget gila can afford $10 je hehe
ive got this lobang utk orders for berbuka puasa nanti.. sapa yg tgl at these address untunglah free delivery

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

D'SHIOK BUKA PUASA MENU.doc (38.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>

so if malas nak order tu, ah picit je &amp; makanan akan tiba ok.. insyallah.. semoga dpt menjalani ibadah puasa eh smua..
how much they charge ah? the attachment tak mention price la.

hj maimunah punye harga melambung tinggi this year...
how much was hajah maimunah's prices the past 2 years?
i saw this year its $15 per day for 2 people.
mahal ke???
btw, tomoro is the last day for bookings and here i am still contemplating on whether to order or not.
but they very the clever, first 10 days menu punyalah shiok...
the last 10 days aku tutup mata pun boleh masak...hehehe...

oit wati, 28 tua???
me still feel young at heart...hehehe.
i oso got migraine history.
it was worse during NIE days.
time belum drive terpaksa ku bertagak naik mrt pagi2 buta with so many people.
time tulah i will get claustrophobic terus berpeluh dalam aircon, rasa macam nak muntah, pening sangat2, terus pitam pengsan beb.
tup tup bangun je i was alredi seated and memang nasib aku baik agaknya there will always be some nurse/ doc sharing the same train as me giving me first aid...hehehe...

ni musim flu ke?
so many people sakit...
hopefully all of us will be well and healthy in ramadan.
if not nak puasa pun susah.

re: Jacob Ballas
think have to postpone jacob ballas outing to after raya.
cos i read somewhere that spore is on the verge of HFMD outbreak.
scary huh...

oklah ku nak rest...
dah 3 hari ni diet aku bubur je...
belum ramadan aku dah makan bubur...
okie lar.. aku da biasa bawak dua2 anak aku kluar. tak complete kalo bawak satu jer. unless aku nak private time dgn adam. takut slalu aku w sarah he jeles kan.. anyway, adam dun nid to b carried so masih manageable ler.

its okie la.. takper. cos its not me yg jual diaper tu, its my bro.

Pasal HFMD-
ape sey!! aku baru ura2 nak letak adam dlm cc this coming mth! then this news pasal outbreak buat aku tink twice plak! aiseyman!
Morning people.....

HFMD outbreak ? alamak.. better keep Maya indoors.

So sumer masih tido ker ?
<font color="aa00aa">good morning gerls!
wah, early dah online?
me cannot sleep well.
the cough and such itchy throat been keeping me up.
i think i will go see my doc later after i have done my laundry...sigh....</font>

Better get something done about the cough. The flu virus is in the air. I'm down with flu also yesterday, but today feeling better : )

I'm already starting my leave from today. Later will go for chcek up and blood test. Thursday will be my scheduled c-sect. Thanks for the wishes.

Sri, how's the check up?

Anyone knows of a good website of Muslim names? Amaar is so keen on the name "Sara". I was telling him, Oh no,not another one!! That will make her like no. 6 or 7 Sara in this thread!!!
good luck ya for check up and up coming arrival of ur baby.... Insya'Allah everything go smoothly and u have a speedy recovery.. lepas tu ingat la ikan haruan, jelly gamat etc...
Lynzi, i pun nak tgk gambar kahwin you...

Yasmin, does Lynzi look way older ? Hehehe

Joke ajer k...

Madem..good luck eh for your c-sect ok.. Mudah-mudahan baby and mummy selamat..
Mademoiselle, semuga selamat melahirkan dan semua berjalan dengan lancar.

What is the latest update on the HMFD in singapore? Is it getting worse?
me too migraine. memang common with women. read magnesium,calcium or vit B complex mite help. I headache - cari susu, works for me :p
Hello all

Very the fast lah these thread.

My both sons down with flu &amp; cough danial tak gi sch from yesterday &amp; today.....and me pulak tak leh BF baby marsyha, on medication lagi...

Gd luck for yr c-sect....

Anytime frm now lah yr due....mayb no more false alarm lagi next time.....take care
Niari checkup punyalah lembab... ramai org &amp; the nurses didnt do a great job till one of the patient complaint.... Checkup was ok... BB is healthy... syukur alhamdulilah... Doc said i can deliver at any point of time if i feel more contractions, waterbag burst or any bleeding...

Thks all for ur concern.. i'll!

Madem, hw's ur checkup?? confirm on the 28th C-section??
<font color="aa00aa">yasmin,
thanks eh.
kadang when i go out with faiq alone ada makcik2 said kuat2 in front of mesti shot gun punya...muda2 dah ada anak...tak nampak laki dia pun...
ishk...istighfar i banyak2...
muka je nampak young but dah late 20s pun...
sometimes makcik2 ni asal boleh je...anak kat rumah tak nak jaga...hal orang lain yg dia sibuk buat cerita...

madem, danryan,
thanks eh for the wishes.
biarlah kita semua cepat baik.
ni pun i just got back from clinic.
my doc said it will take few days to recover...try to rest as much as poss and try not to bother about housework...hehehe...

all the best dear.
and oh no, not ANOTHER sara?????
korang ni pun carilah nama2 lain...hehe.

sri, good to hear all is well.
in labour jangan lupa msg2 kitorang eh.</font>

wow lynzi.. u r so damn jambu seh.. gorgeous..
u sure look young &amp; meletup.. patutlah makcik2 ckp camtu.. jelez lah tu hehe
