anyway mummies who r ard bukit panjang area..
if malas nak ke geylang tu utk beli baju..
can come over my abode to take a look of the bajus i have in store for selling ok..
most are brand new cuma skit je ada yg terpakai which is mine lah..
got sizes from XS up to XL
bt of coz lelain pattern.. harga pun lelain..
so if berkenan, email me to make an appointment

[email protected]

nampak sah aku yg paling dekat tapi aku takder lah kurma....hehehehe...


u all dah tau tak yg the new baby bounus benefits will take effect from august ni...yg tax relief tu semua january but yg dapat cash n cda or watever dah bole from august saper yg nak give birth tu congrats lah ehhh....hehehehe (pak wong takut kena rembat ngan mak buyong semua lahhh...wakakaka)
hahaha..its ok mamaliz...

ya...17 aug kan? syg seh i tk leh dpt bb bonus...melepas... kenapa la single mum Pak Wong tk kasi sikit ke.. jadi la tu..

kau tau kedai jamu yg belakang Banquet tu??? aku rasa ada jual kurma tau.....u shud try that shop...kuih raya pun dia jual ngan telekung lah semua...

actually kan aku rasa kalau gahmen kasi single mums pon ok perr.....imagine some singles who got preg and tak nak simpan pasal they on their own....they wud turn to abortion kan??? at least kalau gahmen kasi singles baby bonus jugak birth rate at least naik perr...
yes.. yes..

i tink gamen shld also be fair to SAHM & singles.. a'ah eh terlupa plak sal singles ah..

coz skg more SAHM kan.. so if they get rebates ke incentives syiok skit kan.. dari tg duit dari suami.. coz kkdg suami berbanting tulang still tak cukup or tak da lebih utk nak hadiahkan pada isteri.. smua yg kita earn pun
go round in a cycle to gamen balik.. tak tul tu kkwan?
single mum pun perlukan bb bonus..nt for us of course.. for the bb future needs... hehehe... lagipun in future, my bb will contribute to the society ape.... gahmen ni... haiz....

Mamaliz, i tau kedai tu.. slalu beli minyak telon, tiger balm & minyak serai kat sana.. kk... will check it out.. my mum lak cerewet.. nk kurma arabnye.. hahahaha...
u dont need to some down to woodlands lah.
i can go to amk.
either i drive down or take train pun convenient.
lagipun mak suka ntuc extra and the new kebab stall at amk hub.
oh, and the durian pancakes too...whahaha...
eh2.... ada kebab stall eh.. i only noe the pancake shop... sedap la the durian puff... fuh!!

which level is the kebab stall?? leh gi mkn sama2 skali...hehehe
now when i read my posting then i realised the typo mistake...ishk ishk...
ni semua pasal tadi faiq cranky cos sleepy but cannot seem to fall asleep...

the kebab stall is new.
last week i went the person said just opened.
its the stal rite beside the currypuffs yg halal but sungguh the tak sedap one!!!!
later i see u online in msn or i sms u on when we wana mit yah.
tues u got checkup wat time eh?
cos tues im very free...hehehe. sedap tk mu ahh.... waste $$ jer... ok sure! my checkup slalu pagi.. hehehe.. i suka pegi pagi..cpt pegi..cpt balik... tis time kul 9.05am..
lol.... potek la aku ni.. baca pun haywire...

niari tiba2 contractions dia makin kuat... bdk kat dlm perut ni lak syik bergerak jer... pinggang gue mcm nk patah babe!

aku dah cuba itu kebab...hahahah...tapi mahal giler babe....$5.50!! kat pasar malam murah sikit...heheheh...u said last wk dia bukak kan? aku order dgn baguette dia cakap belum ada..pita pon takder...


kau gelek gelek skit tu buntut...kot kot malam ni jugak dia keluar~~ :p hehehehe

hilmi down wif fever pulak...penat meneran sampai demam...just now bought the lactose ubat thingy and kena paksa dia makan....hopefully he will get better soon
lol.. mamaliz..i slalu gelek2 ngan si kecik ni sambil nyanyi lagu nursery rhymes.. penat gilerr... if mlm ni keluar yg payah.. tk leh tgk fireworks...

Wish bb hilmi cpt speedy recovery... my niece pun tadi sembelit..musim kot..
haha.. Tora!!!! mak oii! skrg pun tak tau bena tu ade lagi tak! haha.. alah.. nanti kau senag kau dtg je la rmh aku.. kite now stay pun tak jauh per. both dates tu aku da ade appt ler.. si lynzi nie aku da bilang dia. mcm segaja jer. haha...

my sis yg born 77 skola pat situ nama dia Aida.
dia pun small built mcm u.

jgn risau lar.. budak2 nie gaknye nak cepat besar bab tu slalu sakit2! Take care of yrself too!

kalo besok kau tak masok jawabnye kau da meletop! Nanti kite sumer serbu sri pat KKH! lol!! jadi mini gathering plak pat situ.
Hi semua, hilang sehari
me online pun coz takle tido, dunnoe why im having such a bad headache pulak...

Hari tu hampir tak kenal... tgk dari jauh mcm Faiq tapi
mak dia cam org lain... hehe sori eh hari tu cam tak banyak cakap
tgh takde mood coz i haven't eaten/drank anything the whole day so feeling cam tak bermaya gitu. Starting today my hubi sms preiodically to remind me to eat... jadi preggy ni senang lupa-lupa eh

*Pasal hospital KKH*
Nak tanya sikit... kita leh choose specialist JUST for the delivery tak? Coz i think normal chk-up MO biasa can handle, but i dun want my birthing nanti medical students bodoh screw it up..for the 3rd time... Anyone got any clues about this?

Me also choosing 5-bedder (B2+) cuma tak leh tahan air-con dia tu power sgt
but bising-wise...definately much better than B2 coz the visitors in that ward tak reti nak balik n very noisy! Bawak ur cardigan n socks tebal2 tau

*Madu & Kurma*
Colet kurma pernah for my boy n gerl, tapi madu tak pernah.... maklumlah, dulu budget giler tak mampu beli madu. Kurma pun free coz branak time raya
mak mertua yang supply

*Baby Bonus*
Ish ish...takde any incentive for us SAHM ke!! Anyway, i read the gahmen take on making discrimination of preggies n mother at work UNCOOL. Emplyers are to be penalised etc etc... ke tak ye ni, coz the last interview i went to for job kat ICA (Under Ministry of Home Affairs) the 4 bonggok interviewers told me straight in my face that i was not suitable for the job because i have KIDS!!

Mr PM LEE, pls teach ur own gahmen ppl to be COOL about us moms finding jobs in the 1st place before u take a swipe at other employers boleh tak?
Buat malu aje...
i didnt go for viewing coz tat time they busy with national day so didnt let me make appt on 5 aug.

yasmin n lynzi
my friend said that she will check with editor n mean time brainstorm what u all wanna write first.

the stroller BP is a stroller scam! so much for cheap strollers...they should have made a trip to UK instead of indonesia. lol
ahem....ahem... zu.. I still here la.. hehehe...


hmmm..entah eh.. masa i mula2 apply for ward, nurse tu ckp if under subsidy tk leh choose gynae.. if u nk branak, gynae yg on duty will attend to u..

Ima, i suka B2+ sbb i ni cpt berpeluh..muka habis berminyak nanti.. best la ada air con almaklumlah kat umah sendiri no air con.. hehehe... Toilet pun dekat jer...
..i thought they should be pro-family.. isk..

actually kkh dont need to fork out much cash eh?.. i thought it is the same rate for all hospitals.
50% paid by medisave, another 50% cash rite?
Hello sumer.. Selamat Pagi..!!

Yest fireworks was great ! Proud of Maya tau.. Dia baru 10mth, tapi tak takut bunga api.. Banyak babies nangis sebab the fireworks mcm dekat gitu.. Tapi best...

Zu, rumah kau kat mana lah... anak kau dah berapa...bila kahwin ?

Lynzi, i mcm nak pergi Jacob Ballas besok.. cos my husband dapat off tomorrow. Nanti confirm lagi

Sri, amik my hp no. nanti dah beranak jer, sms i.. insyallah i carik geng mummies kat sini, kita pergi tgk you and baby.
hi smua..aru 1 day tk log on, dah mcm2 posting...

smangat nyer...smpai 2 outing...

wati, u gerl so 2 gerls yg dah besau tu, tgk fireworks still cry and close their ears...dengar bunti aeroplane pun member takut...

sri, ah ah kalau dah meletop...sudi2 lah inform kite kat sini ye...
B2+ all pay by medisave kan..only if medisave kita tk cukup den need to pay the remainder...

lol... Wati, ape ur hp number?

i tink niari i tk pegi tgk fireworks... pelvic sakit benar... lagi2 cuaca hujan..mcm best eh if tdo..
ah ah ckp pasal tido..i pun ngantuk ni..nk keje pun tkde mood. cepatlah kul 4..leh aku alik..tapi tulah dah alik, nk layankan bdk2 tu...

sri, u lain mcm je..sakit sana sini..
dh tua...dh last semua sakit dia dtg at one go.. hehehe...

best kan the weather... eh.. today Sat pun u keje? OT eh?
wah.. i tk sanggup keje on wkends... i kalau cari keje ada cerewet sikit... No working on SAT!! whahahahhahhaa....

soon nk balik la ni... left 1 more hr to go jer..u hang in dere.. btw u keje ape?
Salam mummies...
Wah... Rancaknye Cik Siti n Cik Sri kita chatting
hehehe.. Yes, 2day cuaca sejuk jer.. Wdlands masih hujan tau. Sri, u tk bobok ker? Siti, ard 45mins more can go back mah.. Just hang on...
ah ah lah..rancak..sebab yg lain day kot...tapi ngah hujan2 gini, nk bawa da kids keluar pun susah...

soon, going chat wif u guys again on mon. anyway sri, i werking at COURTS.

why did u say the stroller bp is a scam? i remember volo is $130.. so cheap kan.. anyway wat happen?
byk nye kau nye soalan! mcm nk interview jer. aku add kau pat msn tapi paths never crossed lah! diff timing maybe. aku married in 2004. one yr later, aku gave birth to Adam. Dia now 3yo. Last yr dec aku gave birth to the 2nd one, Sarah.
aku stay in CCK lar. baru dat day aku cakap dgn mak aku pasal kau.. lol!! bole plak 'jumpa' kau pat sini!

aku rasa the moms here tunggu kau 'pop' la. da rasa contractions pun blom pop lagi! kau jgn jadi mcm kakak aku sudah. hahaha.. sakit perut biasa and nak branak tak tau bezakan. :p

ape crite w the stroller scam? isit yg quinny nyer tu! aku pun kepo nk tau! lol!
aloha semua~~~!!! the weather soooo cold lahhhh!! my legs are hurting cos i got rheumatism...(betul ke tak spelling) baru nak masuk 28 dah sakit sakit badan ni...
ni baru balik dari telok penat, cos my hubbynya cousin tunang and we have to go telok blangah then bt panjang then back again....lagi lagi hujan...haiz...menguap jerr the whole day! i cakap ngan my kalau dapat dok umah jer bergolek ngan bantal kan best~~ hehehehe
i dah add u on msn tau....tinggal mana u??
hahaha.. jgn kata u jer yg sakit kaki.. i pun sama.. lutut i longgar giler sbb my ligament tissue kat situ dh wear & tear.. hv to use rub gel or knee guard if nk go running...
thanks for adding me..

me stay whampoa tapi dari birth till sebelom kawen,
i dok amk. my mum still there, every now and then will go her place. she at 600 plus

i baru 5 tahun dok pon dah gatal nak jual umah n find the next one kat woodlands...heheh...i dulu stay kallang,yishun,jurong then nak katakan my growing up years berterabuh kat singapore ni..hahaha.....
600plus...yio chu kang kan? i masih lom pandai lagi pasal directory kat amk ni...banyak dok umah lahh... fact even before kallang there's malacca...and juroung east n toa payoh......macam migrants gitu sehhh....

Zu... Apahal kau citer dgn mak kau pasal aku plak ? Patut lah aku tersedak2... rupanya kau mengumpat pasal aku nyer... Hehehe
Eh, famous jugak aku nie.. dah donkey years tak jumpa..

Eh nama anak kau Adam and Sarah ? That is the names that i'm planning to give to my son and 2nd daughter.. sibuk jer. Husband aku pun ckp, sibuk jer... kwang kwang kwang

Eh... let's get together lah.. dah besar anak kau eh... sigh.. Wonder how you look like.. ?

Sri, dah beranak ker belum ? hehe
