yr hb takut bright color eh....then red tak bright ke??? hehehehe
jgn marahh...

hehe.. my red is dark red...hehe Tu pun i insist.
I ckp i dun care.. hehehe.

Nanti dah paint rumah, i upload gambar.. heheh
kesihannya ur fren. May Allah help them during this difficult time. hope they stay strong and have hope & faith. salam takziah to them
Thx eh u tanyakan ur sis

Dulu my home colour was shocking pink... gaduh besar with my hubi about that. Boleh pulak ur hubi kasi u cat that colour
Now my home a plain boring cream....(his choice)

*muka baru*
Hi Linda & Aisha
Sanggup korang nak baca thread yg panjang giler ni....
not only house just plain white/cream for 8 yrs tau....since pindah tak hb just touch up coz ada byk leftover....lagi hampa...this year tanya jugak but he said next yr baru leh paint....haiz...
tanx all for the comments....hehehehe....dulu my house was uglier lehh...i ni suka experiment wif colours and ended up wif yellow n purple!!!! mil datang umah mata terbeliak~! then i told my hubby its a mistake so we covered the yellow wif looks better n hubby alhamdulillah can co-operate skit wen it comes to house deco...kita suka try new stuff...
now nak jual but we oready dah looking ard at new ideas to deco the next home...heheheh...
saper saper tau org yg looking at 3rm flat at amk pls inform them ehhhhh~~~~

welcome to all the new mums...
Entah lah, me feel so stress in a colourless house.... mcm boring, plus senag kotor. My boy in pulak picaso in the making...semua conteng...eeee
give up asyik nak 'magiclean'kan the walls everyday...
Mummies!! update frm Madem, juz receive her msg

"My little princess sara was born at 930 this morning, weighing 3.1kg. Mummy and baby are in gd health."

Yibaaaa..... hehehehe....

Syukur alhamdulilah...
Wow... Sara lagi...

That's it.. I rasa i will delete the name Sara from my list. I suka nama Sara, tapi hubby tak suka cos tempat kerja dia ada budak india lelaki nama Sara tapi busuk hati dgn my husband.


Kat sini saper pelihara kucing ? I ada 3 kucing. Tapi mcm susah nak keep the house clean.. I need tips.
*kisah Sara*
Wati, u tak tahu ke Sara is very popular Indian name
for both guys n gals.

Good luck to u coz 1 cat aje dah kotor, ape lagi 3 ekor... the bulu, the cat litter...ish ish... i had to give my my cat after birth my no.2. My mum paksa, now my boy's nose dah tak set sot sgt. Plus rumah wangi (sikit)

Last week lupa nak tanya dia, asal dia cut taknak normal birth aje? Dia ade cakap tak?
Ima, dia ada bilang i masa she visited in hosp tt her bb gal is so heavy la... besar so tk leh deliver normal & tts y she hv to deliver earlier..takut bb makin besar... lagipun she hv narrow hips.. small frame i guess... (tk silap i tts wat she told me..maklumlah masa she told me her reasons, i juz woke up... hehehe)
Tu lah.. Now kucing i nie sumer gangster..Rumah porak peranda dikerjakan.

I kerja lah besok.. Mamaliz stay hospital how long ?
I think for cut should be standard 3 days rite?

Biasalah, dulu my furniture habis my cat guna as scratching post. Now no more cats baru brani nak invest beli kerusi meja baru for raya
hi all, at last..get to log in and read all the posts...

pls kirim salam to madem coz i cant make it due to the ongoing comex thingy..kena werk tru the week...

sejak biler lah aku nak masuk hospital ni...??hehehehe...

wow..madem dah give birth ehhh??? congrats to her!!! sara..??? time kalau gathering abislah......nak kena panggil sara1..sara2...sara3...rasa rasa my sarah yg eldest eh?? so she's sarah1 lahh....


kau ni pon, tak tau dok diam eh?!! perut dah nak pop anytime soon ..nak visit org pulak..sekali kau pi kk kau kena admit terus eh...heheheh...nanti kita kita visit kau pulak~!

pasal kucing...

dulu adalah 2 kucing...tapikan bila dah preggy wif my no.2 jerr...i kasi org pasal tak terlarat nak jaga...sofa semua abis kena gonyoh!! then dengan perut besar susah nak bersihkan litter box....satu umah bau sehh...dah takder skarang lega skit lahh...lagi lagi my asthma...alhamdulillah dah kurang....tapi rindu jugak kat kucing kucing tu...sob hehehe...the only way is to give them their own the balcony yg kat dapor tu...i saw a house that did that..the door kan see tru macam tengok kat zoo gitu...owner dia even fixed some planks for them to climb n sleep at...
Thanks for the info on the indonesian maid salary. That is for 1st time maid or experience maid?

Nice flat.

*HDB Flat*
Me and my hubby thought of buying a flat in singapore. Unfortunately we can't coz I dah ada flat sendiri. Now when I balik singapore I tak boleh tinggal in my own flat sebab my brother and his whole family is living in my flat. So I terpaksa menumpang dengan yang lain. Thought we can buy a second smaller flat for me and my family tapi we cannot due to hdb rulings. Kalau tidak i would really love to see your house, mamaliz. Kata orang tak ada rezki.

*40 yo mum*
Anyone here yang berumur sekitar I ke? I am coming 40 and pregnant. Just nak kpo. Sebab rasa rasa I ... I yang paling tua kat sini.
wah... bestnya.. another baby born...

Sri, seems like kita berdua yg masih tngh counting down... I dah tak sabar seh nak gve birth, well at least to rest at hme.. Lucky u tak kerja. I still have 2 more wks to my maternity leave!! Heheheh... ;p
<font color="aa00aa">hihi mummies!

welcome welcome!!!

congrats yah!!!

semangat kau nak visit eh.
if im not sick i will go along with u.

looks like tomorrow's playdate reali cannot make it.
lagipun my mil wana bring faiq out so tomoro aku single...hehehe.
tengoklah macam mana.
if i'm well i will join u, sasha and lani for lunch.
so long never see sara and her curls...hehe..

kau nak tau pasal combi apa pasal?
nak buy combi pulak??
tak jadi maclaren quest mod?</font>
penat2 i type.. mana entah my post...hee

Mamaliz, jgn la mulut u masin. since afternoon i been having the contractions till i took a nap... argh!!

Its ok lynzi... u rest well k... nanti confinement, i tk leh keluar here's the chance to walk here n dere... hehehe...

missy, tu la.. yg lain dh pop out.. kita lum2 lagi...hmmm....

umloqmann, u going to hit 40 n preggie?? wah... best nyer...... teringat masa dulu2 my mum preggie ard tt age... best temankan ibu gi scanning... i very excited... maklumlah masa tu nk dpt adik baru... age doesnt matter..its juz a number.. i yg muda ni but muka so the tua!! matured la muka i.... hehehehe.... Madem lagi nampak muda...
ok, nama sara leh cancel. Nama Hawa, sapa nak amik? Maklumlah, Adam &amp; Hawa ... hehehe

Tomorrow I amik cuti satu hari. Nak gi dentist.
Actually dah tak larat lagi nak just tot I'd take the day off &amp; run some last min errands before fasting begins..

selamat berpuasa semua!

And, congrats to madem!

jumpa kat sebelah pokok mangga...muekekekeke...i dah pm u my address...takkan nak letak sini kan..nanti kena serbu umah ni kang...heheh...

call or sms me first ehh
Sri, pregnancy dah umur ni, banyak risiko tapi I serah kan semua pada Allah. Doktor suruh buat test tu lah test ni lah. Macam macam aje.

I really admire your courage and your high spirit to face such a big responsibility at your tender age. I doakan you selamat dan mudah bersalin ok.
Morning Mummies..!!
This thread is super long lah.. baru 1 hari tak masuk dah lost track ...

*Hi Linda*

Welcome welcome.. enjoy ur stay here..

u ni mcm tak tahu tido gitu eh.. every morning when i login.. u mesti the 1st one yg dah start to post..

my Ind maid nye gaji is $280 + $20.00 w/o off day. She is first time maid.. no expe. hired her abt 10mth ago

and Sesiapa yang visit Madem, plz kirim salam ye..
hehehe.. kesian u.. baby kecil blum kluar dah kena jaga baby tuak eh.. LOL..

yes lah dear i'm working.. but desperately wanna be SAHM... hahahaha
Selamat Pagi sumer!!

Kwang Kwang Kwang... Sorry mamaliz!!! hahaha

Aku pun selenger lah... Madem is whom i maksudkan. Hehehe

Si Zu nie dah lama tak masuk, busy sangat ker dia.. heheh

Wow, being pregnant at 40 is very risky. But dun worry Umloqmann, insyallah takder aper2.

Sri, nanti you standby barang2 dekat pintu. Nanti bila nak terberanak, just call the hospital first to tell them you are coming. And then call cab and go.

I teringat time i nak beranak. It was the 3rd day of Raya last year, kul 5am. Pergi toilet nak kencing, then found out that my panties basah. I tot i kencing dlm tidur, then pergi lah tukar panties.. then bocor lagi.. I tot i dah tak bleh control bladder.. heheh. Rupanya waterbag dah burst. Hehehe

My husband kelam kabut bangun, mandi and then terus nak pergi. I told him.. eh.. tak kan kelam kabut lupa nak sembahyang subuh.. Kwang kwang kwang... I told him, sembahyang doakan i selamat.. Sedih tau. I tgk dia sembahyang and sambil doa dia nangis. Agaknya dia nervous for my safety.

Hehehe.... Mcm best nak pregnant lagi. tapi teringat kan tak bleh tido, the pelvic pain, the meragam..the beranak.. the needles.. sigh* takut ah...

Yipee!! Today it's Friday !!!
i jaga bb tuek pun dh mkn hati.. hopefully yg kat dlm perut ni baik sikit..if nt eh, i confirm jadi TARZAN mcm nenek dia... hehehe

lol... i desperately nk keje... but too bad masa &amp; keadaan tk allow me...
Hahaha... so touching nye wati... Hw i wish my ex nangis when he were to see his bb... tears of joy... but i doubt so he'll cry.. 2yrs being wit him, tk pernah tgk dia nangis.. syik aku jer yg nangis.... hmpf!!

Mana mamaliz ni..... nk kena pok ngan i... still sakit2.. CONTRACTIONS!!!!! ARgh!!!! mcm mana ku nk visit Madem &amp; her lil princess... hmmmmm...........
Moning to all..

my ind maid is 1st time experience. Not to worry wif yr late prengnacy...i had my bb gal at age 38 and my MIL had her last ds at age 46 and dats was 10yrs ago...

yr maid nye gaji cheaper than mine lah...

u have to time yr contraction tau...sometime tak yah wait till the waterbroke, yr cervix also mayb dah dilate jugak....
i like combi stroller. easy to open n close and can stand on its own. bought maclaren but didnt like it. lagi leceh nk tutop n takleh diri on its own. and if letak barang atas canopy, stroller can topple (tkde budak inside). lagipon me slalu naek bas, so combi stroller ade yg ringan2..

yr boi still cry wen u leave him to go toilet and make milk?

i wonder till wen my kid will be like that. he started to be like that wen he was 7mths.. skrg dah 11mths plus, still like that. mara pon tk guna, makin nanges. aku yg sendiri stress..
I pun pakai combi stroller. Tapi i bought 2nd hand from Ebay. For $100. It was in great condition. Dia jual sebab anak dia dah besar. They got car, so jarang pakai stroller. Tu pun kalau pergi kedai runcit.

I find that the combi stroller is light and durable. I sorang sorang dukung baby, beg baby and botol dia pun boleh tutup stroller with 1 hand. Tapi kalau naik taxi, apek taxi tolong masuk and keluarkan stroller from the boot.

Other than that, i suka Combi. About the model .. i tak pasti lah. Nanti i amik gambar then i post ok.

As for baby yg melekat dgn mak... I'm one of them. Do i will put her in the walker kejap and use the toilet kat hall.. tapi tak tutup pintu... hehehe

Kalau buat susu, i will dukung and do with 1 hand. My daughter suka tgk i buat susu dia.. tapi pinggang aku yg sakit.
aku ade pat sini.. mcm ne nak masuk forum, buntut gatal.. asyik nak merayap jer. hehe... touching ar crite kau! :p

madem, CONGRATS!!!
Wah!! da byk da Sarah pat sini!! Sape next?!!
Pasal Combi-
Actually Combi was one of the 1st stroller yg Adam ade.. Tapi tak lasting lah. Cepat outgrow.. then kaki dia hanging in the air. Then kalo hang bende pat blakang, habis tunggang terbalik stroller tu. Cos its ringan kan.. Personally, i tak suka Combi ler. :p
betul la the mac laren tak boleh stand on its own. Tapi my problem now is my boy yg 2 yo dah tak nak naik stroller. Esp kat shopping center. Kalau hb ade takpe he will dukung. But kalau i and boy aje, kus-semangat, dok rumah aje la, tak bole manage la kalau i sorang dgn dia, dgn beg dgn nak kejar dia.. stress ah..

You all ye kinds sampai umur brape dok stroller?

Umlqmann, my paid gets $300 + $20 (in lieu of off day). Tapi nanti lepas raye dia nak balik (contract nak habis). Carik new maid pening kepala la..
adam dulu ard dat age tak suka stroller jgk. Then now da besar, dats his fav thing! Kalo nk kluar mesti sound pat i suruh bawak stroller! :p And still cn shoose nak pakai stroller ape!
