Hi linda.. u 22?? for me tk young la (masa preggie ni jer feel tk young, after unload gaknye will feel younger balik)... u same age as me... hehehe...
Danryan, i nk time pun susah.. mana nk time, mana nk layan Nur... Tadi pagi dia merengek lagi.. dia buat i mcm kuda.. wrestling atas i... tertendang perut i... mak aiii....... makin sakit seh.... entah la..sejak smlm manja dia semcm ngan i....
Sri... kau nak bergurau dgn niece you tu pun berwas-was lah... if you get stress.. your baby pun stress tau..

Zu... Adam choose stroller... wah... kaya2... braper byk stroller lah kau ada.. hehehe

Linda.. you 22..? Terasa sungguh lah tua aku nie.. Kwang kwang kwang...(Mummies yg lain... jgn marah hor) heheh

Sigh* Today is my husband last day as a zookeeper. I feel so sad, tapi apakan daya.. terpaksa buat this kind of choice for me and Maya...
wati, i tk bergurau ngan dia da... i ngah baring nk tdo, dia self service naik atas i seh....... luckily i stop her in time.... nampak i baring mesti nk tindih atas i... part tertendang tu i phobia seh... cpt2 i cover wit bantal...
Yelah tu Stroller BP is a scam so tgh tunggu organiser refund pas tu nak beli Combi. Me suka their tri-fold concept. U tau my car is Picanto so the "boot" kecik giler.... One of the many reason i sold of the Buzz dulu was coz tak muat boot
ish ish...

U 40yo and preggie?! I salute u man
coz my keturunan body semua weak-weak. I think i can birth til max 30yo pas tu dah tak larat lagi...

Belum online lagi.... nak tgk pix bby lah

Ur maid gaji rate murah jugak eh. Ape agency u pakai? My maid gaji $320+$20 (MNK) As first-timer but educated and religious
Senang hati if i have to leave my kiddos at home.

*Maid & duit raya*
Nak survey, u all kasi ur maid duit collectionz brape huh? My MIL kata tak yah but cam tak nice pulak coz she really a big help to me...

Hehe...asal sampai leh meletup pulak ni. U masak TNT ke?

*Pasal Combi*
Thx for ur feedback. I wanna get Conbi coz can fit into the car boot BUT i realise the padding is very lousy. Very thin mesh material. Those with this stroller do u find the seat padding good enuff or u add on ur own seat pads? Im eyeing the Infantasy Model. Anyone has tat?

Dulu i conceived my 1st born also bila 22yo coz kahwin muda.

Thx eh kalo boleh upload will be better
i tot nak beli 2nd jugak but coz fikir2 nak guna for my 2nd til 3rd n might as well get baru punya ler.

*Budak dok stroller*
My son dulu 1.5yo dah stop stroller. Dia active giler n prefers to walk. Kalo bawak stroller to buat standby bila nak gi foodcourt nak makan or when he falls asleep aje. Haha,
come to think o f it, i use it mostly to humban my bags n shopping stuff on it rather than he sits on it...
Ima, in the previous post, Madem kata insya'allah dia online bsk...

Wow... muda nyer u hv ur 1st bb... hw old r u nw? hehehe....
entah macam mane dia blend....tau tau my hse smells something burning...mayb when she blend the water not enough so the blender nye motor on je but the incredient tak bergerak tu yg buat terlalu panas then bau terbakar...haizz...dah nak bulan puasa kena cari new one....
mdm wati
ur hb keje zookeeper. thats interesting eh. i always hv the impression that org yg keje macam gini are very passionate abt their werk.. so now tukar keje ape?

if u must know, si zu tu memang kaki stroller, tu dia punye weak spot la..

hai belum lagi posa my brain dah takde juice nak pikir today... hope this afternoon will be very quite, jgn la ade org yg call tanye itu ini... kepala otak tengah tak creative langsung ni.
I pakai Nur agency kat TKC..

*Maid & Hari Raya*
I tink for duit raya it up to individual whether to give or not.. i tot of giving her $100 on the hari raya itself.. but still tinking..

I pun nak survey jugak abt maid baju raya.. u all belikan ur maid baju raya or ask her to buy herself eh?
klu kita dah belikan baju raya, do u tink we still have to give duit raya tak eh..
confuse jugak eh..
Hmmm... i don tink i'll give any green packet sbb tk keje... lagipun i rasa2 i tk raya la tis yr.. if i give birth on sept, oct is still my confinement period kan.... mum told me to rest at hm jer....
<font color="aa00aa">hihi gerls!
today feeling much better.
hopefully besok dah fully recover.
im reali thankful to my mil cos i sakit2 ni dia yg volunteer jagakan faiq so that i can rest and sleep as much as needed.
semalam she came over my house.
hari ni pulak she brought faiq go out with her and her frens.
selamat aku...

i have Buzz and Combi now.
combi tu my second stroller when i'm out with faiq alone and take public transport.
itupun beli from a mummy in here.
brand new for $90.
its light but the downside is, now that faiq has grown and gained weight, the stroller looks cramp for him to sleep in.
kadang kesian tengok dia.
since the stroller bp tak menjadi, ku nak beli maclaren xlr at robinsons sale ah.
i think even maclaren xt is small.

cepat cepat lah bersalin dik oi.

eh ima,
aku lupa nak bilang kau.
finally yesterday faiq dah makan porridge.
habis 1 whole bowl pun tak cukup2 dia.
mulut masih nganga lagi.
barulah lega hati aku...</font>

u tak yah jln raya lah....coz they will understnd yg u still on confinement pe....rezeki anak u lah lahir bulan puasa...
tak yah raye le...nak jalan sana sini banyak baggage tau... time i first raye with my boy he abt 4 mths old... macam nak rak angkat barang barang dia dgn pakai baju raye.. ohhh sungguh panas and rimas

i will buy baju raye for my maid. like 2 pasang but i will get those baju with pants. not the baju kurung with kain. Just simple ones. Nothing fancy. Duit raye i will give bet $20-$50. It really depends if the maid has been doing a good job. For my maids, i will "reward" or give "bonus" only bile dorang nak balik. Bec maid maid ni bile dah ade banyak duit dlm tangan nanti dah ingat nak balik pulak, tak nak finish contract.

But can you believe it, for the past 2 raye i takde maid, maid sakit la, dpt maid perangai buruk la, so i antar balik agency je.. kelam kabut jugak takde maid.. tapi daripade sakit hati, lebih baik la kelam kabut.
Oh kak lynzi... i pun nk cpt2 unload.. dh malas wit the waiting game... byk penat loh...

Danryan, rezeki anak... but i need to bayar balik puasa... hmmm.. ok juga la... can use the chance to slim dwn...kekeke...

LoL... nora, my sis pun mcm tu... pagi2 raya jer dia dh feel frustrated... mana nk siapkan bag anak....she cant take the heat la... hehehe...
*Baju raya maid*
I ask my maid for feedback. Dia kata back home they wore those baju with pants type
Ape fesyen ni i tak pernah nampak? Anyone ade pix to download tak coz i really no idea what tis fesyen is?

*Duit raya maid*
My maid gerek, agaknya coz kita pun hampir sebaya so understand-understood my prangai.
I tot nak kasi $50... not too high not too low rite?

HAbis lah ni...makan bubur nanti badan terus BOOM! jadi big. Stroller Combi u nanti semakin sempit...ish ish... U masak bubur ape anyways? Fish, ayam beef? My girl on Cod bubur til now lum kasi ayam. Nanti lagi 2 month gitu nak cuba kasi beef pulak

Me tis year (ehem..bday 4th Sept
27yo. My hubi dulu classmate same in Pre-U so kahwin cita muda

*Wedding aniversary*
Ish ish... Sri tanya pasal ni i pun baru teringat tat my wedding aniversary hari ni
my hubi at home the whole day pun takde mesti dia bankrupt lah ni...
Hi Nora,

Yes. My hubby kerja zoo as an Elephant Keeper dah 5 tahun dah. Today last day.

You know as a zookeeper ada pros and cons..Weekends mesti kena kerja.. His off days are on weekdays.. Then Public Holiday mesti kerja, tak bleh amik leave. Cos ramai orang datang zoo... So end up, always me alone at home on weekends and holidays.. So now dah ada baby, lagi susah seh.. sedih tau i.. duduk rumah on Sat and Sun and Public Holidays.

So this is quite a big sacrifice from my husband. I'm very grateful.

Tapi i know he loves his job. Tapi apakan daya, dorang bayar pun tak banyak.
Hey yasminy I tinggal kat blk 888, u? Ade tak siapa-siapa kat NIE kat sini? I doing my degree kat sana. Nampak jugak some preggy ladies tapi belum nampak any malay ladies. Smalam gi check-up my gynae cakap my baby besar lah. Haiz, kena jaga makan lah ni...
laa.. kau ni, baju pants tu macam baju pantsuit la. kalau pegi joo chiat or tanjong katong complex kan banyak. And my maid lagi pakai kids size. You can also consider baju bengali. So far i know dorang kat Indon hari raye pakai pants and long sleeve shirt. kalau org yg berade baru pakai jubah, kebaya etc.

Mdm Wati
hopefully ur your family life will bloom la with this change.. jage elephant.. wow susah tu...

me and hb pon jc mate tau. setia betul aku ni sampai umur 26 ke 27 baru kawin... not say setia la, but more to malas nak tukar tukar boyfren.
hi smua..
bkn main rancak eh smua..

mesti best kan dpt new member...gambar nanti upload lah ye...

tkpelah wati..sacrifice for family..u muz be happy to haf ur hubby on weekends now..but dia dah dpt keje aru lum??

indon maid
for my previous maid, i used to give her $30. then baju i buy for her 2 pairs...same color as my family..mcm boria ah kiter..

great to hear u recovering...untung u ader mil yg leh jaga ur boy...

ait...lum meletop lagi? tkyalah gi jln raya...excusable...

to all, enjoy ur weekend...i ni penat giler...
lol ima... hint i eh... hehehe.. tk keje la.. no $$.. ni cium tk?? hahahaha.... ur HB keje gamen kan? nw maybe dh broke...maklumlah dh end of the mth ma... tk pe.. bdae present u can ketuk dia mcm2... (ajar bkn2 lak aku ni..)hehehe...

Siti, i ngah sakit2 ni... contractions... haiz... sampai tangkap pinggang!! nk tgk Madem pun tk jadi seh...... i tot dh ok tadi after sleeping but dia dtg balik da!!!! sob sob...

Sesiapa yg tgk madem, plz help me to send my regards to her.. tell her sorry i cant make it.... Sometimes eh, hw i wish i C-section.. cpt keluar.. tk yah tunggu for labour... hmmm...

K mummies, i nk gi rest..... tata...
*Combi infantasy*
Nor(nabmum), I saw someone selling it in ebay singapore running at $50 currently. You may want to check that out.

That is very enlightening for me. I sangkut lambat. My first boy I had it when I was 36 and kesian my boy seorang seorang.. so I just try for another one, alhamdulillah sangkut juga and scan baby girl pulak tu
cant wait to see. InsyaAllah I nak namakan dia EVA.

*maid's salary*
Biasanya siapa yang fix the maid's basic salary? Agency ke kita?

Have a good rest. Doctor tak kasih ubat untuk sakit for contraction ke?

Siapa gynae you?
<font color="aa00aa"> imaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
ya Allah...kamu ni tak tengok fesyen dalam majalah ke???
hehe...kau ni betul macam rusa masuk kampung...
kemarin jusco...
sekarang baju dengan pants tu pun kau tak tau??
hehe...jangan marah hah...
baju with pants tu namanya pant suit.
time my mum had few maids dulu we always either belikan dorang pant suit from pasar geylang or from first lady.
cos there are cheap....asalkan baru sudah.
raja lelong at pasar geylang always ada jual pant suit murah2.
btw, pant suit tu macam blaus panjang pakai dengan seluar.
ramai yang pakai tudung wear like that.

janganlah belikan maid baju kurung if u have young kids eh.
nanti susah dorang nak terlari sana sini or tolong kat dapur if they wear baju kurung.

hehe...zaman NIE tu dah lama berlalu.
macam donkey years ago gitu.
tapi time tulah paling best.
at old campus selalu kitorang go taman serasi or orchard.
then pindah to boon lay kitorang sibuk tengok wayang or shopping kat jurong point time long break...hehehe...

when u coming back here?
smabut raya here or there?</font>
<blink><font color="ff0000">Happy 3rd Birthday to Raiyan!! </font></blink>
Wah! Dah plan lah nak gi Fidgets tomorrow eh?! Baby Marsha pun ikut jugak?

How's the little girl doing inside? Eva is a nice name. I did tot of this name before for my 2nd baby but we later settled for Melissa instead.

Kiter smua asyik tanya u bila nak letup. Tapi tak letup letup. Lupa pulak nak tanya if u already settled for names for the baby. Mesti get ready nama boy and girl.
Btw, u dah can pm me ur number. I'm using my mom's hp. :p

Kau dah leh sms aku dah.

Just brought Darling to O'kidspots at Orchid Country Club today aftnoon. Ok lah. Macam Fidgets but smaller.
Penat seh. I pun accompany Darling go up and down and through those tunnels.
Thanks for the birthday wish to my boy, Raiyan.
Yesterday went to Swensen kat causeway to order his bday cake. My hubby pulak ada duty tomorrow....musnah plan kita awak...c how lah besok camne...haizzzzzzz...Baby Marsyha bila takde orang bual2 dgn dia asyik nak nangis je....

need to b a member or admission fee to enter the O'kidsports ke?
Nope. Need not be a member. If u're a NTUC member. U paid $5 per hour. Public - $6 per hour. Age below 15.

Ini pun, I went with Darling. Just the 2 of us. Cos aft having Baby Mel, I have been focusing on her too much and Darling bawak diri. Kesian seh. Took the train to Yishun and took shuttle service to Orchid Country Club.

I guess I should bring Baby Mel to visit Baby Marsya and they can enjoy baby chat together. hahaha.
evening everyone...


nice to see both u n ur hubby today~!!

ladies u all pernah nampak ni kat united sq tak....?

seems very interesting nak try jugak for the kids!!

tulahhh!!! i nampak kat Stomper nya website...looks fun for the kids...but dont have any details on it lahh...anyone??? cuma tau its at united sq jerrr...
aku here! ape hal kau carik aku? :p

manja nyer! bukan kau sorang jer dok rmh on wkend and public holiday! aku pun sama.. laki kite terbalik. he used to be in the airforce w many days of leave and benefits. now dia da tukar, in sales. so v not free. bab tu aku yg v free nowadays! pasal stroller, like nora cakap, tu aku nyer weak spot ler babe.. now we left w 4 strollers jer at home. :p

bestnyer belon tu. nanti aku letak adam pat dalam.. aku makan dia ter'trap' pat dalam.. senang sikit eat in peace! lol!!
Hi semua

To lynzi: Yah I nak dekat habis NIE next June dah start mengajar, haiz takut takde family time ah...

To msuzanna: I gi Dr Heng kat East Shore Bedok. Ade nampak jugak some malay ladies kat sane...u?
mamaliz, u go try with ur kids la and let me know best tak...mesti kekek sey can just imagine with the whole family...mesti fun jugak i tink!
still dun get wat the pantsuit looks like... I even search online Yahoo pun takde any pix of this "pantsuit"...mystery betul...

okie pasal stroller to i have to chk out ebay
thx for looking out.

*Maid Gaji*
I think should be fixed by agency. Unless u find ur own maid (mcm my fren) direct from Indo then u can neg the contract btw urself n her. Then cam tu, u can set the gaji.

talk abt raya:
what's on ur raya checklist need to get ready? dah macam lose touch sey.. last yr confinemt during raya so i slack at home with baby je.
last time bila skola can bake cookies.. now haiz.. no time. maybe shd stay home n bake with ayuni. mesti messy!
i know must get ready duit raya for everyone now tat i'm married some more. hahaha... kalau tak kalam kabut.
hmm... paman hasim nya anak eh?
isk... macam spy lak i ni... haha
im staying at serangoon north..

nice meeting u!! i love your kids! geram! hehe
i hope u have received a reply,
tak perasan it is hari raya period dont know if he can make it = )

kita consider dulu your offer eh~~
your flat dah brapa tahun? ade chance gahmen nak en-bloc tak? hehe..

sape2 nak tukar minyak kreta, pls PM me. Thank U~

our blk dah abt 30 yrs old liao...enbloc not sure lehh...but if u check out from mana mana kan...hdb flats in sg tak more than 40-45 yrs old...cos hdb sure wanna build new one....tapi im not sure lahh...u take ur time to think lahh...both sides not rushing kan..? heheh...kalau suka just sms me..

kalau skarang dah announce nak enbloc..i po tak nak jual..tunggu duit jatuh kat my lap...hehehehe
Pasal stroller combi tu, sorry for wrong info. I found in yahoo auction singapore and unfortunately sale dah closed. Sorry again.

InsyaAllah coming back on the 5th October.
Sambut raya kat sini sikit dan sambut kat Singapore banyak.
In fact kat sini orang tak sambut sangat especially family my husband. Macam hari biasa aje.

My baby girl alhamdulillah baik, doktor kata after scan nampak normal dan sehat. Melissa sedap nama tu. I pilih nama pendek pendek sebab nama bapak nya surname... punya lah panjang. Takut bila isi form tak cukup space.

Dr Heng tu lelaki ke perempuan. good or not?
How many weeks pregnant are you?
Me.. insyaAllah bila I nak register kat East shore mungkin Dr Aziz. Tapi kalau ada doktor perempuan kat East shore yang bagus, I nak give it a try.

Thanks for the info regarding the maid salary.

Yalah, apa nama pilihan anda?
pening la nak beli rumah ni, maklum la first timer.. lift upgrade tu confirm nak naik eh? sorry, banyak queries. btw,u r a young mommy with 2 kids ey.. dont know if i can have 2 by the time im your age.. ha ha
Hey semua

*yasminy* u ni my 2nd cousin kan :p Haha...

*danryan* I gi East Shore Clinic kat Bedok for the monthly check-ups. More convenient than the clinic kat East Shore Hospital.

*umloqman* Dr Heng is a lady, she is friendly lah and I think lebih better with a woman than a man. Bit malu ah kalau gynae is a guy...
ye saye... btw, i want to ask u something la.. can activate your PM or PM (private message) me -just click on my nick. Thank u~~

hmm..we still waiting for the results from the lift upgrading poll...anyway if jadi kan..its $500++ and can be paid by cpf like $5-6 per mth...we just did the poll a week back
pasal anak ni...semua rezeki..heheheh, dapat yg second ni pon a surprise, agaknya stop at 2 jer ni...heheh, one boy n one girl cukup....
Hi all,

I'm back. Thanks for all the wishes!! Lucky, Sara's jaundice not very high, so can come back with me : )

The op was OK. Everything went smoothly. Dr J and the whole op team was very good and professional. Really keep me at ease. Can even smile to my husband as they are cutting away my tummy!!!

Wound part still a bit pain, but worse still are my breasts!! The nipples gone already, all sore due to bf. Trying to pump and latch at the same time. Also, got this prob with Amaar, but with Sara, the initial latching (when she terkam my breasts, then pain) but after sucking, it's ok.

Hope will heal soon! Here's the awaited pic.

Sri, take care ok. Rest more...


congratulations! Hope you have a speedy recovery!

Your Sara is so adorable.. and beautiful. Geram tengok dia.

You have a good rest.
