<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Dan
sat off, time keje off.. time bila yg ur tudung tu ON ehh... wahakhakahkahahhhh </font></font>

yeap mas....katanya di sana...jadi nak kena carik, aku pon tak tahu sebelah mana..its square shape kerepek..and tipis tipis..dlm botol kuih biasa but big squarish type.
aku goin bazaar geylang only on the 7th...
tinggalkan budak2... baru senang aku nak run errands...

woodlands bazaar blom pergi...
next weekend agaknya lah....

aku kirim pakcik aku kuih siput @ JB....
the kuih siput must be kecik2, rangup2...
and rasa jintan mesti ada....

i remember time kecik2 dulu...
my uncles would sit together &amp; gentel de adunan...
&amp; my mom goreng....

but the container tak pernah penuh....
mana tak.... gentel satu2, tapi masuk mulut segenggam....
time ON eh...Bila gi mengaji lah....
see tempat lah...

so where is the actual stall at Angsana..takut salah beli lak...
hahahahaha after donkey yrs eh

Dan....sebaik2 nya u beli after u can try.....
dia jual longgok2 tau not pre-pack....
kedai dia ada jual kurma ..epok2 yg kecik2...then the popiah simpul......
its on the ground the arena..kau tgk situ ada jual serondeng, mini popiah rolls and mini popiah pintal..

Mas..kuih aku tiap2 thn consperm abis..kekkeek...
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Pe'ah
baru bangun ehh? hehehe

ohhh time ngaji.. bijak2.. :p
pasal popiah tu.. u ask them lah b4 beli..
and best u beli after buka.. can rasa.. u can really rasa pedas nye..
and it come it very small size and also the color abit darker compare wit normal popiah.

<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Logging off for now.. nak gi jln2 cari makan.. oppsss salah.. jln2 cuci mata!! hehehehe
popiah seh. Ni kes lapar tau. hehee!

Ewah, siangnye dah nak lunch!

RE: baju kurong
I baru beli for myself &amp; my little Girl. For the guys, really hope I can settle by tonight also. Rumah kat depan geylang je, heh..
have fun lynn!
i've been going out during lunch time everyday.
jln2 kat watsons pun jadi.
office ni macam siberia.
if i stay in nanti jadi iceberg.
Belumm...finally settled on our reno. hopefully can pindah sometime in September but definitely after hari raya. So looking forward!

And I'm happy too coz managed to get hubby to agree to paint our MBR lilac, and not to install aircon.

Hari ni I lunch in aje lah...nak jalan2 u noe lah my opis ni very out of the way. And I end up spending more time bulan puasa if I go out shopping. At least a lunch set only costs about $5. Sighs...
Yes, I pun terpikir, how to "survive" the lunch hour.
Hari2 keluar, duit pun keluar.
That day pegi ikea.
But my office is really, really super cold!
Sampai rasa kat tulang.
Even though I siap kan sweater, shawl and even socks!

Oooh, you must be looking fwd to your new place!
And I support u re: aircon.
Now that my boy sleeps in our room, every day bukak aircon, everyday my nose sendat!
Ya lor, this aircon is the culprit to recurring blocked nose, and even cough coz it makes the room so dry. Where I'm staying now, terpaksa on aircon coz very minimal wind, tapi my new place insya-Allah there'll be wind...coz high floor.
Plus the perks of having lower SP bills w/o aircon. My pockets are dry thanks to high bills. Very upset over it coz I can't save much from paying $250 every month .... I can go on ranting about this... :/

mebbe yr little boy can put on socks at night?
My nose lah yg sendat!
My boy, kalau tak bukak aircon, tak boleh tidur.
Some nites, I rasa sejuk, so I switch it off, then a few mins later, he'll start to berpeluh then wake up!
So for the sake of sleeping thru, I sacrifice, heh.

K, I nak pegi jln kat bishan pulak.

Chat later!
hellooooooo peah

aifah pakai baju ape.. kebaya ke??

wah best eh u can singgah geylang bazaar anytime

and no need to worry abt parking

for me its a big project for us to go geylang

and hopefully boy will endure and not buat perangai

me oso sleep no aircon bec bapak budak got sinus problem
it really helps ah without aircon
tapi kekadang can be very challenging lah bile those panas season

all dah go lunch ke
Wow... yr boy dah very used to aircon eh? then you wear socks lor. I share my bed with 3 other people, so it gets pretty warm at night. (and verrry squeezy).

I saw some really cute tiny kebayas! mebbe I get one for her coz I need to find another one. My MIL gave a wedding gift - baju kurong - 5 yrs ago, and till today I belum pakai coz it's HUGE! (still 1 size bigger, 5 yrs later). (side-track, lol).

Anyway yes, you're right. We've got season parking else, susah seh nak pergi geylang. izzat dah besar kan..shud be OK lah...go after buka on a weekday. The crowd is not that maddening. The bazaar nearer to paya lebar MRT ada banyak baju kurong lelaki &amp; budak lelaki.

You can skip the bazaar yang depan Darul Arqam &amp; along the malay village. That one more makanan, and more baju kurong for ladies. Tu pun tak banyak sangat, more of those indo-type kebayas which I don't like. hehehe...

i suggest just go straight to TKC (first lady etc) &amp; also the bazaar near Paya lebar MRT. But that's just my opinion lah
wah betol semangat raya semuanya... I actually takde mood raya lagi pasal besok &amp; Sunday ada paper (nasib baik skarang, bukan time raya!)

I'm working kat tempat jin bertendang - Tuas

rajin eh you all pegi JB.. so far i tak pernah pegi sana beli kueh raya..
Hi nor!

I pun tak larat nak pergi JB. Actually rather weary abt safety there. With young children, lagi I tak berani nak pergi situ seh...

weekdays after buka is out for me lah
in fact weekends pun

after buka time seems to go so fast...

k today i wanna go jln OG

yep tak posa pi jalan jalan duit keluar lagi lebih.. ish ish ish
athelte...i baru balik dari bishan hihihi...
tadi mate tak nak dah nak abis time lunch mate soooo berat...
nasib baik lah my workplace jauh dari shopping ctr, kalau tak lunch time sure $$ keluar lebih time puasa gini..

Lina, I'm taking Bachelor of Business part-time. dah tua baru nak sambung belajar.. last time takde kesempatan lah.
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS">yuuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
semua masih ber-shopping ke?? :p

i baru balik from ikea.. jln2 and TERbeli something..
ingat puasa2 gini boleh save on lunch $$ tapi selalu TERover spend on other thingy..
dat why i dont really like to go out. tapi asik duduk je kat ofis.. boring pulak.. haiizzz...

i nvr bring naufal along to geylang or any other bazaar lah.. i can nvr shop ard..
even gi JB pun.. klu kita setakat gi sana kejap je.. we'll leave him behind.
mana nak layan kerena dia yg tak tau berjln.. he only neo how to run!!
nanti nak ikut cakap dia.. go straight, turn right, turn left.. duh.. </font></font>
bulan posa actually boleh save tapi bila nak e.g. beli juadah buke..tak kan nak beli untuk sorang kan..hihi..

most of the time..i will terperap pat ofis...main game or zzzzzzz
hmm.. my boy belum pernah pakai long pants for raye, except baju kurung ah

the hb says to get him long pants for this year
tadi i look see look see
cam funny pulak
cant imagine my boy in long pants

very hard la for me to go anywhere without bapak budak and the budak
tu dua org buy one get one free...
back from bishan.
was so packed, think cos of yog.

yr office around here also?
i'm at lorong chuan.

was thinking of going trmrw morning to look for hub's and son's baju kurong and songkok.
but i'll usually go either tkc of joo chiat complex.
stuff at the bazzaar every year macam sama and mostly semua tak berkenan sangat...
ooh, you just gave me an idea...
can go to geylang during lunch time also!
from my place lagi dekat!

i went to ikea yesterday.
pun Terbeli jugak...
you ni very positive. Everywhere is near to your office. Geylang is east ...AMK is north... hahaha...

Nora, Lynn
Do yr boys still sit in stroller? I told hb that Adam is too big to sit in stroller already so we rarely use it for him now. I will genggam tangan dia, or get hubby to pimpin. It works. Somehow I think at 3 years old, it's no longer cute when a boy is running amok, so I will try my best to hold on to him. Mengamok2 pon I tak kisah.

Are you thinking of giving our boys' teachers a Teacher's Day present?

Ouh, you're working. Siapa jaga yr kids bila you kerja?
I think tkc better choices.

I think Joo Chiat is really olskool seh. Tu tempat, baju dia dah zaman bila pun tak tau. I really dislike that place when it comes to shopping for hari raya clothes.

my boy dah dicth the stroller a long long time ago
dah berabok and berfungus the stroller tu perap dlm store
glad i didnt get those fancy expensive stroller
Geylang is really quite near, only 3 MRT stops away on the circle line!
But then again, anywhere as long as its not more then 15-20 mins drive, is considered quite near for me.

Haha, Joo Chiat Complex is my mum's fave place y'know.
Old skool indeed!

Talking abt stroller, I think it's not cute at any age to see a toddler running amok.
I had quite a difficult time with mine in KL.
He simply refused to sit in his, refused to be carried, and when dah dapat lepas, refused to hold hands.
Sampai I cannot take it,esp when we're outdoors, just forced him in the stroller, melalak, melalak lah.
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS">Nora
tu buy one get one free tu.. dah sign contract takle di pisahkan.. hahaha

btw why izzat nvr wear long pants? pakai lah.. normally i choose pant/jean kain lembut.. so not dat hot.. and yes personally i prefer him in bermudas.. but klu jln raya, i'll put him on long pants.

dat stroller sentiasa dlm kereta and yes at times we still keep him there!
but if only 2 of us w/o abah dia ard.. no stroller and he can hold on to my hand.
senang cakap, if hb is ard.. kerena dia pun mcm2.. but if only me ard, dia jadi budak baik.. apa i suruh he will follow!</font></font>

<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> RE:Teacher's Day present
alamak i nvr thot of this sey.. i dont even neo when it is... *shame shame*
so have u decide what to buy?? </font></font>
