ah family gathering very challenging

kalau asik nak jage anak jer just to ensure dia tak buat bende bende tak patut
org cakap over pulak tak leh lepas anak
mcm dia sorang ade anak
anak mas la geddebak gedebuk

but the one time u take ur eyes / hold off them
siap... tu jam lah dia buat cite

<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> pe'ah
serioully kan.. i dont mind being judged by outsider.. i dont care sgt..
tapi i do mind if mine/hb's family/relative senang2 cakap tu ni..

tapi alhamdullilah.. my family/relative very understanding dgn kerena budak2 ni.. lagi pun my side memang byk budak sebaya or older den naufal.. hehehe</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> iftar for today?? errr i dah ber-iftar KFC tadi sorang2 kat ofis.. Opss! hehehe</font></font>
haha, same here jugak...(but mine not kfc.)

btw, any recommendation for good gynae in the east side?
apart from dr aziz that is.
i just want to go for normal check-up, pap smear etc..
malas nak pegi kk, where my usual one is.
macam jauh, and the timing is not v convenient for me now.
dulu nie thread u gi toilet ajer balik huh punyalh banyak post!....

ya lor ...lagik this nov my anak kena sunat...tu i ask hub to cuti...
i'm taking last 2 weeks of raya cos my helper balik kg.. best tapi part of the cuti is unpaid (tu part tak best!) but anyway at least dapat rasa jadi full time SAHM for 2 weeks.. jadilah.
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS">athlete
hahaha.. biasa lah org berlampu merah.. kita iftar tgh hari.. but normally i had fastfood je.. cepat dan rengkas.. :p

as for gynae, no reco cos my kat KKH.. malas nak tukar2..</font></font>
i go to medina clinic tampines st 21

today iftar: Kari kepala ikan, sambal belacan, papedum, sop fishbal, ayam goreng, rotijon, pudding.
lina, oh yer ker?! last time i join Jurong mommy thread but after that i kinda drift away pasal busy with work and can't catch up with the conversation. in the end i tak active anymore there.
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> wahhh.. semua dah plan amik cuti sey.. mine also gonna be long one.. *wink wink* </font></font>
**sigh** wat to do ni kes terpaksa....
after amik 4 hari still have 12 more days....
Bring fwd next yr 7 days...kena clear another 5 more..

me off n on at woodlands thread also...but i suke ngan malay mum thread...
banyak generasi...n the kids also fr diff senang to kongsi pendapat with almost anything...

topik pasal makan jgn cakap hiihih
notty, fuhh! macam buffet!

athlete, no rec for gynae in east becos 1) i orang barat (heheh!) and 2) my gynae pat KKH dan I heard he moved to TMC

i nak masak mee goreng letak sotong byk2 ah nanti for iftar..
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Notty
dah pandai maid kau masak tu semua.. heheheh

kerek kau ehh.. mentang2 byk AL.. *flip tudung* huh

asal lah kau sebut tu mee wanton?? plan makan wanton tu kat mana ahh??</font></font>
mine is peacehaslina...

i nie orangnya peaceful muekekekekke

aku nak makan pat wdlands chkpt lama....
nasi ayam for the kids...

n cam nak tu char kway
tulah terperanjat berok jap...

Mak ai kira kau kena masak macam lipas kudong lah...takpe2 gerl...I know u can do it...

Alrite final....
Suruh Bibik goreng macaroni n roti telor
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> notty
ler.. aku ingat dah pandai lah maid kau masak tu semua.. hehehehe

kita semua active kat FB jugak.. klu sini half dead.. kita keep in touch kat sana je.. :p
Monday contemplating to order nasi rawan..

yg hairan nye...mknan yg aku tak suka mkn, tekak blh TERrasa nak mkn pulak...karenah org berpuasa..hahaha
tapi mem dia lagik pandai..dia asik kena spot on aje..nnt lah kita bercerita ye..kat sini ckp nnt org ckp padan muka aku! haha

hahahaha walls have ears....

Siapa tu mention Nasi Rawan....
sedapnya...kalau ada Paru...sambal belacan ngan begedil not forgetting acar timun....
