<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Lina
siapa tak nampak kau?? aku nampakkkkkkkkkkk!! hehehe

btw have u been to woodland bazaar?? the organizer is shah ibrahim coy rite.. hows izzit??</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> dat is why lah, i thot of going jb semlm.. since i tak keje, hb pun just finish his reservist..

semlm kita anak beranak kat rumah.. ajak gi jb, dia tak nak..
he really dont like gi sana lah.. arrgghhhhhh </font></font>
that was wat LAst weekend kan....
yup2 last weekend was a breeze...
tapi kalau kau start to go this weekend...dats it....

Yup2 the w'lands bazaar is Shah Ibrahim coy.....bagus tak ??
mas aku cakap weekdays lah bukan weekend...

this year the bazaar is cleaner n teratur..aku lum sempat jelajah semua...orang punyelah packkkkk
n i went on weekdays eh...tapi peak period...time orang sibuk nak beli juadah for buka...

pat berita harian...ade this stall lum bukak dah ade orang line-up...muslim food...
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> mas
aku gi JB nak cari baju kurung for boys je..
and for tudung kan, i still prefer kat spore lah..

selalu tudung kau beli kat mana ahh?? </font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Quote "pat berita harian...ade this stall lum bukak dah ade orang line-up...muslim food..."

huh really? kedai jual apa tu? sanggup sey org2 ni..</font></font>
ok terus terang aku cakap....
Tudung keje kat SIN....BUT tudung jalan aku kebanyakanya aku beli kat JB...BUT kena pandai carik kedai
korang gi tgk berita harian...
dia jual biasalah lontong goreng,laksa johor,nasi ambeng,nasi rawon

her 1st day kalau tak silap...2 jam semua wipe-out
dorang nie memang terkenal di marsiling
selamat pagi semua...

congrat Madem!!

this sat nak gi Angsana...jam tak jam nak kena rempuh other day my hb free on weekend..
Lina...really hah....
aku tahu kat bazaar tu tahun2 ada jual Nasi Lemak Boon Lay

Selamat Pagi Dan.....
So die2 nak kena pegi....

MAyb me going next week lah...Angsana nak kena pegi coz nak beli popiah kecik2 tu
hello ladies, morning! thank you for the warm welcome ;)

ramai staying in the east eh.. only Wati &amp; me terpelanting kat west :s

I'm FTWM, with 2 girls aged 6 &amp; 3.
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Morning Dan..

Quote "this sat nak gi Angsana...jam tak jam nak kena rempuh jugak"

woohoo i soo loike dat.. nak pergi nak pergi jugak.. !! hahaha. </font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Lina
tudung keje pun, aku suka brand Akel. hehee

yessssssss... i nak borong tu popiah pedas! it a must lah! </font></font>

terpaksa lah masuk jugak...coz hb habis werk kul 430ptg...

hello Nor...welcome

me too from woodlands...FTWM 3 kids (7, 5 &amp; 2yrs)
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> heloo Nor
u keje mana ehh?? *kpo mode*

yap yap, insya-allah we can try to organise nx gathering after raya.. hopefully ramai can make it this time.. :p </font></font>
woitt lincah berkecah hari ni..dah smgt raya kape..kekkeke

aku ingat nak gi jb jgk bsok..harap2 jumpalah ye disana...aku nak collect baju pastu pi angsana wash eyes..carik baju aku satu pasang and buy kerepek..then to Pandan beli dvd..then balik SIN.

smlm aku order mkn, then Nora tumpang dgn aku, balik work dia collect as usual.
phuwah gitu yer power the stall makan

i plan to take leave on 3rd to amik baju from jb
just go in amik baju dah balik
jgn harap lah dapat pegi on weekends, tak kuasa
kalau masuk JB, time pagi ok...tak sesak sgt bila balik nak jam, jam lah..

gal...nak gi besok jugak eh...kalau nampak kita kannnnnn...jgn lupa PEKIK
lynn mane list for the mommies here..tepeklah di sinie kasi nor tgk...

terima kasih mas...
1 packet = 1 kg rite...
kau belikan aku 400 packets hahahahha
5 packets lah...
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> ahh panjang umur korang..

aik baru aku nak CHAKK balik.. si nora gi meeting pulak.. duh!

ahh patut ler, dia kirim kau.. aku ingat kau teropong rumah dia pakai "teropong ju"</font></font>
hmm..wah dah hook on to the popiah rolls..powerkannn..?!!!

aku nak beli another type of kerepek ikan bilis, ate it at a relative's plc last yr raya..peh sedap..hopefully I can find.
wah, boleh rasa suasana raya kat sini today...
i'm also planning to go to jb on weekday after work.
tspi tak tahu bila.
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> notty
tu kerepek ikan bilis.. klu jumpa kat jb, jgn lupa update sini hor.. hehehe

suasana raya ehh.. huh kat radio lagu raya dah kluar pun.. hehehe

alamak list tu i dunno where is it now.. tink dah terdelete lah.. hehehe </font></font>

<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> HooLaaaaa Shahlynn...

tu popiah pedas.. kat angsana byk.. tapi jgn salah beli tau.. situ mcm2 jenis popiah.. u ask the seller.. bilang nak very hot popiah punya.. and it very small in size.</font></font>
