Ya lor, my adam is capable of throwing some really bad tantrums and dia punya nangis is VERY Loud. macam ada loudspeaker seh. I used to plonk him in the stroller last time. But now I think he's too big for it.

I pun rasa sometimes it's easier to control Adam bila I sorang dgn dia. We've got for trips at airport, just 3 of us. Hubby tak ikot. Fun jugak & alhamdulillah we returned home safely..hehehe..

I don't know what to get also. Hmm mesti dorang ada banyak benda2 like bags, etc yang orang kasi eh? Thinking of giving NTUC voucher. hahaha tapi cheapskate lah if kasi only $10 kan..
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Thks Dan..

ohhh so it another 1wk plus.. and it skool hols rite on the sept 1st?

normally u all belikan apa ehh for these teacher?</font></font>
ah dah nak kena pikir teachers day present

last year i got izzat teacher those flower yg cloth type, pretty

i alway picture izzat pakai long pants look err.. err .. dorky (for lack of better word)

somemore dulu he more berisi kan so i think dun look nice ah

even just now i belek belek thepants.. i still cant imagine
I agree.....Anaqi kalau w/o the father...a bit better/easier to handle....n yes hee tooo kalau nangis....macam ada speaker kat tekak....
BUT i heck care I diamkan aja....
I remember an incident kat Parkway parade...Dia nangis...I diamkan n ada 1 mummy ni tengokkkan....I tanya mummy tu...yur son never cry b4 izzit.....
kasi brooch or sepit tudung if the teacher wears tudung lah...

diary ke...tapi bila teacher's day kat gift shop all dah packed for the gift...pilih je yg berkenan...

go to those minitoons or gift shop
banyak lah nick nacks for teachers day

can alway give tudung
my "fail-safe" gift idea
my kids dah they decide what to give for teachers...last year dorang kasi potpurri eh..lupe lah...

yg danish ..her kinder teacher tak salah kasi mug ke pen holder...
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Pe'ah
dorang tu anak bapak lah.. like my hb, apa anak dia nak, ikutkan je.. nanti dia marah, budak baru nangis sikit je.. dia dah pujuk.. terus cair!
tink i more hard-hearted compare wit hb.. and guess dat is why wit me, naufal no nonsense.

i really had no idea of what to give sey.. voucher ehh?? err.. hmmm... nehhh</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Dan/Nora
ehh dat tudung, brooch or sepit tudung is really not bad idea ehh... looklike i have some idea what to give.. *wink wink*</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> mas
terror jugak kau ehh.. but really lah some people act as if their child is soo well behaved, dont have any bad moment.. tgk kita like failed mom!!

pasal gift kan.. tink i need to prepared 2 set lah.. for his class teacher and asst teacher. </font></font>
mas..kau nak kasi satu sekolah pon ok...polis tak tangkap...hiihih

for Danish yesh aku kasi class teacher ajer..

for lina n syarif...ah siap...CCA teacher pon dorang nak kasi
tapi kan sometimes i tengok budak cry bukan pasal i'm judging the parents la

more bec i kesian tengok budak tu nangis

Kurus eh...where got(GOD)?

Mas...jgn macam2 eh...Mummy Stress lagi ada lah...
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Nora
u buy one pc dulu.. but u must choose right cutting jugak..
some cutting just not nice or suitable for some kids.. especially yg tembam2.. hehehe

like my bro, he fat kan.. susah neh nak cari long pants for him.</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Quote "Kurus eh...where got(GOD)? "

tu joke oldskool sey! wahakhakahkhahh..

yap yap.. some people pun melampau.. ada tu anak nangis golek2 kat lantai pun dorang boleh buat dek je.. boleh tahan pulak telinga dorang ehh..

eh eh eh... dah lama tak main toink toink or tembak tembak ehh... hahahhahaa</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> nanti tau tau je.. eh eh dah bujang anak aku.. wahakhakahahhahh </font></font>
hola hola..Im back agn!

oh teacher's day present.aku dah order siang2..order a flower cut out sugar cookie bouquet with teacher's name on it..$5 only..and kiasu me bought some gifts for their teachers when I was in Bali..Gotta prepare 6 gifts every year..
Ya...must prepare 2. one for Usz &amp; one for Teacher. hehehe... I feel sorry for the teachers sometimes. Budak playgroup/nursery baru keluar, the next batch dah tunggu. Takde rest langsung seh.

I think jeans are great. those light weight ones. Hmmm this yr I tak belikan adam pants seh...

I know there are a lot of prepacked stuff in stationery shops, tapi can you imagine the mountain of those stuff in the teachers' homes? hehehehe...semua orang kasi benda sama...
aiseh man... yep now dah besar dah pandai pilih nak pakai baju ape

when i at white sands on sundays tengok those ns boys book-in for tekong
rase sedih pulak
my hb cakap nanti anak i masuk ns i nanis

i cakap kalau i nanis pun tentu i pompan
kalau bapak dia nanis.. hah.. lagik best

i think i buy one pc from giordano
trial run
sekali dah pakai long pants izzat feeling abg abg eh
berms tak main.. hahhaha
i must admit, i used to be one of those pple, to look and judge at mothers with crying kids.

but now, i'm usually the one OTHER pple look at and judge.
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> cakap pasal teacher day.. so confirm tis sept 1st cuti kan?? so we just "bekalkan" the gift on the aug 31 lah kan??

masak apa tu?? </font></font>

fry the pisang with cooking need to put anything...

after that just tabur the gula when the pisang still hot..gula nya cair...tadahhh!!!
athlete, nora, mas
I think being a mother really makes us become more immune to stares when our kids act up. in a sense it makes us tougher (or rather... muka tembok, lol).

I'm used to being judged esp when Adam acts up during gatherings at hubby's side. Tiap2 kali gathering, ade aje incident. Adam melalak, tak mo solat with his father, and last week, he accidentally kicked a baby when he was running. GAH! Tak tau apa nak buat dgn dia sometimes.

I've stopped judging. Coz no one knows the truth except the person who's going thru the episode.
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> athlete
masa bujang dulu.. i pun sama jugak.. tgkkan org wit kids yg anak melalak meraung kat SC.. really cant stand them!

now dah ada anak sendiri.. i tend to be more understanding and look from diff angle..
when THE parent look at us back.. i would try to smile back and just exchange small conv.. make them feel.. "it ok, we understand.." </font></font>
kekadang malu pun ada kan...
BUT well macma u cakap...muka ni da macam muka tembok....sumtimes tak tahu seh wat/where went wrong.....nak kata tak marah ...da marah ....nak kata tangan tak jalan..kekadang TERjalan jugak...
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Lina
huh.. jgn sept 1st budak cuti skola.. kau pun cuti ehh.. keje tau! hahaha

ok now dat u have explain.. tink i pernah makan.. tapi dunno what it called.. cuma tau goreng pisang je.. heheheh </font></font>
yes, now, i really dah muka tembok.
i just try to pacify him as much as i can.
but when im w hb, it can get quite stressful, cos he's more concerned with other people's reaction!
but that's another story for another time..

so, what's for iftar today, gals?
Dan dah goreng pisang dgn gula...
asalkan kita jangan wag fingers and say, tsk tsk tsk...sudah, lol...

i dulu resolve tak mo cane/pukul tapi at times i think it's necessary to tell him of the consequences &amp; discipline. oops, boleh ke tak eh disclose ni kat public forum? kekeke..

tu cuti, kena save lah untuk raya... hur hur hur..


sekarang dah tau....dah episode ke berapa pon tak tau...

wait brapa thn lagi....bila my kids dah besau tak yah jadi Tarzan...
