
Helloo! Hope you guys had fun at the gathering!
We made it back from kl safely and with no kiddie drama!
Must admit I actually enjoyed myself.
1 nite was a bit too short.
But now that I know that my boy is ok with the road trip, next time we'll def go for longer.
Managed to eat subway n carl jr, but missed out on tony roma's.

How's everyone?
hello hello

wah busat yer gambar
i not workign la that day so didnt join

glad u enjoyed yourself
makan kat kl 1 day memang tak puas.. yumm yummm

hmm.. ape nak eat for lunch today .. last chance ni

long weekend ni cam tak rase
we managed to catch inception and airbender
so not liking the 3d glasses .. and i wasnt so interested in airbender, tho my boy loves it

watched inception in digital (really so many formats ah movies today)
the sound was awesome
great movie
but why leo did 2 movies back-to-back with somewhat similarities

looks like i gotta gove salt a miss for the time being
heloo, senyap sepi aje.
lemah ke? maklumlah, baru 1st day, heh.

what was the other similar movie that leo did?
btw, you know, i can't watch movies in 3d.
its because of my high astigmatism.
the effects don't come across and plus i'll get a massive headache!

Logging off now, cos I'm on half-day today.
Salam ramadhan everyone!
<font color="119911">NAw
were u at giant parkway smlm? ard 7plus? with ur hub? coz my hub saw ur hub &amp; cam ingat2 lupa.. bt hehe tak terserempak plak kita pat situ..
morning morning

ish at least notty ngantok time petang
me now belum 10am mate dah berair air menguap punye pasal

yep i was at giant the other day

nothing special la the 3d
and the thing that popped out the most for me was the subtitles.. hehehhe
haizz, masuk office aje dah kena tanya soalan:
X: "eh, so n so told me she's not allowed to fast cos she's wearing nail polish today. got like that one ah?"
Me: "maybe she's having her period"
X: "no leh, i asked, she said no"
ME: sigh...
<font color="119911">NAw
oh so tul ah u were there.. takpelah tak diketemukan plak, lengkali je lah eh kita temu

aiks ada ke camtu? macam2 org, macam2 pesen eh</font>
tulah, nak jawab salah, tak nak jawab pun rasa salah.
sorry eh, bulan baik ni, ingat nak jauhkan diri dari semua yg tak baik kan.
tapi cabaran banyak.
athlete - how come your friend is so - well, for want of a better word - jahil? - this is like primary school kids. cough up some phlegm, abetue cakap tak boleh puasa sebab muntah. :rolls eyes:

nora - i havent watched a movie at the cinema since i was pregnant with my 1st one. but i really want to watch inception. so i'll catch it only when it comes out in DVD.

i guess it was just a glib answer that she thot of at that time

oh i forgot, leo did shutter island just before inception
Was spring cleaning my bookmarks tab &amp; almost deleted this link. Clicked on it to see whether it's still alive. Lo and behold, masih jugak =)
Re: FB
I'm always spring cleaning my fb but have problems deleting some people for fear of hurting their feelings. Think I should let it go and heck care what they're gonna say about it, like what you guys are doing.
athlete, dugaan! selamat berbuka awal ;)

you mean last time lagi kecoh ke?

where you ladies stay? i'm in Jurong.
morning morning

arrghh perot pedas,had something spicy for sahur
and was considering taking leave this morning bec of the heavy heavy rain

hi nor
i am at pasir ris
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS">Morning Morning..

Morning Nora
setia betol u kat sini ehh... hahahhaa
me too hampir2 tak gi keje nari.. very liat neh!

hi Nor
welcome welcome.. and i'm at Bedok..
btw u SAHM or FTWM?? </font></font>

ape nak buat... made some very good frens here .. heheh

dapat jumpe sedare lagi .. heheh

mane peah eh? lame tak nampak dia
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> hahaha... pe'ah nama kekal sey! tak sia2 dia buat quiz kat FB tu.. LOL</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Morning athlete
hahaha.. hujan nye pasal, semua malas mood.. tapi alhamdullilah we made it! hiak hiak hiak..

btw PM-ed u!</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> W'salam and good morning mas / Notty..

kau teropong rumah nora sahur tadi ehh?? mana kau tau dia sahur sabsuka?? :p

ahhh... sampai jugak kat ofis ni ehh.. hehehe</font></font>

yep aku TERsuka ler dgn si subsuka plus aku takleh tolak tu roti perancis

peah - best pe name peah, tengok arwah rafeah buang.. ayu and anggun selalu

korang yg masih ingat madem, she dah add on another prince to her brood
hopefully this friday goes fast and smooth

then HELOOOOOO weekends.. semoga sampai hajat di hati nak tido lebih sikit
are you guys talking abt the sabsuka from blk 940?
i like that one very much!

yup, yup, semangat TGIF, just masuk ahelah.
lagi pun i was already on leave last week.

aku nie malam nak gi wdlands checkpoint lama..
baju kurung for the kids..then maybe to wdlands bazaar...

sat carik baju lagik n ape2 yg patut

sun keluar ngan hub pulak..
...hah geylang....
Hmmm betul2....the tots of squeezing tru the crowd....buat aku malas....
BUT hb wanna buy hafta make a trip there

wah last week da on leap eh.....
furthermore....nanti raya da amik 1 week leave lagi..
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS">Nora
ohhh madem ehh.. ingat2 lagi.. ni yg num 3 rite? congrats madem.. hope she still remember this thread.. yg almost dead.. hehehe

memang takde kena mengena sey.. tapi takpe, janji sampai.. hahaha

semlm i'm on mc.. tak hujan, very hot neh..
thot of going jb, tapi apa nak buat hb very malas masuk jb.. so end up lepak-ing kat rumah je..
the sabsuka dorang gunakan dagind lembu or kambing...i like the kambing type...but my family prefer lembu...

mas...aku besakkk gini kau tak nampak...tapi puasa dah kurus sikit tau...sikit ajer...*perasan*
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> wor semua dah semangat nak shopping raya...

me left wit the boys baju kurung and naufal songkok and kasut je.. and maybe nak see2 look2 for tudung pulak.. ni yg selalu buat pening kepala.. hehehe</font></font>
Eh LYnn....
kalau weekdayz gi JB...still ok tau...jgn weekends.....Kat dalam kereta kau bleh tidp bangun tido bangun...pun blum clear itu jam

mas...sane ade 2\3 stalls..jadiklah...pat wdlands bazaar pon aku nampak tapi aku dun look closer..tak sempat...

last year i bought the clothes dari tu wdlands chkpt lama...
