yups...still expressing milk. Sebab tu lunchtime can be quite harried for me. Pump for about 20 mins before/after lunch depending on my schedule... hopefully can carry on till she's at least 12 months...then self-wean

Alamak..maybe the air at your office not so good lah.. 1 night only? wow... so you're back in time for the national day parade..

morning morning

ade lh i busy sikit with
things at ofis things at home

how u wean adam off bf?
i remember dulu u come back from work he will ask u sit at sofa and nak bf.. heheheh

no advise from me
bec i never bring my boy on long trips
and I am NOT a fan of road trips
pe'ah - i sent my baju to a tailor at pasar geylang. they are also going to make my girls' baju. i have no idea what it will look like eventually. i only hope it'll turn out okay. i made baju kebaya for myself. i asked for it to be not-too-tight. then one of the kakak there held up a sample baju kebaya which was very very big and loose. well, i hope my baju kebaya looks like a baju kebaya and not a gunny sack.

athlete - you might be stuck at the causeway/2nd link for hours, tau? so prepare lots of entertainment for your son. and maybe, bila nak keluar dari highway at kl, there might be a jam also. enjoy all the feasting in kl!

as for your stomach ailments - it might be work-related stress. (aku ni eksen pandai2 macam doktor aje)

pe'ah balik - you are aiming for one year of bf with aifah eh? jia you jia you! i admire your ability to continue pumping away.

oh, and kuih tat belum order lagi.
lol, gunny sack seh. i've always wished for nursing kebayas. kalau lah i tau jahit, i'll manufacture some kebaya nursing tops.

I guess i try to pump for abt 1 yr, then just latch sampai dia self-wean lor...Datin.. time adam think i pump until abt 13-14 mths... 2 yrs old baru dia wean off from latching...stopped when I was expecting Aifah for about 2-3 mths. Think aifah drinks macam lesser sikit...maybe its a girl thing?
thanks, nora! will be looking out for your pm.

pe'ah - it seems like it - girls are not as big a milk guzzler as boys.
hehe... sib baik u faham.

u sure u gg away during this long hols?
the causeway will be jam packed, watsmore kl
few yrs bk I gi sana, dgn family dorang
most of the time, adam tido dlm keta. hehe..

u peminat setia tart sher eh
kene mintak sher diskaun nie
tahun2 kau rekomen...
tahu aje i nak feast kat kl!
i actually just want to attack all the food outlets kat pavillion mall.
i even booked the hotel just next to the mall.
abt the jam, we're going on sunday, back on monday.
and planning to bertolak arnd 5am.
hopefully won't be so bad, insya'llah.

I dah contact sher, and confirm this year she's taking orders.
I pun peminat kuih tart.
tapi time hari raya aje.
the rest of the year, tak mencari pulak.
pe'ah - errrrr... you are giving me way too much credit. it's you you you who have the perseverance to do it. my contribution is occasionally writing 'jia you jia you' in your blog. :D

nora - got the number and i sms-ed her liao.

zu - no worries. and you were saying earlier about bagi orang hilang periuk nasi tu story apa pulak? kalau tanak kongsi takpe. cuma sifat ingin tahu ni kadang2 kuat sangat. :p
abt my tummy ailments, its def not work-related, cos my job is not stressful at all!

i think cos now, with my boy, i tend to settlekan all his kerenah dulu, follow his schedule so that he doesn't get cranky.

like for eg, my boy sleeps early around 8pm, so even though perut tgh lapar, i have to put him to bed 1st before i have dinner.
biasa la kaum pompaun, kekadand sifat ingin tau terlebih2
u chicher kan, u know la pat list tu I ade kwn chicher jgk
and kadang2 ade la dia rant psl keje dia, skola dia etc
and so happens ade jgk kwn dia yg I kenal
so slalu la dia jd bahan gosip bile ade gatherin.
I mean, kalo sipolan2 nk tknk berkwn dgn dia sudah la
delete la org tu, tp tak. simpan dia dlm list then buat gosip sey
smp nk report pat moe psl ape yg dia letak pat dlm mukabuku tu
so mcm, athlete, I 'committed fb suicide' for a while
I masuk balik pas I deleted some of 'em
i pun ada member kerja yang post banyak benda sensitif kat fb, benda yang i tak akan post kat fb walau i macam mana tengah frust pun. these things kena ada self-censorship lah.

ada orang post nothing but happy things on FB.
Ada orang post only sad things on FB.
Suka hati masing2 lah.
Mana yang tak berkenan, 'hide' aje.

Ive hidden 2-3 people coz I just tak setuju dgn their type of posts. Eg, suka maki hamun taxi driver, use a lot of kata2 kesat on people. To me tat's rude and inappropriate. Jadi, senang cakap, hide aje.

Ada jugak orang dah letak benda on FB, tak terima bila attract comments. Oh well, once the thing is out in the open, anyone can have their own opinions...
hello, hello..
yup, i think if s'pore govt needs to think of yet another campaign, maybe they should do an "online social responsibility campaign"... whatever that means... heh

what're everyone's plans for the long weekend?
my parents besok pergi overseas for 1 week.
so next week i'm on leave on tue and fri.
wed and thru halfday afternoon.
sigh... my chlidcare leave dah habis pun...
singaporeans ni, suka amik gambar orang lain, stomp on it. tapi kalau diri sendiri kena, i'm sure tak suka kan? haiz.

well look at it least you tak payah amik yr own leave...can just take CCL

kenapa? Ada momok ke kat rumah? hehee.

This weekend i dah packed lah. saturday 1/2 day kerja. Sunday pergi some walk with ILs. monday, my dad's bday so most likely do something for him lah...
pasal fb - kekadang orang2 ni semua macam takde self-censorship tau. semua dorang nak letak kat fb. i would think that people would know better than to post work-related stuff online. kan banyak padahnya? i guess, sendiri buat, sendiri tanggung lah.

weekend plan : pesta perut besar-besaran sebelum perut kene ikat for one month. :p

pe'ah - what walk is that? bagus bagus buat perkara2 yang menyihatkan badan.
betol ckp. for me, tak yah hide la
trus delete. esp kalo da tak bobal lg

long wkend and no wkend to me sama jer
sat budak2 ade madrasah in the mrng, then swim in the evening
sun got kenduri. mon stay at home je la
tues hb off baru la ble pesta perut. ;p
fb - yep sometimes its information overload .. hahahha

haiz ... kat rumah pun manyak stress ah
i got mummy issues and always its mummy vis a vis helper

thats why i cakap no helper i find peace
tapi penat and kelam kabut ah
does anyone here know, which one is the better one
chai chee seafood or kampong chai chee seafood?
i know one is better than the other but can't remember which.
wow got only 2 choices

50% chance correct
50% chance salah

i oso think its chai chee ah..
its the one closer to mak's place
and the wait staff ade uniform (checkred brown)

but frankly speaking i dun find it fantastic ah
but i do go there to satisfy my craving for ketam
tu lah dia..
tipon aku takde apps tu la.
da takle tembak kau
nanti kalo myphone 4 kau da kluar, kau bilang aku
tapi aku masih ble nmpk status kau tau....
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> PAGING for ~ Zu mixedup, HanaSan, WatiTheGreat, Watie Misty, Sabrina, Sri Leo, Danryan, Lina yh, Liz, Nora Aw, Shahlynn, BettyBad, Athlete, Pe'ah, Nottygerl, Girlnani, mommaNaqi, Shimmers, Mira Tan, Tania4, Zainab, Hetty, Nora Rosi, Shash &amp; sewaktu dgnnye.
Sorry if I missed anyone else.

Tomoro Aug 6 we are having a gathering at LJS Centrepoint.
Those who could make it, pls make urself available @ 6.30pm.
lol...kelakarnya korang...craving before bulan puasa? tapi betul jugak eh... a bit strange eatin crabs for iftar... hahaha...

I'd love to join! Tapi really gotta see whether I can sort things out. Kalau I jadi, I will go there, else, do enjoy my chowder for me...

I salute you seh. really not easy being a SAHM. You have my respect ah!

Yeah, I know yr mom knows my mil. Tapi takpe. I tak kisah. anyway, it won't matter much rite? hehehee...
nothing to respect la... our focus is only on kids n hsework
lain la korang yg bekerja. I wonder how u all manage yr time
ade tu sambil keje, bole study part time. *salute*
I dun tink I can manage my time if im in ther plc
def will bbe completely lost sey!

clam chowder, I used to like
until... one day, half of the chowder spill on me, sarah n my ergo
the bau smp skrg bole teringat2 sey.
hello hello...

logging on only to say bye...
on half day today, so leaving soon.

those going tonite, have fun!

have a good looong weekend everyone!
<font color="119911">CHAK...

masih active lg tpt ni.. reporting LIVE from 20 loyang crescent..

wah ada gathering eh.. terlepas ah.. tp takpe ku pun mmg susah nak jumpa org, maklum kena kongkong dek suami haha..

so happy national day to all n selamat berpuasa</font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> an impromptu gathering on the 6 Aug @ centerpoint LJS..
those who can make it at last min called.. thks alot.. and for those who cant make.. maybe we can plan again after raya.. </font></font>

