*waves at notty, lompat lompat*

never heard of murni
my boy goes to iman paris last yr
personal opinion, they seem to be always shorthanded
but i guess kids ARE a handful

now mas (mommanaqi)boy is there.

i know LV is owned by a malay lady, she was the one who started wonderyears childcare chain
so mebe foodwise more sensitive

you nak bermastautin eh? (lol, panjang seh malay word ni). tapi takpe, kalau personal matters, we won't probe....

wah, lama seh tak nampak you kat sini. How's things?

wow, sifat ingin tau. I like that. Very resourceful, lol

Ok i pun nak keluar ni. pergi site visit lepas tu, balik. kalau ada time, haiz..buat lah apa2 report yang perlu kat rumah...
back from lunch at canteen...

i'm just gonna announce something here:
you know it's time to delete yr FB account when...(fill in the blanks)
... your MIL that you have issues with has an FB account!!!

so gals, i think i have most of your email adds.
will keep in touch via emails then.
soon i bet this forum pun kena "invade"
sigh... really nothing is sacred anymore...
i think lv serves halal food.

as for the other childcare centres mentioneed here - it really depends on the teachers. to me, a very important factor is, how long have the teachers been there. if the teachers keep on changing, then it's definitely not a place i want to send my kids to.

pe'ah - bermastautin tu maknanya live, kan? as in tinggal?

athlete - i wont probe either. but, you're planning #2 ke? :p (this is not probing, kan?)

nora - i like that phrase: sifat ingin tahu. hahaa!

nottygal - your nick looks familiar. hi hi!

zu - yes yes, i'm back. tapi ada unsur2 biskut chipsmore - sekejap ada, selalu takde.
athlete - gasp! that sounds bad! why dont you just make everything private and dont accept her friend request? but, is she really computer savvy enough? my dad has a fb account also but he doesnt log in much.
naddy, tulah seram seh...
actually, i think my profile is private and i'm not "searchable".
she's "friends" with my sis!!
argghhh.... this is getting too close for comfort for me!!!

k, another thing to put on my list: how low long have the teachers been there!
gosh, i really sound like i have no idea what i'm doing...

if u DO happen to TERpaksa to fren ur MIL
then u can put her in a list of pple who dun get to see ur updates

thats what i do actually

so only certain pple in my fren list can see my updates

or open another acct la

jauhkan lah dari TERpaksa meng-fren in laws.. uh sunnguh tak rela

psstt.. i think in my case the feeling is mutual bec i found out i was blocked by a _il ..
and i wasnt even using my name
pandai dia eh
naddy, to be honest, i've been thinking of deleting my accnt already, and this seems like the final straw, the last push that i needed.
so the drama!
nora - i'm gonna use your line to describe myself. heh heh heh.

athlete - drama sungguh. but it's a bit drastic, dont you think - to have to delete your fb account. unless you hardly ever use your account lah.
an inquisitive mind is indeed a postive character trait .. hahahha

well if u do delete ur fb i'm gonna miss ur updates
i will miss FB too.
but i really think it's time to bite the bullet.
eh, how can you tell if you kena block?
i thought the whole purpose is that you don't know?
Quote:i dunno what wil happen if my mum is computer savvy...

nora..aku baca ni kekek!! lepakk!! *trying to imagine* kekekke

peah- hello u...everything so far so good
..hope the same goes for u

Nad- hi nad..familiar? hmmmm sape tu di sana hah...

ath- my bil yg i tak fav, kept sending me an friend request, peduli ape i just ignore je lah..hehehe
morrning everyone.
its official: i've committed Facebook suicide.

paging for nora, i don't have yr email add/hp no.
PM me ah, so we can keep in touch, k?
Alo, ada sapa2 dlm sini?

Ouh, now I know the story behind the SMS.
My MIL has FB too tho she rarely logs on.
Anyway she won't be my 'friend' anytime soon although we share a cordial relationship.
My SIL, cousins in law all on FB. No problem for
me tho coz quite close lah. Limit2 they'll think I'm frivolous or opiniated when I post comments or updates, but that doesn't bother me too, hehe.

Happy advanced birthday to your little boy. Adam told me they had a celebration in school yesterday.

You jgn delete yr FB tau. Coz I ada sifat ingin tau suka baca yr comments & posts :p

Is yr farah an easy toddler to care for? Nice to see you here more often these days.
yups I am but be warned that it's really quite a ranting space for me. hahaha... and very boring mundane updates too k :p
morning morning

aisehman athlete dah delete fb... ishh... kuat sungguh seruan tu eh
k i dah pm u athlete

peah .. hehhe ade jugak aku peminat

tu ah if my mom computer savvy... ish.... buruk neh..
now ajer dia and hp tak lepas
ape lah exciting sanagt upadtes yg kite ade
even hollywood pun upadtes mundane

kalau britney spears agak yer lain sikit lah
but then kan all these celebrities are not really tweeting.
their personal assistants yg buatkan.
except for ashton kutcher, i think.

besok lunch?
last one before ramadhan...
Alamak, today, I got lunch appt already.

Eh, I actually pun nak puasa besok, but someone told me that kalau dah nak dekat ramadhan, at least 1 week before, dah tak boleh bayar hutang.
Is that true?
ye ke? I don't think so lah... I think still can bayar. Dah kira emergency per...hahaha..

in that case..kita jumpa lepas syawal insya-Allah
Oklah, I pun go ahead aje ah puasa besok.
Eh, jangan ah tunggu lepas syawal...
Maybe 1 of these days boleh iftar "gathering" ke with the rest?
for me iftar is tricky bisnes

i always do it at home or on the way back home .. haha

time rase cepat bet maghrin and isyak

and this time of the yr is peak travelling time for the hb

so i have to be home to layan the boy ....
and hopes that he tak tido lambat
athlete, nora
for me iftar also a bit tough.
Guess now I've got 2, i lagi rasa guilty to leave
my kids at home with their daytime caregivers while i go out for a meal with friends. maybe this yr I'll just go out for buka buasa once or twice, one mandatory one with my buddies at work... then see how lah if hubby can tolong jaga (hmmm....)

You mean you still don't have a helper now eh

my helper dah arrived
but whn my hb travel
once i balik i full time la layan my boy
the helper and my mum dah layan him the whole day
athlete - fb suicide? first time seh dengar. my condolences to you.

pe'ah - farah an easy toddler? easier than huda. not because she is better behaved than huda (perangai sume lebih kurang sama) but second time round, i'm a little bit more experienced so i can handle all her nonsense better.

just last night, this mini makcik demam. dia tak boleh tidur. merengek aje. temperature was 40.8, i had to bathe her three times to bring it down. so, i also didnt sleep until about 4am when i think i just pengsan. at 7am, she woke up. no more fever.
oh dear, you gals make me feel guilty ;)
to be honest, previously, i hardly buka puasa kat luar.
i think only once or the most twice.
and never at geylang also.
i heard people chope place like 2 hrs before!

hi naddy, thanks for for condolences wishes!
fb suicide? why? alamak.
i baru mati hidup balik, now its yr turn.
actually, u can put yr mil into grps where u block her
from reading yr updates and pics
now, my fb is more private

i have delted sm ppl in my list who i dun hv contacts with.
i tink naddy is one of em. heh heh....
just the fact that she's lurking around was enough!
plus she's my sis'"friend" and that was too close for comfort already.
but eh, this FB, they really make it so difficult to delete.
there's no direct link, I had to google for it and follow step by step.
and even then, it's not immediate.
its only "deactivated" for 14 days.
and within that time, if you log-on again, it'll be re-activated.
it's only permanently "deleted" after then.
even then, i'm sure its not fully gone.
everything is still stored in the FB "server"
kenapa you hilang eh?
Eh apasal you delete naddy? dia best tau :p

wow, susah eh nak get rid of FB. That's why they say FB has sold ur souls to the devil. Hmm...maybe I should not post so many photos online too eh. Maybe just stick to my simple ol' blog.

my mum ada fb tapi dia jarang2 log on. my sis yang surf her a/c using her ipod. my mom has an ipod and bought one for my sis - she said, to ikut peredaran zaman. Hahaaa
hilang dari mana?
if u meant fb, yes i was 'lost' for a while.
i tink its human nature lah being a kaypoh. i also like dat...
tp kalo u kip a certain ppl in yr fren list w/o any comm, just to intrude into their pte stuff and life and then it becomes a gossip,
smp nak kasi org tu hilang periuk nasi dia, then i dun tink its nice. its evil.
dats y i rasa its best kalo my FB i keep to a few frens who i always hv contacts with.

pasal naddy eh,
u know la, she mcm biskut. jap ade jap takde.
and i tink i tak pernah bebual dgn dia.
i tink once or twice becos she and my sis were old schmate
so i just deleted her la... sorry nad and yes i tink she is best.
i met her once, ages ago... and she looks so young! :p
err.. kenape i tak fren with naddy eh??

this fren tak fren thing can be such an issue

i had two tough telecons today

can nak pecah anak tekak

tomoro will continue
nora, you telecon dgn overseas ke?

zu, i know what you mean...
for me, i kept all the email adds of the pple i regularly contacted with on FB.
and together with those whom i already have their HPs, it came out to only around 20+ pple.
out of the 100+ "friends" that i had on my list...

so now i'm back to keeping in touch the old-fashioned way: email n sms
who've thought that emails and sms will be considered as "old-fashioned"
ohhh...ya lah, we all have our reasons. sometimes we feel thrilled to connect with someone we've not met for ages. but after some
time you start to wonder, how does it value add to me, having that person in my list? and some updates are quite 'duh' - similarly, others may find my updates 'duh'. My brother calls my updates boring, hur hur hur.. lain wavelength.

that's life. macam fashion. benda 70s, boleh jadi hip balik. so similarly, emails, telephone, boleh jadi 'in' balik.

ouhkie all, i'm leaving already. chat again.
eh eh eh.. tak payah kecoh kecoh because of me.. :D really, really really zu, i take no offence whatsoever. it's understandable because we dont really know each other. so, no worries.

masa baru2 ber-facebook dulu pun, i was over-eager in adding just about everyone until i accidentally added someone i absolutely do not know. and this person also accepted my friend request. i thought she was another friend. now that fb is more 'stabilised', it's time to do some pruning.

i guess it all depends on what you want fb to do for you. if you intend to have an online biz or promote something (your values etc), then you might want to add just about everybody.

it's true what athlete says, out of the hundreds of people in your list, how many are your true friends?

ANyway, fb for me is my time-waster. i hardly post status updates or pictures. so if you;ve added me, you may not even notice me. fb is where i spend an inordinate amount of time playing games. :p

pe'ah - yeah lor. that's why i'm sticking mostly to my multiply to broadcast my thoughts online. with all the dead pages, i feel like i'm in a cemetery. but it's kinda nice in a way. it's quiet and private and if i want only a select few to read, then i can choose to protect my posts. but, my policy when it comes to online postings is - whatever's online is as good as printed in the daily papers. so, whatever i post must go thru my in-built censors. if it's gonna come bite me in days to come, then it's better off not posted.

kan dah panjang i berceloteh ni.

aku makcik petpotpetpot ni nak log in fb and play my games. weeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :p

naddy, tulah, last time, evveerybody was on multiply, friendster, msn, myspace etc.
now time fb and twitter pulak.
soon, when new sites keluar FB pun jadi macam cemetery pulak.

oh, i need some advice frm the experienced mums here.
i'm taking my boy on his 1st road trip up to kl this weekend.
we'll be driving.
and tips to keep him happy?

Dah jumpa tailor? dah order kuih raya?

Bestnya nak pergi KL! So fun!
Does yr little boy sit in a car seat?
If yes, it's easy.
Can give him some doodle board,
or dvds to watch too.

I didn't sahur today & now so hungwy...haiz..
Maybe can't last the day.
yup he's in a car seat.
i'm hoping he'll be sleeping most of the way, heh.
you know, last nite i was so busy that i ddin't have dinner.
and then had bad gastric that i ahd to take my meds.
so tak jadi lah puasa nari.
athlete... aiseh, then how? gastric pains are terrible rite...

takpe, next yr must aspire to pay off puasa debts asap... just that the challenge is, i'm BF-ing, and SS is very low when I fast.

you know, eversince i started work here, my tummy hasn't been feeling too well.
i get the runs almost every week.
and then gastric pains quite often too.
i don't know if its the canteen food or the office coffee...
you still BF-ing, eh?
that's good!

we're only goin kl for 1 nite.
just want to get awaylah.

mana nora? masih telecon?
