helloooooo hellooooooo zuuuuu

oh u sold ur iphone already
ape tu android phone
ingat cite sci-fi ajer ade androids

cite manyak lah zu.. tak yah update makin kau lost


zu, apasal jadi anti-social pulak, when people are now more social than ever?
yg too social jugak pun ada.

my boy now takes my iphone and knows to touch the screen with his index finger.
my mom sendiri tak tahu pakai...
haha... not dat android la datin.
i switched to sony ericsson xperia.
it works on android so i cn dl games and apps
skrg byk hp yg baru kluar using android.

yah, dats wat happen. bdk2 nie ayik nk main game jer
and becos its an i(diot) phone, kids pun tau mcmne nk pakai
sarah ever once gi maximize the main page smp besar!
and kite tak tau mcmne nak kecikkn!
so for the good of all, the iphone gotta go
tp... iphone 4 sounds good. hahaha... self contradicting la aku!
alo alo

cams semua...

eh sorry eh, i tak follow up langsung pasal that DVD..hahha i think you just find another seller lah. tapi the pic quality macam dah lama gitu eh...

sometimes i also rasa ni iphones rob pple of real socialising opportunities seh. I mean... kids these days are just glued to these stuff! There was a point of time I hid the ipod coz adam was on it all the time.

athlete, nora, nad
you gals in?

aiseh, you miss me eh? *touched*
u in office today?
lunch kat mana?
i just came back from canteen aje, bleagh...

so android is a type of software is it?
i heard on the radio this morning, dj said, "if you have an iphone or android phone, you can download..."
so i thought android is a new brand.
i'm fasting today
bayar hutang puasa.
what did you have for lunch?

anyway i saw this article. kesian orang2 beautiful ni semua... sampai resort to this. Tak paham there's such thing as God's blessings.
SD, hutang puasa belum habis, now i'm having my period.
only have next week, so insya'llah will continue then...

the article is very confusing.
is it a forum for beautiful people who have problems conceiving? or beautiful people who are afraid tthey might have ugly children?
hmmm... its very badly written...
allo allo

i had nasi ayam.. now sleepy phones..
u know i dun even play games on my phone
and i just read emails on my bb
tsk tsk tsk

and for the life of me i tak paham ape org dl apps ni
so the beautiful ppl thing what they do

they submit their photos and pple can choose to use their "benih" so that others can conceive non-ugly kids??
entah2 for pple having difficulty conceiving beautiful kids? haiz... so terok - it's as tho they can control everything in their life. disgusted.

untuk informasi you, i hilangkan this small token which allows me to work from home lah. boring seh. it was there yesterday morning, sekali terus takde seh bila i packed up. and IT is taking so long to give me a replacement token. I kena bayar $80 for it. sighs.
i have a question...
a colleague has started to wear tudung.
then some pple are asking ME how come?
cos one of them said to me she thought only if you go for haj then kena pakai.
i just said, "no, you don't have to go to haj to start wearing one, its a personal choice."
what would you say?
was i wrong in saying that?

*sorry, if i sound "uneducated", but dgn siapa lagi nak tanya...*

ah.. i see..
i ingat u hilang tepon

wah still got to pay $80
kalau dah pay and u found ur "lost" yer cannot refund back ke

mebe is amidst ur stuff la.. kena carik betol betol
terselit dlm fail ke
err... my standard answer abt the tudung
is also its a personal choice

and i include to wear tudung is actually required in our religion
but whn u don the tudung
its not only another piece of clothing
but its more than that
i wld do it whn i'm ready

after that i hope they dun ask me to elaborate further .. hehehhe
the thing is, why they don't ask the person herself?
they all know her...
i mean, i think i would.
if i was in their situation.
like how i noticed that this friend of mine (and we're not that close) started becoming vegetarian and going to the temple.
so i just asked honestly.

sometimes i get the feeling that with islam, macam diorang takut-takut sikit...
or could just be me being "paranoid"...
actually i think it's the right answer. it's obligatory upon reaching puberty but it really is a personal choice. Nak cakap apa lagi?

And you also corrected their misconception that pple only wear tudung after returning from haj.

I pernah buang telepon down the rubbish chute by accident. I have a feeling my token is also in there. scatter brain seh, maybe terbuang by accident. dah check file2 semua takde. I was hoping adam took it to school but takde pulak...
on a less serious note:
anyone here's been to the skypark at marina bay sands?
saw some pics on FB and the sky infinity pool looks really, really cool!
btw peah,
dah pindah to ur new place??

i tengok fb page for residents there and was surprised many non-malays there to
tapi tak kan the whole neighbourhood all malay eh
tak meet quota
jgn cakap IRS, the flyer pun i tak pernah.
i went past universal studios when were were in sentosa a few weeks back.
from outside, didn't look that impressive.
peah! nama glamer! cukup dengan apostrophe lagi. hahhaa!

fasal iphone - memang betul. budak2 ni terer betul main iphone. every sunday, when my nieces and nephews gather at my mom's, some of them would badger my sis-in-law for her iphone. but she no longer allows them to play with her iphone because they all kemaruk sangat and end up fighting. besides, we want them to spend their sundays playing together, not glued to the computer/tv/phone.

pasal tudung - yeah, i dont understand why people dont ask those involved. my younger students used to ask how come this teacher or that teacher isn't wearing the tudung. my answer for them is it's a personal choice. bak kata pepatah, kubur sendiri, tanggung sendiri. really, i dont think there's any better way to handle these kinda questions.

peah/athlete - sama lah kita berhutang puasa. i hari ni pun bayar hutang. tiap2 tahun macam gini and tiap2 tahun i promise myself to bayar hutang earlier. but of course, janji hanya tinggal janji. so, closer to ramadan, tercungap2 aku bayar hutang.

marina bay sands - belum lagi sampai tempat ni. nampak gaya, lepasa raya baru kita jenguk kawasan ni. universal studios - i heard from those who've been there that it's good. but, i have yet to go. i'm quite reluctant to shell out so much money for the rides.
*waves to naddy*

my son niece and nephew pon gado pasal iphone.. sampai crack my sis punye

Pe'ah... ah memang glamer kan.. heheheh melekat pulak tu name dia

now u teach morning ke or dah single session?

universal studios i tengok org pi amik gambar sana sini
i not a photo bug and with a kid alah leceh yer
*waves to nora*

i sekarang tengah unpaid leave. my younger daughter is 18 months old whihc means i've been on npl for 14 months. supposed to go back to work next jan but i might extend to june.

normally when i teach, i teach in the morning. best lah. sometimes, i'll tapau all my work back home and then leave school at 2pm. tapi malam2 bersengkang mata lah habiskan kerja.
hi naddy,
my boy is also 18 mths old.
where do you stay?
i looking to send my boy to playgroup for a few hrs every day.

oh so you're a teacher...
speaking of which, paging for Pe'ah SD, guess who got into teaching ;)
athlete - my younger one is almost 18 months and my older girl is 4. i'm living in woodlands. u ni kerje sebangunan dengan pe'ah?
Uhhh?! I teacher? I think you mistook me for someone else lah. If I jadi teacher, kesian anak2 murid I. I'm such a slacker. Plus I can't get to work by 7 am, period.

Nah, athlete works near where I work. Kalau sebangunan bagus jugak, hari2 boleh lunch together hahaha..

How you dah order kuih raya? I tried placing order on the bp kuih thread. Kalau sedap, maybe raya can order more.

I belum pindah lah. Yups, not only malays there lah...kalau tak, dah jadi perkampungan melayu #2. Sometimes I wonder how it'll be in 20 yrs' time (kalau panjang umur). would my estate be in the dumps? Kotor macam pasar geylang dulu....
pe'ah, where are u moving to? and, i dont think athlete was referring to you daaa.. cuba baca ayat dia betul2. (u confirm not morning person.)
Ouh you asked me to guess who got into teaching. hahaha. Who who? Your brother? can't be you rite...? ehehheh...

Thanks for pointing that sentence to me. Sesungguhnya you ni memang true blue teacher.
I'm moving to the new block of flats kat geylang tu. And my reno contractor, I just took yr brother's reno contractor (who's one of yr brother's father in law), hahahaha... (panjang seh story)

u took mr z! i like his design. he did the reno works for both my older brother's and my younger brother's, ie, his son-in-law. maybe u can try asking him to show you my younger brother's house. it's very, very nice.

by the way, my husband and i used to fantasize abt living there. we thought abt the food. anything we want, anytime we want it. dapur confirm tak berasap. in fact, tak payah buat dapur pun. just a microwave oven to heat up the food.
yes, you guessed right!
when i heard, i told my mum, "huh, they must really be running out of teachers in s'pore!"

ohh, i'm the east...
was just gonna ask for playgroup recommendations.
LOL! Is he gonna teach english? He's one helluva talented guy and very strong in his language. Think his students will love his quirkiness. hahaha...

Common... food in geylang is getting so expensive! And also, habis lah pocket kalau hari2 pack food aje... I am happy, coz nak beli ayam ke, sayur ke, halia 50 sen ke, senang je..hahaha

Oh so nice to hear Mr Z did a good job. Actually I really don't have much time to scout for a reno contractor, so I was so relieved that yr bro gave me this reccomendation. Insya-Allah can trust lah, since Mr Z's a family (in-law) member.

Tadi baru lunch kat Toa payoh, and i went to NTUC beli baby yoghurt lah, spinach lah, broccoli lah...pumpkin...confirm dah jadi makcik2.
morning morning

PE'ahhhh.. oh Pe'ahhhh
Whr are uuuu??

Ape jadi on DH semalm? i watched sampai lynette cant finish her "assigned task at a timely manner"
tsk tsk tsk ... sounds sooooo familiar to me

i pun ingat tinggal geylang best.. imagine time bazaar ramadhn
can try ALLL stallls... ahhahah

dah pi recce hanis at tampines?
nora - now that you've mentioned bazaar geylang, i think it's a brilliant idea to live in geylang time bulan ramadhan. tapi nanti bila raya, baju semua dah sendat. tu pun kalau masih muat lagi.

baju sendat takpe
dekat jer nak lari to tanjong katong complex or joo chiat complex

best yer u on NPL
ur first one oso u took NPL kan

busy day today, got training in the afternoon
and after that got to cover our workstations bec they doing some ceiling works over the weekend...
helo morning morning...

lazy day. hujan lebat ape lagi tarik la selimut.
ape sey... my pose smlm tak kluar.

pasal dvd tu, nvm la. its ok.
i will try to buy it off ebay.
tunggu spree lama sgt

android tu senang ckp is an operating system by google
so if u slalu pakai google apps or gmail, maybe can gt an android hp next time.
unlike iphone, there are many android hp in the mkt.
the more popular one are htc , motorola etc.
but more new hp launch are gg to use android so u hv more choices nxt time

is hanis really good? ade tak sesape yg ade frens w kids at hanis
i called up the ctr and the curriculum sounded impressive
tapi sebab penyakit M, blom terangkat kaki nie gi ctr dia

u are back at the forum again!!
how r u? now u gt 2 kids rite?

I finally watched DH semalam after 2 weeks of missing it. In the end Lynette kena buang kerja. Carlos mengamok lah coz Lynette nak sue Carlos. And it ended with si Danny tu committing suicide and when he woke up in the hospital, dia bilang nurse nama betul dia Tyler, not danny...jeng jeng jeng...hahahaha...

This morning I amik time off sekejap, coz I just needed to take my own sweet time. I gosok baju (!), washed my hair & showered in peace...aman seh..

It's not a brilliant idea to live in there time ramadhan & hari raya too. You tau tak sampah sarap yang bazaar people tinggalkan macam gitu aje. Really an eye sore seh. And we just realised to our horror we can see the rubbish area from our flat. Boring seh. Nasib baik tingkat tinggi, so can only see the rubbish area if one looks over the windows.
U nak letak sarah kat hanis eh?
It does sound impressive. Actually I pernah pergi the school and my friend pun letak her son there. She's very happy with the curiculum.
Tapi 1 month, the fees are about $230 I think.
And it's only from 8 am to 11 am ke 12 pm.
I think that's really exorbitant coz full day child care pun baru $300.

Anyway I'm quite happy where I put adam now...sama sekolah dgn anak Lynn...wahahaaa...

Lynnn...ohhh lynn...
i rmbred pasal rubbish at geylang!
i used to hv relatives staying at geylang last time.
1st day raya kite gi sana, alamak!! like u ckp, betol nye eyesore.
rubbish strewn everywhere. u ingat u pat mesia sey
ya lah... i called to enquire.
it will cost me $230/mth for 3.5 hrs
i find the timing very long sey!!
i know u letak adam pat iman, im gg to put my adam pat iman also.
but for the tunas iman-weekly madrasah.
any komen tak? it dun sound impressive la.
but takpe la, for a start it mite b good.
heh heh... tp mengarut tau, kene bli uniform!
took the morning off to run some errands.
now only having my 1st cup of coffee.
betul i cakap, office is the only place i can relax

re: hanis
i haven't enquired, but from their website, says that they only take in from 2 yrs.
my friend sends her kids to hanis at telok kurau, and she says that even if your child is 2, they look at the development.
kalau still not v independent, they won't accept!

i'm thinking of sending him to this playgroup called star tots, near my mum's place.
it's just one of those bawah block type.
still haven't enquired personally also though.

Eh, takkk, my adam & Lynn's Naufal are not in Iman. We send our kids to this small preschool near geylang.

wah hanis so strict one ah? Anyway i think it's more of branding also lah. They've got plenty of montessori materials though. If we take a step back, it *is* ridiculous to pay $200+ for preschool. I mean, people are going hungry out there, and we're splurging on expensive preschool?! Anyway just my opinion... hehe...

the brownies were WONDERFUL!!!!
perfect, just the way brownies should be.
loved it.

abt preschool cost, tu lah, i had the same conversation with my friend that day.
heh, cos she told me her child's pri school fees is only a few dollars.
jgn cakap preschool, the playgroups that i've been enquiring on are also close to $200 per month!
and these are 2 hrs per day, and just those bawah-blk RC types.

sigh... now i'm also looking for full day child care.
its either that, or I berhenti kerja.
helper is kinda not an option cos we'll only need her for arnd 6 mths only, and usually, must take for 2 years, right?
if there's a childcare near yr mom's place you can consider that...

you baru dapat kerja it's kinda wasted if you want to quit esp since you're quite happy with the freedom you have now.
yup, i'm also quite enjoying my work also, so sayang nak berhenti.
there are some childcare centres near my mom's, but from what i've seen of the places, didn't look v attractive.
but of cos i've yet to personally visit.
i've arranged for a tour of one in pasir ris, called learning vision, this sat.
am also considering another one, which is near my workplace, cos the principal is a friend of a friend, and her own kid goes there.
morning morning

had busy morning

*squint eyes* notty ke tuuu???? cam lame tak nampak

learning vision has good track record
but if the one near ur office ade vacancy and u are ok with the food they serve, i'd go for that
senang to send and fetch
so ur helper finish contract already ah?
why dun u need her after 6mths? ---- sifat ingin tahu
hello nora!
huh, food eh?
k, another thing to add to my list for consideration.
my mom's helper, contract habis this november and dia nak balik.
mintak extend another 6 mths, dia tak nak.
next year, memang ada perubahan besar.
but, to be frank, that's all i'll say here.

btw, anyone here's heard of Murni Childcare?
Its at blk 400+ in tampines.
Iman kat pasir ris, tel so many times, takde org nak angkat...
