you know yang pasal banjir last week tu, one person in the news cakap coz of the banjir, cake shop tutup jadi dia tak boleh beli cake for his mother's birthday.

the next news clip was on orang kat china tengah trying to save their lives, duduk atas something floating on top of very strong currents.

what an irony.
(peah is sooo much easier to type)

yep that ironic... hopefully terbukak mate kite kejap
to see the plight the others go thru

what is with all these floods

i thot a minister (ahem) said its one in a million...
now it seems to be one in a few hundred thousands la
sounds like something from nora's fave, "the noose", heh.

abt the causes of the floods, if you go to some of the more "political" online forums, macam macam conspiracy theories diorang cakap...
quite interesting some of them.
pe'ah .. hehehehe

u cant run from it eh pe'ah

conspiracy theories... hmmmm

but really only this yr ajer ade flood... i thot it only happen in mesia
in front of my ofis

at 313 apple shop
this morning got pple q already
and the shop opens at 10am

ade tv crew and reporter oso
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> nora
ohhh Ipad is here!?!?

i dont even own an Iphone.. still wit old LG phone.. backdated betol!
and surprisely.. i can still tahan wit tis phone.. klu dulu, pantang nampak new model.. tangan gatal mesti nak tukar.. hehehe</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> hmmmm $800..!? sayang nyeee duit aku... hehehe

takpe lah.. tunggu harga drop, maybe can consider..
but b4 dat, i nak iphone dulu.. *check pocket dulu.. cukup tak*:p</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> athlete
actually i've seen quite a num of people used it for quite some time... some of them brough it from US personally.. and there is pte coy do bring them in but w/o any warranty.. at ur own risk.</font></font>
apparently this iphone 4 takde sim card

so u trf contacts manually and one by one

other than that i dunno what else the downside
my friend "upgraded" her iphone to the OS4 syatem, and now her phone is lagging.
another one did the same and it was ok.
i can't be bothered...
my hb is using my phone more than me, to play games of cos.
today, i lupa nak ambik cos it was charging, and he called to say " oh, good, you left your phone at home!"
kau panggil aku nick penuh...rasa diri...macam sooo
Kau amacam....wat's the story..morning glory about maid??...da dapat ke blum??
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> W'salam mas
jemput masuk.. jgn segan2.. meh meh kita meriahkan thread sini semula... :p
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Quote "tengok org pakai iphone nak jugak tapi..... i not a technology person la"

takpe.. kau beli dulu.. kasi pada izzat.. nanti dia tolong ajar kau mcm mana nak pakai... hiak hiak hiak</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> Quote "Ishhh terima kasih lah lynn....kerana sudi kau menerima aku dsini...hehehehehehe"

wahakhakhakahhhh.. terasa mcm rumah aku pulak ehh...

nari aku malas nak kluar.. kirim members McD.. padahal baru tadi breakfast McD meal sey! ishhh</font></font>
izzat memang dah pandai main games on iphone

he uses my sis punyer

today no appetite lah for lunch.. mebe just buy macdonel

been makan a few ubat for cold and cough.. makan ape pun rase tak sedap

tunggu iphone 4 boleh videocall kan?
peah niari work from home

ape story morningglory nie... no maid still la

not putting much hope oso

kesian my boy tergolek terlentang by himself
Takpe2...hopefully...dapat a good/reliable 1 soon...insyallah....

Menyampah betul eh bila amkan semua tak this point of time hirup soup2 panas sedapp
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> mas
wkend plan ehh?? tak leh plan siang ahh.. sometime hb kena keje..
so klu dia keje.. most of time, i balik rumah my mom ah.. lepaking kat sana.. hehehee</font></font>
i had LJS for lunch - tak sedap

weekend.. basuh baju sapu mop gosok baju

bawak boss kecik to his usual haunts

u all know T3 at carpark B2 on Popeye side ade those rides for kids

bile lah the vewing gallery of T3 will re-open
had a vey unsatisfying plate of briyani.
should've just had mcds.
nora, what type of kids rides?
suitable for 1 yr old?
hb's working this weekend.
so must think about where to bring my boy.
i find it's easier and less tiring to bring to him out.
plus he's also less cranky.
kat rumah aje asyik merengek ajak keluar.

for 1 yo u can ride along with him in this big
blow up giraffe thingy

hmm.. i must try to describe it better

my boy goes for the F1 cars.. ade circuit sekali
i think it $6 per ride

there's also remote control cars for the kids
as in the kid sit in the car and parents can use the remote control
but i never try that la
waaahhh!! sudah hudup balik thread ni.

athlete - i went to the halal food fest. shiok betul. i saw banyak kuih tat tapi takde yang bagi sample. so i didnt try any out. i am not really a big fan of kuih tat but one of my chinese friend is a hantu kuih tat. so, tiap2 tahun i beli jadi bila dia datang rumah, ada makanan favourite dia.

were u there? there's one ice cream yang sungguh sedap sekali. triple chocolate something. i went again on the last day but that particular flavour dah habis. and if i want to order, minimum delivery is $100. lagi naik laah perut ni if i were to buy $100 worth of ice cream

fasal iphone - i am such a mountain tortoise lah. i dont have a single apple product at home. and i kinda like it that way. but, ipad is tempting because it can function as an ebook reader.

one last thing - i wonder if any of you have ever tried ordering stuff from indon websites. i just discovered that there's plenty of nice, long-sleeved tops from indonesia (not of the pasar malam type). and these are muslimah friendly, ie covers the butts. however i must confess that it's partly for aesthetic reasons that i want these tops. they are not those loose tunic-top types. they are mostly empire-style.(tak tahu lah kalau this is the right word. my fashion vocab is very limited). so it doesnt look so menggelebeh but still loose around the tummy and butts jadi kalau pergi buffet, boleh makan banyak2 without worrying about the tummy jutting out too far.
"but still loose around the tummy and butts jadi kalau pergi buffet, boleh makan banyak2 without worrying about the tummy jutting out too far."

*waves to naddy*

wahhh.. i loike many many

but no never tried buying direct frm indon sites
pay by paypal is it?

the F1 ride is soo fun for my boy that we go every week
but luckily he takes one ride each time
lepas tu dah... phewww..
nora - *confession time* sometimes, kalau i know i'm going to eat a lot, i pakai my baju maternity. :p i gave birth almost 18 months ago tapi some of my favourite maternity tops belum lagi keluar dari wardrobe. hur hur hur.

f1 rides - hmmm. i tengok harga the rides memang tak murah kalau my older daughter nak naik berkali2. (yang kecik masih clueless - nasib baik!)
your son is so disciplined to take only one ride at a time!

tak per lah.. think of it u got good mileage from ur maternity wear .. heheh

mebe my boy tak tau can take more than 1 ride eh
we always tell himm 1 ride and thats it
so far ok
lepas ride we dun linger there
terus jalan.. heheh
wah, the T3 rides looks really fun!
habis, mesti my boy tak nak balik punya.

at expo, i bought the usual fare, keropok lekor, and my faves, the vitenamese rice rolls and jap yakitori.

abt clothes, all i can say is that i'm glad the empire cut style is still in fashion ;)
another type that i like is kimono-style.
all good to hide the various "layers".
in fact when i was pregiie, i didn't really buy maternity clothes, just bought all those types of cut, but a few sizes bigger.
and yes, i still wear some of them too!

look at it this way
ur boy happy = ur boy not cranky.. heheh

was just reading on yahoo page.. crystal renn plus size model
size 10/12 .... heheh
baju i size 10/12 dah lame dah donate to bibik
abt my boy, he's at the stage where if he doesn't get what he wants, he'll just scream out loud.
i can just imagine him not wanting to leave the rides, and i'm carrying him away as he's screaming and bringing down the entire T3.

hmm, think i'll wait for when my hb's off for this one.


Ape khabar sumer?
Da lama tak masuk. Skali masok pjg jgk ehk.
Tis week aku buat 'opening ceremony' la since blom ade org post.

Ape citer ehk? Maklom la sejak jd anti'sosial, makin aku lost.
Tolong update ehk.

Pasal iphone-
Iphone nie memang hantu tau.
Budak2 pat rmh asyik gaduh psl iphone jer.
So aku jual iphone and amik hp biasa.
But since its an android phone, masih ble dl apps.

Tp aku tetap miss iphone tu.
