<font color="0000ff">Morning Linaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aik pagi2 dah ada org kat sini.. best best best.. heheh

Hi Zai
welcome welcome.. thread dah almost dead.. heheh
btw sori eh i tak faham ur cerita kat atas tu..
u nak masuk kan ur son in playgroup yg only 2-3hrs daily kan.. so what is the prob? </font>

wow i am soo surprised ade org

i susah nak join these days
got limited internet access

thanks to peeps playing farmville in the office

u gals enjoy..
ooh Lynn..prob nye...i cant simply find one in my area....yg byk nak tanya2 if ada org tau where i can check out centres yg do 24mths below 2-3hrs playgroup...byk 2-3hrs amik 3yrs n above..yg 18mths onwards byk in cc...aisey

samlldreams...rasanye kan...pasal byk yg kena caught red-handed main farmville tu pasal kena cut access to the net....

mcm tmpt kerje lama byk chat on msn...jadi si boss limit the net access...
<font color="0000ff">Nora
mesti byk haiwan ternakan kat ur ofis ehh.. LOL

oic.. baru lah faham.. hehehe
guess i no help here.. me, smalldream and nora on the east side.. kena tunggu org org cck masuk.. tapi tak tau bila tu.. :-D</font>

Tempat i lagi...MSN terus tak leh...tapi sekarang pun I rasa MSN dah basi jugak kan....heheh...

You kata your boy notty? Hahaa...teringat time anak I around yr boy's age... tak leh tahan seh... stress pun ada!

I totally agree..woke up and it was raining...
Tapi apa nak buat... duty calls.
My place, MSN, FB, Twitter all blocked.

Speaking of naughty boys, sigh... ever since he was sick that time, my boy has refused to sleep in his cot. Sleeps in bed with me, then wakes up at night when before he used to sleep through... And now dia dah tak nak dgn my HB, and has become soooo sticky to me!
I'm vvv tired and getting to be quite stressed, honestly...
I'm REALLY hoping this is just another phase.
<font color="0000ff">Morning Morning...

last time, me too just hope it just another phase tau.. my boy selalu bangun mlm and sometime dia bangun kul 3-4pagi.. ajak kita gi living room.. main2 dgn dia.. bila ingat balik, ahhhh takut!! hahahaha

but till now my boy still wake up for his nite feeding.. he coming 3 this aug neh!! </font>
<font color="0000ff">Smalldream
there still using msn tau.. i'm one of them.. hehehe

luckily kat sini nothing is blocked.. semua site jln terus... :-D</font>
ishk.....kekdgkan i very stress jugak tau

my boy...strong agenda!
i don spare him the cane thou...

kesian n initially told myself, no canes but aiyo! smua dia tak takut sey!

dah kena caning once, bru he noes consequences..
so the other, sit at a corner, punishment bru bole jln! kalo tidak, he cant see the meaning of punishment! heheheh

felt lousy abt caning him thou..sampai sekarang pon teringat2 lagi. kekdg i asked him abt the caning..but he cant seem to recall..hahaha

btw..ur child/children dah besar2 ke?
bila u all started toilet traing? ada short cut way tak? ehhehehehh
I seriously don't understand how mothers can get their babies to participate in a contest and then go around asking people to vote for them. Would it matter if you win then? Sorry, just my thoughts.
hi everyone!

thread ni masih hidup. hehee..

i orang veteran from this thread. so i cuma kenal nora and smalldreams aje.

(quick intro: i'm a mom to 2 girls, 4 &amp; 1. presently on npl. most prob going back to work next year)

sebenarnya i ada hajat datang ke sini. (macam dialog org nak masuk minang aje) i want to ask if any of you know a seamstress in woodlands yang masih amik tempah jahit baju for raya?

and while i'm at it, where can i order kuih tat yang sedap? i was planning to order from yan but she's not taking orders for raya.
fasal toilet-training - zai, i pemalas. i started toilet training my daughter around the time she turned 3. it's actually much easier when they are bigger because there'll be fewer accidents. tapi, you should ask smalldreams about her success in potty-training her daughter. her method works because she's rajin. :D it'll never work with me.

nani aka smalldreams - my husband is pretty much like your husband. dia suka tengok cerita2 yang violent. abetue, dia pun banyak main games (xbox, playstation, whathaveyou) yang violent jugak lah. but, after our first one was born and she turned out to be a preemie, i read up on quite a bit, shared with him what i read and we came to an agreement. that he can continue watching all those shows and play all those games but not in front of the kids. the kids must be engaged in other ways when they are awake. alhamdulillah, he can understand why we have to do this. it's not easy convincing him. even now, he still thinks that the kids should be allowed to watch some tv but they are used to not watching tv at home so i dont want to get them started. good luck in convincing your hubby!

i just realised that the last post in on june 22. which means this thread is soooo not alive. :D

Nad your posts always crack me up lah!
Anyway apa seh, my little girl is not fully toilet trained lah. Cuma pee on cue aje (tu pun kalau dia belum pee for some time). Still on diapers.

Like you, I also started toilet training Adam when he was about 3 yrs old. One way is to totally take the diapers/pull ups off. There will be accidents once initially tapi lepas tu, really kurang.

Btw, good luck in finding the seamstress. i dah serik seh. I hope I can find nice ones from off the shelves to fit my ever-expanding waistline (sambil sedut bubble tea)
Bubble tea again?

I'm not sure abt kiuh lain, but for kuih tart, can try looking for shimmers(shermin), who used to be active here also.
i'm seriously addicted to it.
Think i better slow down.
if not, i'll be wearing size 16 in no time.

So how...spain menang... :p
Please, you're far away from size 16 lah...

Spain deserves to win but the final match was boring lah...

So how, bila kita nak ke Charco's?
thanks athlete for the tip! i'll bug shermin soon enough.

smalldreams - i hunted for one off-the-rack last year on the eve of hari raya and guess what? i found one which made me look like a lampu lap lip. euw. never again. but talk only lah. sebab kalau sekarang baru nak carik tailor, itu namanya tak belajar dari kesilapan masa dulu. the tailors in geylang will still accept but they are a lot more expensive than the home-based ones.

by the way, you are only developing a craving for bubble tea now? errr.. werent such things all the fad about 7-8 years ago? but, now that you've mentioned it, i feel like drinking iced milk tea with all the pearls. mana aku nak cari bende ni at this hour?
hai hai,
any prying eyes here? heheh.
meh, chat kat sini ah.
i'm almost feeling like how wati feels abt FB already...

not sure if you managed to catch the halal food expo over the weekend?
dah start jual kuih raya.
but tak tahu sedap ke tak.
hullo athlete
I ada! haha. happen to click on this thread.
Kenapa you rasa macam apa wati feels?
Envious? Hmm, strangely I tak pernah rasa gitu and also i takde niat nak show off. then again, i have nothing to show off too...

dah pergi charcos ? I had such a ridiculously buzy week last week...hopefully can breathe better this week.

looking at my body shape now, I'll probably look like a walking lampu or walking langsir. Seriously my tummy so tebal &amp; girth wide. with anak 2 some more. sungguh tak glam!
hi SD,
yup, last week and this week is crazy busy for me too.
all projects deadline end of the month.
the past 2 days i didn't even go out for lunch.

no, its not that.
just that i feel that some aspects of one's life are made so open and subject to scrutiny, criticism etc.
i mean, it can even be used against you in the court of law!
and i think why would i want to subject to that?

and please, you are so NOT big la...
yang ada orang tak fikir sangat before they post something online. Sometimes I also heran seh that they're so open.

anyway, i've accepted the fact that my body is the berisi type. I mean if you see Lynn, you'll know - she's super slim. and some of my colleagues pun ramping abis. Haiz, accept aje lah
helloooo helloooooo

ape kabar korang korang

alas... my office has barred all networking site like fb and certain other things but not smh.. yeay!!!!

it took a lot of control tau for me not to come to smh and cuci mate while they were monitoring our internet usage

ler kalau nak compare pun agak gak la

compare ngan lynn apesal.... totally diff ball game gal

ps: and i still remember my password... double yeay!!!
OMG... its aliiiveee!!! (the thread i mean)

I've also recently stopped being in denial about my body shape.
I used to be super particular about diet, exercise, everyday step on weighing scale etc.
Suprisingly, "IT" came to me when I have a very bad case of stomach flu, I was in extreme pain, nausea,throwing up, high fever etc, until I was warded in hospital.
Then even after discharged, I still couldn't eat much cos tekak macam tak sedap, and felt v weak
That's when I realised that I should be thankful for when I'm healthy and and able to eat.

Sorry long story pulak...
re: baju ketat

and thats exactly why i have tonnes of clothes.. tsk tsk

finally the hb bukak mulut as asked if i do wear ALL the clothes on the closet

i still do habor thoughts of MAYBE MAYBE someday i will lose some weight and be able to wear them again....
betul jugak eh athlete.
we don't know what we've got till it's gone.

hooray, datin in the house.

tapi sekarang i must go pump pulak...

Betul2 takde mood seh nak work. and my day ends late today. haiz. just gotta be grateful i have a job i guess.

my case datang lambat lah... supposed to be here at 11, sampai sekarang tak timbul2. goodbye to lunch.

agree .. some pple so overshare in my opinion lah

but hey.. free speech .. (or so we thot)

yep great weather .. but i am taking a break being in the office .. hehhe

after 3 days at home.. penat u
free speech only kat negeri om puteh.

i always tell pple, being at work is like a break to me.
it's the only time i get to myself.
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS">Heloooo

wah its coming alive.. best best..

patut ah tadi tersedak sedak.. apa org sebut rupanya... hehehhe

plz lah.. i not dat super slim k.. there lotsa babat kat tepi2 tu hiding.. LOL

rajinnya u.. hari2 wit dat weighing scale!!
being slim since young, i always take advantage of myself.. tak suka exercise.. makan makan makan.. even thou some people said mine only picanto tank.. hahhaa
but when i put on weight after preggy.. i was very sad tau.. cos i soo afraid to diet (i dont even neo how to control diet) and lazy to exercise (ya i neo, very bad habit kan) but cant help it lah..

now i just take less intake but frequent meal.. :p</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> nora
3 hari kat rumah buat apa?? masak ehh?? hehehe

so hows? have u select ur new maid? or tunggu lepas raya??</font></font>
penat gosok baju &amp; magic kleen rumah ke? hehe...

Besok i work from home. Jangan tertido sudah bila tidokan budak2.

I agree with you too. Just now i tot of going United Square kejap for a baby fair but with my berderet-deret appointments today, kirim salam aje.

you punya put on weight pon dah kira bagus seh. Haiz...

So how dah decide on the birthday cake?
"i always tell pple, being at work is like a break to me.
it's the only time i get to myself."

betol .. i punnnnn.... peace

*waves to lynn*
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS"> SD
mana ada put on weight bagus!?!? apa lah u ni..
wish i can have flatten tummy mcm anak dara dulu... but well i can continue dream on..

wit my laziness, malas nak exercise etc etc..
pakai je lah baju labuh2 or big sizes, jgn org tak tau kita punya babat yg terkeluar-ing tu.. hehehe</font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS">*Big waves @ Nora*
namapak tak i kat sini?? heheheh

pasal cake tu.. tink i order kat polar je lah.. cos only there ada thomas&amp;friends cartoon character

i did email to one of the contact given by nora.. pasal bday cake.. tapi till now i nvr received any confirmation from her... :-(
dah lah order kat polar sudah.. cuma i blum call their skool lagi.. maybe nx wk ahh</font></font>
haiz.. jatoh tergolek title datin .. heheh

i have to pick a trf maid for the time being

tu pun some trf maid i interview memilih ooi...

rumah besar tak nak budak ramai tak nak ... tsk tsk

the maid i picked failed her entry test .. the agency told me she cld have done it on purpose
generally ard this time of the yr dorang dah tak nak masok sg
they prefer to start work after raye
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS">Quote "haiz.. jatoh tergolek title datin .. heheh"

hehehhee... dah panggil datin.. sekali kena masak and kemas sendiri dahhh... hiak hiak hiak
mcm hilang sayap bila tarak maid ni </font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font face="Trebuchet MS">nora
boleh lah.. nak sedapkan hati sendiri kan.. LOL

naufal bday on the 11 Aug.. fall on first day puasa insya-allah..
so i intend to bring the cake on the first wk of aug instead.. :p </font></font>
just make sure the input is less than the output.

seesh, with the weather like this, hope the roads are are not flooded anywhere.
and no trees uprooted.
