dh masuk keje ke lum ni?

me smlm n today is my off day...hehehehe..tapi..sat keje! luckily half day.....

Today I gt mixed feeling...happy n sad juga... my ex nye wifey finally preggie...congrats to them.... but when i look at shadiyah i feel sad... why eh?? is it bcz i feels tt I hv done her wrg for nt giving her a father figure....
Hi all,

Just to ask for advice, ade sape2 yg put their child to Al-Nasry @ Sengkang tak here? I intend to put my 14mth old bb girl there but not sure if its any good.

appreciate if any one can advise for good malay childcare around sengkang area.


aku dah siap bawak penyapu nak sapu and bersih kan cobwebs pat sini...heheheh

betty yg reno rumah dorang semuer pun ikut pindah ke???
Good Afternoon everybody.

Happy New year to all of you.

How is eveyone here... it look very quite....

today is the result of 'O' level...excited...hihihi....
hehehehehe....nora just keep looking forward to the next weekend then...thats how we survive the weekdays...

tadi antar hilmi to the bus a bit of drama...just suddenly he dont want to go to school..bila siap semua ok..keluar rumah pon ok..skali kat tangga terus "taknak..taknak"
nampak bus dah start pekik...aiyoh...have to see if it goes on ke tak...
Thanks. mamaliz and Nshah.

so finally hilmi go to school or not? how you do it??? hey...hey... want to KPO abit...nowadays i like don't know how to control the toddler...need to learn from you all.
mira...he did...the bus auntie came down n carry him up....he was crying but my cuzzin say he wasnt by the time they reached school...lucky she was there to send her gal today...maybe he just feels lazy to go today...lets ee if he acts up again tomorrow then i will have to check wif the teacher if he got any probs in sch...
<font color="119911">liz
aiks kok gitu plak? i tght u mentioned kids are ok to wake up early or smtg like that? hehe so wat happen in e end? last wk 1st day of school irfan melalak seh aft school, buat malu btul..</font>
lah long weekend tak sampai ke mana

si jugak duduk.. tup tup time to go to work.. duh...

mebbe hilmi just nak extend weekend cam me oso

mira, good luck to ur gerl

dulu si sarah morning session no prob..npw skool baru ni kan afternoon dia pon dah syiok bgun adik dia skool pagi so i make everyone wake up early together..

last wk ok jerr..i tink he enjoyed his wkend so
much that he dont feel like schooling agaknya..

heart pain see him like dat..but got to be stern in times like dat..ive been giving in to him too much....

at least by the time he reached sch dah tak nanis ok lah

my boy so far tak cry
but i noticed he walked too slowly
that he might break away from the other kids
from bus to sch
he seems to be engrossed tengok sana sini

i told him must walk faster

and i dun understand those parent yg must crowd
rite infront of the school entrance (its not a big entrance)
and block the other kids from entering
Hi All
Happy New Year!!(belum sempat nak wish ler)

So hws everyone doing here?All's well?

So sorry to hear abt ur dad..insyallah semua ok and selamat..
And congrats on ur new found job..

Kesiannya Hilmi nangis kat dlm bus..kalau I, after that I gi sekolah and tunggu sembunyi2 for the bus to arrive to see if he dah get over it or not..else mcm tak tanang sey..

So fast time flies, mid this year dah nak kena cari Primary sch for Sharf nxt year..makin dia besar makin takut la I..tup2 dah Primary1!
Mummies yg dah experience can share hw do we go about with the registration? I understand that we will def belong to Phase 2C but Im not sure how to queue for tht phase all tht..and the distance frm sch to home must be within 1km ke? I calculate frm the place i stay to whcever schs ard semua mcm more that 1km jer?How??

Anak sedara u all gi sekolah kat mana? they stayed with u at Loyang eh?

my keponakans go to casuarina pri sch
the stay at my place most of the time

but their official addy is still blk 500plus paris

for my place actually white sands pri is within the range (i heard this sch is good too)
i am thinking between white sands or temasek

phase &amp; registration ni u tanyer betty
dia up to date pasal ni
afternoon mummies.....da lunch semuer..
i nak tanya for advise frm those yg tau or can give my some advise what i can do to make my boy sleep well as usual,da dua minggu dia demam on and off,then in the same time even bila da tak demam dia tdor mlm for couple of hrs then bila tersadar mcm menggigau dia nangis sekuat2 hati and the way dier nangis is very menyeramkan,lepas da cuci muka dia slalunye dia nak duduk dekat sink and main air,that is the only thing yg buat dia diam,bila try angkat dia mesti melalak lagi,lepas 2 3 jam da penat dia tdor,then in couple of hrs it will repeat again,da mcm2 kita buat tapi it was the same sampai now im too weak to handle this every nite..pls help me im in trauma..thanks babes
Yes i celebrate. As my parent passed away liao.. I will go back to my elder brother's house.

Because all those are Kiasu parents and too excited. Long ago..during my girls time... I even saw parents video cam when the child in the class and that parent keep called their child to look at them. disturb the class to carry on..end up, the teacher have to close all the window. Poor students inside feel more "hot" and worry..

tu lah i saw ur fb updates
lapar tak ur boy
nak upp his milk intake for nite mebbe


actually there is nothing to see bec the sch entrance got recep area
then all students got thru another door
thats it.. no windows.. cant see a thing
but some parents still want to stand at entrance
the sch dun allow parents beyond the entrance so most to most
all the can is the door, which is always closed.. duh
St hilda's, i dont think can get in ler..esp when my ic add not the same as whr i stay now..then again in may this year, i dah shift.
I read already the moe link,just that will they notify us when can we register for phase 2c or we kena call up the sch and ask?

I heard Pasir Ris Pri pun got good raves..
Temasek tak out of the way frm loyang area?
nora....dia kuat makan especially makan nasi....bila nangis kasi mkn ke minum susu ke minum air ke,semuer dia tak nak,the only thing dier diam wen kasi main air or make him bath,every nite babe...mcm nak nak nangis slalu wen this thing happen tapi i have to be strong

temasek out of the way banget
halal bayar apek bus hahahhahh

i was from there so ade priority sikit than other phase.. sikit ajer
Maybe siang dia nap lama tak? jgn biasakan gv in to his liking la nanti jadi kebiasaan. dia bangun mlm nangis ada yg sakit ke,perut maybe?
tu lah tapi out of the way kan..kalau ada emergency susah la.i prefer nearby sch so masa tak terbuang kat tengah jln kan..esp nanti dah P3/P4 so many CCA la,activity kat sekolah.
shermin,tak gal,siang dia tdor paling lama 2 jam,dulu sebelum kena mcm ni,siang dia diar more then 4 hrs,then bila tdor mlm tak bgn sampai the next mrg at 9am,nari i nak ge umah 1 pak aji yg slalu blh tgk2kan kalau benda2 pelek mcm ni...haiz...
<font color="000000">Shash,
I'm good dear, thanks for asking.

oh kau dah pindah? pindah mane? Aku dah tak ingat, psl anak aku suma Phase 1..Coz I put them in my pri sch..hehe</font>
I remember during my elder girl time, parent can see from the window..some can even go in the class for 3 days. then 2nd and 3rd girl time.. can only see from window...then my boy time.. door close..window close....why like that..because of those parent lah...
Then nape pulak eh bangun nangis mlm2? Selalu same timing? dia tdo dgn u in a same room?

ah ah nak pi pulang balik leceh kan..

balik to my old place in Flora Drv,near Nora's..
now dont know whc sch is within 1km frm tht area

Anak2 kau sekolah mana? senang la kalau u were frm the same sch, tak yah fikir2..
Kalau nak Volunteer, must start at least be 2 years or so..dulu masa sharf 4 years old, ever asked but not easy to get in pun..being a volunteer doesnt give u priority so I malas..hehhe
<font color="000000">Sher,
oh dah pindah..

Pasir Ris Primary and Whitesand lah the nearest for you..

Pasir Ris oso good, affiliated to Pasir Ris Sec Sch..hehhe</font>
hello hello...
lama tak jenguk kat sini...

happy new year to all!

haiz... for me not v happy...

sher, thanks for asking abt my dad.
we're still waiting for SGH to give us a slot for his bypass op.
was so angry with them.
1st they say, his condition quite serious must do ASAP.
then later, they said actually can wait?!
so now, we're STILL waiting!

Abt my new job, I didn't get it in the end!!!!
Sigh, what to do, bukan rezeki...

Mira, hope you're happy with your girl's result.

LIZ, alamak I saw yr FB status, dah dapat babysitter ke belum?!
Btw, u going for Muse also ke?
Hehe, I am....

Anyway, hope you gals have a great evening/nite, and insya'llah, chat again tmrw!


GOING!!!!! takkan tak go...wakakakaka..dah dapat confirmed bbsitter...Muse dont think going lah...greenday jer dah almost 300 let go ...sakit kocek hubby...hehe

This morning hilmi still cranky abt going school..the worst part is dat his cuzzin also having same prob..she threw a storm when the father wake her up for thinking of changing to afternoon shift cos the makcik yg tolong jaga budak2 tu cakap morning memang busy cos a lotttt of kids...n the teacher cudnt handle all.....weird sehhh...i tot theres a quota...
so gonna try change to afternoon n see if it gets better or not....
At this point eh playing waiting game with the hospital is a painful period..I can imagine!
I hope really sabar and berdoa that your dad is going to be ok..who knows might not need an OP even..
Abt ur job, takpela, bukan rezeki.maybe there's more better opportunity out there waiting for you.

AHH! untungnye dpt n hubby nak go greenday, no one is free to look after my son!! Arggg bingit!

How's ur girl's result..Im sure she made you proud!
Hi Sher,
Thanks...we're still waiting, but lucky my dad so far is ok... just feels tired aje.
Abt my job, I've decided to "upgrade" my skills by learning some new software etc.
Lucky I have some good friends who are willing to teach and help me with it for free!
So hopefully more doors will open.

Alamak, you tak dapat babysitter for your son pulak!
For me, since we moved, my mother insisted that my boy sleeps over at her place at least once a week.
So just nice, he'll sleep over there on all my concert nites, ahahaha...
Kalau tak,pun mesti problem.

Mana yg lain?

im hereeeee~~~~~ hehehehehe

ALhamdulillah dapat jugak bbsitter..actually she's my girlnya tutor..supposed to come over for tuition but i make a deal wif her to pay her in cash on dat nite for bbsitting...the kids also love her so its a bonus~ hahaha
