<font color="119911">cik nab
hehe up to u lah cik.. if u work or tak work doesnt make a diff kan.. unless e tpt is near u ok ah, i tink of coz u willing seh.. btw where was it again?</font>

<font color="ff6000">Cik Nab,

Itulah. I dah malas dgn agency nie smpi hub suruh I sabar dulu. *sigh*

As for your job, tough decisions. Kalau I jadi u, I pun pening. Hahahaha!
But it's gd to hv a boss who wants you to come back. =)</font>
<font color="119911">cik nab
i c.. bt tak bleh amik train ke? senang skit? bt if ur place ada mrt pun lagi easier kan?</font>
gooooooood morning ladies....

am at work oready....last day for this year here cos nak spent the rest of the ols wif my fam n prepare for the kids schooling later....

hope u all have a nice day today...will catch up soon.....see ya all.....
morning morning....

i will be back next mon....
nak settlekan anak2 punye sekolah.....n some other stuff.....

enjoy ur holidays liz
Semua holiday mood ni...ho ho ho
morning morning...pagi san....

lima hari tak work...lemak2 holiday semua dah terkumpul...

yeahhhhhhhhh sezairi menangggggggggggggggg
Morning morning

amina yer shop where??
she not operating from home lagi ke?

i make appt yesterday, then she cancel
then she told me to go her shop
terpanjat aku jap
but i was outside so i cut the conv short
<font color="ff6000">Nora,
I tk pernah ke kedai dia. She did mention she'll be operating in a shop somewhere in Feb/March 10. I can only remember it's at Bedok area near Temasek sch. Not sure if it's Sec or JC.
<font color="ff6000">Good to hear that Cik Nab. Speedy recover, insyllh.

Weekends biasa je. Jemputan, movie &amp; supper with the kids and lepak dirumah. Heh!</font>
hi semua!

JTS, some gd news and bad news.
Gd news: I may be finally getting a full-time job! Went for the 2nd interview this morning and think its looking quite positive.
Bad news: My dad is in hospital
He has a heart condition and Dr thinks ada another blockage. So now waiting to do the test to check how bad.

Anyway, hope everyone's had/having a nice lunch!
<font color="ff6000">Hi Athlete,
Sorry to hear abt your dad. Hope all will be ok. Reminds me of my dad who used to be in/out of the hosp for a year.

Take care ya.

IF all's ok, will u be starting somewhere in early Jan?
Near to ur hm?</font>
<font color="119911">san
wkd so2 ah ada mendak skit ah.. so many things happen ard us.. so many thing to fikikan bt apa pun ia telah terjadi, we cant turn e clock back so apa pun tawakal &amp; berdoa agar ia tak berulang

beli iphone for my son? apa i dah gila ke? beli iphone memahal kasi anak buat main &amp; pakai.. im not dat siow yet lah babe haha..

wah gd for u lau dpt full time job kan.. same place ke? same line?
hope ur dad condition will become btr..
tk care</font>
<font color="ff6000">Nshah,
Kat FB tu? Or isit ur hub?
Gue tk jenguk FB sangat for e past days. Hahaha!

You ok or not?
Chill babe...</font>
<font color="119911">san
yup mmg bought e iphone bt laki ku yg bought.. dia nak sgt so let him use my contract ah.. so ku cont another 2yrs with sub plan for $85 per mth..

babe im ok ah act tak affect me directly cuma affect my surroundings too much ah till aku tgk dorang aku pun susah hati.. berserah jelah</font>
tgk siapa nshah...hope u r ok....
san i tgk ur FB post pon mendung ajer...u ok?

tak sabar nak longggggggg weekend lagik.....*dah naik lemak*
<font color="119911">lina
oh dat phrases.. alah dorang.. dorang lah.. org2 berkenaan amg my surroundings takpelah.. janji u tau i tgk orang bukan kucing kah, harimau kah hehe

oh dah bis? samalah kita noh.. wah amik unpaid? pi mana seh sanggupnya amik unpaid.. syg seh tak bergaji</font>
Hi ladies.
Thanks for your well-wishes re my dad.

As for my job, yup it'll be at Loyang also.
Another company but same industry.
Job is different from what I'm currently doing though, but I don't mind cos at least the hours are fixed, Mon - Fri,9am - 6pm.
<font color="ff6000">Btw, just wondering if there's any contacts selling Garment Steamer which is still in a very gd condition.</font>
wah werking mummies getting buzy and buzier kiddos gg bk to skool soon,many things to settle,da lunch semua...

wave to san.lina,sape2 yg ade k....
hi athlete,sory i baru sempat baca bout ur dad,hope everythings goes fine...hope u gonna get the job too i wish i can have a fulltime job 2..

nshah-wah so far bwk budak2 gi mane hols ni,i sampai otak da kering kontag tak tau gi mane..

juz to ask,do anyone knows kalau age 31 nak beli umah bwk parents blh ke tak,byr semuer pakai cpf anak,anyone?? u spend ur long weekends pegi mane?haiz i tot polliwogs tu besar dari fidgets skali nt dat big,cuma more convie to go then fidgets,otak jam sey,i sampai tak tau nak bwk rizqi ge mane
I wanted to order just now, but they say no more!
I was so upset, told the girl, that time was sold out, now no more!!
EH, but seaweed fries still ada.
<font color="ff6000">Hollaaaa Shash!

Im not much help on this part cos HDB rules tukar every 6mths. Wana chck with them?</font>
seaweed some ajer....
i cakap pat dorang bende sedap tak nak jual...hahahaah

shash i also dun know...u better call up san said dorang sukeeeee tukar rules....

shash pergi singapore flyer hihiihi...jalan2 pat tu beli buku2 dorang,beli bag sekolah...sampai gi pasar pon dorang nak ikut
<font color="119911">shash
tak pi memana ah babe, mostly duk rumah or biasa ah normal shopping areas je.. jalan2 sambil biasa ah belanja toys je anak2 aku ni sampai aku pening haha..
abt e rules, sorry me not sure</font>
