
liz, jgn sedih...
i'm here (tak tahu malu)...

just came back from sending my boy to my mum's.
niari dia tidur kat sana.

*waiting for a string of replies...NOT*
hey hey pple

i busy lah.. plus tak semangat ah the thread tak banyak olang


nak pegi mane tu ur boy sleepover at ur mom's?

anyway the previous owner of my current house
sold it bec they wanted to move to katong or marine parade area to be near a popular sch there

kau tak mandi gak yer

kau panggilpanggil dorang tak nak .. hahhahahah

saper sini ade ura ura or already have their kid
taking up mandarin as mother tongue in sch ie P1 onwards?

now pr 3 compulsory must take conversational mother malays amik mandarin n chinese take malay.....indians amik aper ehh? either one agaknya....
oh is it.. me soo out of touch

if teh make it from P3 thru to P6 pun bagus jugak

u know lah now yer job requirement must chang hua yi hor...

my fren indian muslim, no speaking malay

but doter taking mandarin as second lang,
one week tuition mandarin 3 times....
not going anywhere tonight, but my dad ada 8.30 am appt at SGH tmrw and i need to send him.
so since i have to be there to pick him up by 7.30, might as well my boy tidur kat sana.
plus my hb is on night shift tonight.

but hor, my mum bedek ah abt wanting her cucu to stay over once a week.
last week when i asked, she said only when and if i need to be anywhere early in the morning and when my hb's on night shift.
bestnye, boleh pick and choose at your own convenience...

what to do

treat as she doing u a favor ler ....

my sil yer mum lagik worse

she cant be bothered and dun want to jage cucu full stop
yup, i think i should really consider my self lucky that at least she's helping.
but i just wish sometimes she wouldn't make it sound like she's had to sacrifice alot just to jaga cucu.

re: mandarin
heh, i also tak tahu abt the p3 thing.
i know that as 2nd lang can be quite tough.
so maybe take malay as 2nd lang and take mandarin as supplement, so not so stress?

but this jiang hua yi for job requirement ni is getting out of hand me thinks...
yep yep the jiang hua yi.. arrghhh .. such a pain

but surprisingly the pinoys and myanmars can get job in sg

they can jiang hua yi meh????

and i am soo glad they getting those foreign "ahem" service staff to pass conversational english

last week i was at sportlink eastpoint
wah.. the lady cant even say a word just point point at the number to indicate shoe size... haiyah

my fault is it if i cant jiang hua yi with her?!?!??!?
this brings us to the adrian pang ad on tv abt employer responsibility

hahahha.. cant stop laughing when i watch that
true enuff skang mana mana carik keje banyak alasan mesti pandai berbual tu...luckily for this conversational thingy got no test..just grade on how they perform jer i tink..i pon baru dapat form last week...

i see sareah macam kesian...tues, thurs n fri got remedial classes..then march ad on swimming on friday so it means she will be at sch from dia belum amik any cca...OMG!
since its a must for her to hv 1 cca...its hard to let her have sumthing she loves if the timetable doesnt match well for her hectic schedule....but if take on a cca she dont love its like she have to go sch early for the sake of the grading system ajer....haiz....
aiyah...abt the jiang huayi thing....i nampak kat razor tv kan..they interview org dari hotel yg i keje tu...lerr...i rasa diorang amik the best one...pasal everytime i ada problem berbual ngan org housekeeping..or watever department...then ada dah bertahun keje sana pon masih tak reti bual eng...nak tanya saper in charge macam boleh buat i terjun dari bilik tu jugak...hahahaha...gahmen boleh suruh n give instructions suruh org belajar but yg kena buat tu entah buat ke tak...

macam tak kasi letak ad carik cina bukan melayu, diorang tukar yg berbual cina...but at the end of the day...its the same old thing wat....

wah with the swimming sch sampai 6plus

poor girl

when she got remedial she stay on in sch eh

not close enuf to balik jap... aiyoh P2 only

true true

cume i have come across the situation

kalau i can speak the lang and go interview i say i can speak

so what.. mebbe they ask me to write pulak eh... hahhah

k i got a discussion to go yo
friday swimming start 7.30-10.30, class rem 10.30-12.00 ,sch 12.30-6.20..reach home by 7pm...
nak balik umah dah waste abt 20-30min of walking to n fro...quite a distance if walk...she's in p3 now..then die die she needs help in tuition, luckily her tutor can plan her days with wic day she not tired to tuition...

how come ours doeast seem so stressful compared to their schedule now eh?
swimming class so long ah?

sigh, really kesian kids nowadays.
my time, only had tuition and rem classes only from sec 3 onwards!
but what to do, the education system dah lain, more demanding , parents now are also more competitive and more involved.
and if you don't keep up with the "system", nanti the kids might be left behind...
swimming class i tink start 8 agaknya..pasal she must report to sch by 7.30....

saper ehhh?? tak ingat pasal i order from the bulk purchase nya thread...

ehhhhhh.....brake kejap...hgahahahaha..i tink i know...on fb shes wateez....ever ask me if i wanna order from her...
ok..i gotta go temankan hilmi watch cartoons..or shud i say he temankan i watch kbs! hahahahaha..kesian dia jatuh kat toilet tadi while trying his best to kencing at the toilet bowl...tsk tsk tsk...
Hihi Mummies!

Im currently a SAHM. Berhenti kerja cos nak concentrate on my 3 kids.

My eldest boy is 10, 2nd boy is 8 today and my lil princess is 2

Nowadays the school syllabus already getting tougher plus CCA & stuffs. Terpaksa berkorban, duduk rumah to assist the kids
Ya lor..really dead here now..I wonder whats happening..takkan thread ni semangat 2 minit jer eh??

To the new mummies
Welcome in and help revive this thread..
Quite stress lei! after shorlisting I have only 1 school to hope for..that one pun belum tahu when time comes for balloting..I really dont know whre else to put him

Moving in April.

Alo smalldreams..
This thread no longer as active as before..year 2010 I guess for new blood agaknya tak..
Hello sumer! Senyap jer thread nie.
Sejak bile kau HD penunggu Liz? Haha...

Sher, lama tk nmpk ? Sibuk carik skola utk sharf?
kejap dia da nk masuk P1 eh...
Haha... Aku masuk tarak org reply dah.
Now pat salon gunting rmbt.
Kalo sempat mlm aku nk gi spital tgk atuk aku.
He's battling w cancer. Kesian, nk mkn tp muntah.

Nora!! Kau miss aku eh?
Aku tgk thread nie weak jer. Nanti aku bobal sorang.
Hi athlete!!

Yr boy just celebrated 1 yr rite?
Happy birthday to him... Time flies eh.
Jap lg da nk kene carik skola. Heh...
