Whr exactly in Flora Rd? Manalah tahu we'll be neighbours..
Kat mana?? Im getting all excited..hehe

Heh kelakar la ni thread?? Goin to be dead ke?
Morning all!

sorry to hear you didn't get the job. But there is always something better out there.. all the best.

eh bagus eh yr mom insist her cucu sleep there once a week! My mom, hmmmphhh...wait long long. The only 2 nites my son slept there was when I was hospitalised for the delivery.

Hope yr dad is better too.

Btw, I love the rocker I got from you. My baby likes it too. Semalam satu hari (morning till evening) she napped in there.

Cams??? PUkul brapa nak start buat homework nanti..
Hi Peah!!!

first of all i must say

kuat betol u nie eh

bersalin belum seminggu dah boleh tengok adam to sch

but that who wants to miss those moments kan ... kalau i pun agak yer i KUAT kan diri i (agak yer ajer)

arrghhh.. so dreadful u know .... over seh mak si izzat nie

first i must find sharpener to sharpen all the pencils.. haiz
tak kuat sangat ler... tapi you're's a moment i don't want to miss...think all moms would do the same. lucky my mom tak bising sangat. think she dah give up on me. caught me drinking air sejuk...she just said, nanti kalau kau dah tua, badan sakit...kau tanggung sendiri... lepas tu dia minom my drink... :p

Think if you go natural, healing is quite fast. Alhamdulillah, no major complications, asal boleh jalan, keluar kejap lah.

Pakai mechanical pencil sudah, tak yah sharp..hehee...asal Izzat jangan poke himself with it.
Dah give birth eh? COngrats! I think I miss on tht detail ler..
So untung 1 boy and 1 girl, boleh tutup factory.
So whats the girl's name?

Now tgh b'fast.
Epok2 sardin and goreng pisang.

I'm so happy that yr baby likes the rocker!
My boy, haiz, from when he was a baby, the longest he was in it was prob only abt 10 mins...

I'm at E*** Prk.

Managed to finish Izzat's homework?

Hope yall have a great Monday!
I still can't believe that izzat already has homework.
Belum kindergarten!
I shudder to think what it'll be like for when my boy starts school.
<font color="ff6000">Helloooo Ladies!
Hope am not too late to wish u gals a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

And CONGRATS Smalldreams!
Rest well ya!</font>

actually at PG also have homework

but weekly

my boy needs some discipline lah

writing and coloring is not his forte compared to just PLAYING
<font color="119911">hulllo all dah lunch?
wats for lunch today? anyway hows everybody?

how da decide which school? hmm as for me menyesal tak sudah seh skg coz dont tink can get my son into e school i want him to go coz i wasnt aware abt e PV thingy tght within a yr bleh apply bt i was wrg duh..</font>
Hi Nshah
Shortlist already tapi belum decide. Need to call the school for more info on the Phase thingy la..Ur son pun due for P1 nxt year eh?

Hmm we are actually quite near..Im at C.P.
aah my son pun P1 nx yr babe.. already called up a school near me n they said i fall into phase 2 entah tak ingat 2 apa? A ke B ke C hehe
<font color="ff6000">Gerls,
Kalau nk masukkan sekolah near to our area must do this PV thingy uh?
Even if the school is just beside our home?</font>
register sch ni memang memeningkan kepala

i think depands on sch la

i oso not sure of the diff phases

but PV is depending on sch i think

not all school requires it
Hi all,

Dah lama tak masuk sini. I'm more busy now with the house reno and all.
Re: PV
San, if the school has a history of balloting even for 1km, safer to be a pv in order to grab a slot for your kid. But then again, PV pon kadang kena ballot ok, if the school's too popular. Last year, my ex sch had balloting for Phase 2B.
Nshah, you nak masukkan Irfan kat mana? The one nearest to your home ke?

As for me, I have till this July to register as a PV. Most likely will cos the school I have my eyes on already have balloting for the 1-2km range. Not being kiasu but if tak dapat, then must go through Phase 2C supplementary lagi pening kepala. If you guys are not pv or don't qualify for the earlier phases, think twice about applying to a popular school ok.
Btw, k.i.a.s.u.p.a.r.e.n.t.s have a link that shows the schools' balloting history. You can prepare yourself =)
<font color="119911">betty
planning to put into beacon bt i tink im tad too late ah wen i called up they said no more opening or registration bt i noe registration only in jul or aug kan.. u noe wats dat means? or mayb they dont take in anymore PV ke? coz its already fulled.. n i tink dats e nearest for u kan? if tul i can enrolled into beacon nampaknya pi greenridge je ah babe.. coz sana they said jus come during the registration period &amp; its also less populan than beacon &amp; bukit panjang pri..</font>
Maybe it wasn't clear enough, but if your child nak masuk P1 next year, memang registration for PV dah tutup. Yeah skolah tu just sebelah rumah baru I but that doesn't confirm a place for my boy in 2012, so die die must do PV.
<font color="119911">betty
it wasnt clear enuff? wat u mean by that? tp tu yg i pelik, coz i noe reg is way in july- aug bt the staff who answered e call cam nak shoo daku je, syg no,not available, no vacancy anymore, *pap* dia taruk talipon?? my question was, can i enquire abt the reg for P1 in 2011? terus dia jawab e above seh??</font>
this is so memeningkan frm kiasuparents lagi buat more pening..
So much things to read and to absorb frm the forum ler..about this balloting, till now all the schools i enquire needs balloting. I dont know what to expect come this june/july.
<font color="119911">sher
ah tulah pening kan.. thus i didnt read thru e forum jus browse for e percentage of popularity of e school aje.. lau nak baca smua tak game seh..</font>
Ya!!! Im soo sad when I called some school,to check their statics under Phase 2C all are within 1KM dah kena balloting and during past history all taken up..
Sadly my place they said is within more than 3km..confirm tak bleh masuk!tak tahu la mcm mana

Pelik jugak sey frm Flora Drv to Pasir Ris/Whitesands is within 3km?!
<font color="119911">sher
oh dear, cian u.. anyway flora dr tu pat ne eh? hehe takda alt school ke? or wat u can do jus enrolled in those avail school bt still keep applying for st hilda's - ur choice kan? insyallah can get tau under waiting list, coz dats wat my collg used to do for her son.. her son dpt masuk in his P3 or P4 tak salah bt kira worth lah susah payah maknya tu, tak sia2..
I dont think St Hilda's can get thru. kalau play with distance dah langsung tak dpt bau..
Anyway we cant go around applying for various sch. I read somewhere, the schools that we are applying will check the system whc sch yg kita dah applied for and chances to get into any sch will be tougher. Im not sure if this is right or not.
Lagipun, St Hilda's is a stress sch la better keep out! LOL..
<font color="119911">sher
than in dat case how? so where u thinking to put ur boy into? stress kan.. haiz.. nak reg utk anak sekolah je dah stress banget seh.. lum lagi pelajaran dorang?? ish</font>
im already out of goin alternative bedok area..i was thinking kalau within pasir ris jer Im already having distance away,apa lagi bedok area kan..
<font color="119911">sher
makin aku tgk, makin aku pening adui.. now im not even sure haha if e school yg nearest to me tu even need balloting.. aku pening bangat deh.. sakit tengkuk seh dari tadi strain baca haha</font>
Kau kena call up the sch and ask. Memang pening..
tell me about it!
Kenapa adik tak boleh masuk sekolah kakak dia?
ur son is youngest kan?
<font color="119911">sher
act ive called up 2 schools like above i wrote.. yg more popular bt i tink more than 1km tu bila ku tanya, can i enquire abt the reg for P1 in 2011? terus dijawabnya no.. no.. no more, no vacancy terus *pap* dia slam phone, nasib aku tak slam dunk dia tau.. eeee...
sher O sher.. my son is e eldest lah dear.. hes e 1st to enter P1 sbb tu lah aku kanchion spiddy.. else no need to worry haha</font>
Ohh ic!! I lupa la Irfan!
memang some of the admin stuff in the sch pun turut stress if the sch is a good one thts y bila dgr parents calling to enquire abt future enrolment, they quickly hang them agaknya "banyaaakk lagi benda aku kena buat sekarang, deni call tanya pasal perkara in 6 mths to come pulak. Kiasu!!"
LOL.. I also kena but i called up again and asked, who cares?! Its their job to educate us abt their system pe..
<font color="119911">sher
LOL... tp mmg pun i take it that way.. takpe besok ku call lagi.. n mayb can teach me to ask a proper question? hehe

yup.. yup.. dah ada reply there.. for my fren lah she suruh me recce kan..</font>

Shimmers, San
Thanks for the wish! Yups, I've delivered abt 3 weeks ago. Baby girl. Now am a mum to 2. can't believe it! Tapi syukur alhamdulillah

Hopefully Shimmers u pun bertambah lagi. Maklumlah #1 dah nak masok P1...

Really yr boy time infant pun tak suka the rocker? I hope my girl will be able to stay in there for at least 3 -4 mths more! Pas tu, tak tau apa nak buat dgn tu rocker. maybe convert to a chair for her brother.

I realised I ended up buying SO MANY things for my #2!! The playpens we used for #1 dah hand-me-down, dah buang. I bought 2 playpens this time (1 2nd hand, 1 brand new), I bought a rocker &amp; a bouncer (yours, and a brand new one I bought cheaply through WTS). Haiz, ingat boleh save, tapi $$$$ keluar seh. Nasib baik tu Cot berbaloi. Bought at $100 2 1/2 yrs ago, sampai sekarang masih pakai.

my boy when he was an newborn was really spoilt by my mum.
asyik dukung aje.
he refused to be put down to sleep,esp during the day, right until he was abt 3 mths or so.
but at night he's an angel.
he's been sleeping through since arnd 4 mths or so.
i would like to take credit for that, cos since born he slept with me and at night after feeding, i used to just put him straight down.
and as long as he's not crying, leave him until he falls asleep on his own.
until now, he sleeps from 7.30 til next morning.
so that's why if he sleeps at my mum's also, senang jaga.

how's little aiffa (sp?) doing?

sher / nshah,
still searching for schs?
the buyer of my previous place bought our flat cos she wanted to put her girl in the nearby school.
at that time her girl was not even 1 yr old and i thought that was pretty kiasu.
but then after reading all this, i'm thinking she's just v well-prepared!
<font color="119911">athlete..
as for me cam dah so called settled on a school ah.. ya lor.. most parents now tgk cam super kiasu, takut aku..
hi baby and tutu, welcome!

heh, this thread used to be super busy...
maybe it needs some "new blood" to revive it abit.

how about some intros?
i'm a ptwm with a boy who'll be 1 in a few days.
staying in pasir ris.

yg lain tu semua mana?
not breathing still not back to normal..pump mesti ada by my side ajer lah...bingit betul...every morning n nite must pump also...lidah i dah numb...hahahaha
did u ladies read on womens weekly for february??? men can also breast we know why they have nipples too....hehehehhe
