just a quick look in here, while waiting for some work stuff to be approved...

thought i saw a posting on FB frm smalldreams, so i dun think she's popped...

hi shash!

Sorry, dryer baru repair, jadi sibuk buat laundry...haha!

Yups, athlete, I still haven't popped. Nora carik I...dia nak tolong urutkan ker :p But thanks gals for even remembering me.

Semalam gi check up, I'm already 37-38 weeks. Baby around 2.9 kg. Padan lah aku rasa berat semacam. Doc kata anytime, tapi by next week, kalau masih belum pop, must do VE. Argh... *takut*

You tak pergi the Gimmil carters sale at tampines?
Haha, I went yesterday already.
Baju boys tak banyak ah.
But a lot of girls stuff!
Ah, should've asked if you nak kirim eh?
*sorry, v presumptuous of me to assume you're having a girl, but i remember you bought a pink rocker, so...*

Btw, wat brand is your dryer?
<font color="119911">hi athlete &amp; smalldreams

wow peah bb dah besar amat tu.. wohoo.. best gak tak lama lagi dpt bau baby, minyak2 wangian2 busuk2nya tp jgn part beraknya buchuk amat hehe</font>
*Chak* back to u peah...

so u at home, tak keje ...

i see, tak mengadap pc today eh..

u cld experiancing the nesting syndrome, u know, buat keje rumah, kemas kemas etc
Ouh you dah pergi semalam eh? Yups, i agree, many many clothes for girls, but I was glad I didn't think with my heart. I only bot a few dresses for my #2 (insya-Allah girl!) And some tops for my #1 and some colleagues' son. 3 for $10 for osh kosh tops, can't resist seh.

My dryer is fisher &amp; paykel. When i called for repair, that lady said, service charge aje $60+, nak turunkan dryer lagi $20, and the repair can cost anything between $60 to $200. I told her, beli baru kan lagi bagus! Tapi thank goodness, bila the man came for repair, we only had to pay $20 for replacement part. Tu pun hubby kata, kat kedai biasa, it's only a few bucks. High maintenance ah dryer ni....!

Do you have one, or planning to get one for yr new home?

insya-Allah. Eh part yak tak busyuk lah, kalau BF, bau alrite per, cam bedak, haha!

Yeah i kemas2 jugak hari ni. And today I realised that I might not be cut out to be a SAHM. I think I'll go mad cleaning toys up all the time, and laundry memang tak habis2. haha...!

I have another batch of hand me down baby clothes to wash &amp; dry. Tapi part nak lipat...adui hehe...kecik sangat :p
Is the fisher and paykel good? How often do u use the dryer and berapa agak-agak the bill? We just bought Citygas dryer and water heater. Thought of just buying the dryer to be used in this kind of weather. If we don't decide now, we'll end up buying an electric dryer later. Hopefully bill tak melambung sangat.
<font color="119911">morning san

mana yg lain eh? lagi tido? cuti sempena Xmas ke?

anyway wkd mendak ah boring
<font color="ff6000">On leave maybe?

I'm feeling so draggy today!
My wknds so-so. Did our marketing cum brekkie at Marsiling. Nak keluar, terbantut!</font>
supposed to be my week off, but last min changes with work stuff..sigh...

my dryer is maytag.
not a v well-known brand but best denki was having a promo when we were looking to buy.
got the washer also.
i've yet to receive the power bill this month, seram seh...
<font color="119911">athlete
u kai ur dryer daily ke wkly ke sampai u seram to receive e bills? hehe
i tink if i were to purchase e dryer pun, will use it for comforter during wet season cam skg &amp; also kids clothes coz anak2 daku tukar baju cam tukar pampers.. lelagi tgh camni nya season susah tul nak kering</font>
Alah, apa brand pun takpe, janji it does the job!
My electricity bill, tiap2 bulan, paling sikit $198. Perit pocket. Only 3 pple tinggal tau :S
But then it depends on the type of housing you're staying in too due to the rebates kan?

If you're asking me, I pun tak tau bagus ke tak. I think the maintenance part yang mahal. Service charge aje dah $60+. But thankfully, the replacement part yang rosak only $20 +.

Betul. When my dryer rosak, my tingkap rumah terok seh. Macam2 baju tergantung. Tapi rumah I memang takde tempat jemur kain lah, that's why we decided on a dryer when we moved in.
$198? *gulp*
we're also only 3 pple household, err, actually 21/2 lerr...
we've been using the dryer quite frequent, cos my new place also take de tempat jemur kain.
but thankfully, my mum insisted that her helper handwash my boy's clothes, so not so bad ah...
Athlete, San
Ya lor, I pun rasa my pocket kerrrinnngg sekali

At times, can hit up to $250! And once, I was so kering, the payment rolled over seh, and in total I had to pay about $600+ 1 shot. Super broke that month.

Actually I rasa dorang pun go by estimates. So dengan selambanya dorang estimate a high amount. Coz I notice, kalau I tak pakai banyak pun, the amount tak turun banyak. Could also be due to my old &amp; inefficient air con
My gawd, $198 is so expensive. My power supply bills paling byk pun $100. Even that my husband dah bising. We always try to curb our usage. Naik seram. Hopefully using the citygas dryer is as cheap as claimed.
<font color="ff6000">smalldreams,
I takut nak ada dryer mcm gini.
Skrng I dah perm tggl rmh sndri pun, perit rasanya. Byr abt $65-$80 mthly.</font>
You're right abt the estimates.
Once they've established a general pattern, the amount will be around the same.
Which I think its a bit unfair.
Last time, when it was just 2 of us ,the bill was around $70-80.
And there was once went I was away for about 2 monhts, the bill was also around there or slightly less only.
San, Betty
what to do..
I'm looking forward to my new place, at 17th floor, hopefully banyak angin &amp; tak payah pakai dryer :S

Hopefully you can control your usage and they won't over estimate too much.

My mom's place yang 6 orang tinggal pon, bill baru $130 gitu aje. Haiz...!

I'm rather bored now. Maybe shud take 1/2 day leave, if not rasa cam makan gaji buta since almost all my tasks have been completed.
<font color="119911">peah
with dryer ur usage only $198 hey dats cheap so nampaknya i can forget abt hvg e dryer haha
dakunya mthly average is $200-$220 liao.. with only wkdays of 2 person most of the time.. bt if MIL is in town &amp; if ada maid lagi mmg rabak ah mthly its abt $280 seh.. haiz.. *nshah u can forget abt e DRYER good bye dryer*</font>
17 flr? so nice, makes me miss my old place which was 24th flr...
i've been missing my old place alot lately, but i NEED to get over it..
New place, new lifestyle...

heh, when i was working FT at my prev co, the xmas-ny period, office takde org pun.
That's why i never take leave, but i'll go in, then ciao early...
Sometimes take 2 hrs lunch...
<font color="119911">san
yup abit high i tink too much of games ah.. laki aku ni kaki game ah babe.. he can play e games if no class from 8-1am seh.. if ada class from 11-1am.. a/c dah kurang act.. rabakkan.. also e charging of his work gadgets, hp, PDA, BB, Lappie..tu pun dah byk tau i try to cut down.. haiz.. esp dulu i dont off e main plugs.. leave it on, bt now i off them wenever unused.. so it does save abt $20-$30 seh</font>
hello! interesting topik eh!

okie la, foe me i also pakai dryer.
now electricity bills hover ard $120-$160.
its quite normal for me.
cos dulu i pakai aircon and dryer its also ard tat price.

i tink the brand of the dryer does make a diff.
dulu i pakai Fisher Paykel. it takes a longer time to dry my clothes. like cotton, the cycle is more than an hour. so dats y the bill mite be higher tak peah? now ive switched to electrolux, the cycle is shorter and dryer nie ade sensor, so once clothes is dried, it will auto stop. in a way, it helps to save electricity bill also kot?
<font color="119911">hello zu

hmm ur bills quite affordable gak ok ah babe..

oh urs ada auto stop eh? cam dat time my SIL use hers ku tgk benda tu lama tul nak kering kan sampai jadi sauna tpt akunya laundry area</font>
nsha, not auto stop la.. electronic sensor.
kalo kain da kering it will stop. then will do auto reverse.
so kain2 pat dlm takle ronyok sgt.
cos if clothes left too long in the dryer it will turn very crease!!

btw, aku ngah carik IRON-er!! hahaha...!
bile le org nak invent! tak le berbukit2 kain2 pat rmh nie!
<font color="119911">zu
oh camtu eh.. hmm then i tink its gd lah to invest in electrolux then bt then again takut aku hehe.. takpe ah nantilah dulu..

aahlah aku pun nak cari itu IRON-er.. tu yg main impt seh.. dah bertimbun, berhanger2 utk digosok hehe</font>
U start train Adam &amp; Sarah to iron their own clothes.

You sure pakai laptop etc all boleh contribute to such a high bill? My mom's place pun my bro &amp; sis always on the laptop &amp; comp tapi tak pun sampai as high as yours.

Think important to switch off the mains also when not in use.

Another one yang makan electricity is airpot.

Ya lah, think today hopefully I can cabut a bit earlier. Finishing some final work, pas tu, jalan.
<font color="119911">peah
entahlah sejak e gadgets being charged at home makin naik bill aku tgk.. anyway my hub tak main game tru lappi or comp, its thru his xbox or PS3.. otherwise i cant find wats e cost of e shoot up seh.. yup airport i do agree.. it uses alot of consumptions bt its always off wen nobody at home &amp; on selagi ada org at home, mayb dats e cause of it? household dorang kira tak eh? coz im curious ah.. </font>
Hi Nshah,

I tak masak lah, my mum yang masakkan untuk kita. Hari ni dia masak ayam lemak, sambal tumis telor and sambal goreng.

For my daughter dia masakkan kway teow soup because she has to take plain foods before surgery.

What's your lunch today?
<font color="119911">cik nab
oh aah eh lupa hehe.. wah sedap tu menu u

ur doter gg for surgery? wen?

my lunch a bowl of 2pc of lontong, a plate of fruits dah.. </font>
Hai, only 2 pcs of lontong and fruits, cukup ke tu?

Her surgery has been scheduled for Thursday. She was admitted to hospital last Wed and semalam discharged while waiting for the operation.
<font color="119911">cik nab
cukup lah.. coz i have e veg more lah plus e tahu &amp; bagedil so ok ah.. too much of e lontong muak ah..

i c.. apa operation shes gg thru?</font>
I joking aje lah. Haha! Oh well, ironing is a bane. What to do. Just gotta live with it. My Adam pulak, sometimes suka twist &amp; turn the stuff on the iron. Ishk budak ni!

Kak Zainab
Oh dear, hope all's well with her. Hope she gets well soon after the surgery.
<font color="ff6000">Nshah,
Maybe u wana discuss w ur hub on this again? It'll save more for you guys.
$200+ for 2 person at hm esp on wkdys is very ex!

Hello Cik Nab!
Didnt noe you're no longer working...
Insya'allah a smooth ops for ur doter.</font>
<font color="119911">san
anyway dats jus my sangkaan je ah.. coz still nak kena buat research gak ah if plyg games too much will make e bill boomz..
bt def my water usage naik tg this mth coz of e recent paip bocor duh.. it was in a bad shape for abt 2hrs seh.. on n off.. sapa nak pi toilet ah terpaksa ah on e main pipe..</font>
Thank you smalldreams and san for your doa. She has to remove her gall bladder but since the pancreas is swollen they have to treat her first.


Have you sent the maid back already?
<font color="ff6000">Nshah,
Another headache!

Cik Nab,
Not yet. Tied down with e agency for some unreasonable "clause". =(</font>


True, normally contracts are drawn in favour of the agencies, if we terminate early there's penalty on our part, unfair right


Thanks, surgery will be done this Thursday (have to admit on Wed afternoon).

FYI - tadi my boss called and asked me to come back to work, I am now undecided whether to go back *fickle minded* kan ?????
