these shopping malls kiddie shows are such a pain

but i never pi q lah

kalau dapat tengok ok

banyak sangat org.. lets go back

hmph, i find s'pore now dah overcrowded.
kalau banyak org pun, if people are civic- minded, then ok jugak.
but kat sini, pple really no manners and inconsiderate.

yep.. malas nak keluar with the crowd etc ...

we avoid shopping centers when out with my boy unless really necessary
now that i'm working flexi, i tend to only go out on weekdays, less pple.

btw, i'm looking to order finger foods, like mini pizza, sausage roll etc..
anyone ada contact tak?
<font color="119911">NAw
haha lum ah tght smlm nak organise pi today for lunch bt today im clearing my last AL for 2009 so tak jadi ah.. boing.. boing.. boing.. or makan je banquet sini nya hehe</font>
Hello all..salam to everybody I miss here..

Apa khabar?? Sooo long tak masuk sini kan,mesti ketinggalan zaman punya aku ni..

Been soo bz la with the house la.
So any new happenings here? yg ngandung dah beranak ke? ada yg conceive ke?

bettybad if u happen to read this, i was wondering if it was ur hubby perfrming at Vivo last week?
Anyway u dah complete the buying of ur new hse ke? Whr did u buy? Pasir Ris?
Tgh baca all the prev post..
Captured the one Sri posted earlier..
Sri, sometimes when you are ovulating,you'll experienced mild cramps and white jellyish discharge but like Lina said it could be self cleaning too..
Good morning!
Sher! Lama tak nampak. Guess, it was him =)
My new house is awaiting reno. Paris tak jadi lah. Im back @Bukit Panjang.

FB: Anyone knows why I don't get updates from some friends unless I go to their individual page. Is it the settings?

Just want to say hi and goodbye. Insyaallah kalau umur panjang, kita akan ketemu lagi ok. My colleague dah on maternity leave. So im super busy giler cos im covering her. I might have no time to masuk sini daily. As and when im free, i will drop a line.

Sekiranya ada terkasar bahasa semasa kita bergurau senda, aku mintak maaf lah banyak2 dari hujung rambut hingga ker hujung kaki. Halalkan makan dan minum yer.

Anything, please sms or call me on my mobile : 93885714. Kalau ada outing or makan2.. insyaallah i will join.

Or you can msn me anytime at [email protected]

Bye.. i nak log out.. nak kena gie duduk meja lagi satu buat kerja..

adios !
wati n the rest...sama2 lah kite eh...

dun worri aku ade HP kau...will sure to give u a buzz

FB:...its either the remove u ...u try to click live feed ade tak....kalau tak der jugak...u try gi settings...tgk part receive update?
"Just want to say hi and goodbye. Insyaallah kalau umur panjang, kita akan ketemu lagi ok."

terpanjat aku bace nie.. ingat ape lah... si cip ni pun kasi suspen jer

hah.. bile dah tak busy sangat meh kasi cpr sini
congrats!!! ni bermakne otak u belum berkarat lagikk...heheheh

nak tanyer .. do u use the flixotide on ur boys regularly during this weather

my doc says that the current weather makes my boy more sensitive
so to use the preventor daily, twice a day
semua dah pegi lunch ke?

congrats betty!

btw, i'm clearing away more baby stuff.
specifically, 1 playpen and 2 baby gyms.
if anyone mummies here nak, or tahu siapa yg nak, PM me.

nora, what's flixotide?
Nora, thanks hor. Yalah, still in working condition.
My boys are using pulmicort. Memang daily once a day. 2 puffs at a time, doesn't matter the weather.
back from lunch.. got pple resign kecoh... had to buy choc sundae from mcd to calm myslef... hhehehe

flixotide is a preventor inhaler, color orange

seretide yg color green is it?

my boy's lungs are clear but still batok batok ..
doc says its sensitivity due to weather
<font color="119911">NAw
or yg orange eh? patut ah namanya familiar tp yg tu tak jalan for irfan, his is seretide, purple clr.. so far i dont gv him unless i sense hes too active, tired.. so far syukur ah hes ok.. cuma kena kasi lebih dosage of cod live oil hehe</font>
ha tu lah .. dia pakai ni pun
2 puffs each morning and nite

tapi cam samer jer.. hmm....

then malam tak leh puff lambat.. 8pm latest
mampos sampai pukul 2 pagi dia tak tido
bende ni semuer ade steriods kan
Yup ada steriods..
Sharf using seretide tu the purple colour for works well if dia baru start mild cough and developing phlegm. I terus kasi 1 puff..
I think in terms of preventing it frm coming, seretide is better.
<font color="119911">NAw
hmm so far for irfan oklah hes been on this for long.. oh yeah need to get it soon ah coz stock dah low gitu.. hmm he can even take it as late as 2 or 3am coz this is wen sudd he got cough attack &amp; short of breath, so once dah pump ah ok.. aru lega he can sleep..

bleh tgk on utube skg.. now watching it, dah beli cdnya tp tak tertgk2 coz tak nak anak2 tgk sama so thus im watching it now...
afternoon gorgeous mummies...its been a while....waves to nshah,nora,lina,waty and the rest wic i didnt mention too..da kenyang ke blum kawan2 ku,how u gals been doing hopefully gd ya....
<font color="119911">NAw
yup jus asked ah coz i tink seretide works much btr than flixotide ah.. entahlah my boy took that for abt 3-5mths tak salah &amp; its act worsen his coughing.. seh..</font>
<font color="119911">hi shash
lum kenyang ah coz ive got upset tummy since wed ah n i tink its gtg bad mayb besok nak pi jumpa doc ah.. entah apa ada pat dlm ni.. thus im taking light food every 2hrs to fill my tummy..</font>
nshah,alahai cianye,ifeel u ,i pernah kena sampai i rasa nak mkn pun i takut sey..gurl..thread senyap perasaan i je..heheheheh..u take gd care gurl

<font color="119911">shash
aah seh entah don noe wats wrg with me act.. dahlah period gue takkuar last mth thus skg ni camni plak.. ish bengang seh.. perut dah cam washing machine seh

ah tulah senyap lah plak e thread skg?</font>
