<font color="ff6000">Smalldreams,
Im on AL for a close of 3 weeks. I'm good, alhmdllh. Well spent holiday with DH and e boys.</font>

Just realised athlete *IS* selling the stuff, NOT buying. haha, sorry! Blur giler.
Ni gara2 rasa some mild cramps in my tummy :p

The jumperoo sounds gerek...tapi for now I can't buy yet, coz my baby not even born yet...and no storage. I wished I bought the FP rocker from you though. I got a pink one BN from a seller here.
<font color="119911">san
aah babe last wk dah open.. baru smlm ku pi hehe..
macam2 air ada naik biol ku tgk hehe
entah eh ku tak pernah beli outside ah bt i tried so far their ice teh tarik- $1.50, ice milo dinosaur- $2.50
<font color="119911">smalldreams
ah tulah ku tgk athlete is selling bukan looking hehe.. cian mak yong, i tght i salah comment haha</font>
LOL!!! Mild cramps, braxton hicks agak nye?
Yr edd is soon right?
Alamak, kalau tahu I post my rocker kat sini dulu.
That one, is really good condition cos my boy terus tak nak duduk rocker.

Tbh, I'm really not thinking of having a #2.
My journey to motherhood was extremely stressful and vvv difficult.
Dah dapt satu dah alhamdullilah....
talk abt mr teh tarik..

rase 21 kat tampines tu banyak stall dah tutup eh

or maybe i pegi malam so they are close for the day

i love the fishball noodle, even the mee hoon pun sedap, not the normal mee hoon u usually get
<font color="119911">NAw
byk dah tutup ke? i saw 1 stall je yg tutup e last 2 wks i pi during lunch? n smlm pun dlm cerpen ada show dat rasa 21
I heard from my colleague that Rasa21 is really nice. Tak tau pulak the shops dah closed. I don't even know where it's located.

Rasa cam mild menstrual cramps. I tak pernah seh rasa BHC. Entah2 ni BHC tak? For #1 pun, no BHC, alih2 bloody show, terus water bag leak.

Takpe, enjoy your #1 first

Take yr time.

You tengok semalam punye projek cerpen tak? Cerita complicated, banyak twists..haha..only a teenager can think of such a plot :p
hi dan and mas!

wah, 3 weeks on leave, syok!

rasa 21, i like the fishball noodle, the western stall and the roti bakar.
i like going there cos parking senang.
bile lah nak amik leave lame lame..

my boy start sch pun i take 2 days only
but i got a feeling i may have to extend that
dont know how nanti karenah dia kena naik sch bus
one week is too long for me to be away from office

nak amik half day its neither here nor there

bec his session is 1.45

apek bus belom confirm what time coming
Hello sumer!!!!!!

da lama aku tak masuk sini jenguk2...

how r u? pat FB senyap jer?
ingat da bomb... tgh kira hari ke?
<font color="119911">peah
aah i saw smlmnya cerpen, tu ah macam2 kan budak tu pikir sampai aku pun pening seh act.. tp kan i dont quite like ah dat story nya jalan cita.. cam berapa menarik ah.. however i like e 1st one

dah lunch smua.. had nasi ayam from spize dah tu beli cake choc &amp; durian dip from sedap corner haha, rabak seh diet aku.. ish..</font>
I senyap ke kat FB? Ada lah...cuma segan nak post too supervisors are also in FB :p

I replied! I have something very similar already, and my mom dah "remind" me pun, haha!

Ni lah budak2 teens, imaginasi wild habis. Tapi OK lah, at least ada civic mindedness jugak.

nak mintak tolong sikit...

anyone has the contact no of Amina yg buat BW?

klu ader, sms me at eigth two zero five zero five seven four.

Thank u!!
<font color="ff6000">Athlete,
Shiok habis tapi penat jugak! Hehehe...

I baru habis year end appraisal.
More task comes 2010 as they wana raise my profile with the upper mgmnts. Semakin byklah keje I...Duuuh!</font>
Hello mummies =)
I know no one will be around at this time but it's the only time I'm free for now. Malas nak wifi with SMH cos too long to scroll down.
Been very busy cos helping my cousin (groom to be) transform his room. From Sun to today, went out shopping plus cleaning and painting. Tomorrow nak pasang wallpaper. Have to selit meeting with contractor and shopping for house stuff as well. Penat. Can't wait for reno to start. Permit approved for half of the reno works. All the hacking blom approved lagi. So lambat!!
sri...tempat beranak terturun tak? gi sengkak....

clear white discharge....normal kan....tak bau\itchy....tapi kalau keluar terlampau banyak...u might want to check with the doc...

its normal for our V to have discharge(self-cleaning)....tapi tak berbau or cause itchyness bau/itchy... kdg2 keluar bila ngah jln.. dh lahirkan anak, tmpt branak leh terturun? hw can tt happened? adik nye keje most of the time duduk jer... hehehehehe...
most of the time duduk ajer is not good also
angkat barang berat also may cause it

after the talk abt the fishball noodle.. i had to go there last nite

stalls that are open
chicken rice
fishball noodle
the corner stall beside drinks stall

the rest all close
<font color="119911">NAw
aiks nora tulnya tergugat iman mu? hehe
ada kedai yg nasi padang or prata also kan, they are under e same or combined? yg tutup tak salah yg sblh western rite?
yg corner sblh stall air tu jual porridge, kway teow rite?</font>

nope, malam the nasi padang and prata close
yg sebelah porridge/kway teow tu open, that the one beside drinks stall

the fishball very nice la bouncy bouncy
<font color="119911">NAw
o i c.. dat stall tutup..
hehe fishball bouncy2 eh.. hmm now u make me wanna eat fishball noodles haha</font>
sri, like nora said...kadang2 angkat barang berat pon cause that....

sebab tu for those yg sudah bersalin...dinasihatkan to go for this sengkak session....

time nak tito...or any time suitable...lie down...kaki cam nak beranak....breathe in then naikkan slowly from bawah stomach ke atas....jgn lupa breathe out....nanti kojol
Morning ladies.
Re: Womb
Sri, it's normal la. Sengkak should be good tapi amik makcik urut yang bertauliah (hehe). Were you at Northpoint last Saturday? Thought I saw you but too far to tegur.

Aiii....dah stagnant?

Pergi mana pulak hari ni? :p

Mmmm...fishball tu springy...ada apa2 ingredient istimewa ker...hehehe...
WOW!!!! .. mane semuer orang???

i had some work to clear just now..

boing! boing! boing! fishball....

hmmm... a fren did tell me that cannot eat too much fishball..
it will make u stupid..
bec of the substance they use to kepal the fishball

but thats what old pple say abt makan telor ikan oso...

re: fishball
heh, i think too much of any "outside" food nowadays will make u stupid.
considering the amt of preservatives and additives they use.

tahu aje u eh, that i went out yesterday!

brought my boy to go see the sesame street show kat centrepoint.
whah, my 1st hand experience with the "kiasu-mother" syndrome i've been hearing abt.
they really just push their way thru!
my boy was in the stroller and this 1 lady, just nicely stood infront of him, her ass betul depan muka my boy!
i ended up had to dukung him.

i pernah dngr a teacher....claimed her senior said to her --> ' nowadays...dun know what they r seems that new batch r getting more stupid'

biasalah athlete....

pakkal ade yellow line on MRT platform....kalau tak aku rase dorang diri depan2....pintu bukak...they just rush...dapat seat terus tutup mate....
