<font color="0077aa">Lina
haha, yeah. It's ironic though, in some parts of the world, pple are going hungry yet in other parts pple are dying from eating too much.

You know I pernah terbaca somewhere. Pple are not having kids coz they don't want to bring children into the world we live in. Hmm...macam2</font>

got this couple here....dorang tak nak anak...coz dorang cakap tak nak 'burden' dibelakang hari...
they said invest so much...then nanti tua belum tentu anak tu leh jaga....

im not sure this couple masih work sinie....
kalau yayak kat plastic n sit on it...camne nak keluar oiii..penyek bende tu...

sure dlm plastic tu ada smallpotty for her to sit on

sanggup bawak...

toilet kan perrrrrrrrrr!!!...
Alah Dan.. kalau penyek bende tu pun, maid dia lah yg kena bersih kan bontot budak tu.. haiz.. kesian maid dia.. eew.. why was this not in the papers ?
Hi mums! Gd morning.
Boys are in school already and I have time for myself. Not needed at work today.

I think the parents are really uncivilized people. It is so gross. Might as well pakaikan anak dia diapers balik. And in a foodcourt, of all places!!!

I keluar rumah siap dengan tuala kecik, extra undies, wet wipes and empty water bottle untuk cebokkan my son sekali.
<font color="ff6000">Dan / Betty.

Nak kata tkde maid, ada...agaknya dorang fikir singkat. Janji "lepas"!

My son kalau nk terberi atau terkencing, both hub and myslf yg kanchiong cari washroom. Kalau tgh mkn, one of us will take turns to handle the boys to the washroom cum taking care of the lil bro.</font>
San, memang tu what we are suppose to react per...

Btw, San you nak beli tak benda storage tu. Aku tgh nak beli lagi nie.. boleh i amik kan you.. let me know.
Dah lah now that lunch in here, forget abt the potty topic. Just hope we won't be categorised into such a group of pple in future.

So what's for lunch? I feel like going tapi malas nak jalan pulak.
<font color="119911">hoya all reporting sick from jelapang office..

e berak in e foodcourt scene sungguh gross n kebetulan dat nite me &amp; gfrens were ard dat area nasib tak terpikir nak makan sana ish.. jijik tull otak mati seh..</font>
yuhhhhuuuuu...tadi cuaca so windy....
tadi i makan nasi + rendang + lemak turi + ikan bilis sambal petai(dah tak petang lagik)
gd afternoon all!!!

watie/desperate hsewife!!
Tanx for the pics gal....kesian tuan umah tak amik gambar...hehehhe

tanx again, hana, nora aw, nora rossi, watie for coming!!

yg lain lain apa khabar~~~
<font color="ff6000">Olazz...

Back from Lunch but yet to eat cos accompanied my coliq to Robinson's sale.
Gona eat my nasi lemak soon.

Ku terbayang fondue ko tau...heh!

Bila u nk order?
I lom ready tau. Tggu officially back home baru order cos nk kemas rumah dulu.
Postage/courier brapa dia charge?</font>
Just had salted fried rice.
And many rows of cadbury dairy milk choc.
Baru lah baby kat dlm ni stop tendang2.
If not, she was moving non-stop before lunch!
Dia tau ke I belum makan...
knock knock....anybody home...

wah smalldreams choc lagik!.....hihiihi
mestilah baby tahu....
kalau u tak makan jugak...flying kick dia kasi hihihih

nak cuci fondue set tu aku terjilat jilat jari ni...kekekekeke..sarah pon menyibok "tolong" bersihkan ....

I emailed you!
<font color="0077aa">Morning San &amp; lina!

Betul lah Lina cakap. Kalau hari2 weekend,
bila masa kita earn $$? hehehe!

Lagipon, hari2 tak kerja pun, buntu jugak apa nak
bikin kat rumah! Though I'm a lazybump and wouldn't mind not having anything to do</font>
wat happen to the thread???

da 'mati' ker? suni sepi ajer.
i tot da lama tak masu byk citer ble baca.
skali masuk kosong sey...!

MOMMIES.... korang pi mana?
sibuk tangkap kambing nak buat korban kaper?
kalo cip hilang aku paham ler. dia nak i protect kambing2 dia.
tapi yg lain, di mana yah???
<font color="ff6000">Morning all!

Baru nk bfaz. Pagi-pagi diseru oleh coliqs. Ada electricity failure. Now dah ok..Pheeeww!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Morning San, Dan

lambatnya ur bf..!! kita jap lagi dah nak kluar lunch pun.. hehehe

terror betol kau main tu bejeweled blitz... kasi tipssssssssss..!!!!</font>
<font color="ff6000">Lynn,

Nasib badan you....baru nak panaskan kerusi skali BB ringing bab ada prob kat pantry area.</font>
