
so touching worrrrrr....
"ayah masak hangus semuanya~ "

kalau i jadi anak2 u pon..i peluk u kuat2...

tak per ...nanti lama2 jadi Chef...or kalau tak sempat call the tingkat services

<font color="0077aa">Mamaliz
Well yr hubby would have to play his role now.
A mother can't juggle everything - need support from hubbies!

Sometimes if I have to work on Saturday - say half day ke apa, I won't send Adam to my mom's place. I just let his Ayah jaga. Baru dia tau how it's like jaga anak, haha! Tapi Ayah tends to pamper more than Ibu!

Ouh dear, that sounds serious. U must be shocked, tiba2 kena sharp pain. I hope it's nothing serious. Did the doc say why? Was it due to painkillers at birth ke? Curious jugak

Takpe, kalau kita redha, insya-Allah everyone gets pahala.

I'm toying with the idea of taking 1mth NPL after my ML. Satu bulan takde gaji, tengok boleh survive tak. I rasa I OK,just have to cut down on shopping. Cuma I kena dig out my savings for my parents' allowance</font>
<font color="ff6000">smalldreams,
The doc diagnosed it as "unspecified back disorders".

I didnt opt for any epidural for both pregnancies. Entahlah. I'm on medication for 5 days. If still persist, need to go back to e hosp for anotr review.</font>
Smalldreams, my 2nd one turns 3 end of Dec. InsyaAllah you can survive lah with 1month NPL. I took 3 months NPL before giving birth to my 1st and resigned when I'm with my 2nd. My husband's pay tak sampai 3k but we can still survive. In fact, you'll be amazed at how discipline you'll be when you know there's no $ coming in. Macam orang kata, besar periuk besar keraknya. But then again, we only had to pay for our house and bills. No other installments.

San, hope you'll recover soon. Good that you didn't take epidural. I took for both labour and have been suffering from backaches eversince. Takboleh jalan or berdiri terlalu lama. Otherwise, pain will be so intense especially bila baring.

Mamaliz, you'll get used to it eventually but cam sedih kan tinggalkan. I used to feel like that after every holiday. The boys will be asking me to stay home and not go to work.
<font color="ff6000">Lina,
I will sis.

Thanks for ur well wishes babe.
Dtg sakitnya..mendadak smpi nk bergerak pon susah. Esp bila dukung my sons. Cuma bila I baring, I dun feel any pain. Once bgn dari tdo...duduk/jalan terlalu lama, that's where it started. Hope you're feeling much better too.</font>
Liz, betul kata smalldreams.. now then your hubby will realise that it's tough to be a housewife.. LOL*

Liz, si Sarah and Hilmi like aper cartoon character ?
i agree dat i will get used to it one fine day...but at the moment its still sad to wake up while eveyone's asleep n leave for work...then by the time i reached home the day's gone n u wonder what the kids been up to...haiz...

hubby got say if it gets too tiring dont force urself to work...but of cos i think i need to work...his pay is enuff for us presently but wat abt life savings kan? my cpf macam dead ajer gitu....die die must work if plan to have a comfortable retirement period ...insyaAllah...

so far hubby has been very helpful...berseh umah dia jaga...more cleaner than when im home tau...even the stove he scrubbed...cuma masak ajer dia belum pandai...but he tried...hehehehe


take care babe..hopefully ur backpain will go off soon...
<font color="119911">betty
oh u tak bleh jalan or diri too long eh? for me tak bleh diri or duduk too long confirm sakitnya dtg seh.. dat time yg pi roadtrip to trengganu ah kau kena sakit seh, nasib ada sendi plus utk stdby.. anyway jgn tanya ubat apakah itu, its reccmd by my MIL &amp; gd for my sendi2 pains</font>
San, the person actually living next to my block tau.. kau jgn order.. let me order. Not that she will give me discount ker aper.. tapi i ckp dgn dia that i will recommend my friends to this barang2.. dia pun FTWM..chinese with 1yr old son.. Just helping each other.. you tinggal mana ?
Liz... terbalik plak.. Sarah suka Ben 10 and Hilmi nie mcm Maya plak.. suka Mickey Mouse.. ok noted.
hehehehehe...tulahh...kelakar eh, si girl suka main tembak tembal, fight fight n ben 10 or watever boy cartoons...
boy plak suka music music, dancing, mickey mouse n cats....
<font color="0077aa">San
Looks like for the time being you won't be able to carry your sons first. Kasi yr back baik betul2 dulu. You're still young, we wouldn't want this pain to recur.

Thanks for yr pointers on the NPL. I hope I can survive. I know what you mean by curbing expenditure bila terpaksa. But for me, my hubby boleh dikirakan belum start kerja tau. He's also paying for his car installment which to me, is ridiculously high. And the car is also a fuel guzzler and I contribute at times too lah. Haizzzz...!

Re the Epidural. I guess you're another one I've heard yang ada side effects of epi. My SIL pun kena - and she actually too epi for fun just to try out for her #2!!! She say kalau hari hujan, rasa cam sakit sikit.

A friend of mine told me about her friend whose father is a gynae. Dia kata, sapa tak amik epi rugi sebab medicine is so advanced that it permits for painless birth. Tapi I totally tak agree. He's a man, what does he know about the side effects. I have friends yang suffer with epi both during delivery and after.

wow, sarah so girly, tapi suka ben 10 seh!</font>
Re: Epidural
No doubt epi is dr's gift to women (hah). I know. For my 1st, the epi was 1 hour till I was about to deliver. So I rasa full contractions since 9am till 12pm. Then at 130pm they switched it off and I could feel the surge of pains. The difference is so great. That was why I swore not to give birth again but then again, I had another one a yr later. This time round epi was 1 hr before delivery but they didn't switch it off totally, only minimized. Delivery was a breeze. I guessed it's all up to mummies. Jangan kena side effects yang teruk sudah.

Seems to be talking a bit too much. Sorry.

ish..sarah tak girly lahh...kalau keluar berjalan , i n ayah dia yg pilihkan baju..if not she will just opt for home shorts n shirt...
ajak shopping baju boys wif those cartoon characters yg dia suka...
at skool pon dulu her friends are all boys..luckily at her new sch she managed to make frens wif girls...
<font color="0077aa">Betty
apa pulak talk too much? I lagi macam2, hehe.
It's good to share your opinions.
I pun after delivering #1, I told myself, I didn't think I could go through this again. Haiz.
Tengok lah nanti, am hoping I dont have to take epi for #2 one too insya-Allah.

Sarah is so halus &amp; ladylike, appearance wise I mean. That's why tak sangka dia suka Ben 10!</font>
ya savings important...
i am 'toying' pinjam word smalldreams hiihi of the idea of becoming PTWM....tapi omong2 ajer...

for me alhamdulillah..i tak ambil epi or other pain killers
wei.....bukan 2-5 lahhhhh
makan n umah lom siap

kol 5-9pm
saraH turning 8yrs old n hilmi turned 3....;

sarah kecik kecik cili api...nampak ajer ladylike kalau burp...waduhhh...kuat!!
wati...kalau datang tu time kena tolong mamaliz tiup belon hahahahahha

oh kol 5....

kasi ler kau nyer address...kalau aku sempat after the kenduri...aku bawak aku punye soldiers lerrr....
alamak now i dah macam nak makan ayam masak cili padi after you mentioned cili api, *lol*

your kids are getting bigger...zaman remaja...berkaler-kaler you...
786B woodlands dr 60
tingkat dua...sempang lapan puluh lima

u all tau kan i dah tukar telefon nombor..

check kat fb kalau lupa..ada add n phone number..
hmmmm...i takyah tunggu sarah anak dara ....skang jerr dah mintak hp! kawan dia pi skool bawak hp tunjuk kat dia...waduhhh...
den duit pon dah mengira...kalau lupa kasi pandai sound kita, keluar pi kedai nak bawak dompet...dulu aku at her age masih blur sehhh...nak apa apa kena tanya bole amik ke tak..nak makan pon kena tanya bole makan ke tak...sarah so the independent..makan, pi dapor amik nasi n help herself...kalau nasi abis dia masak nasi, cuma tanya i braper gayung jerr...nxt yr dah bole masak agaknya..wakakakaka
fuyohhh...kita dah went tru that age our turn to go tru it mesti seram bacin...hahahahaha...

its like if we let them do wat they want ..takut salah buat kawan...
kalau tak kasi we know how it feels to be left out from the fun with the frenz...

for me...i ingat, my sis n bro slalu kena turn plak tak kena langsung pasal i tink my parents learnt a lot from the first 2...
i was encouraged to choose frenz wisely n able to invite them home for lunch n lepak watch tv...but of cos lah kita tau the limit by wat time nd to go home n s forth...important skali advise on choosing well mannered frenz...
i totally agree..

Alamak.. i have the sudden urge to eat Secret Recipe !!! OMG.. i want the lamb shank... die die..
salams, morning semua!

I tanya you eh, if I joined a spree, tapi I mintak for my orders to be dropped coz some of my items were OOS, tapi spree organiser tu tak check &amp; just went ahead to order lepas tu suruh I bayar, am I obliged to pay for the items? I dah beli what I need already! Haiz.
morning....gue manyak work ah....
kalau tak nak kecoh2....just bayar jer lah....
maybe that organiser tak terima last minute punye drop order?

u tak tanya dia...whether dia recv ur email...?
I rasa dia punye orang ni tak check thread / email punye orang. She took about 2 weeks to refund me for OOS item. Cuma, dia tak perasan my email yang I nak drop orders for another spree too since barang I dah OOS. Personally I rasa ni silap dia &amp; she tak patut demand I supaya bayar.

I dah reply dia, I cakap dgn dia, I don't need those anymore as I've bought what I needed. Tengok nanti apa dia reply. U're rite lah, kalau tak mo kecoh2, guess I'll just have to pay.

Sebab tu tak kuasa aku nak organise spree2 ni semua. I Buat sekali aje tu pun pasal my cousin boleh bawak my items balik drp US.
Morning Mas
Selamat ulangtahun perkahwinan! Dah 10 tahun seh. I baru 4 yrs.

Ya lor. The thing is, she placed order with SOMEONE ELSE (another spreeist)! I will pay her, tapi for now I want to keep her waiting coz I feel she's such a disorganised organiser. Expecting people to pay for her mistakes.
Selamat Pagi semua mummies...

Mas.. Happy 10th Year Anniversary !!! Wow... what a huge milestone for you and hubby...
