Morning moms.
Mas, wishing you again. Happy 10th anniversary! Semoga berkekalan hingga ke syurga.

Smalldreams, I dislike disorganized spree organizer or those yg jarang update. For now, I cuma join overseas sprees with those I'ma already familiar with. Organizing is not easy but you have to be responsible. Most of the time now, I just order sendiri.

I can't wait for today to be over. Going out for dinner with the husband later and I don't have to come to work on Monday cos they are having promotion day. So yeahooo!

hullo all..!!!

mas.. once again,
Semoga berkekalan ke cucu plak... bab anak da ader. :p

niari pun sunyi sepi ajer...

i nak vent anger la pat sini.
im soo mad w hb! he kip scolding the kids pasal budak2 serak kan rumah. dia balik from market rumah serak then trus kasi attitude! aku diam ajer... then adam tgh makan, dia accidentally drop the food on the floor, trus kene marah! by this time aku takle angkat trus aku POP!! salah.. BOOM! i mean, u staying with 2kids who are 4yo and 2yo how can u expect the house to be tidy and neat the whole day!!!!!!!!

pas tu aku pun kene marah! dia tanye pasal aku mandi then tinggalkan budak2 pat luar and let them mess up? aku jawab ar, keje aku da bis per, da masak, sumer da settle aku mandi lar.. tunggu aper! i mean, slalu dia anatr adam pi skool, sarah and me alone pun si sarah mess up per. i mean its NORMAL for kids to mess up wat! NOT?? tis happens few times already. so nari aku takle angkat aku just boom la. giler kaper? nak marah2 dgn budak2 kecik. aku jaga hari2 rumah serak, aku kemas pun tak bising2 per....
in my anger, i told him kalo tak suka stay dgn budak2 pi pack bag stay dgn orang2 tua! cis!
*simbah air pat zu*

its NORMAL for kids to mess up

maybe ur hub stress with sumtink else tak...n unfortunately he vent out on the kids...n u
fuyoh...aku masuk jer nampak Zu ngah marah or boomz~! peace!

anyway...darling .....*nak sejukkan hati Zu jap*
my hubby slalu camtu....susah skit nak interfere when darah dia ngah up n budak budak depan i try my best to sound nice n stern by telling him "yang~~~~yang~~~scold them later" i suruh cool down dulu....tapi at times macam nak cekik dia pon ada...
maybe its a common thing ahh...hubbies tend to get frustrated wif the kids more easily than the mums...baru tadi it happened but i managed to cool him down by saying the kids just woke up dont scare them like that....then when he quiet down, i made the move top explain to the kids wat ayah was angry about....
<font color="119911">zu
sabar.. sabar.. selalu laki aku plak if rumah serak, aku gak yg kena marah yelah aku ni itulah, inilah tal pernah marah budak2 tp rabak aku kena.. dah cam aku ni pencacai seh..

i tink ur hub ada stress abt smtg kot? takpelah babe.. sabar k.. tk it ez.. *hugs*.. he still lum dpt work eh? mayb tu yg stress him out tak?</font>
lina.. no lah.
tak jgk sey.. dia pantang budak serak trus dia naik angin! aku rasa nie penyakit dia ar sakkk! and within tis week dia buat mcm tu a few times liao. tadi aku takle angkat bab tu aku marah.. now aku sejuk plak kene simbah air!

kalo aku takde nak yang yang lagi...
cis! da buat aku marah nak kasi dia yang plak.
aku tak tayang penumbuk da baik!

he started work at new plc already.
it seems even better.. takle stress.
he's a NEAT FREAK lar! i cnt stand him at times.

newaay, dia baru text and apologised.
tau plak mengaku he's obsessed w being neat!
mcmne nak neat kalo rumah ade budak2!!!
<font color="119911">zu
hehe ok ah babe he apologised already.. gd for u dear..
tulah camne nak neat seh with kids yg suka super serak, penat tau.. kemas 1 portion, another portion dia start ah dah tu lari ke bilik plak, balcony plak ish..</font>
<font color="0077aa">Zu
U masih mengamok ke sekarang?
Good lah at least yr hubby sedar jugak where he went wrong.

Adam baru 1 orang, yet the house is so messy all the time. Penat kemas! He'd actually sing the Clean Up song tapi, Ibu yang "Temas" (kemas in Adam's language)</font>
Zu, is your husband a Taurean or a Virgoan? I find that guys of these zodiac signs neat freak. Rumah ada budak memang takkan kemas. Itu jugak yg my husband cakap pasal I pon neat freak jugak. Mainan serak I don't mind. Jangan makanan. Tapi lelaki kalau marah anak I think memang buruk lah. My husband too. Sayang terlebih sangat. Kalau marah pon over jugak.

Smalldreams, my boys pon sing the Clean Up song tapi nyanyi ajer, geraknya tidak. But I do tell them if they don't know how to clean up their own toys after play, I will take the big black plastic bags and throw all toys away. That works everytime.
betty my hub is a Taurean n he is a NEAT FREAK....
n also kaki jealous...hihihihih

my hub cam betty....he will keluarkan plastic hitam...n he will just throw....

so the kids kelam kabut!
Lina, LOL.
Eh tapi kan I acah jer nak buang. Sayang oiii. Duit kita yang beli. Lol. But the boys tau takot. Cepat-cepat dorang simpan. Bukan apa, just to teach them from young to tidy up. Nanti mainan berselerak belum terkemas dah buat aktiviti lain.

Tea break - Strawberry yogurt with white choc toppings from Yogurt Plc. Tak lunch tadi. Perut dah berkeroncong. Malam nak makan chunky chicken foccacia from McCafe.
my hub pon aca ajer....kite nie bukan mak bapak lords....ketik ajer duit keluar hihihihi

kalau dia throw pon...memang toys yg nak kena buang...

*canteen time*

hujan2 asyik lapar....

tak hujan pon lapar....
no lah.. da tak marah.
tadi isi hati sumer da terkluar!:p

u are right! he's a Taurean!
aku virgo.. so most of the time house is very neat!
just that at times budak2 main then serak, i just let it be la.
they are, afterall kids per. no point getting angry and all stressed up over tat!

Pasal buang toys-
i will do tat. hb wont la. dia acar ajer.
rotan pun sama. amik rotan then ckp tak kemas kene pukul tapi tak pernah jalan... marah jer lebih!
at times words are more harsh than axn.
<font color="0077aa">Salams!
Morning semua!

It *is* cooling this morning. Semalam malam si Adam tido from 7 pm all the way till about 7 pm today. Then hubby &amp; I had a fondue session - melted chocolate &amp; ate with marshmallows + Fruits. Best!</font>
<font color="ff6000">Morning mommies!

Wa'alaikum salam smalldreams,
We had that at Liz's crib...The fondue was superb man! Makanan lain pon sedap tapi that fondue is irresistable!</font>
<font color="0077aa">
Ouh, you gal went? Must've been fun!
Saturday I was so packed in the evening.
Went over to my MIL's place for dinner
coz it was also SIL's wedding anniv.

Bestnye fondue! Fondue fountain eh!

Selamat pagi! Dah 100% baik?</font>
Hi Smalldreams.. coughing is here to stay. My hubby masih down with flu. My daughter still down with runny nose and bad coughing.
<font color="0077aa">Wati
Alamak.... degilnye kuman ni. Dah lebih seminggu kan?

Maya lagi kesian. Did you bring her to GP?

For cough, I took this medicine called Actified and it cleared within 2 days. Tapi ngantuk lah. I makan time malam aje</font>
aku aku....

tapikan aku rase most of them mass printing....yg kau nak...aku pon nak...n semua yg lain nak hihiihih...

kau nak ape stickers....? exchange with what stickers....
<font color="ff6000">smalldreams,
Yup. Went with my boys and sisters.
It's the fondue fountain...Menjilat jari. Pakkal kat rmh orng. Hehehe!</font>
Salams Dan! Tak perasan you dah masok!

Alamak, my jiran colleague ni ada bronchitis abih tu datang kerja batok2....haiz...just pray I won't catch it.
<font color="ff6000">Wati,

If either my boys or myslf cough too much, I'll add honey + limau diminum dgn air suam. It helps tho...</font>

During Liz nye open hse pon my kiddos attacked the fondue mountain...

After Danial's graduation yestesday...sampai umah abt 6, he mandi terus lepak...kepenatan...penat
coz ke participated in the drama...Ali Baba &amp; the 40 thieves
My friend showed me this photo while she was at Opera foodcourt at Ion. It's at about 7pm on a Saturday, meaning there are a LOT of people and this family of three generations were seated at the table next to her.

One of the girls needed to take a dump, so they took out a pot for her to dump in...right in the middle of the foodcourt. She said it was damn smelly and gross coz she was seated right next to them.

So uncivilised.

(gambar tu kan...budak tu tgh pop pat situ jugak..)
<font color="ff6000">Lina,

Dari mana dia dpt tu "pot"?
If i were there, confirmed termuntah balik!

SG tak lacking of toilets per...Susah sgt ke?
<font color="0077aa">Dan
Kalau rezki you ada kat situ, insya-Allah dapatlah confirmation

Tapi I rasa you're still quite fortunate, coz yr probation baru 3 bulan. At my work place, sometimes orang kerja for 6 mths as daily-rated tau. MC pun takde. Haiz.

That's so disgusting. Dah kenapa dgn orang2 ni? Dah tak cukup toilet? Gross.

I've also seen a little girl, abt 4 yrs old, just nyangkung over a longkang &amp; peed.

And yes, time flies. I can't believe we're going to 2010 soon! Tapi I wonder if the world is a better place to live in these days

Bestnye fondue party!
I ada fondue set kenit aje. Kalau nak invite semua datang, sure semua tak sabar nak tunggu turn nak dip chocolate!</font>
nyanyi laju MJ for smalldreams...

'Heal the world...make it a better place...
for u n for me n the entire human race....'

OMG.. tat is so disgusting.. kalau aku kat situ, terus i will run to the information counter and ask for security to go there... giler siol.. Look at what the little girl is wearing.. nampak sgt, the stupid mummy and daddy knows how to dress their daughter well !!!
