
san tanya how much i subscribe the MIO & sport channel...

<font color="ff6000">Dan / Lina,
Oic...ok, see what hub gonna commented. Heh! Kerana bola, sanggup proposed kat I. Men will be men!

I think my maid pon jenis tak akan sambung cos asyik flip the calendars jer.
Duno what she's thinking.

Btw, hal apa dia buat?
Due to contract ending soon?</font>
dia flip calander...u flip hair hiihiihih

dia flip calender...tu maknanya...bila nak gaji...

these few mths kan dorang cume dapat abt $30 ajer...

it cld be worse.. ni kira dah ok at least boleh buat keje

my fren used to get a maid yg bilang others that my fren abused her

but its all lies and the relationship between maid and employer was actually ok

dunno why she buat buat crite, nak org yer simpati agak yer

imagine how shocked my fren was whn a neighbour told her abt it
<font color="ff6000">Nora,
Apa yang dia fikir smpi buat gitu?
We hire them for some reasons and this is what they did in return?

Don't undertstand them sometimes. </font>
morning morning....
Mudah cetak

13 Nov 2009


Dua amah dituduh cuba ugut, cederakan bayi majikan

DUA amah Indonesia semalam diheret ke mahkamah dengan salah seorang daripada mereka dituduh mengugut membunuh bayi majikannya, manakala seorang lagi cuba mencederakan bayi kembar majikannya.

Dalam kes pertama, Nurhasanah, 29 tahun, dikatakan mengacu sebilah gunting pada tubuh si bayi sambil mengugut majikannya supaya segera menghantarnya pulang.

Dia juga mendesak majikannya supaya menghantarnya ke lapangan terbang untuk membeli tiket.

Kejadian tersebut berlaku di sebuah flat di Jurong West Selasa lalu.

Nurhasanah direman di Institut Kesihatan Mental (IMH) bagi pemeriksaan. Kesnya akan didengar lagi 26 November ini.

Jika sabit kesalahan, dia boleh dihukum penjara sehingga tujuh tahun.

Dalam satu perbicaraan berasingan, seorang lagi amah, Titin Agustiana, didakwa mengambil secubit sabun serbuk dan mencampurkannya ke dalam tin susu tepung bayi kembar lelaki berusia dua setengah bulan.

Setelah menggaul campuran sabun dengan susu tepung itu, dia menutup kembali tin tersebut.

Kejadian itu berlaku 11 Ogos lalu.

Mahkamah diberitahu bahawa Titin melakukan perbuatan itu kerana tidak puas hati terhadap majikannya yang sering memarahinya kerana tidak bekerja dengan baik.

Perbuatannya terbongkar apabila majikannya hendak menyiapkan minuman susu bagi bayi kembarnya itu.

Majikannya kebetulan ternampak butiran berwarna biru dalam susu tepung yang berbau wangi itu.

Mengesyaki Titin melakukan perbuatan itu, suami majikannya membawanya ke agensi pembantu rumah mereka.

Semalam, Titin, yang ditahan reman sejak 13 Ogos lalu, mengaku melakukan perbuatan tersebut dengan niat memudaratkan bayi kembar berkenaan.

Hakim Daerah, Cik May Mesenas, menangguhkan hukuman hingga hari ini.

Jika sabit kesalahan, Tintin boleh dipenjara lima tahun dan didenda.

Dari Berita Harian
Selamat Pagi Kengkawan... Wah dah lama tak masuk forum... terasa rindu menyelimuti di ruang hati.. amboi !!

LOL*** It's TGIF babes !!
Hi Nora... Sunday nie.. im not sure what is the best time. Maya habis Tumbletots at 11.30am. So maybe kita terus pergi makan lunch, then go East Coast. I know it's hot, tapi East Coast banyak pohon beringin, so should not be a problem.
<font color="0077aa">Good morning semua

Lina, Nora
I read about that. It's so terrible! Sampai hati maid tu. Mesti dah marah sangat. Tapi eh, dia pon satu. Takkan lah orang tak perasan susu tu ada blue dots from the detergent. Tsk.

Sekarang punya cuaca tak boleh plan2 lah. Kena pack, jalannn!

Wah, korang ada picnic plan eh? Bestnye!</font>
I dah standby picnic basket.. ada fruits, ada sandwiches...ada air... mat..

Frankly speaking, i dah masuk 5 years never jejak East Coast tau...

tak lah plan ape ape

just saw cip update fb she gg cycling

this sunday so far i got nothing on.. kalau jadi jumpe ler
<font color="0077aa">Wati
You orang west per. Lagipon EC is super crowded on weekends unless you pergi paggggi sekali (lepas syuruk).

I pernah gi sana just to buy BK breakfast and I saw how peaceful it was on a weekday! Haiz, bila lah aku nak jadi tai-tai, boleh pergi beach on weekdays.

Ouh, cam tu eh! Have fun gals
Nora.. aper seh.. Mc D picnic lain .. LOL

Bcos I nak kasi Maya jgn barefooted on the sand. Apparently she is scared of sand. Tgk keadaan jugak. Maybe kita baring2 kat mat, terus tertido anak beranak..Cos between 1pm to 4pm is Maya nap time. Kena angin laut sepoi-sepoi confirm tido.
<font color="0077aa">Wati
Tido kalau ada spot yang sesuai.

Jangan lupa 2-pc tau! :p

Yes it's good to let kids, and even ourselves jalan kat sand / tanah at times. Kita manusia ni, lagi2 orang bandar, tak jejak tanah lagi. Somehow jejak tanah tu will bring us back to earth &amp; sedarkan kita, apart from giving us a real good therapeutic feeling

i think she not scared la
but geli bec my boy also like that
he so bothered by the sand.. hmm .. mebbe ikut me eh

bile maternity leave starts?
<font color="0077aa">Nora
You tak busy ke hari ni?

Entah lah, I intend to work until I pop.
Tapi I nervous lah coz I really have a lot of work to clear and I'm already in my 32-33rd week</font>
Yes. I think its more to geli feeling.. I pun tak suka sand in between the toes.. sakit. LOL*

Biasalah orang bandar nie spoil. This weekend im introducing Maya to nature.. hehehe..

2 pcs eh.. aku mana boleh baring kat situ pakai 2 pc... ada kang orang will try to push me back into the water, thinking that im a beach whale yg terdampar ...
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Morning Morning..</font>

bestnya ada plan nak play wit sand and water by the beach..

bolah kata kan, i selalu jugak gi EC.. kita suka cycling, main pasir air.. fun lah..

tapi betol kata Smalldream, klu u nak gi after zohor gitu.. very pack tau, nak cycling pun susah..
selalu i gi in the morning.. b4 11 kita balik.

btw last wk i was there and klu u nak play wit sand kat daerah McD, situ ada construction..
so tak leh jln or mandi manda.. tapi tak tau lah klu the construction dah moved on.. cos EC now doing alot of upgrading</font>
Thanks Lynn.. Maya ada Tumbletots pagi.. so susah sikit.. I will not be going to the area near McD.. too crowded. But i will go to the area kat hujung2... it's quieter kan.. maybe yg dekat dengan sailing club ker.. or the chalet area..tu better. quieter.
<font color="0000ff">Morning San

yap yap.. ard chalet area more peaceful..
but not really near sailing club.. cos sana byk activities going on.. like sailing etc etc

maybe u want to consider near Lagoon Food Village or ard Playground @ Big Splash </font>
<font color="0077aa">Morning San!

I think kat S'pore ni, mana2 asik construction aje! Parkway parade pun sekarang, dah ada baru punye area. got Starbucks &amp; KFC there.

Actually kan, you can try Changi Beach also. It's less crowded than EC for sure &amp; there are quite a few shady areas if you pandai cari. There are boats to look at too! But of course, the amenities are not as good as the ones in EC. Takde fast food etc. But I love Changi beach for its tranquility.

You can park at where pple park when they buy nasi lemak Changi Village. It's where you take boats out to Pulau Ubin. </font>
<font color="ff6000">Morning Dan..

I've left with a heavy heart earlier. Can't stop worrying abt my boys @Smbwng cos my security cammy's not functioning well. =(</font>
<font color="0000ff">Morning Dan..!

betol betol.. mana2 semua construction.. mcm orchard rd tu.. i called it *muka tak pernah siap*.. sini project complete, they start another project kat sana.. hehe

btw me too suka gi changi beach.. just to lepak2 and amik angin.. relax and peaceful.
naufal enjoy watching the aeroplane keep coming in every few mins!

one thing bagus gi tempat2 gini, we dont tend to spend so much unlike kat shopping centre. benda yg tak perlu pun, bila dah berkenan je.. mesti TERbeli.. hehehe</font>

busy ah.. but miss u guys ler

cant wait for dec.. peace time at work and most clients also senyap due to the holidays

u take care.. dun stress
<font color="0077aa">Lynn
Sama lah! Kalau pergi shopping centre, sure keluar ada one or two toys for Adam. Terok betul!

Semalam I bawak Adam gi dentist lepas tu jalan2 kat ION (first time jejak), then went to Raffles city. We left the place with a big crane truck and something else. Tsk!

Kalau gi beach, limit2 spend $15 maybe on drinks, snacks &amp; ice cream.

When we can't control everything else, Allah can. Doa, Doa &amp; Doa!

Hopefully you get a peaceful rest in Dec too
agree....kalau gi shopping centre mesti ada TERbeli...

Juz like last Tues....I abis course kat Concorde hotel...then hari nak hujan so I drop by Robinson Centerpoint....Cett....They are having Thomas n friends booth....Da TERspend $70++ there...
TERbeli pyjamas,plates,cups,puzzle n hehehe alas meja
Mas memang famous for TERbeli.. hehehe...

Tu sebab dah berapa weekend i stay put at home. One is due to being sick. Then dah banyak duit habis on visiting to doctors.. Me visit 3 times, then Maya visit once, then hubby once.. Dalam masa sebulan dah 5 kali visit.. Each time costing about max $50..sigh*.. So this weekend, i can only afford to spend abit.. so plan something relaxing. Maybe i should change my plan to go West Coast instead of East Coast eh ? Nearer to rumah, lagi takder benda.. but they have plenty of playground and picnic area...

Tgklah.. hehehe.
Mas.. ada sand.. tapi kat playground. Sand dia halus2 giler.. aku jln pun tak stable seh...

But no beach to swim in or play water. Tapi dipagari... so can watch kapal jer.
Dan.. jgn marah.. gurau jer.

Issh..lapar betul perut nie. Lambat lah jam nak tukar tu 12.30pm. Dah growling... Niari makan mee goreng instant and hotdog bakar.
Dan...hehehe.. sekarang Ginza Plaza dah takder tau. dah jadi West Coast Mall/ Plaza something like tat. It's better.. banyak kedai.. kalau tak mcm mati tempat tu kan.

Today mcm nak makan ...hhhmmm...apa eh... tanyer tekak kejap..
