<font color="ff6000">Lina,

Biasa jer cuma ada byk "govt rules" factor lah. I suruh A, dia buat B since mom suro dia buat gitu. And my prnts byk belas kasihan this and dat. Kalau gitu, bila mahu game?

Say, I expect her to wash 2 bathrooms...dia buat 1 atau langsung tidak. Alasan, puasa...sigh.

Will move back, insyllh end of e mth.</font>
san...susahlah kalau ade banyak government hihiihi coz maid will ikut mane yg senang...

u ambil agent much was the total including insurance....

next year insurance dah naik tau....
<font color="0000ff">san
memang susah nak control klu ada 2 CEO.. maid confuse nak ikut arahan dari mana.. so she will choose the easy one lah..
klu u firm sgt and want thingy done ur way, takut ur parent tersinggung pulak..

lina, san
msn ada apa? tak faham ahh </font>
then click Games...

sane ade banyak free online games e.g. bejeweled

bukan msn chit website...

belum dapat lah..sonyap je...mayb end Nov
gaji bulan Nov dah dapat...boss out-station fr 20Nov til 2Dec...

nak apply cuti fr 23rd-28thDec...adik ipar kahwin kat pahang...
<font color="0000ff">Lina
nak gi setakat main game.. takpe lah.. terus tak keje..
ni kat FB game je dah mcm addicted, hari2 nak main!!</font>
'hari2 nak main!!'

betul betul betul...ehem...

Dan nampaknya kena tunggu boss balik...mengikut firasat hari khamis malam jumaat...mesti u dapat...coz kalau tak dorang dah siang2 jumpa kalau performance tak menjanjikan....
<font color="ff6000">Lina,
Tu lah...smlm hub saw e real thg. 1 family makan. The norm thg..kita smua mkn, dia jaga anak2. BUT my mom makan cepat2 trus suro dia join satu table with the rest wile mom tc of my boys. I dun mind kalau nk join 1 table IF either hub or myslf dah abis makan tapi nie terbalik. So u tgklah...kesian punya pasal.

Btw, ins naik brape tggi?

Kita semua ada had per.</font>
apt sinie...semua tempat yg aku suke pergi...semuanya dorang blocked...

main games pon time lunch ah....

hmmmm dorang cater for Halal tak?...
that time my friend so prihatin....
walaupon ade catering halal...tapi for his other guests....dorang tak order cik babi terbaring pat dulang...
<font color="0000ff">Quote **'hari2 nak main!!'

betul betul betul...ehem... **

apa ehem ehem ahh..? jgn nak kuning ehh.. LOL</font>
nak kena standby jugak $$$ xtra..

end maid pon dah habis contract...

maid salary naik
insurance naik
ape lagi yg naik
dun know not applicable for us...tu untuk siapa yg nak ambil maid next year...

orang tue memang banyak kesian ah....tapikan maid nie selalu suke salah anggap....

u lum jawap abt the package n mush ah now?
<font color="0000ff">Lina
cik babi..?? kenalan baru ehh? hehehe

ur mom sama dgn my MIL.. sikit2 kesian, kesian..
sampai kan my maid kul 9pm dah masuk bilik tutup pintu.. bukan mengira tapi... haii susah lah nak cakap..

den if i need anything, i need to knock on her door.. </font>
<font color="ff6000">Lina,


Mine was $246.10 for her ins.
$388 for e agncy fees.
$320+$20 for the maid's.

Smua naik abis kita amacam?
<font color="0000ff">Quote **GAJI AJER TAK NAIK2**

correction :
GAJI KITA AJER TAK NAIK2... gaji maid pun dah naik oittt</font>
<font color="ff6000">lynn,

No doubt she cn do work, tc of e boys and cook but TERbiasa dgn govt rules parents I. Smlm I gi in laws plc to pass barang2 dari Bandung.

My sibs ckp, maid I tdo kul 830pm!

Kul 10pm, I kejutkan dia u noe. I susah pyh with e kids and she just sleep her own way out. Fine, itu rumah prnts I. Dun thnk puasa also dun nid to do any work. Liddat, I pon nk ckp ngan boss...I'm fasting. Can't do these work. Bole?

<font color="ff6000">Lina,

Btw ladies, nie I nk tny...
Pasal maid mmng tk abis-abis kalau dibualkan.

How u ladies get e maid to basuh her baju/lingeries?
Seperate/hand wash/machine?</font>
<font color="0000ff">San
my maid, i ask her to wash all her baju/lingeries sendiri.. by hand or machine, it up to her.. tapi def seperate from our.. </font>
betul betul betul....

dulu maid indo $220 no off...
now min. $300 then no off tambah lagik $20.....

kalau quality lebih bagus tak per....menyusahkan aku ajer....

my fren kate...maid dah bagus semua dah kaya...tak dtg SG lagik

usually dia use handwash...wash malam, jemur kat dapur...
my neigbour kat bawah tak jemur baju waktu mlm....
she seldom wear jeans
<font color="ff6000">Lynn,

Talk abt that. I "tahan" tau kat cni.
I've told her all my wants and what I expect from her. I duno if she noe that I'm her employer or just that she prfr mom's.

3 days ago, TERbeliak jap I nmpk seluar dlm dia kat bakul my sons. 6.15am tau!

She said, langsung dicuci nnti. I was like what!?
Even for myslf I cari baldi, dia suka-suka campur. Duno hw long it has bn dis way.

When askd mom, she duno but was feedback by dad that once in e machine, put in some's CLEAN anyway!

Wah lau!!!</font>
<font color="ff6000">Dan,
Awaits for my "govt" to be activated once we're officially back home.

Nt all maid boleh tolak ansur. No matter how nice or firm, still come back to square one.

And my maid bole keje. Bukan tk boleh tapi hayal dia, kadang2 boleh buat I sakit hati. Asyik2 flip the calendars. Tak sabar nak balik gaknya.

She even told me to allow her to get at least 8hrs of sleep which Im ok PROVIDED all her job has completed. Tapi I hairan...solat isyak suka-suka bgn kul 11-12 at nite. Y cnt she just pray once dah masuk waktu Isyak?

Kan penat tdo, bgn..tdo, bgn.
Dah 2 hari angkat wudhu jer cos dia kata dia "malas" nk solat cos it's over 12am.

If she still want to b this way, ok lor...tahu, time bgn tdo a MUST to wake up on the target timings.</font>
my maid kul 10 dah masuk bilik...tapi she still doing her lipat baju...
coz day time tak sempat...u know lah i ada 3 kiddos nak kena jaga n my mom too...
<font color="ff6000">Dan,
10pm ok tau...Just nice.
My maid, 8.15-8.45pm mesti dah hit e sack!
Alasan nk tdokan my 2nd son. Kadang2 I tgk anak I masih segar pun nk tdokan...And my mom will just say, "Tkperlah..budak tu tk tdo petang pon."

And lagi best bila mom asked..

I: Nak duduk dikreta majikan kamu atau ibu?

M: Napa bu? Diberi pilihan ya?

I: Cepatan..

M: Kalau diberi pilihan, mahu duduk dgn Ibu.

My sibs feedback, I was like WTF!

org tua selau gitu lah

kasi muke ...

later u dah at ur own place.. likely si maid will mengadu to ur mom abt ur treatment

crite maid ni jarang ade happy ending

but remember HAPPY HELPER = HAPPY EMPLOYER (ni org cakap lah, bukan i eh)
<font color="ff6000">Nora,
Entahlah. She hv to know I'm her employer and not mom. When I say A, she hv to do A and not B for watever reason that applies.

Hub wana talk to her for e third time. If still e same, likely we'll change.</font>

asyik maid issue jer.
ade maid susah, takde maid pun susah eh.
kesian aku tgk. balik penat2 then kene layan kerenah maid.
hope u settle the 'govt' issue soon... and tactfully.
sensitive oi..!

pasal bejewelled-
pat msn pun ade eh??? aku so addicted siak.!!
hahaha.... nanti aku try msn plak ler.

hari ni, im soo sooo lazy.........
tadi pagi budak2 makan maggi.. dats how lazy i am!!
<font color="ff6000">Zu,
Everything was fine till my mom favour her lor. Cos she cn cook, tc of kids, do housechores and anxious in learning bakings.
Tak abis-abis compare the previous.
Even remind mom there's always a line tho u mentioned to her she's part of e family.

In e end, aku yg pening.</font>
the best tukar hihiihihi
- she wont compare the 'treatment' u n mom...

fr. the way u describe...ur maid nie banyak alasan n malas...
<font color="ff6000">Lina,

After 3rd communication, then we see from there. Hub say, we'll gv e last shot to see if there's any improvements. Think from e way she is, she's more fond in cooking and bakings.

Dah nasib cos we thought we get her trained at mom's plc first since school's still ongoing but it turned another way round.

Alasan byk sebab ada org backing per.
Seriously, I duno hw to "lentur" her at this stage.</font>
tak per balik sembawang u 'lentur' ....dia jgn lesing lak.....

dah banyak kes orang melayu van damme maid...hihihi
<font color="ff6000">Ishk...not to that extend of course cik lina. Just want her to know what I want hvg her in e family. The DOs and DON'Ts of course.
LIke mentioned, she cn work just that she's more to mom lah.

Will ur maid renew her contrct sis Lina?</font>

my maid tak mo sambung contract...

abt the MIO thing...hb yg subscribe lah...
i followed him...tapi i cuma choose new hp je for

but the bill not more than $150 - 170 a mth
@ house ph bill
@ 2 hp bill
@ broadband
@ Mio channel - sport &amp; 1 more channel
