<font color="119911">anybody dgr RIA tadi pagi? abt norfa's gbr tersebar she cried seh.. cian pun ada tp entah eh if its her personal the more she shldnt put in FB</font>


memang betol cam handicap with no hp...

i got my bb tapi only coliq and work contacts... hb no. pun takde kat situ.

tadi terkial kial aku kejap nak call hb to cakap i tak bawak hp
<font color="ff0000">Gal..u make me laugh out loud

Ok lah i change k...i put circle circle pulak hahaha
Lynn.. i think sama to everybody lah. So that is why better to keep a conventional phone book.. hehehe....
Good Morning beautiful mummies

Nshah wats up with norfah

Lately i da tak listen to RIA seh online streaming kan da kena suspend due to the mediacorp have to pay license but i think they are resolving the case amicably..i miss Fiza u girls listen through ur phone or bring personal radio?
Masih ade ke org keep real phone book??

Kalau gambar nak personal why put up and let pple even contacts see.. some pple..
mika oso same.... buku banyak. ada personal book shelf lagik..
but yg dia suka, toys dia. books, ikut mood.
den again, biarla. his playtime is oso his learning time. learning thru play makes kids as smart, if not smarter..

Norfa &amp; Bai...
nie, sendiri punyer penyakit. if its for own your own eyes, jgn taruk on website. be it ur FB or multiply, or blog. more so u celebrity.
true, kau peh blog, kau peh suka! but if takleh angkat criticism, jgn tunjuk!
Yes, i received her gambar via email. but i dah delete. tak kuasa nak circulate.

<font color="119911">NoraR
i dgr sblm sampai opis ah at opis cant dgr langsung no reception ah online mmg dah lama tak leh dgr boring tau.. hidupku sepi tanpa radio nasib ada korang yg cam radio gak hehe
its abt her pix of her bare perut &amp; her hub at studio.. she said letak at FB under pte only sm of her close contacts leh view so nampaknya org ada tak baik ah sebarkan so her family members nampak &amp; bising2 coz cam terdedah perutnya tu.. haiz.. dia call 7 interviewed her she nanis &amp; apologise to e family &amp; even to her fans</font>
i ada hi-fi in my ofis.
always tuned in to Gold90! Only dengar Ria when my colig masuk &amp; tukar frequency.. usually 12-1, cos he tumpang tido kat sini.... den i switched back to Gold
<font color="ff0000">Last few days kan i post yg Marsyha jatuh kan....her benjol baru nampak so obvious semlm....
lambat nah nak timbul skali keluar mak ai...lebam giler seh...kesian ank mommy
Norra. Rossi, i dgr with my hp. then put as loudspeaker tapi with the minimal volume. Kira ok, sebab just nice for my own hearing.. my other colleagues tak dgr.
<font color="ff0000">nshah

since dia far ok active n makan well..
only her batuk n phlegm je lum hilang2..risau noh
bila mlm terbatuk2 cam nak muntah...siang hari kurang
<font color="119911">Dan
ish dan lamanya her cough &amp; her phlegm.. bawa pi doc lain ke apa ah sis jgn biarkan takut melarat ah..</font>
I just saw the pics

I think most ang moh does tat king of photography i think its her make over package tau buat kenangan for her n hubby. But i think her tummy show its ok only if she cover top la..but too bad wats done cant be undone, she should know better in this conservative society it will not be accepted
WOW shahlyn ada hi-fi..Shiiiok!!

Mdm Wati i want to do just that but have to bring along my charger then hehe

Dan, did you try the vicks applied on the feet formula it rely works for me
ku tak dengar radio la..
semalam izzat nyaris nyaris di attack hornet

he was playing soccer kat luar then my mom saw him running running and kebas kebas muke dia

then my mom saw the hornet, kebetulan she got towel
so she smack it, dapat tangkap ad isi dlm botol.
Dan, does it help with your baby?..cian dia..last time i got prob with my son then bring him to Dr Bakar and his medicine quite good but after a while back to square one lagi lagi he in child care..But if very bad phlegm need to control takut leads to bronchitis(pardon me if i spell wrongly)
<font color="119911">Dan
entah i tink if nak self medicate for phlegm tak da kot? try other doc ah.. i heard woodland ada satu doc quite gd for baby tp i cant recall e clinic name smtg like docbear? ke apa entah lah.. i tink at 800++</font>
whenever Mika terhantuk or jatuh, i will gosok tempat yg sakit tu, wif my hair &amp; selawat...
Insya Allah, cepat hilang.

Btw, i got a pic. of myself. for keepsake.
nekkid &amp; 9mths pregnant! Nice!
pasal takut leak, so no one yg dapat tenok..
<font color="000000">Dan
jgn ckp u ketawa besar, i pong...

tu love mcm ku kenal je...*winks*

Yg pasal Norfa tu, lain org lain perception..our community walaupon nampak modern masih tetap conservative....mmg seharusnya..kalau tak habis lah gone adat2 kita sebagai org melayu...especially the baby shower thingy..i mcm meluat gitu</font>
<font color="119911">Slynn
dats nice.. i tak dpt pun amik gbr time preggy seh.. i mean e perut pix ah ada pun i took with my mum before i masuk itu labour ward i look soo damn big</font>
<font color="119911">gal
yup. yup.. agree on e baby shower thingy sm r too overdone seh.. entahlah apa nak jadi</font>
Throught out my pregnancy
i took only ONE pic,
on the last day i go werk
before i check in hospital
hah kau... macam hippo pun ade...
yuhuuuuuuu....ape khabar semua....
jgn kate baby shower....yg ade sebelum nak end zaman bujang...dorang adekan hen party
I have a few.... but the nekkid one only 1.
i like to take one every mth &amp; compare....
mula2 lawa jek... dah sarat, terus cam hippo
<font color="ff0000">Gal....biasa lah Gal....sonang baitu..copy n paste je

Pic during Pregnancy
Hmmmm....ada a few jugak...but not the sexy2 one lor...

Baby Shower
Nak di katakan...all my 3 kiddos tak de babyshower...cukur rambut pon tak de
doa selamat adalah among my family &amp; IL
Baby shower wats that? it first month macam chinese celebrate?

Haiyo why did'nt i think of that i takde any pics of my tummy when preggy
for us it shudnt be a baby shower...we shud just do a doa selamat kalau ada extra rezeki...moga moga semua jalan ngan lancar....but again in these modern times we have all types of celebration now....V day...grandparents day...anniversaries...bachelorette party..
all these i think is just a reason to happy happy or celebrate sumthing for the sake of celebrating..i think its ok enuf to have them for fun but jgn melampaui batas ajerr...
baby showers i actually suka pasal its like sharing the joy of having a baby with frenz...

just my 2 cents...hehe

anak2 kita sama... ader buku tapi tak nak ikut instruction. Buat suka ati jer kat buku tu! I think its d age la, they pick up wat they want to learn.
<font color="0000ff">heloo lina
nari tak busy

btw pasal hen party, bb shower.. Semua nya dah terikut ikut budaya barat.. budaya dgn adat sendiri tak tahu..kononnya malu lah!!</font>
