erm...dat time i nampak kat fb.....ada these girls celebraqte hen party kat mana club entah...theres a cake tau...but the cake VERY LEWD!!!! cos the cake is like a mans zip pants area..then the tengah tengah ada "ahem" tegang jer..very BIG and the girls pose kissing it n den they took pics of themselves biting into it....errr.....get it tak? its made of white choc...look so real...
hen party with kite.. makna lain noh...

tu pi makan ayam kat arnolds,kira hen jugak tu
then kumpul ramai ramai... hah dah jadik hen party
i second u....
daripada sibuk ngan baby shower, i mite as well buat doa selamat, semoga semua jalan ngan lancar!
bukan apa, takut dah hepi2 baby shower, hooray sana sini, time labour, lain criter.... I rather trade all dat for a safe & smooth delivery....
tatot wif the saying, "banyak ketawa, nanti nangis tak berlagu!"

we can be damn modern at times. But always bear in mind, we oso Islam.
same too
in fact i tak suke tak pics..

but now whn i see my one and only preggy pic tu.. haiz.. mengeluh panjang gue
i prefer everything dah settle then 'celebrate' is always my principles coz like u said...happy2 then takut nanti nangis....
<font color="119911">naqi
i pun sama cam u.. sotset dari tuesday seh mmg susah nak breathe.. nari i order tom yam from mr ban hope its spicy enuff for the lobang hidungku utk berfungsi kembali

baby shower its bfore ur baby is born where ppl come to give pressies for u or ur babies bt mostly babies ah.. cian kita yg sarat ngandung tak da org nak buat kan party kan

for me yg penting dah selamat kuar, buat cukur rambut bila mampu, n even till now lum buat aqiqah lagi for my kids coz lum mampu.. insyallah plan to do at least 1 kambing this yr..</font>
yes... Time Mika oso. no cukur rambut.
sumore, dat time, i pindah, terus sangkut.
so mika dah 3mths, kita buat kenduri kesyukuran. dapat rumah, dapat zuriat...

yg important, blessings from everyone &amp; Allah...
Dlm Quran takder sebut pun pasal baby shower...
<font color="0000ff">Quote *we can be damn modern at times. But always bear in mind, we oso Islam.*

Betul betul betul..!!

me also no lenggang perut, no kenduri kendara for sunat and no cukur rambut and for aqiqah pun we just did kat indon
<font color="119911">lina
mmg ada dat casting.. masa tu ingat nak buat tp takya lah buat duit je skit hari on discovery heatlh they did al e families put their hands on the mummy tummy then they do e casting soo cute. bt again ikutan barat</font>
<font color="000000">Sabrina
Ada, hub's cousin buat lenggang perot at 7 mths recently, she finally got her first baby aft 10yrs ...

Ngah sarat gaknye...tapi tak jempot kita, yg terdekat aje...Lenggang perot buat ape i pon tak tahu...never had any before...

I pernah buat cukur rambot for my kiddos tu pon my parents sponsor for 500 jemputan..I tak mampo to waste on such stuffs..

But if I ada reski, Insya-Allah I nak aqiqah for my family...tu lagi afdal dan mendatangkan pahala..</font>
usually buat bila tummy dah big... 8+ to 9mths la...
pakai clay... macam yg clay for baby footprint...
cover whole tummy... so dia jadi cam half an egg gitu...
even i pindah rumah very hub 'bang' that hse...panggil pakcik sertu\baca....

after semua dah habis...i juz call my adik beradik to inform them that i dah pindah hihi....
lenggang perut konon2 nak tahu girl or boy...
and oso tu btolkan tempat branak so senang deliver...
but nie dulu2... adat jawa... coz dulu2 no scanning mah...
shahlynn...i pernah nampak pat TV...but cam sewam gitu the makcik buat....

kalau tak silap last weekend...malay paper ade keluar pasal nie....from Dr. ??
That time i buat aqiqah my boy 14 days i think
i dunno how my hb arrange but the kambing kat australia sembelih sane
and immediately airflown to sg deliver to us.
yg i ingat, 7 helai kain batik....
den baring atas kain.
makcik tu gosok2 perut, den tarik lain sehelai, kebas2 perut. den, tarik lagi, kebas lagi....
I pindah oso no open house
But since teh hb's family wont come without an official jemputan
so we did makan makan session for them, just my hb's family
ie. parents and siblings and his nieces and nephews
funny rite some pple.. no open house tak nak datang.. what the fish..
Nora, tu sudah adat. I pindah rumah sendiri pun yg bertungkus lumus is my family. My adik-beradik paint the house. Then my mum scrub dapur and toilet.. my dad supervise.. hehehe

Langsung my hubby punyer family tak dtg or tolong. Hari-Raya pun tak sampai tau.. Dah 2 kali i celebrate raya with hubby.. non of his family came. Makcik2 dia yg rajin jalan raya. My mum gie haji buat kenduri pun tak dtg. Then father masuk hospital pun tak dtg... kata besan eh... sigh* My hubby sampai malu seh... kesian dia.
takpe lah.. ikut kan
tu pun MIL bising bising tak buat open house jemput makcik makcik etc
tak kuasa gue noh..
<font color="000000">When i pindah, i disuruh siap garam, gula and assam...nie MIL punya pasat...ikot aje lah, kang tak ikot salah lagi..anyway tak mendtgkan kerugian pon…...

Ada juga buat kenduri dan mkn2 utk sedara-mara..</font>
thats tru abt hari raye
Takde open house, org tak datang.. heran eh

then kite tak habis habis pi open house..

tu dah mcm extreme sikit
my in laws ni i paham, bec dorang terang terang irihati
Wah so many new things for me Lenggang perut..
Nshah thanks for the info..

I think all those i tat time tak buat belum financialy unstable even urut pun tak pegi today give birth besok da kena jalan...kadang rasa terkilan juga tapi apa kan daya so now InsyaAllah if Allah izinkan another one ada rezki InsyaAllah will do the important ones ikut kemampuan and i have heard of the aqiqah..InsyaAllah will do it
Open house for hari raye

Rase yer this yer kena buat lah, pasal satu neighbourhood tu punyer hari raye open house aku dah pegi
but i never do for my house since pindah dah nak masuk 6 yrs

must plan early lah, kalau dah masuk ramadhan me and hb veri the busy topik baru i teringat....

