Thanks San, Liz, Dan and Lynn for your comforting words.

That's what hub and everybody else say - now is the time to focus on Fayaa if I really had enough of work already. To be honest I am now 54 years old and have been working since the age of 19. This is the second job so far itu pun the first one I quit after giving birth to my second girl.

Hi Cik Nab,

Sorry about you losing your job. Tapi the bright side is that you get to spend more quality time with Fayaa and your mum. You pun dah lama kerja kan... time for you to rest and enjoy the fruit of your labour.
<font color="000000">Cik Nab, sorry to hear that, then again who knows that this is another blessing in disguise…

No matter what, the sacrifice which u had just did, Insya Allah will bring you good in return……

Yg kesian would be Faya...abis dia akan diromos hari2..hehehe...joking ehh...</font>

Thank you for comforting me. Tapi I dah pegi Haji in year 2002 and umrah pun dah pegi before.


Thanks to you too. Fayaa is extremely happy to see me when she wakes up this morning. Biasa nya bila dia bangun I am already not home.

BTW do you want me to mail the 2 sejadah to you?
<font color="119911">cik Nab
bagus lau u dah ke haji.. lau i ada duit lagi i wld wanna kerjakan haji now bt apa kan daya lum ada rezeki cuma tgh pelan2 kumpul utk ke umrah sekali lagi
then e more u jus stay home, romos, coach, spoilt fayaa bleh bawa dia pi jejalan everyday.. best kan..</font>
Thanks Wati and Gal *I hari ni macam celebrity pulak asyik2 kasi ucapan thanks thanks thanks*

You girls are really nice,,,,,,,,,,, I love you all from the bottom of my heart ~~
<font color="000000">Cik Nab, tahu takper…that’s what I went thru when u gals gave me the comforting words…hehehehe……</font>

Of course *no offence* - apa lah you ni

Tapi kalau hari2 nak ajak Fayaa pegi jalan mesti gunakan banyak duit, kan *LOL*


Thanks for the idea - think I really need that ..
<font color="0000ff">Cik Nab
takpe lah.. bukan selalu tau dapat feeling celebrity... heheheh

Logging off now.. bye semua..!!</font>
<font color="119911">ah btul.. btul. btul... bukan selalu
bestkan nari Cik Nab adalah celebrity utk hari rabu 25th march
Cik Nab, sorry to hear about the job but it IS time for you to rest &amp; relax =)

And thanks for the sejadah. My boys love them.

Speaking of primary schools, I pun dah mula stress even though my son is only in nursery. It's time to join as PV. If I'm not wrong, in BP, Bukit Panjang Pri is the most popular. Followed by Greenridge. Beacon is gaining popularity. Zhenghua, so far dah few years tak pernah nampak ada balloting. And although West View is nearest to my place, I won't place my kids there =)
cik nab...*hugzz*...take it as a blessing in disguise...tapi bestkan...hari2 bleh bake2 ...Lagipun u haf been working very hard kan....time to take a yr or 2 of rest..
Cik Nab,

U're a courageous woman. But also I think u don't have much financial obligations already so it won't matter much if you left your job - sebab tu you berani volunteer. Forgive me if I'm wrong. This is a good time to spend with yr loved ones. Apa lah erti hidup kalau asik bekerja siang malam.

Is sarah still rather sad? Actually I lost my grandma yesterday too. And although I am close to 30 yrs old, and never lived with her, I still feel a bit sad. I just got back from visiting my aunts. Macam masih terasa yang my Allahyarhamha Nyaii is still going from the room to the kitchen, doing her prayers, etc. May she be in a better place.
<font color="119911">cik nab
apa kata u buat catering sudah lah for ur bakes? to kita2 yg kerja di daerah east ni? malam utk yg tgl east plak? ok? hehehe memain jelah

alamak greenridge 2nd popular? alamak.. ah bukit pjg ni pat ne plak? tulah coZ i jarang dgn zhenghua pri.. sbb tu i tak tau pat ne e school</font>

Jangan lupa masa I baru kerja, kahwin dan ada anak you all were still enjoying life - minggu2 pegi party agak nya *winks winks*

Out of curiosity, I wonder how the teachers in those "not-so-good" schools would feel if enrolment in their schools aren't as good as the other neighbourhood ones.
Bukit Panjang Pri is at Chestnut area, near the condos and landed property. If I have a girl, I would have volunteered at CHIJ Bt Timah. Hehe.
<font color="ff6000">Kiut lah korang...

I pon tgh fikiran to plc my son in Tamp or Smbwng tho it'll be in 2 yrs time. Am hoping my dad will change his mind agn to move in with us.

Ok, I nk LO.
Nak beli thumbdrv for coy pastu head hm...
Tata all!</font>
Sorry to hear that you had left your job. But you are a kind person so good deeds will come upon you. You should rest for time being...become "Tai Tai"...hehehe...
<font color="119911">Betty
oh i c dats bukit pjg school? hmm can i noe y u choose CHIJ Bt Timah for girls? takut ah nak masukkan school yg catholic school.. yelah for me mungkin ok bt e atuk &amp; nenek?</font>
Smalldreams, I think only upper management will be stressed out over the matter. I don't know because I don't feel any difference whether the school's enrolment is big or small. Yang penting, teachers do their job. At the end of the day, most schools will fill up their vacancies because those not accepted into the popular ones will need to look elsewhere.

Pls pm me your address for posting ok.

Thanks again Mas and smalldreams. At this age memang dah tak banyak commitments. The only thing is, I love buying gifts for others - its a habit which I must learn to stop


Alamak catering for my bakes - kalau nak rasa2 ajer boleh lah I dont have enough skills to do catering lah.


Its my pleasure, glad that your sons like them
a few of my coligs yg warak, actually anak2 skool @ CHIJ. No problem, they said... Got muslim teachers to take care of them. but must remind them every now &amp; den, time assembly, dun baca the prayers after sckool songs...

My nephew is at St Stephen @ kembangan
Thanks Mira for your doa, Amin.

Take care ladies, have to log off now to bathe Fayaa and bring her to my mum's place for dinner.

I feel very blessed to have found nice friends and sisters here. May our friendship last forever Insya Allah ~~
Nshah, I don't see any problem with that. It's not as if they teach the religion as a curriculum. Yup, their ML teachers are also Muslims. As parents, we should be teaching them the rights and wrongs. I think they have a conducive environment. The nearest all boys school for me would be ACS (Primary @Barker Rd and Junior @Newton) but I am not prepared to donate $$ just to get into a school. Even PVs pun sometimes ada balloting. Not worth it.
<font color="119911">betty
mmg i noe lah no problem bt cuma im worried e atuks &amp; neneks r much more concerned esp my parents.. so takpelah
Betty, there's also SJI @ Whitley kan?

Yeah, me too... Not willing to donate soo much money to their association... teeheehee

my BIL from St Andrew's. Zack Zainal oso

yup...i tot she dah ok pasal ever since sch hols tu she play ard wif the bro...but last nite when he asked me a lot of questions all connected to granmas....and it ends wif a tear...she kept quiet after dat...maybe still trying to accept the fact she cant see her mak tua any more ...
im planning to get my mum's item to give to sarah n maybe put a pic of her w her mak tua in her least she knows she can luahkan her rindu dat way.....
maybe my fault also cos i tak cakap ngan sarah if she miss the person wat she can do....
My elder daughter in St Margeret Sec sch. No problem. The school have "prayer" in every friday. but for all muslim not need to attend. They will go to their Library to study. Every morning they have also but muslim just stand there not need to do anything.
Ohh, Nshah, for me, my parents tak masuk campur urusan anak-anak I. Furthermore, I would explain to them my choice. Cuma sayangnya, takkan kesampaian pun pasal I takde anak perempuan.
ouh... okay. So Barker Rd ajer la, yg closest to us. But for now kan, impian hanya tinggal impian ajer....

Zhenghua primary, prepare urself to receive Mikhail Bin Mohamed Shahrin as a student!
hiak hiak hiak

My entire Pri to JC education i gi christian-missioned school. No problem. Coz they wont dare to impose. Like mira say, bebudak Islam exempted....

yah, i no some parents and elders are really against the idea of going to a missioned school. Kalo dorang against, takper la, skola lain pun ok gak.
