goood morninggggggggggg.......anybody here yet????

Had my Cookie Crisp eaten w fresh strawberries n HL choc hungry again...hehehe
<font color="aa00aa">halo gerls!!!

cik nab,
so shocked to hear about your job.
like the gerls said, take it as a blessing in disguise.
maybe u are meant to do greater things.
i think its time for u to stop n smell the roses..hehehe.

sorry to hear about your loss.

cakap pasal skool ni...i dah register faiq for playgroup to start in next year Jan 2010.
ni pun kiasu just pun down registration fees just to book for a place.
i'm still going to survey another 2 more schools before finally deciding.
by the time he is 4 i have to start becoming PV oredi.
aiming for ACS Junior or Hnery Park..</font>
wow lynzi...urs very advanced planning! soooo ashamed i langsung tak terpikir nak antar hilmi go baru kelam kabut nak masuk kan dia for anything dat i can grab my hands on yr he shud be in nursery but he still hasnt start talking...aiyoh.....scared lahhh
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Morning Ladies..!!</font>

my condolences to you and family

i pun dah register for naufal playgroup.. i thot nak start for him tis july, but hb against the idea.. he said too early, so will be starting Jan nx yr.</font>
Selamat Pagi sumer... Talking abt skool. I baru sign Maya up for Tumble Tots weekends classes. From Crawling to Walking stage.

I had 2 sandwiches, 1 slice of mini pizza and 1 teapot of milo. Syukur Alhamdullilah. Sekarang kenyang and nak sleep. Not feeling to good. Got fever and flu now. Eyes watery. And worse is tonite is Mother-In-Law day... aarggh!
<font color="aa00aa">liz,
i guess so many years of being in the education field has opened my eyes to many things.
one of which is the importance of education.
i may not be a multi millionaire to leave him with land or fortunes so education is the next best thing to give to him.
and rite now at the age of 15 months i can see that faiq has great absorption abilities.
ajar him once aje he can we tot why not start sending him for classes first where he can learn thru play.

lagipun i got no Jan 2010 start him on playgroup..few months later will switch to half day cc and then to full day cc.
if not, if my ttc goes thru, my mil wont be able to handle a tot and kid alone.</font>

now for me eh i tak antar hilmi to any group/classes...he's turning 3 this oct...u think i can still send him for playgroups?? or enrichment classes ke ?

When they learn of the death of a loved one, children have many of the same physical and emotional responses as adults, but children mourn their loss in different ways. Adults need to be aware of these signs of mourning in order to accurately meet the children's needs. When children's mourning behaviors are wrongly perceived as misbehavior, the children's hurt and confusion may deepen.

Children may lose their sense of security and fear another death or loss. Young children may become clinging or demanding.

Vivid memories
Real or fantasized images related to the death can intrude on other thoughts. Memories can show up as dreams or nightmares.

Sleep difficulty
This is very common. If "sleep" is used to describe death, the child may fear sleeping. Children who cannot mourn the death during the day may have more dreams and nightmares about it.

Sadness and longing
Some children cry. Some don't. Some are sad for a long time; some aren't. Some children try to hide their sadness to protect their parents. Children may long for the loved one, become preoccupied with memories, or may carry an object that reminds them of the deceased. For a while, this can help the child deal with the pain.

Anger and acting out
Children may become very angry at death, God, or adults in general. Or they may be angry at themselves, and somehow feel responsible for the death.

Some children believe they are responsible for the death. Some may feel guilty because of a thought or deed. Feelings like, "It was my fault" or "I must have been bad" may cause lingering guilt. The child needs to talk about these feelings and needs your help to understand that they are not true.

School problems
The child may learn more slowly than usual due to difficulties in concentrating, memories, sadness, and grief.

Physical complaints
Common complaints include headaches, stomach aches, and may even include symptoms similar to those of the deceased
Anxiety- she's grown a bit babyish at times now..
Sleep- now sleep very late...way past midnite..used to be 10pm latest
Sadness- very quiet kind of sadness shown by sarah...
School- not so responsive in class now n show disrespect to certain teachers

i guess my Sarah still in mourning....
Good Morning

Not so good for me bec i tak bawak my hp today.. AAARRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!

There's a big void in my life now....

Izzat joined Tumbletots class since 9mths old. Suke dia. Then pandai panjat panjat.

hilmi, same age grp with Izzat. Izzat will be 3 in July.
<font color="aa00aa">wati,
tuble tots is good for active tots like our kiddos..hehehe..
i realised faiq is easier to handle when he started going for classes.
now he is doing GUG, Kindermusik and swimming..for gym we just bring him to gym ourselves once a week.
he will stop GUG in June and start on LNT and ZooPhonics in July.

u can consider to send hilmi for classes if u still prefer him to be at home.
if nak familiarise him to school then u can look around for playgroups.</font>
Lynzi, what is GUG and LNT ?

Shahlynn.. i send Maya to Tumble Tots Jurong East. Dorang baru renovated.
ok....then at woodlands wat/where playgroups can i consider ehhhh???? any recommendations??? its not too late to masuk kan playgroup?
<font color="0000ff">AArrrgggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!

i drop my HP and now the screen is badly crack..!!

Ohhh Noooo and now i cant send any sms or check my phone book.. sob sob</font>

alalalalala....ciannyaaaaa.....pi buy new one ahhhh

mine baru 1 wk beli dah rosak lum antar repair lagi...hehehehe

ok one question!!! IS 1.75KM FAR???? thats how far canberra primary is from my new home
<font color="aa00aa">lynn, nora aw,
dah baguslah u gerls today..semua accidents involving hp.

GUG is growing up gifted..its at novena sq.
LNT is little neuro tree..they have 5 or 6 branches islandwide.

in woodlands ada learning vision, kinderland, cherie hearts, and lots of ntuc ones around..even got iman.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">mamaliz,
please dont consider canberra.
near your house ada good sch..admiralty primary..

oh yah ada apple tree..tu dekat dgn my house..</font>

ada!! but then eh...shud i go down to apply or online...? wen i go the web they enrol online but i can only enrol for july onwards....hmmm...maybe drop by later kalau sempat....anyway nak apply sarah school transfer also...

kalau u dapat apple tree pun ok for this year
bec the duration of the class is short
so hilmi can slowly adjust, dun worry, whn he attends classes and mix with his peers,
pandai lah dia cakap nanti.
better u just turun personally and ask. cek if they got vacancy...
yup, even if u register now, u can oso start in july...

i ask greenwood n admiralty..they say no vacancy but can put down on waiting list....any chance ke of getting a spot? other choices??
i eva sign up kan mika at babygym @ woodlands.
after 2 lessons, i opt out. coz anak ku taknak participate in the circle time. asyik nak lompat2, panjat2 &amp; stunt ajer!

tumble tots, nak sign up tak kesampaian. cos timing asyik clash ajer.
<font color="aa00aa">mamaliz,
yup better to go down and llok at the conditions..whether its safe or bout the teachers and what curriculum.
for sarah can try evergreen also.</font>
baru serve breakfast for hubby...kesian dia kena work smalam despite having sore eyes n go see doctor see can get 3 days mc or not to qualify for mc for his next working day...hmmmmmmmm
<font color="119911">morning..
still on school topic? hehe takpe lah to those yg lum start slowly k..
im even worst tau my girl is cmg 4 bt yet she noes her ABC, tulis, clrg, counting hancai smua.. so now i nak masukkan dia school pun in fear coz all e kids wld hv been smarter than her &amp; ill only enrol her for nx yr which means she will b in K1 seh... haiz..</font>
I think i overeat for breakfast

2 epok epok sardin and coliq bought OCK porridge..
and i still have banana popiah in my bag
now my brain cannot think, all my energy go towards digesting
nora aw...

hahahahaha....boleh gitu eh? kesian perut tu nak kena werk teruk teruk pagi ni...tapi alhamdulillah...kenyangggggg

pagi Dan


lets go n get our kids to school!!! hahahaha...kancheong ahhhhhhh!!!
good morning mummies...


u jgn stress la pasal ur gal. She will catch up for sure. Dulu i pernah masuk kan my gal in dos baby programmes. after a semester i tak continue, coz i think d things they do, parents leh ajar sendiri.

U can buy dos books used in nursery or kindergarten kat Popular. Mcm2 ader!! and it's cheap... buat ur gal 'practice' kat umah.
<font color="ff0000">Nora

u masih see square square.....its butterfly lah...i luv butterflies tau...

Smlm cleep early eh..
me tak tau tertido depan lappy kul brapa...marsyha nangis baru tersedar...abt 1.30am
<font color="119911">sabrina
bukan tak beli u.. beli bertimbun2 bermacam2 buku i bought for her, her papa lain.. coz we r starting to panic coz she still lambat in picking up.. bt u noe wat she do? either she nak buat sendiri w/o supervision or she will happily koyak2 kan buku2 tu smua.. mana dia belajar pun kita tak tau heran tul

a'ah masih square2 lah smlm pi bugis mak datok so much has changed at e B1 lvl seh hehe cam rusa masuk kampung gue</font>
<font color="000000">Dan
betol lah..i pon nampak mcm buttrfly pong..

Biasalah, dah 10.30 gal...anyway smlm dari ofis dah selsema and feverish..dont really slept well last nite..terbwk-bwk click and vote, click and vote..</font>
Shahlynn... Nadia ? Yes.. She sms me yesterday.. So do i get discount ? Hehehe...

Lynzi.. thanks for the info.

Nora / Lynn... satu lupa hp satu lagi rosak.. hehehe... Recently my hubby hp tertinggal dlm taxi.. terus burn seh... my advise to all.. Jgn naik taxi hitam with yellow top cos they do not have the paging system.

<font color="0000ff">Wati
today i rasa mcm handicap tau.. i cant send or read any sms.. nak call pun susuh.. cos i dont remember all phone no.. e only hp no yg i ingat is hb punya no..!!</font>
