if bapak dia sanggup bayar, Untung dia!
I dun think both me & hubby sanggup bayar!

But now, when it comes to sports, dah banyak choices... unlike our time dulu..

<font color="000000">Shahlynn..

Rite..betol tu…who know whats in their mind…skali dah masok they change his mind pulak..mampos aku!!

Really got an ease of mind after the parent’s meeting, my boys teachers said they wont give homework during school holiday..these are days whr kids need to rest &amp; relax…selamatttt!!

Not easy, being a FTWM....I daily sit with them fm 8-9.30pm, then watch Sensasi until 10.30 pastu..ZZZzzzz...</font>
But gal,
now, if ur son chooses to be a footballer, ada harapan cerah... bleh carik makan.
But den again kan, bukan untuk mematahkan semangat, but who are we really kidding? Ni Singapore, slalu amik nama janji ada jer...

If ur son can sign on as national player, alhamdulillah.... Cerah masa depan...
All the best to him, Gal...
I suka tengok anak Melayu cemerlang!
<font color="119911">Slynn
hehe oh tak pernah sblh2 eh? rileks ah i dont pay much attention ah..sorry ah if i salah.. so yg sblh ur mum's block ah btul gak ku agak kali ni hehe coz i dont c anymore school yg atas bukit
gdlah if u got plans already.. untung for u &amp; ur son &amp; family</font>
haiz, nshah....
kita hanya merancang, Tuhan menentukan....
If takder rezeki &amp; Allah tak 'approve' our plans, kita kena think of Plan B oso!
<font size="+2"><font color="000000">HELLO!!! </font></font>

<font color="000000">kelakar lah thread nie..bila da rancak mcm MRT, bila da senyap mcm mortuary...</font>
<font color="ff0000">Gal....meaning u must b in the thread lah...
kalau u bz pon sonyap jugak pe

terlentok2 bila keep refresh...
<font color="000000">COLOK BENERAN AKU NI EHH..kkekekeke

at least u ada FB..I kalau dah keep refreshing tgk tak bergerak kan, I will move on to WTS/WTB thread..bahaya nohhh....</font>
<font color="000000">U put her in BL!! Or copy her URL, and broadcast to our sisters to 'TAKE CARE' of her...TEE HEE!!

*beboal mcm tahu sgt, pdhal tgk org buat..i tak penah buat..</font>
<font color="ff0000"> WTS/WTB oh no no....

BL??Burn List....

ku pon tak paham sgt nie
ada sister cakap add dia...or vote her
lepas ku vote her dia attack aku n slapped me another 5....giler kan

hb pon tak pernah slap aku tau
<font color="000000">Did she post anything in ur Stats??

If you dont, u got her LINK rite? try to go to her STATS. the several digits at the back of the URL is her link, save it somewhere for me. Or broadcast to your sisters to help you to BL her…but loads of money involved…

Alternatively, be nice to a msg in her Stats. To make friends instead..BLA..BLA..BLA..and vote for her…kalau dia Slap jugak, mintak address dia bsok you catch the first flight!! kekekekeke..</font>
<font color="119911">ish tak paham seh korang bbual sal apa ni? slaps, duit beribu2
yg lain mana tido ke? lynn lum alik lunch lagi? sesat at harbourfrt ke?</font>
<font color="000000">Nama mu siapa..? ehh..nama dia siapa...

The URL..scroll till the end, can see or not..get advise fm sisters..if get her link, tonite i will burn her...

no links difficult on her Stats ,then put her in BL!! CAN TRY...</font>


betul jugak...Gal kira pangkat "ta chie" kat SL ehhh...aku baru level braper sehh..kekadang malas nak play..tapi suka kalau dapat new dress ke apa...kekekek
<font color="0000ff">Heloooo

Oiii dan, nottygal.. korang ni bukan main terror lagi dgn SL ehh.. aku tak tahu langsung main game tu..!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Ehhh mana yg lain.. senyap je..!!

kau pun takkan lah aku dah gi habourfront tak balik2.. kau ingat coy ni aku ada share ke?? *klu ada pun bagus jugak ehh* hehehe
i want to buy that yacht but so expensive sehhh....$4500000!!! den cannot do the work if dont have the yacht...cheyyyy~~~~~ money no enuff!!!
<font color="000000">Dan
Broadcast to our sis,

Who has got Kourtni Elf in the house?? Pls tell her to stop slapping me! She has been slapping me 10x..

Dabiatch definitely help to pass on the msg, do you hv MimDer Diva or Ebonye in ur house, they will sure BL her!</font>
<font color="000000">Don buy the yacht gal, its so expensive to upkeep! Get a hummer and socialize more on pink dresses and a credit card..
<font color="ff0000">Gal ku dah dapat yatch lah, tak tau cam ne leh dapat....sape nak ikut gi sailing

dah broadcast pon takde yg response..only 1 sis suruh make fren n vote her

Dabiatch my sis but not the other 2
<font color="000000">Korang tak baik arr, Wati kan tanya tu...nnt dia majok kang..

Wati, its Sorority Life in FB
..I dont think u interested....</font>
Afternoon ladies,

I have a surprising news - have just left my job.

Our director announced that business has been very bad and the company is not able to keep some of us - since the other few are sole breadwinners and have children still in school, I volunteered to go.

Got some compensation though and still contemplating if I should just stay home or otherwise. Any suggestions?
<font color="ff6000">Cik Nab,
There you are.

So sorry to hear abt your job.
I do not know how to input this but if you think you would like to rest for the time being and tc of Fayaa, this option will be a better choice. You can always find a job again if you plan to do so...*hugs*</font>
cik nab...

sorry to hear that....but wat u did is very thoughtful n im sure the others are greatful for that......if u think u cant stay home goyang kaki like me...heheheh..u cariklah apa apa job u like...take ur time n find..kalau ada alhamdulillah...dont stress urself lahhh...can take the time to spend wif ur cucu also..
<font color="0000ff">Hi Cik Nab
so sorry to hear abt ur job.. like mamaliz said, sure other will feel thankful for dat.. insya-allah maybe rezeki cik nab ada kat tempat lain..

for now, u can do thing dat u always want to do and timang2 fayaa hari2... hehehe </font>
<font color="119911">cik nab
lama tak login tetau dgr berita camni plak..
apa pun u r very thoughtful.. yup if u can duk diam at home tak ya lah else u can memain cari je PT pun ok kan? since u pun happy work cam half day all e best cik.. or lau lum pi haji masa ni lah utk pi menunaikannya insyallah
jus like my dad wen he was retrenched from PSA back in 2004 he took e sum &amp; brought mum &amp; sis to Haji &amp; hes happy too</font>
Cik Nab
sorry to hear dat...
I agree with liz. Its soo noble &amp; thoughtful of you.
as for getting another job, i think its high time you relax at home, and enjoy life. More so, since money was never an issue for you. Pardon me if I'm wrong.
I believe Fayaa would be more den happy &amp; glad to have you at home with her, 24/7...
