Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

OoOOoohh talking about Coach bag.. keke i wonder the marketers of Coach abit silly lar, markup so high here when US is so cheap..

now the headache is Valentine, donno if i should get anything for hb.. haiz headache.. anyone got cheap & gd ideas? haha

jovan's mum, kindermusic was good. it teaches our babies to learn music in a fun way. but now my hands are aching quite badly cos u need to swing baby up & down, left & right in rythem to the music. (in other words, dance with baby). cos i'm nt usually the one who swings rachel ard...
i typing this post with shaky hands too. (cant stop shivering...keke)

nana, ahhhhh, valentine...headache la... now i bo chup or no gift to me makes no diff 2 kids will be mine 4ever V present. hahahahah...
I go to Ooi baby clinic. Near Lilydale Condo.. SAFRA that side. The consultation is $40, excluding medi and all. Quite good, the lady doctor is more fierce though. But both are likeable enough although the nurses rather blur?? :D
my gal went cc for a wk and down with flu... that's the problem that we gotta face when sending children to cc. haiz ...any tips on boosting children immunity.
i also go to ooi baby...never saw the lady doctor bfor but find dr ooi v. good and patient...does he charge by time huh?? is that why sometimes more expensive than others?? But he's v. thorough and i trust him
Hi Yishun Mummies

Do you all have any recommendation of gd PD for babies in yishun? Or any good clinics in yishun for immunisation?
i heard from other mums get vaccinations from poly is free! dunno true anot but must be a lot cheaper...PD is the most expensive...alternatively all GPs also can give bb shots
as Adeline said poly is free but u hav to take aabout half day, and PD is too expensive for immu , so both my kids just go for GP at Healthway clinic at blk 417 yishun its just few shops away from ooi baby
i get my gal's vac done at GP near my place, it cost me $30. The doc suggested to me that it cheaper in poly so sub vac were all done in poly clinic. It's free most of the time...
Hi yishun mummies,
Can I join this thread? I'm a sahm with a 8mth+ old bb girl. I'm staying ard khatib area.

Hello Jasmine! How are u coping wt your preg? U gg into 4mths? U working or staying at hm?
hi all, hw's everyone? hmm...seems we hv some new comers... welcome welcome....or am i the new one...didnt post for sooooo long... abt a month since my last post in Feb...muhahaha

jasmine, high 5! i live ard chong pang area too. which blk u stay? congrats btw.

re: vacinations
i always go polyclinic one. PD sooooo expensive. no pt cos utimately our babies rcv the same kind of vacination.

we hv cutibb VS bbcutie...muhahaha
Another mum gave me this number for polyclinic...she said no need to queue wor...number is 63553000....never tried bfor yah but if the number works, should be v. helpful

hi Jasmine
me also live near Chong Pang and having my #2. EDD is 30 March
adeline, 63553000 is the main no. for polyclinic.
u still hv to make appmt & be there 10 mins b4 ur apptmt time. actually not really no need to q.
sometimes, u still hv to wait but the q time nt as long as those normal patients' q. babies usually get 1st proirity. hope tis help.
happy.gif to share... tis morning at 4.30am, blk 137 was on of the corner unit on the 3rd floor was blackened...hope none of u live in that blk.

i was awakened by the loud siren of the fire engine followed by the ambulance. couldnt see the fire but tis morning when i was at the bus stop opp blk 130 (outside OCBC), i saw the commotion & i saw lotsa polce & firemen walking in & out of a particular unit. One careful look & u can see the outside corridor & room covered in black. The window stil looks like its been hecked, kinda of crook - maybe fireman trying to get in to save the occupants.

new further news to yak abt? hehe... being ba gua here!
welcome !!!! me stay quite near to katib too....blk 600plus.

wow congrats!!! welcome to the mummies club!!!
Polyclinic got free jabs?? Hmm.. last time I was there (when my gal was 1 mth old last sept), they quoted $300/- + for the full 6 in 1 package. I think if the jabs are free, only limited kinds, and have to take many many jabs (painful!).. pls correct me if I'm wrong! Also, I chose GP / PD cos even in polyclinic it is 6 in 1, but they seperated into 4 jabs instead of the 3 jabs normally for 6 in 1. Apparently, 4 jabs kind is better for those whose parents have Hep B, cos my brother in law has hep B, and his son's PD insisted on 4 seperate jabs for the 6 in 1... pls correct me if I'm wrong again! :D

My gal initially has hers done at the GP near the 7-11 (where almost everyone buys toto) at chong pang. No need consultation, but i switched to Ooi Baby subsequently cos my gal had constipation and I thought what the heck lah.. might as well jab there too!

But hor, the nurses at Ooi baby everytime bugging me to sign on package for all the jabs (amounts to $500+).. and I ask if pacakge is cheaper? (like facial or slimmng like that), and she said NO.. but will give me cert to frame up to prove baby is immunised.. I give her the STRANGE look.. haha...

Oh, me!! I have 1 gal (coming to 8 mth) and stay near Chong Pang too! Love the cheap stuff there, esp the tiny shop selling those Gap, old navy baby clothes and rompers! :D
hi yishun mum,

i stay at khatib, and considering goinjg ooi bb clinic for jab too.. dunno ok or not?

and my bb every night makes strange noises and seems that he coudlnt sleep well cux he keeps moving, but with eyes closed. dunno whether there's anything wrong with him?
me consider working full time but at the same time trying for 2nd bb... now neither here nor there....

ya free only for a few compulsory jab. As for chicken pox we only ve to pay a fraction amount of what we are paying to GP/PD. Bb still get the basic vacination according to their health booklet. I am pretty confuse with what 6 in 1 or 5 in 1, does it mean that the bb need to jab only once instead of 6x.
6 in 1 VS 5 in 1. Does nt mean dat bb only nid to jab once. both pkg hv a breakdown of, i tink 3 - 4 jabs (correct me if i am wrong). the difference is that the 5 in 1 jab doesnt cover a kind of immunization whereas the 6 in 1 covers all. dat's y there is a price diff. 6 in 1 abt $300 plus. 5 in 1 abt $200 plus. nid to go home & check. wrote in down in my girl's health booklet.

no prob.

re: chicken pox vacination
i heard some people say they rather let their kids hv the outbreak of chix pox than to prevent it by goin for the jab. Any comments? Cos i was tinking of bringing my girl for the jab but my hb say no need for that. Which is better?
capri gal,
haha...i know which store u refering to..izzit the one next to the VCD store?

hmm...seems quite a no of mums/mtbs staying ard chong pang. wldnt it be great if we can all meet up some day? msn anyone? add me: [email protected]
cheap store in chong pang
yah yah i like that store that sells gap/old navy too
bought a lot of cheap rompers for baby...i think was 3 for $10

i think it's better to have the chicken pox jab cos chix pox can cause scarring mah...awso if you never catch it as a small child, what if you catch it when you have exams or something?? worse still is if you ever want to get pregnant again, v. dangerous for pregnant ladies to catch chix pox, of cos u prolly got chix pox bfor too....anyway just my 2 cents worth hehe

i often bring my #1 to the playground next to macdonalds at chong if anyone wants to meet there, would be nice
but then i know some of u working mums too so weekends also can

Ooi Clinic
didn't know that they pressure ppl to take the package...will have to resist them hahaha
tks....yup got u in msn. i blur le... i hvnt get chix pox leh (touchwood)... i also nvr get vacinated against leh...hoepfully i fall in those rare cases (1 out of 1000) who will nvr get chix pox in their life.
Hey zazan, so u work part-time now? How old is yr bb? I dn't dare to think of no. 2 cos taking care of my gal full time really shags me out. So hving abit of phobia leh. BTW kpo abit..regarding the 6-in-1 there's only 3 doses and 5-in-1 think hv more doses. I brgt my gal to lifeline clinc, Dr. Woon for the 6-in-1..cos I tink the cost is only slightly more than polyclinic.

Hi Tongtong, if u rem me, I'm from the Dr. Hill's thread. So how many mths is yr bb now? How do u find Dr. Hii? RE
oi clinic - Brgt my gal there during her initial months but had bad experience. The PD never bother to check even thou I told her my bb has severe block nose. She told me it's normal! My bb refused to drink whole day and kept crying cos of her blocked nose and ended up I had to rush her down to the children's clinic at TPY. U may want to consider bringing yr bb for jabs at Lifeline, Dr. Woon. He charges $110 per jab x 3 (6-in-1) Rotavirus $95 x 2 (oral vaccine)
hi puretulips,

yea of course i remember you, i just went for papsmear test at dr hii's clinic yesterday. his package price has increased wor.

my bb is 7 weeks now. but his poo got blood streak, so i'm bringing him to see SBCC AMK tonight, second opinion.

Dr Hii? i think he is very smiley and happy everytime i go see him haha. but very fast one leh, so sometimes also forgot what i want to ask him and come out from his room liao:p

Re Ooi clinic, so far i have only seen Dr Ooi but not the lady Dr Foo. Dr Ooi very patient and can spend quite some time explaning to you, but sometimes i feel he is not very certain with some queries one lor. anyway i think my boy likes him, yesterday keeps talking and smiling to him before Dr Ooi injected him :p

aiyo, i mised your post and already signed up the package for vacc at dr ooi's clinic yesterday. but i duno why dr ooi's 6 in 1 got 7 jabs in total? it include the MMR and chicken pox also. does your 3 jab include this?
Hello tongtong,
How much did u pay for his package? Guess everything is increasing leh...Are you currently working? My bb also has a alittle bit of blood streaks when she poos but only had it for one day. How's yr boy now after consulting for 2nd opinion?

RE:Dr. Hii - Me too...I only remember that I need to ask him smthing when I came out of the clinic! Kekeke..

RE: Ooi clinic - I've only seen Dr. Foo and not Dr. Ooi. As long as yr bb and you feels comfy wt the PD, guess it's fine. Nope..I tink for Chic pox jab is optional. Lifeline do not hv jab packages.. mine I pay only on each visit. :)

BTW, did u manage to get a confinement lady?
hi mommies i'm staying at block 110 above cheers,my gal has just turned 4 months.can i join u guys?i'm not sahm but hv quite alot of time at home too hehhehehe.nice to noe u msn's [email protected] add me la :p
puretulips, i took 6 in 1 package( 7 jabs in total) at 530 nett. i'm still on ML now, will go back to work end april. oh your bb also got blood streaks? how old is she? i went to dr chan kit yee at SBCC, and she said it was due to his sore anus, anus tear wor. is your gal pooing a lot of times? mine yes that's why his buttock is so sore. my boy ok nmow, his anus still red red, din bleed everyday but sometimes alternate days, so cant tell yet whether is allergy.

Re: dr hii. he has increased his package price!

chic pox jab: are you considering taking chic pox jab?

CL: i got my mum and aunt to do confineent for me. now when my aunt went back liao and left mum and me, we coudlnt manage so catering for dinner.
yvonne, puretulips

thanks for your info. all these jabs making me so confuse... at least i know what to do next time.

Me sort of got very flexi working hrs...therefore i am full time taking care of my 2yrs old gal. My hubby is dying for a 2nd child, he says my gal is too lonely. How old is ur gal? as for me i place her in half day cc, i'll send her to cc in the morning and then do my workout in the gym till noon to pick up my gal. That's the only time i can have a breath of fresh air... hahaha!!! still i dont mind to ve another one, its my mission now hahaha. where is the lifeline clinic that you mention?

re: dr hii, its so exp to c him!!

add me this is my msn [email protected]
yvonne, I think you should get vacinnated against chicken pox. I kana chicken pox one month before I conceived my gal. It was BAD! I have so many pox on my face and my whole body. It was so scary, I dun even dare to look at myself in the mirror.

Some ppl say the older you kana chickenn pox, the more dangerous as the virus can attack your internal organs and we take longer time to heal.
hey....long time no see u. yeah! u are rite, shd get vacinated against. i also heard dat the older u are, the more dangerous it is. haiz...ok will go for the jab. tks for the advice.

zazan / weishy,
i hv added both of u in my msn contacts. Tks
hi ladies
long time never log in liao...
wah chicken pox vaccine ar, i still considering for my ger.. but i have not got chicken pox either! haha

any mommies here go to carpe diem above the yishun polyclinic? i want to gather some feedback.. pls share
hey nana,

i lknow of 2 mummies who send their kids to cp but they hail from 2005 apr/may/jun mummies thread though tigger88 (one of ther mummies) might sometimes pop up here.

u log on msn la... then i can intro ...haha.
Hi! I am from Yishun too.. Blk 397.. wonder if I can join in the group.. this is my first time..

Nana, I just put my gal(3mths old) at Carpe Diem...
Hi gals... did not check here for so long! Wow.. many mummies in Yishun.. haha.. GOODZ!!

I just brought my gal for pneumococcal jab! Wanted to wait til she's 1 yr (so I can save $ on 1 jab..) but my MIL was freaking out and wanted my gal to get vacinnated early.. she's only 8 months now.. sheez..

Anyway, we did ours at Dawson! Queenstown! Cos it's only $150 incl consultation. Ooi Baby is $160 / $170 w/o consul. But saw from some other thread that some PD clinic in Tampines is also $150 with consultation and got free tin of enfapro some more!! Hehe.. I shall go investigate for pneumo jab no. 2.. No choice.. now I very calculative!! :D

Or Yishun area got any good deal???

And yeah.. the Chong Pang cheap shop is next to DVD.. also next to lingerie shop yeah? But the clothes dun change very much.. sianz.. sometimes i prefer just go to amk song & song.. though baby gal stuff not so much leh..
hi ewoks....bringing my DD for a swim at safra today wanna join?hheheheheh any mommies like to msn /[email protected] add me la
ya i wanna noe about cheap Pds to get those vaccines...the GP down my blk, vaccines......
sorry. saw ur post only now. cant join u appt. next time msn la...faster..keke ey...ur dd only 4 mths old...u bring her go swimming??? u very "gung ho" leh. my dd 8 mths le but nvr really let her go into the water..only let her legs kick abt in the water...
the only time when i really get my dd to be expose to water is her bath time. i mean, i really pour water over her head to get her use to it. first few times, she sort of struggle & like breathless like dat but subsequently, she enjoys it. now if u do dat, she even giggles. keke.

tinking of buying the float when she can sit in it. some shape like a car; some like a little mushroom. anyone knows where to get it?
