Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

weishy, heh...tks
will acess youtube from home & watch it. company block youtube access.
welcome!!! how long ve u place ur gal at CD?

gosh she's really into swimming huh!! look at her eyes so big and round.... cuteeee!!!

goodness!!! these ppl really hopeless!!! we must be extremely careful now.
zazan :ya she love it kekekkekeke,everyday waiting to get into her bath tub kekkekek(samll one of cos)
sometimes she bath 3 times......pee on helper.......poop.......pee while changing diaper.........
<font color="0000ff">Hi tongtong,</font>
Its nice to hv your own family to help you for confinement...if my mum could help, I would rather ask her then to engage a CL. ;-)cos own ppl easier to talk mah.

Chickenpox vaccine - What is the appropriate age for this jab huh? I intend to bring my gal for the pnuemoccocal.

Bloodstreaks - My gal had that when she was 2mths+ cos she poos more often since she was on BM then. But I only saw once in her poo after that it was fine.

So who's gg to take care of yr bb when u go bk to work?

<font color="ff0000">Hello nana &amp; caprigal</font> - I was attached to carpe diem as student teacher but I dn't hv a gd impression lor. Dn't wanna comment further but u try to gather feedback from other parents ;-)

Chongpang cheap store - Ya agree the variety quite limited and the clothes looks old and dirty leh. I bgt a few rompers for my gal, after digging for like 20mins...and only realised 1 of them has a small hole after washing it.

<font color="aa00aa">Hello weishy</font> wow..u brgt yr gal to swim already! My gal already 9mths but so far yet to find the chance to bring her for her 1st dip. I bgt the neck float from one of the BP but haven't try it out. are u a working mummy? I've added u to my msn!
hi ladies

thanks for the advice!
i called lil skool hse.. OMG booked till next yr

appletree near my place but its only for 2.5yo.. i tot of sending my ger off to some playgrp when she 1.5 yo... haiz headache
zazan, my gal now juz 2nd week at CD...Her rashes improve a lot. The teachers there recommended me to use SebaMed bath and facial cream for my gal and they clean her face often and apply the cream...
I was thinking of enrolling my gal to LSH OCC, the management told me that they ll get back to me but never got a chance to hear from them. I really dont like the way they handle the case, anyway I am glad that my gal is with EB now. U can try kinderland at woodland civic centre if u dont mind to travel.

oh my ... i am glad to hear that they really take care of her rashes. Some CC dont really bother that much.

Brought my gal to KK yesterday late night, my gal is down with dunno wat virus having flu and diarrhea haiz...she poo those watery stool for more than 10times within 4hrs, till her butt got really sore. When the doc asked her whether she got tummy ache, she wanted to take off her diaper and pointed at her private part... haha ...the young and handsome doc stop her...It's so funny to see the doc reaction. Consultation fee and medication cost me abt $100, ai yo heartache!!! Hope she recover soon!!!
puretulips, i will be puttig my boy at the little green house infant care centre when i go back to work.yea my boy's anus got tear that's why got blood! he pooed so often at one day when he was very young that time. now getting better.

zazan, how old is your gal?
thanks zazan for the info.. i need to find a convenient cc to put her in, maybe muz find other schools lor..

yr ger better already? oh gosh the medical charge so exp
Hello all, i am a new mummy to a 2 mth old baby girl. I am a sahm but i plan to go out to work soon. I am staying in khatib area.
hi tongtong and yvette,my girl's 4.5months old.may i know is khatib a good location to stay in?considering to move there.msn [email protected] if u guys hv time la tks tks tks.need to ask some questions la
weishy, khatib not bad la. quiter than yishun ( at least the MRT station looks better and less crowd than yishun MRT station:p)

yvette: where is blk 867, issit near fairprice there, i mean khatib central. mine is a bb boy! maybe we can meet up at khatib central one day to exchange info about bb stuff hor hehe
wow great so many katib mummies ard... me too stay near there so can meet up somedays for a drink. haha...

weishy u r looking for house at katib area??
Tong x 2 : i stay quite near the khatib central. Near the orchid park sec sch that side. Which block are you staying. We can meet up at the mac at khatib one day or the Cafe, Buddy Hoagies at the Community centre.

Weishy : you are welcome to join. i jus move into khatib for nearly a year, so far i like the convenience around my area, alot of shops etc. Dun have to go out of khatib to buy daily stuff.
yuo looking now ,also interested in sembawang too...cheaper mah...cant affort more than 350k of flats la hehhehehehe.....nowadays very costly to even go out dinning at foodcourts.....a party of 4 at least $25.....
we looking are looking at 5I or EA(thinking of EM too but most friends says its very troublesome to go up and down,but can get a taste of "terrace hse feel" ma hehehehhehehe).....bigger units my gal can run around next time as well as in case we hv another one,no need to "upgrade" in the future ma.
In case any neighbours wanting to sell can notify me via PM or e-mail?Also if going out for tea or lunch la hehehheeheh [email protected](MSN also same address) hp:9644 3369 seeya :p

Hope someone is organising la hehehehehe me not very familiar with the area still......except chomp pang~hohohohohoho
hello mummies

am staying at yishun ave 6..have a 22month old son..planning to send him to a childcare next year..any good ones to recommend? I called up little skool house seems very popular so wanna look for some alternatives in case no vacancies.

yvette, oh i stay opposite yishun stadium, yea near orchid condo too. i think meet at buddy hoagies is a good idea! so you are SAHM? when is your bb gal born? i got lots of qns to ask leh.. like my boy now , used to zz so little during the day but now he zz so much during the day, i dont know whether to wake him up for feed? like yesterday he drank 3 times only!
Hello Tong x 2, my girl also sleep more now. I dun wake her up cos i heard pple tellin me that sleep is more important than milk to babies cos they are actually growing and producing new cells in their sleep. Unless she sleep more than 4 hours than i wil lwake her up for milk. She is born on 27th Jan. I know have to send her for injection soon, abit clueless some pple say go polyclinic some pple ask me to go private clinic .. we can msn.. my msn is [email protected]
I am a SAHM.

u can chk on eager.. the teachers in infantcare are quite devoted.
my Alden was in toddler class together with infant care last time.
hi yvette, my boy is born on 28th jan! hehe. so we can exchange more info liao cuz our bb born just one day apart. you know what,my boy zz so much yetserday that he only ate 3 times . oh you havent brot her for jab. ok will chat with u via msn then
hi tong x 2, he eat too little liao if only 3 times a day. i have so much to ask you too. easier to ask via msn. You add me liao?
Thanks for the recommendation zazan &amp; fun! Will check out Eager Beaver. Heard its quite popular too! Hope got a place for my son.

Hi Nana

when i enquire with the principal for LSH at OCC, she asked me to fill in the online form to "register my interest" and to call back around june to check if there is anymore vacancies as they are currently carrying out confirmation exercise with existing students. Personally, i think their LSH followup skills quite lousy la, coz i enquire a few months ago about their MIM enrichment program, the person in charge also ask me to call back and check. I am tinking how come everytime i have to call back, you cannot call me meh?
i totally agree with you, i dont think they do their job well. i went there, the in charge asked me to fill up a form and told me if there's any vacancy they ll call me. I ve been waited for quite some time still no ans from them. I called them a couple of times, they kept telling me they ll check and get back to me, but still no reply. I think they even lost the form that i filled up. I was really upset and decided to place my gal at other CC instead. Trust me they cant be bothered to call you. The impression that i had on them is "ai lai mai shua" attitude, who could blame them? Take it or leave it, there are plenty on the waiting list.... many khatib mummies!! Ok to join u gals if there's gathering. I always bring my gal downstairs for breakfast, usually mcdonalds almost even the staff knows me liao..;-P Maybe I've seen some of you leh. I also frequent hoagies at the cc..anyone organising meet-up? If not I can volunteer ;-)
yvette, yea added u liao! pls beep me when u see me hor, hhe.

puretulips, yo! you want to organise meet up liao huh! when? hehe. i'm still in KL now. maybe after my ML end.
hello tong tong..oh u're in KL..ok let me know when y're bk in town. What's yr msn id? can chit chat wt u if happen to be online. ;-)

Hello zazan - How's yr daughter? recovered already?

Hello yvette - U can check out jabs at lifeline clinic. Their charges is quite reasonable. For 6-in-1 it's $110 per jab. Rotavirus tink its $95 per dose
she just recover, got a hard time sending her to school today!! just met up with weishy for lunch this afternoon at safra.. well we can meet up someday with the katib mummies...but i ll only be free after 3pm cause my gal need to take afternoon nap.
looking forward to the gathering! btw do you all use sling? i bot MIM sling but dont know how to use it! it will be good if u know how to use and could show me hehe
Hello zazan, what hap? Yr gal exp sep anxiety? u gals had lunch at eatzi? How abt meet-up at hoagies next wk?

Hello tong tong, i hv the mim sling too but only used it when my gal was younger. Do u hv the instruction CD? I watched it over and over again and then hands-on with my poor gal as guinea pig. kekeke. I find it useful only for the first 3mths + and eversince my gal can hold her head up, I prefer the carrier. I dn't mind demo to u if I still remember how to use it..;-P BTW, when r u cming bk spore?
Hello puretulips, thanks for the injection info. I also have the MIM sling, 1st 2 months my gals willin to stay in the sling. Now she will struggle in the sling.

Looking forward to all the mummies meet up..
Hello Yvette, no prob. How many mths is yr gal now? If she can hold her head up maybe u can try the hip carry position instead of cradle hold.

So mummies, how abt late lunch next wk around at hoagies @ 130pm? I'm fine any day excep thurs &amp; Fri. Their set lunch on wkdays is $8.90 inclusive of soup + a drink. :)
hi puretulips,

i will be back to sg on 16th . so if thurs and fri not possible we can go the following week? yea gathering at hoagies would be good. you are sahm like yvette too?

zazan, are you staying at khatib too?
Hello tong tong,
Yes I'm a sahm. I'm mtg my friend next thur/fri. Can I confirm wt her first and let u gals know.

Zazan,yvette,weishy - ok next thurs/fri?
hi hi
MIA for a while cos finally gave birth on March 20 to my baby boy, his birth weight is 3.98kg! and i did natural wif epidural



Am interested in the gathering too! So please keep me informed k?? My email address is [email protected]
i used to live at Orchid Park Condo so v. familiar with Hoagies hehehe but now living with my parents (near Chong Pang) for the time being but looking to move out soon

Hope to see some Yishun/Khatib mums
Hi adeline congrats!!!!!!Me staying at 110,need help can buzz me la 9644 3369 msn [email protected]

AIYA 17th(thurs) me and family going bkk le...afetrtaht then back to work looooo
any chance of organising it on 15th (TUES)????
Anywhere is fine with me
no la went kg already while she's 3.5 months.....quite oki hubby and helper came back sick,not feeling well cos of the change of and hayley oki kekekkekekekke.she like me la hehhehehh hardly sick.hohoho hopefully....hope i dont speak too soon hhahahahahha
halooo to all Khatib/ Yishun mummies,

Just spotted this thread today, i'm staying near khatib area, blk600+. I had a lil girl 2yrs old and currently my #2 is due in end June.
Hope i'm welcome here.
Hi felicia,congrats

Tong tong heheeheh but abit worried cos its thailand's new yr,usually will hv water festival..hope to and not tpo get wet.Hayley loves water so i'm sure she dun mind kkeekkekeeekkek.
sil already asked me to buy her sloggi's underwear.
BTW i've already add u le......

ARe we still meeting up tis coming week?
hi felicia
welcome and my girl is 2 yrs 4 mths and my boy is 3 weeks old
so quite like you....are you having a boy or a girl??

good that your girl is hardy
really headache when children fall sick

i think usually girls are more hardy ????
think if more exposed to outside enviroment then they will try to adapt to it more.
Actualy so afraid that she'll afll sick but so far oki hehhehehheh,must be the goat's milk kekkekek.any mommies give their little ones goat's milk?
