Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

princess gal,
We meet friends there. Eat at noodle restaurant then head to starbucks. I just shop for baby shoes only. Thk mummies like to go there because of the playground?? hehehe

Fei Ming,

My friend had this problem n doc told her its varicose vein... dunno what is that. Thk the foetus press on our vein??

For me when I had my girl, I dun have this feeling but towards the end of the preggy, I had feeling like my baby is dropping out anytime.

After 1st birth, whenever I am having my menses, I feel pressure down there and quite painful oso.... So I very scare when my mense come.

When I carry my boy, everything is ok. After giving birth oso quite ok. Only occasionally felt slight pressure when having mense.

bbcutie, ya, my fren oso told me tis the bb pushing on our bladder; long as no pain & bleeding, everything shd be fine. tks for the assurance

any mumies out experience the same problem...

btw, i oso enjoy gg down to vivocity cos of the kid's playgrd..kekeke... my hubby dun quite like cos he say the parking space there really terok..wait very long before 1 parking space available...& parking fees expensive oso..

i usually bring my boi to wade in the water outside the Replublic's food court, then up to $2 shop upstairs....THINGS in vivocity very expensive though.. nothing much to buy oso...

oh.. all go there for the playground hahaha.. now i knw le.. hmm me sua ku la.. nv been there yet.. hahaha : ) see nt only i said vivocity things exp.. yvonne also said that.. lolx..

Fei ming,

oh.. u teach piano one. .so u now teach at hm !! hw big then can let our kids go for piano session ar??? heheee.. i always feel learn piano ppl wil lbe very gentle de.. heehee


wow i heard wad u said !! i tink i dun wan hubbi to go wif me to vivocity le ... hahaha.. have to wait for 1 hour to get parking space jia lat la.... 1 hour very long le .. my hubbi sure nag n nag one. so better dun ask him along. hehe.. tini if i wan go,will ask my frend pei wo go. heehee.. u said until the playground very big n lots of tings to play : ) heehee.. oh at least there gt $2 shop..
Princess gal,
u can start ur child for proper piano lesson(individual)from 5yrs old before that can let them have the group lesson cos much more fun and can develop their interest.

my kids oso like the playground at vivo but beside that all things are very expensive even the foodcourt.

susern ,
Eloz mummies,
I MIA-ed coz my windows got corrupted so i sent my lappy for service. Luckily all the data can be retrieved.

Tnx for missing me. I missed chatting too! Kept pestering the shop to return my lappy to me! ahahaha....

princess gal,
My mummy sent me to paino lessons when I was ard 5 coz she felt dat it could help 'cultivate' me to be a more patient and gentle person. But it din work on me. After 7 yrs of piano, I am still as short tempered! lol.

wah... so u gonna be a 'superstar' mum?? kekeke

All new ysh mummies,
fei ming,

oh.. it sound so intresting le.. i wan to sent my daguther go for piano wen she si 5 . .wahahaha.. but dun kwn gt enough money ma.. heeheee..anyway than kfor the infor.. wow.. maybe by tat time u can teach my baobei le.. heehe : ) cheer


Dental in yishun i du nkwn le.. cos i always went to amk dental nt yishun.. btw u looking for adult one or kids one ?? n also the durain in chong pang very eay one, it had no block on it but is between 2 hdb flat.. i tink the hdb flat is 101 ..hmm.. near to the 7 evelen u kwn ???also near to the market... chong pang quite big , tink u have to g oone day n walk.. : ) oh.. or u are toking abt another store le !!! hmhmm.. or maybe u can aask yvonne ,tink she knw chong pang better then me ba..


oh u are many days nv see u le.. nt use to it la.. hahaha... oh so u knw hw to play piano la ?? wow so good le.. yea i always tot learn piano can be more gentle one!!! heehee.. oh maybe ur temper is like tat since u birth la.. heehee..i hope i learn piano b4 too.. but too bad i nv learn b4 heehee.. very smooth sound i like it le... : ) u tk ur lappie go where repair ar ?? cyberactive ????

My hb goes to Q & M, its facing the mrt track i think next to Taka jewellery level 2.

keke I hoping to be one lor haha...

like wat i say lor, the triangle shelter between B102 7-11 (wang di - where everyone strikes toto/4D) & B101. its in the middle of nowhere. hehe..

princess _gal, told bbcutie liao...hahaha
but i didnt say wait 1 hr to get parking space in vivocity la..i say wait very long before 1 parking space is available...u interpret wrongly liao la...kekeke

wa piang..if i hv to wait 1 hr for a parking lot, i die first..heheh

fei ming,

i hv oso wanted to learn piano when i was young but my mum didnt allow me, saying $$ will be watsed on me ( 3 mins warm === translate to chinese === san fen zhong ri du)..kekeke

but wld like my ger to learn piano if possible...oooo.....long way more to go.......unless my boi interested lor..haha
Thank you for the info. I know where it is liao...

Princess gal,
Tks.. I know a little bit of chong pang... hehehe
I am looking for a dentist for adult.

My hb told me dentist at that Q & M not good leh. So I dare not try.

The usual Dental that I went to is at Orchard. I wanted to fix appt this Friday or Monday but Friday only in the morning which I can't because I am working. Then Monday the Dr is at Towner Road, I don't want to travel all the way from Yishun to Towner leh so drop the idea lor.

Then I called Sincere to try my luck but their appt has been fixed till 25 May liao so drop the idea oso.. I thk the price at Sincere is very reasonable because seems like their appt are always fully booked leh.

Ended up I approached The Smiling Clinique at Northpoint and manage to get appt on this Friday afternoon. My teeth needs some fillings. On and off can feel sensitive when I take cold stuff.
Thank you for the info. I know where it is liao...

Princess gal,
Tks.. I know a little bit of chong pang... hehehe
I am looking for a dentist for adult.

My hb told me dentist at that Q & M not good leh. So I dare not try.

The usual Dental that I went to is at Orchard. I wanted to fix appt this Friday or Monday but Friday only in the morning which I can't because I am working. Then Monday the Dr is at Towner Road, I don't want to travel all the way from Yishun to Towner leh so drop the idea lor.

Then I called Sincere to try my luck but their appt has been fixed till 25 May liao so drop the idea oso.. I thk the price at Sincere is very reasonable because seems like their appt are always fully booked leh.

Ended up I approached The Smiling Clinique at Northpoint and manage to get appt on this Friday afternoon. My teeth needs some fillings. On and off can feel sensitive when I take cold stuff.
princess gal,
not everyone learn piano is gentle la, i also not gentle hehe....but i think those who learn ballet more gentle and have a very nice posture,i wan let my girl learn but she no interest le!

if u still got interest to learn piano now, u can take the adult piano course,its very common now, i have ah ma student (50+yrs old).
hello ladies

i notice khatib NTUC outside got sell durian & a few walks away infront of ABC supermart also have.. but apparently they look like a syndicate sort, they got uniform one.. (mai siao siao)

Fei Ming, nice to know u. Ok next time I shall learn together w my daughter.. hee hee. But my fingers not long enuf leh.. sure diff to reach some notes.. kaka

After a few years, it makes u walk leg open big big.. & when u stand straight, the feet turn outwards.. trust me..

When your son get famous, don't forget us!
fei ming,

ask me to learn piano now ar...kekek...pai sey leh...and seriously la..where gt time? my boi like koala bear, always clinging onto me..then EDD in Jul...will be bz with ger liao

btw, hw much are ur charges? hehe

can play "Mary had a Little Lamb" gd enuff liao...haha

aiyo, 8 words also dun hae 1 stroke at the moment for my boy to be a star! haha.. of cos wont forget u all la.. need all yr supports leh! hahaa

so jialat de meh.. my collg's gal learning.. but quite exp for her to follow on lor. might just drop out of it :p
Sunday i passby yr IL hardware shop and saw yr boy sleeping in the stroller. How come sunday u nvr bring him home meh? Eat snake ah? hehehe. But i can't see his face leh cos he sleeping head side way.

Yishun mummies,
Anybody interested to share order Amosco? So long no eat liao. Quite miss it leh.
learn for 6yrs... i observe many classical dancers, they got good posture but they have funny walk & feet position..

who knows? maybe we will queue up for his 'qian ming hui' in future... keke
Dancing for fun can lar... but professional is something that needs considering.

wah u can play so many instruments.. i cannot read bean sprout notes leh.. all my sch recorder session i cheat one.. haha

opps.. sorryy actually i didnt interprte wwrongly one la.. yst i m typing tat time my brain keep telling me wait 1 hour for parking lot.. haha so i type wait 1 hour for it lor.. is wait v long for 1 parking lots.. sorry wor.. my brain siao siao one la.. heehe


hope ur teeth will be ok soon.. heehee.. so u manage to buy any durian ?? u craving for durian ar?? heehee

fei ming,

yea i also tink learn ballet wil be gentle too.. haha.. dun knw le,leanr piano n ballet both als ogentle la.. i m too "chor lor" le that y i always like seeing ppl play piano.. heehee..


wow.. 848 got sell durian u also knw. u steady la.. u muz be come here very often.. heehee...
btw u learn ballet b4 ar? why u said learn ballet one yr later, make us walk leg open big big..heehe


u wan to orgainse issit ? heehee
yea been very long nv eat le..


wow.. u are so talent le.. can play so many instrument.. good le... aiyo i told u le ma,maybe ur character is like tat one !!!cant change it one.. my temper nt very bad le but i m nt gentle le haiz... wish i can be gentle type one.. hahahaha...
princess gal,
Have not get any durians yet. I only eat Mao Shan Wang durians...hehehehe

Wow.. U learn ballet for so long..... I am not good at dancing. My body parts cannot co-ordinates to the movements.... hahahaha....

Din know u so "talented"...hehehehe... All my "bean sprouts" knowledge has return back to school liao. I joined the Band during my Sec School days and can read some notes. Now rusty liao.... hahahahaha

Fei Ming,
Wah u oso talented.... hehehe.... How much do u charge for teaching?
Nana, princess, bbcutie,
I aiming to be a 'superstar' mah but cant sing for nuts so learn more instrument lorz. lol.
No lar, juz happen to chance upon violin and guitar and liked them. Wanted to learn cello as well but cant afford the cello, so dropped the idea. I like to play music in general and got grade 8 for piano liaoz. But am not patient enuff to be a piano teacher. kekeke...

The Cat King durian got season one, tink onli balestier and geylang will have them now. Hmm.. see u tok abt durian, i aso gianz. *slurp*

**ballet - I saw chong pang cc conducting lessons for kids lei, anyone tried?? Am tinking of enrolling my gal for it.
san, my boi at the shop everyday one, even on sun & PH..hehe... unless i bring him go kai kai lor... i shake legs at la, i cannot hv tis little terror ard the hse with me alone for a long time..he gets on my nerves...and will pester me to bring him out..haha..somemore, now with no 2, no energy...

princess_gal, u so cute..haha...tink wat write wat...

if u all ordering Amosco, count me in. nvr try before...but heard its tasty

all tis tok abt durians make my mouth water...hvnt been eating for the past 2 weeks liao...very "gain" now...hehe

i envy people who knows hw to play the piano. i can only play " Mary has a little lamb" & using one finger, key by key...hahaaha. so if my ger interested next time, i will let her try & ask her to teach me..kekeke

my cousin (38yrs) doing line dancing now. she ask me to join her after my birth. i was like...wat...line

any comments on line dance? haha (still laughing)
hi hi, about Amosco, i want to join too as I told Zinie before .. my place can be a collection place, if u all agree, Blk 825.
learn ballet leg will open big big?so only the upper posture nice la?so u are good dancer la?

u got grade 8 in piano why don't u teach? i also know violin,take until grade 6 only cos have to concentrate on piano diploma so stop.

princess gal
beside playing piano time i oso quote chor lor
i mean 'after a few years'.

i must demo to u all.. i donno how to explain. u c the feet must open v-shape mah (called 1st position) but normal feet is both face 12pm. so yr feet is not natural way liao lor. plus when yr 2 feet form a v-shape, yr legs must b straight, no hole in the middle so again u forcing yr legs.

Dancing helps u in body coordination. If you learn w piano, it helps u in keeping to the beat. So if serious ballet dancers usually learn piano also lar.. but that was my era. not sure abt now. last time Yamaha no piano, only organ & my mom donno where to find private piano teacher, so i miss the chance to learn.

Fei Ming
frankly i know roughly the different position but i cannot remember the french names for it.. all return to teacher liao.. haha

Stop clubbing 2yrs ago, after marriage. coz my hb not the clubbing kind..
Y? u want to go ah? My time no MOS yet, only Zouk. ahha
Fun / Nana,
U all ex-Chiongster? I used to go too. My time oso no MOS. Only Zouk, Music Underground (Closed liao)...hehehe.... This basement at Phoenix Hotel change so many club liao.... Oso last time at Forum Galleries oso very famous but 4get the name of the disco. There is one at ANA Hotel (now no more), can't remember the name.... Oh ya... Lan Kwai Fong (Oppo Merchant Court Hotel) and Madam Wong .....

Most recent one I went (few years back) was Dbl O. Hahahaha.... Dunno u all heard abt all these places or not

Now the IN thing is MOS and St James... but I don't go anymore.... Feel out of place....

hahahaha.... my impression of line-dancing is for the elderly......hahahaha...... I don't find it challenging..... hehehehe....

I still prefer my kickboxing and Hi/Lo.... More vigorous than line dancing.... kekeke
I am starting to return to clubbing as long as my hb willing to bbsit the newborn. lol.

Fei ming,
Dat was my mums intention too but I dun see myself teaching. Tink i will end up yelling at the kids. ahahhaa... AS for voilin, I only up to grade 3 coz i took in sec school. I stopped once i left school coz lessons were so much more at pvt music schools. :p

hmm... tink we belong to same era coz u named all my fav hunts. lol. St James is ok lar. Lotsa yuppies crowd and ex-zoukers.

wow... u only eat Mao Shan Wang durians !! heehee. .but reali got standard nt like those durian 3 for $10 one.. hahahaha.. but mao shan wang very exp la.. weight by kg one..


ok i m ok wif it.. u go coordinate then delivering will be at my place lor.. hey u pm me ur contact no la so can coordinate wif u ma...


wow. .steady mummy le.. u got grade 8 for piano.. weee weeee....
u should go learn more.. so good to learn so many instriment le.. reali envy u le.. i wan learn but my family fanicial nt good la.. : )


u so good le.. ur PIL help u look after baby.. i wan i wan also.. heehee...
good to heave PIL to help out !! DONT U ALL MUMMIES AGREE ??? heehe lolx...line dancing omg... i also tink tat is for aunty one.. hehee..

fei ming,

hmm u said u chor lor.. ok la.. see wen got yishun mummies gathering then we shall see who more chor lor.. heehee.. (JOKING WOR)btw he much u charge per hour ar?? can said !!! oppsss


ME ME ME ME ME ME .. i like danicing n go clubbing every weekend one b4 i gv birth to my baobei.. haiz.. now so fat le dun club le la then no one help me look after my baobei... PIL mirgrate,my mum n dad working.. tat y i become SAHM .. heheee.. dancing is so shiok le.. can lose weight n so shiok.. wow..


wow u also go MU one ar.. !! oh last time so happening now closed down le.. haha.. all becos of the MOS .. MOS beat down MU one.. all ppl rather go to MOS then MU cos more fun n got more chio bu there ma... heheee... MOS inside is is grand lor.. loves the amtophere la... heehee..i heard from my friend ST JAMES also very fun n nice place to club but nv been there.. hahahaha....

Everytime friend jio me go clubbing i always cant one cos no one help me look after baby le. .haiz... nvm la...nw gt baby ,baby more important... hehee : )
wah u all still want to go clubbing ah? now i can't stand the music they play. i rather buy my own CDs. Zouk is still my fav. think MU close long ago b4 MOS came lar. plus i quit smoking, i don't like to smell smoke anymore ahha. i rather at home open wine.. Clubbing used to b fun where i can laugh at ppl dance & think they v pretty.. sorry lar i must admit i'm bitchy to strangers, when i high even worse, bite ppl & pick on ppl
Princess gal
Me same same as you trying to slim down. If u interested i know where to get slimming from doctors. If interested msg me loh!

Ha ha me same as u! Dont like to go clubbing been there a few times cant tolerate those music liao!
haha...morning ladies

all tis tok abt clubbing...15 yes back...wat's with fire, canto la, then upgrade to zouk la, promoted to mdm wong's, dbl o,lan kwai fong, old shanghai...even to the pub(safra)at borders..haha
now st james...nvr even step in at all..

all these places, the most ive been is once only...not to all but a few of tis...bones old liao...even before preggie or before marriage...stop le...only once in a while, go pub, drink drink chat chat, look look c c..but will go light on the drinks...

cannot tahan tis rock/disco music liao...head will spin..also will go blur with the disco lights..
heh Yvonne, now we must listen to different kind of music ler... back to baby songs..
"Bah bah black sheep"

That day I was still arguing w my colleagues abt the flow of some nursery rhymes..

no la.. MU jus close down last april 30 cos they sent me letter n said they closing down ma, i m member there.. a bit sad la.. cos i loves gg MU better then zouk cos zouk play trance i dun like.. like techno n eruo dance music more.. u horrible le.. hahahaha.. bite ppl wen u are high .. omg. .hmm i tink most ppl elt u bite one muz be ur galfrend heehehe lolx.... btw shiok la.. i wan club le but cant la n i tink of my baobei.. now marry le muz family first all this clubbing wait for my baobei grow up then said ... hahaha.. i m still young la.. bone still strong heehee.. jus wan to slim down now.. heehee


wow canto so long le... hmm still prefer last time canto fire.. haha the music so good n great la.. : )wow u hw old ? said till u very old le.. heeh lolx..
oh...So many chiongsters around.... hahaha.... Now I remembered the one at Forum - RUMOURS and ANA Hotel - RIDLEYS (Same management as MU). kekeke....

My bones are still strong but I rather go kickboxing lah....kekeke..... Thk hor I am the oldest mum here leh....kekekeke

My new maid arrives yesterday so no MOTHER'S DAY CELEBRATION for me....

ya is bah bah black sheep, twinkle twinkle little star, old macdonald had a farm...etc

princess_gal....canto / fire..haha..i mention 15 yrs ago u can roughly guess my age lor...hehe..canto is during my sec sch days...oops..

mother's day oso kenna stuck at home...

tis morning brought my boi to chong pang cc to play...they having the FACES contest... my boi playing the gym exercise playgrd...climb & roll abt... then gt some goodies bag..saw some dance competition by some older shd see...cha cha la...line dance dance la...stylo sia...they really know hw to shake...
First of all..


hmm I don't think I would would dare go clubbing.. can't compare to those "sweet young things".. they'll b laughing at a squad of "old goose" waddling into the club..
u regular ah?? Still receive letters from MU.

Ur maid is here liaoz?? Hope dat she is a goot one.

U tokking abt me?? LOL.
Me and my kakis still go clubbg every now and then. As long as we enjoy it and can afford to have a couple drinks, why not. Its a great way to destress and get a few hours away from our kids! :p

hey! i was there with Alden too! nv come and look for me ;( Alden got consolation prize for the competition.. lost to two pretty gals and one malay boi keke... but he is a killer with the photographer there.. photographer kept taking photos of him during the gym session..keke... forgot to ask him for contact number :p


Wah u gals chiong canto de ah.. like very far for me leh.. hehe.. my first most freq club was the one at Taka level 7.. forgotten wats the name liao leh.. keke..

princess gal
i charge about $25 per hour for beginner la.

still go clubbing? so envy !

i dun like those heavy metal music just cannot tahan the noise. last time usually go to the one in the apollo centre forgot the name liao.

Happy mother's day to all mummies!
