Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

<font color="0000ff">hope all the sick lil ones a speedy recovery</font>

Just had my PC repaired haiz!! How;s everyone here.. long time no chat liao..

BTW can update my info as follow :
jovan, Boy, 13oct06, mamy poko & huggies, friso thanks

got yr sms never got chance to reply..<font size="-2">please print out the model and code and write yr preference and alternative and i pass to my friend</font>

creams collected yahoooooooooooooooooo finally got a chance to caught her in my fishing net liao WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......

Yr plan looks good...i only get health policy for Jovan nia must really look into it liao..


i think u put a very BIG fishing NET to catch tis fish....hehehe when i free to go chongpang then collect frm u har.....kekkeke thanks you ya
Yes. I only buy education plan.

Last year I bought a whole life plan with NTUC for my girl. I have not buy for my boy yet. I am still whether it is necessary for us parents to buy whole life plan for them or let them buy themselves when they start to earn money.

Anyway, my parents never buy any plan for me. All the plans that I have is bought by myself when I started work lor.
i send to you lah u got priority leh kekekekeke...........

me too never got a plan even until looking into 1 since having J life is never been the same as before liao..
Oh... yah u should looking into one preferably before your next birthday.

For me hor, my monthly contribution for my own plans sum up to $500 per month.. Its like "forcing" myself to save $500 every month. Though it is tough now, at least I am not worried about my retirement in the future because some of the policy will mature in 20 years time and I can get one lump sum of $$$ by then.

Actually its good to buying saving policy using Kid's name.. cheaper and as a saving, one stone hits two birds! If kid not good to me, i stil have $$ to fall back on.. dun even need to tell him tat i got a policy with his name! HA! As for Education funds, also dun need to give him everything we have saved for him lor heheee

very important to add medical rider leh.. cos kids huh.. very into accidents la.. can claim visits to GP and Chinese registered docs is a good coverage.
True..will look into it seriously abt covering myself and Jovan..

Yr flexi life for Alden is good boh?? Its life, education? The 50K is savings which u get back after maturity??

50k is sum assured.. by 20 yrs old.. surrender value onli peanuts.. hahaa... Guarantee value onli $6,700.. so much lesser than the sum i paid. Just tat its will run byitself after 20 yrs lor.
I bought the saving plan for my girl with my name leh. Because should anything happens to me, the premium will be waived while the plan continue and will expires upon maturity.
Oh no wonder lah. $50k assured and not even breakeven by 20 yrs so that is why the premium around mine but less sum assured. Mine 100k but should breakeven by 10 or 15yrs.

Think 1s my gal come out work, this policy will handover to herself to cont'd lor. Can't possibly ask me Old Woman wz walking stick still must help her pay insurance mah. keke. Given wz the px I buy now at abt $100/mth for 100k insured, think if by the time she reach working age, she will not be able to get this premium for 100k life assured. If half way no $, also can surrender when she 20yrs old to get the $ for education or whatsoever lah. So at least for the 1st 20yrs, her life is protected for all CI/DD at the sametime while save the $ wz some returns by then.

My preference:
1st - ZA471-376 (Beige) <font color="ff0000">If it is made of leather</font>
2nd - ZA440-353 (Pink) <font color="0000ff">Get this if 1st option is made of fabric</font>

Kam sia.... hehehehe

oh i see.. objective is different.. I just want have health coverage over his life.. tats all. haha.. We have other deposit accounts with other banks.. so not depending on insurance for savings. Moreover Mummy not so rich leh.. got my own life to pay for also.. kekeee
Me 2 just want coverage for her life and illness just in case lah. Touch wood! Of cos' which parents will wish to claim that amt.! Choy choy choy! If buy endownment or education, the premium is high but sum assured is very low. So I choose life policy lor. IMO, education or endownment returns is also not say very attractive. Might as well if I want to 'save' as education for her, I take up a life poliy and can cover all life and other illness at higher sum assured and at 20 yrs time if really in need $ for her studies, can surrender and i will also get back my 20yrs premium wz returns and was also protected for free for 20 yrs life. If no need the $, just cont'd on lor.
print out the design and code and i pass to her better..cos i am meeting her this sat/or sun!! This way better i think cos she see the thing and have it in mind and when she reach there she know what to get with what is stated in our list instead of sms leh..cos got a few more also asking her this time round wor..cos the other time airport store was close!!

keke of cos of cos.. all insurance are just for in case.. no one will want to get claims from it. But some realli works like investment and making profits over years ma.. the policy i bought does not work this way niah.
kekekke thanks you in advance ya hehe.

Monday u not working har?? So good hehe maybe i will take 1st June hahhaha
my baobei fever gone but flu n cough still have.. haiz.... : ) aiyo...

yea ppl said buy insurance early will be cheaper.. heehee.. btw i itnk insurance is important..... : )cheer
Wow, yr coy so gd ah? I tot only those X'mas or New year, coy then will shut.

Btw, any mummies here tried BBQ wholesale food at any BBQ party?
Hehehe... after this long holidays have to wait till Aug liao. Because our coy shut down again on 10 Aug....

Have not tried any BBQ wholesale food at any BBQ party. I have a friend who ordered before and said not bad but I forgotten the website.
Yr coy got vacancy? haha. So tat means if holiday fall on Tue or Thur, yr coy will definitely shut Mon and Fri? Hey, Nov and Dec there's some more Thurs and Tue holiday leh!

U mean yr friend ordered b4 fr BBQ Wholesale? I got the web lah. Just wana ask for opinion b4 i confirm mah. Scarly the seasoning so lousy till I season myself even nicer. kekeke

ur baobei still sick ar....better take care
my boy running abt liao..

bbcutie, yeah ur coy any vacancy? so gd. double PH..hehe..
esther, u live in B101 ar? Chong Pang? hehe
i sometimes hang ard there cos my in laws hardware shop just beside Guardian...hehe

Hope we meet some day.
Our coy every year have 4 days of company holidays so see which day the HR allocate lor.

In Nov, no extra days. In Dec, coy shut down on 24 Dec. 21 Dec still working.
wah 2 days never log in.. flood flood...

reading all yr feedback on insurance. aiya bobian lar nowadays as parents very cham. worry next time their children cannot study then no good job then no $$ for living.. so we have to start saving for them lor..

education fund/ saving fund is good lar, i take it as force saving for child's future uni fees..unlike me, i've to pay my own uni fee. u imagine future inflation rate, wat we save for now is just chip of the ice berg ah!

kids nowadays fall sick easily, so have a health policy also impt..

haiz with the $$ we spend, we have nothing to save for our old age liao, only can rely on CPF.. every month draw a few hundred to eat vegetable rice!
U say till like so cham....

Now I am forcing myself to save $500 for my own future lor.... Depending on CPF alone is not enough lah. Don't forget we use it to buy house.
wow bbcutie, u still can force urself to save $500...i save wat i can man!... dunno even knw gt $500 anot...bit by bit choice... so much thing to buy...milk powder la, diapers la, clothes la, insurance la, then now sch fees la....
wa liao...pocket big big hole already....

with 2nd one bills la, delivery charges la, chk up la...gosh...faint liao
No choice leh. Other than paying for $500, I still save another $300 in our joint account.

As for milk powder, diapers and all other expenses, all paid by hb. I only pay for my own insurance and my credit cards and HP bills lor...
Maybe coz we're young married couple, we still got some loans to clear like renovation loan & others.. so end up no extra to save also.

Dats y my hb say don't want move to condo next time, pay reno loan & this hse we have lesser debt
no wonder...i still hv to pay my own HP bills town council bills, SP bill...hehe

but my hubby does help...if i say i NO $$, he will also fork out loh...

Baby Bonus oso nt enuff to cover... :p

btw, my home PC ok le...any one interested: add me in msn: [email protected]
added u to my MSN contact liao.

I don't dare to thk abt staying in condo. 5 rm flat is more than enough for us... we can always goes to public playground and safra yishun for swimming...
U preggy now?

Re: savings,
Savings can't seems to stack up leh. Save liao, then awhile go holiday lah, then pay annual insurance lah, Rd tax/ car insurance lah. etc. Save liao, then minus agian. Sigh...

If got no. 2, think will be even lesser.
It is very difficult to save if you have a car.

That is the reason why we don't drive. Furthermore our jobs don't requires us to drive so no point having a car. My hb joined as NTUC Car Co-op member, so if we need car, we just book online lor.

We rather spend the $$ on our insurance premium for our retirement.

Nowadays, I become very thrifty lor... but something I do splurge if I have extra.

When is yr EDD?

Don't rely too much on baby bonus. It is only given out every 6 mths hor. Now u r expecting #2, u are eligible to open a co-saving account for your 2nd child when u have given birth. I used my #2 baby bonus to save into this co-saving account and now using it to fund my #1 monthly CC fees. And this amount cannot last for my #2 lor.

U see the maximum amount we can save into this co-saving account is 6000. And government will also save $1 to $1 depends on the amount we can afford monthly. So maximum we can get $12000.
My girl monthly CC fees is around $300. So $12000 can only use for 40 mths nia. Where got enough?? Can't even sustain for my #2 to use.. We still have to fork out cash for #2 CC monthly fees by then.

yea my gal recovering halfway le.. but still got a bit flu.. heeheee... btw i read u write ur in law hardware shop is beside the duradain,i itnk i saw u b4 la.. u have a boi rite??? around 2 to 3 yr old ??? n ur hubbi wear spec de rite?? hmmmm tink u also saw me b4 la.. hahaha...

btw i nv receive ur msn add !!! u add me again....thank.. n yes, my nick last time is zinie (ling_baobao) heehee...

Question for all mummies :

** btw ask all mummies hor, u all will use the baby bonus money or save up for baby ?? ****

jus wanna see hw many will save up for baby n hw mnay will spent it !! heeheee....
princess_gal, really? u saw me before...yup my hubby wears spects boi 2yrs old...oh....scary..hehe

is ur msn [email protected]? oh dear..did i add the wrong person? y dun add me instead...just in case...

as for baby bonus...i hv spent it all...every 3 mths only $750 = $250/mth...spent it on milk powder, diapers liao lor...

i will open another separate joint acct for my boy soon...this way can save for his future education, expenses, blah blah blah...

bbcutie, my EDD 24 Jul...soon...
btw, hw does the co-savings acct works? izzit hw much we put in , the government will follow? hw will the government know? i read the bb bonus book, still blur...pls advise. tks.
Wow. U have put Alden on waiting list for quite a few cc huh? Haowen is on waiting list for Eager Beaver, but he's only guaranteed to have a place only in Jan 08 for pre-nursery class even though we registered quite early. Have u checked out the Little Skool House at Orchid Country Club?

Re Playgroup
I'm also looking out for playgroup in Yishun. Any mummies know of any playgroup near Blk 300+?? Haowen is w JG now on once-a-week weekend class. Very ex abt $500 per 10 weeks. Worse still, he does not enjoy the story-telling, etc. Only loves the handicraft works. Think will pull him out after this term ends.

Re saving plan
Like babycutie, we oso bought a saving plan for HW. Premium per yr is $4K. Value just enough for local uni.

Me also thinking of getting a whole life plan from GE for him, my agent quoted flexi plan at $556 per yr for $50K. No need to pay anymore after Yr 20. U think this plan is gd? I have not checked out other plans.

Re baby bonus
Have spent all $3K liao...:p
<font color="0000ff">ixwong</font>
Wow u paid higher premium for saving plan than me..... How much is the paid out after maturity? 100K? Frankly, what would be the local uni cost by then huh?

Maybe u can try Appletree?

<font color="0000ff">Princess gal</font>
I used the baby bonus to save into my #2 co-saving acct and paid for my #1 CC monthly fees.

<font color="0000ff">yvonne</font>
Abt the co-savings, whatever amount we save into the co-save acct, government will also follow in the following month. This co-saving acct is not the same as our ordinary acct with POSB. MCYS will have a record of this acct and every month will send us a statement of acct. So whatever $$ we save into the acct, they will have a record and also will reflect how much more $$ we can save. Maximum we can save into this acct is 6K.

yea i saw u la.. heeheee... i buy from u tings b4 ... heehee...why scary le ?? hahaha.. u also saw me b4 jus tat u forget laio la cos i m ur customer n u will nt go remember me de la.. heehee... : ) btw i didnt receive any msn add.. but the email u gv is correct.... ok,i add u.. wad ur email add???btw u als owear spec one rite?? heehe : )

*** hmm.. so i see lots of mummy use the money to buy baby pamper n milk powder... ** okok thank mummy for the answer...


so it mean total we can only save 6000 then after tat le ??? our own money ? gov will nt put in anymore?? then the money we put in de can we use ????btw if i gv birth to the second one then i nv straight away go open the co saving acc then later 4 month later i wan to open it still can open ma??? thak you : )

The flexi plan onli for major illnesses isit? u not going to add any riders like accident and stuff?? btw i just PM u
