Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

princess gal,
4 mths should be ok bah i guess. So long u can proof that this is your 2nd child.

Hmm i thk after 6K, dun thk we can save anymore leh. I am not sure. Have to check with MCYS on this.

We cannot do w/o a car. My gal need go my mum's place everyday at Sengkang leh. My hb works in Bukit Timah. So every morning is YS->SK->BT and vice versa for nite time. But the co-op car, they will send the car to you when you need it?

Where is the shop? I quite frequent there but no idea where is Guardian leh. Besides guardian, what shops near that blk.

Princess Gal,
I save up for my gal the bb bonus but I think the 1st instalment i spend liao. haha. The time when she born, alot $ to spend mah. Hospital bill, confinement lady and etc. But the bal i save for her lor.

$556 for $50k and stop at 20yrs looks so attractive. But think if same as Fun's, that means at 20 yrs still not yet breakeven lah. But its good and cheap as a gift for them lor.
Anyone got lobang for 3-room flats near my Blk area? my mum looking for one
yesterday brought ALden to the playground next to chong pang MacDonald.. he loves it
better than the one at my plc there de

This is Alden chasing Bubbles yesterday.. keke

We have to collect the car ourselves. The nearest one is at Blk 92x at Yishun Central. If you know where is Crown Palace Restaurant, that is the blk the car is parked at the 4th level. Other alternatives are at Khatib/Sembawang.

How old is Alden. He is so engross in his bubbles... hehehehe
san, next to Guardian, next to POSB, next to coffe shop (on one direction) next to maid agency, next to Media shop (film developing) next to another hardware shop next to bridal shop (on the other direction)

Bl 101 in short...haah

oh tink ur sil . .hahahaha.. wow all wear spec one.. oh u are always inside one ar?? btw the boi always sleep in the pram outside the shop is ur son or ur sil's son?? heheee


thank for the information... muz knw more now so second one come i wil nt ka la ka bo.. hahaha..


oh so u only use up the first money then after tat u save up for her ar???

*** actually ,dun knw the money is gv parents use it or for baby saving ?*** hahahaha...
I received your mail

Princess gal
the S$ gov give i also dun know can keep where leh so little..everything add up already exceed S$250/mth when did u came to Chong Pang never sms me than can invite u to my place for coffee mah

Ya me stay at Chong Pang..i always pass by the shop you mentioned..who is the baby in the pram that i see almost everyday..
Alden is so cute..can i pinch him on his cheeks ...

BTW congrats months later u will be cuddling yr No2 liao..everytime i see preggie or hear of those who are preggie me feel supper duper happy leh..

I would like to take this opportunity to thanks Princess Gal aka Zinie who went through witH me throughout my c-section on 13Oct2006 and prior to that as well as i was very scared and lost at that time..Its all the courage and sms that u send to me make me a happy and brave mummy today
Can u imagine early in the morning i received sms - words of encouragement to be mummy in couple hours of time bf gg to hosp,before i went to OT giving the the assurance once again everthing will be fine than and afer the Opt in the middle of the nite when i cannot doze off to sleep accompany me the nite via sms..and thereafter..

so u spent the money or keep for jovan boi boi ??i did go chong pang but call u,no pick up le...i m same as u,wen heard ppl pregnant i m also very very wen u having ur second baby le??: )

wow..esther,u put my name till so big.. hahahaha..anyway u are brave mummy la,i only sent u msg n encourage u.i did nothing la..u urself gv urself the brave nt me la.. heehee..anyway u gv birth to a very very cute baby boi. till now nv saw him yet le.. nw he already 7 month le.. times files !!!

esther ,

btw u so long then come in to this thread..once a time only... hehee.. this few weeks been busy abt wad?? gathering ? heheee : )
MOrning Ladies,


kekke all mummies here knw yr boi boi sleep in the pram outside the shop liao hahha wait everyone pass by will search for yr boi boi........


yr boi really enjoys e bubbles ne....i dun dare to let my girl play with the bubbles because my MIL say scared my girl will have rashes kekkeke

actually u can let her wear long sleeves lor.. thin cloth kind.. or wat we normally do it play during his bath..
princess_gal, i'm nt inside the shop at fact i dun work there...only sometimes, i hang ard there, especially in the morning for awhile...

dat's my boi la...sleeping in the pram...u happen to see him when its his nap time i suppose..kekeke

Esther, ya...2nd one excited too but oso scare at the same time...the boi u see is my son lor...he is at the shop everyday..haha

**note" but sometime hor...if it is a little ger dat u see, especially in the morning, dat one cld be my sil's dotter instead...dun get confuse..haha boi gettin famous...haha

but yest son sick again...fever la, flu la, cough la, sore throat la, everything come at sad! so if u mummies out there pass by the hardware shop & see a sicky little boy (wu jing da cai de)... dat's my boi...
haha, u explain so clearly for me ah. so i must go find yr boi next time when i am there again. POSB i know where, bridal shop i know where. So now at least i know which is the shop lor. Facing the Bei Sheng Lou restaurant blk rite? I only go there shop shop, makan makan, so i nvr know what is the blk no. hehe.

Princess gal,
The money depend on individual lah. Some pple will spend, some pple will use to offset their expense on bb lor. Just like birthday, and CNY ang pow for bb, individual also deal wz it differently. Some will use to offset cost liao, then balance give bb keep. But some will save all or 'eat' all themselve. haha.

u leave him outside the shop den alot of ppl will walk pass him lor? now HFMD is heating up.. u not scared ah?
Bb bonus

I feel tat the $$ is actually NOT for the bb.. its for the parents to use when bb is out.. if not enough $$ to use.. just use it lor.. dun be guilty abt it
fun, scare....but no choice leh...parents nt at the shop, everyone PIL, my sil, my uncle & sometime my hubby oso...can keep a look out lor..hoepfully HFMD dun come & find my boi

san, hehe
now u know. ya..opp bei sheng be of hardware shop: CINTA Trading (S) Pte Ltd..haha
Like yr 'dun be guilty' abt it when use bb $. hehe. Though now i save for her, but the bank a/c is still link under us. So anytime if we dead broke, that $ is still our money and upto us to utilise. That is what i think.

wah, like that sure i can find the shop liao. Next time go there buy things, quote your Big name got special disc? haha. just joking. That time me and hb went to a few hardware shop in chong pang to search for my gal's bb cot wheel as 1 of it spoilt liao. Who knows few of the shop all dun have that size.
yvonne (ewoks) ,

oh that's is ur boi.. very cute le.. everytime i go buy tings from ur PIL shop wil lsure saw him sleeping in the pram de.. heehee...btwi nv saw any gal there b4 heehee.. mostly saw ur boi boi .. heehee..
i tink u have added me in msn le.. yst saw u online but i m gg offline le cos late laio. hehee.. if can chat tonight... cheer : ) so u sometime only help out there la???


yea i ask aorund,some of my frend use it for 1 yr old bade party n some said nt enough money so use baby money buy milk powder n daiper .. .some use it for own use,cos they believe gov gv baby bonus is for parents feed baby one nt for baby saving.. but as wad u said individual la.. heehee : )


i m same as San like ur 'dun be guilty' abt it using baby $$ heeeheee....Ur baby boi is so cute le.... u did well in the picture !! u use wad programme to edit?? photoshop????btw the food nice ma???i mean the website u gv us one!!u try it b4??
Hello ladies

Today attempted feeding my 4mth old Gerber.. woohoo so fun! kaka

yr son very sexy leh.. *slurp*

BB bonus
I got how much spend how much. Right now have not plan much for the future yet. Need to clear my debts 1st haha.

Most advisors can tell u an estimate university fee for yr children based on projected inflation rate. Frankly, the premiums which most ppl comfortable to pay can mostly cover local uni.
U may have to save more if u want to send them to foreign uni.

u sound so happy wor.. heehee.. btw ur ger enjoy it ????? heeheee.... as wad Fun said dun be guitly abt using baby money heeheee... : ) cheer....btw ask u hor, u will feel guitly de ma ??? heehe : )
Princess Gal,

Billy bombers has been in Singapore for quite some time, its american food like burgers, steak, meat combo etc. Not bad la

I'll have to chk on the name of the programme i use for the pics..hehe..

here's another one

I used white background.. so can onli see the pics instead of the whole layout :p just for fun!

morning ladies,

piece of gd news to boi recovering liao but still having flu & cough, but the fever went down...back to normal liao...
happy.gif is fri...finally end of the week...enjoy

This morning Alden look at me and baby talk to me in a soft and normal way.. like as if i understand wat he is talking haha.. And he is trying to call my mum now.. hehe

good to hear tat ur boi recovering le. .cos baby sick reali very heartpain one : (


u did very well le .. the pic is nice.....hmm dun knw wad progrmme u use le. very nice... : )
Princess gal

guilty? huh? no lar... later when mummy got more $$$ then compensate her lor... right now ask her to sponsor mummy abit lar.. kaka

u are welcome... : )


hmm... u cute..use sponsor.. heehee.. btw js being KPO.. heehee : )

** btw anyone knw wad is heartburn ?? **** thank you ...
Tks... Feeling better now but still hurts when I laugh too much or sneeze and bend down.....

Princess gal,
Heartburn is a burning sensation felt in the chest caused by acid regurgitation into the oesophagus. Sometimes even cause by heavy meals when the food reflux backwards....

oh... cos my frend pregnant then doc told her is heartburn that y i m blur... hahaha.cos she also dun knw wad that.. hahaha : ) hmm everyone go where le ??? so quiet the thread...

hmm weekend all busy shopping heehee : )
hiya morning ladies....

its monday again...come into the ofc only gt problems to settle liao...monday blues

WAT a way to start the day...@#&*()@3%^
late morning ladies,

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Calling for LINDA & TEENOYL.....Where are U 2 OLD BIRD HERE.....</font></font>


U working alrdy? How is yr Ribs liao? hAizZ Monday BLUES & feel sleepy kekkeke


kekkekke bad influence no good for baby ne cannot say like that haha lunch time liao
hello yvonne and all mummies!
yvonne thanks for telling me this forum,congratulation going to due soon. btw can i know it is bb boy or girl?
Anyone's kid attending the FACES Contest this Sunday morning at Chong Pang CC? Alden is one of the shortlisted ones in Cat 2.
hi ong fei ming,
u're welcome
my 1st is a boi, 2nd one is a ger..

fun, wat contest is tis? maybe i can pop down , c c look look... hehe

vivocity tings very exp hor,, aiyo.. one drin kcost 2 plus. omg omg..
but lots of mummies loves gg there... lolx


wow.. chim.. nv heard of it b4.. tink i muz go find n ask around le.. i wna to do also.. hahahah.. anyway thank for the infor... : )
**cgs to ur alden...hope he can gt top one.. : ) **** cheer

Ong Fei ming,

Welcome here.. hope u enjoy this thread hahahaha : ) u gt hw many baby or now pregnant wif hw many months??? : )

not the mummy and BB lookalike contest leh.. mine is Faces Search Competition (1145 -1230pm).. onli involve Alden not us haha.. u entered the lookalike contest??
Princess gal
i have two baobei elder one is a gal she is now in k2 and the other boy is 28 months now. i stay at ave 6 blk 397,
I used to teach piano at cristofori music school at chong pang but since i hav my 2nd one i quit n now teach part time at home.
nice to know u all!


do u all feel a pressure at ur cervix area when u pee...hope its nt too embarassing to ask..

i tend to feel a light pressure, as if something popping out like dat...anyone with the same experience before...
