Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

actually my boy cant sit still sometimes too...when i attend the class with him i will make sure he pay attention by diverting his attention n nt run ard in class. however, with my hubby its slightly diff...the teacher commented tt my boy pays more attention when i attend the i guess u nd to divert the attention of ur gal back to the lesson...or mayb u have to find out if she is really interested in the class nt... wonder ur gal so cranky...7am to 3pm dun nap....for me i make sure he nap...30mins also gd...if dun nap at hm i make sure he ko on the car ride to sch =)

jiayi, try to "enjoy" my time and doing some spring cleaning also...hehhe

val, hahha...really ah...u cute
sporty - I sign O for sunday, 4pm class.

jiayi - me on leave on friday... :)

i think all kids cannot sit still thesse days! attention span will be probably only 15 mins max.
jntt (jntt),
combi got so light one ah.. got model no?? can tell me i go find..?? the lightest so far i found is all at 5kg...

the GUG is at united sq and suntec.. got any other place?
Val: You cried, must be the hormones. hehehe

My gal simply refuses to nap lor... Last time her class at 3.30pm, then she cranky cos she wakes up at 12pm from her morning nap, and wants to sleep at ard 4pm. So I changed the time to 2pm, then she doesnt want her morning nap! Aiyo, headache.

Sporty: Go for more buffet lunches and hi-teas!

jntt: Me off on Thurs, but have to work this sat. I get a thurs off on alt week. I think I shld clear leave too. So fast Feb already.

pooh3bear: GUG only 2 branches. By the way, don't buy miracle turn, mine is miracle turn, never use the 'turn' at all. hehehe
haiz...i havent really started doing spring cleaning le =( btw, do u really clean ur cupboards n clean inside??

yup...i really cried the nite before i went back to wk. ehehhee. coz se bu de my D hubby was still saying i am soooo silly. hahaha.

GUG only at these 2 other place liao...another similiar concept is has many locations all over the island...
i cried nt coz of hormones la. hehehe. coz i se bu de my boy mah...=P

oh....mayb u need to train ur gal or have a routine ba. sat is more or less a routine for him le...and tts why i cant attend the upcoming gathering coz sat...i need to give him his nap before class. hahaha.

wah! going for buffet again. so gd life. hehehe. where is the gd labang this time rd? hehehe.
pooh3bear - i am not sure what is the model, but it is available at quite a no of places. i saw it at mums & babes at unites square.

sporty - i clearing my leave lor, next friday i also off!! heehee... this friday wanna bring O to chinatown. last nite i bring her to chong pang market to see the cny decors, she so happy, keep stretching her hands to go and touch the hanging things...

val - i turn my cupboard inside out during spring clean... heehee...
val, yes...i really open my cupboards every yr to clean inside and throw away things i dun want...if not, not called spring cleaning mah...hehhehe :p but this yr i already done so for my wardrobes, now only left with usual cleaning of floors and windows and kitchen cabinets lor... going aquamarine again with my kakis tom

jntt, wah...shiok many 4 day week!! heheh...
sporty - yes am enjoying my 4-day work week! anyway, my new boss has still not arrived... so better enjoy the honeymoon period while it lasts.
sporty: wah buffet again! Enjoy siah!

Va|: My gal has routine on weekdays, but on weekends when hb and I are home, she haywire. Maybe cos' she wants to play with us.

jntt: wah long weekends! Enjoy!
wah sporty, u gg aquamarine again...wah shiok lei...

i so envy lei.. haha... wana jio khakis to go, but so pathetic lei.. all dun wan take leave go with me... they got dinner buffet offer??
heee sporty, u gg aquamarine again??? u v bad..don tell me leh.... :D

happy schooling for the kids..GUG n LNT each got their good pts.. LNT is speed memory de, nid quite alot of practise, not suitable for my R.
GUG 's prg is nice.. but location too far..n too crowded.. so we nt keen too .. hee
wah. u really turn ur cupboards inside out ah so hardwking!!!

i v sian le...coz i doing it alone...=(still got to clean windows...inside n out of cupboards...its like i havent started on anything....but dec 09, we did some cleaning of the cupboards....does tt count already? hahaha.

hahahhaa. seafood again. enjoy urself =)

hahahha. ya, i do understand how haywired weekends can be to their routine. But no matter wat, i make sure my boy nap before class...i dun wan him to nap in class instead. hahaha.
jntt, so long liao...u still dun have new boss ah!

jiayi, yes will enjoy

pooh, i going with my 2007 thread got kakis as 2 of them are sahm
dinner no offer now lor...only lunch

val, ya cuz only one yr once tha i clean my cupboards inside out lor...sometimes i even take leave to spring clean...hahha...its up to u how u wanna do it...normally i do it alone also, hb only helped with floors and windows...
sporty, hubby has nt done much hsework...except cleaning the i v sian...

only last dec we cleared the cupboard and did some cleaning...mayb i will just wipe wipe many things to do...i just started washing D's new clothes too.
hee spring cleaning.. i am bz doing so too .. i tot of asking my PT cleaner to help but guess she wont know wat are the thigns i wanna discard n arrange so i will be doing it myself.. but i will engage her to wash my windows..hee
good to hv much junks!! i gg to daiso to buy lotsa containers!!
juz finished spring cleaning my kitchen!! come in for a break!

val, new clothes i finished washing now left with some cleaning of display shelves, cupboards, floors and windows lor...

shan, good to have pt cleaner lor...hehhe...esp for this time of the yr
sporty: My mil jie pi kind, so she doesnt want me to do. LOL. Anyway if I do, sure faint lar, so many vases, ornamanets around...
jiayi, then good leh...ur hse always spick and span
ya..i rem...u posted the pics rite of the ornaments in ur hse??!! hha

gd idea, make the profile with photo leh..grab fr FB..haha..esp for me next time must take poster and recognise all of u


spring cleaning time...hahaha ...this is the reason i don't want back SG la for CNY...i have no maid liao..i am fussy away fr cleaning, dun want go back..dun want see how my mom in law dirty my house..

when back for good, engage people come and clean..but some of stuff like cupboard etc still need to clean ownself..
my PT maid can once 2 weeks nia.. i thinking wanna ask her come once per week this period or not.. coz nid her to wash the windows etc...

good & bad to hv PT helper..they will do, but it's not clean engf, i always still see dust here & there... tat time still got the lizard's "gold" on my kitchen cabinet, din clean properly.. i told her then she gv me some excuses.. i was like watever it's la, juz clean it up.
ya lo airy.. cupboard, n the organising items canot be done by others de.. haa good oso aft cny period slowly cleanup..wont be fighting for time..
last time my pt time cleaner was engaged for 3 hours each time. But she liked to finish everything v. fast like 2 hours plus and then she wanted to go liao...her reasoning was that if she finished all the tasks she usually did faster, then she deserved to leaver earlier....i din care for that...i would rather she took her time to do things and if there's extra time, maybe she could get to other tasks...haiz...v. sian to engage these pt time cleaners too
ya lo adeline, then u shd gv her more jobs.. since she so "effecient" ..
got diff types de.. last time i got one do v thorough, but she like taking her own sweet time.. do 1 level can do 4hrs.. thn in the end 6hrs lidat then finished..wah liao waste my time leh.. then the rate is $10/hr de.. lidat bo hua.. else another one is do fast but nt clean.. hence but i choose the later eventually. at least no nid to hold up my time.i seldom open window/door, so my pl is still ok .. not so thorough nevermind, then some of the stuffs i do on my own lo...
my hb always say get a maid la.. i don wan... maid v troublesome de.. ;(

poohbear, it's $10/hr
sgal...mine sitll $10/hr leh.. maybe coz i got her long long ago.hee
china aunty ...

*hug* Val, tk care.... try to tk a power nap if u can ltr

Ukmum.. hello! hee
me me, my R is in PAP Nursery this yr..

Btw, 6th Mar u all brought it earlier eh... i can only reach at 1pm..will u all be gone leh?
if so nvermind, i join for next session lo ... wait i go no more pple.. hee..
val - panadol?

shan - it starts from 11.30am on 6th Mar... i wait for u!!! i may not be able to reach there that early, probably around 12nn. abalone, NEW Moon is about $39 for New Zealand ones and $44 for Australia ones in NTUC, based on what i saw abt 2 weeks back.
ya...migraine...was ok during preg n aft delivery for quite a while till it came back some mths ago...these few weeks more intensive...

thanks. power nap? hard le...aiming to slp warly tonite...i hope. ahaha.

jntt, out of panadol extra liao..need to go buy...
i think nw standard rate is $50 for 4hrs...unless like shan use her for v long then $10/hr le. i am thinking of engaging 1 to do spring cleaning...but v hard to arrange schedule coz those popular timing already taken up.

see doc no use de la...migraine no cure de...i even went for xray scan to make sure nthing wrong liao but still like tt.
i used to take coffee everyday but i stopped aft i was preg with D...even now i dun take caffine since i am bfeeding...
Va|: Chocolates? I remembered last time a GP told me to stop coffee and chocolates, cos I also hv frequent headaches.

hee, now I still sneak in coffee, though bfeeding. Bo chup liao.

aft6ernoon ladies..

busy whole mmorning.. nw then got time to check in...

yest i go khatib NTUC... aiyoz so crowded lei... alot of pple buying CNY goodies... just bought a set of abalone gift sets, got 6 cans, 2 abalone, 1 buddha jump over the wall, 1 shark fin soup, 1 bao pei, 1 duno another kind of bao pei or sth like tat... NTUC Fairprice CRedit Card can get $3-$5 off the abalone
