Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

wah! Add red strips to ur many colors strips make it sounds like u have lots of colors on ur head le. Hehe. Anyway, U really 1 trendy mummy. Hehe. Gd job! Aft birth giving we still entitled to look gd. Hehe.

nt only younger but oso fig gets slimmer n slimmer. I bet ppl can't believe sporty is a mother of 2 lo.

shan/val, i'm older than u must "look" younger mah...hahha...anyways it wasnt me who wanna do the strips...its my stylist's idea, i juz let her decide everytime... i'm not slim la, got flabby tummy
hi mummies out there have 4yrs old today,

can share with me Nursery level, they learn to write? such must know ABCD....abcd....?
how about chinese language? this is the 1 i more concern..what they should know at this level?
Maths wise, what should they know at this level? besides number, they need to know like what number b4 another 1 number?

eg: __ 6(what number b4 6)

just curious and want to find out what kind of level in Sg education..sorry i am bit worry for my daughter cos the international nursery always slow(ang moh style, relax style and slow 1 level) than us kiasu in Sg

I wish to send my child to some kind of enrichment course (nearby). But can't decide which to send. Does Mummy here in Yishun send their child to any enrichment classes? Which type of courses did you pick for your child? And Why? Hope to hear your comments and recommendation
morning ladies.

hahaha. u arent tt much older la. anyway, where do u normally do ur hair?

got flabby tummy?? then u certainly hide them well coz frm ur pics, dun look like u got tummy la...

anyway, today u going back to office to prep for next week long u going to stay in office?

cant help u coz my boy only 20mths =P

i am sending my boy for weekend playgrp @ GUG. firstly to mingle with other kids of similiar age grp then when he is older to learn the phonics n other things.
hi shan and sporty

Yup is the one opposite the basketball court.

I din c the teacher checking HFMD or measure temp...

Now most PAP using the play approached type...hv adv and disadv when they reached P1... Somemore i heard that PAP will not be giving Kids Spelling in K1 and K2 ????? I dun noe how true is it...

Things that happened in class for the past 1 month...

- first day orientation, one ger snatching toys wif my ger and she pushed my ger onto the floor... my ger cry and the mother witness everything... she told her ger - GOOD GER...??????

- 2nd week of the school, my ger told me she wana bring hanky to hb brought her to school and saw the other 2 gers take out the hanky and comparing which one is bigger .... (at this age alreadi noe how to compare??????)

- 3RD week i brought my ger to school and was talking to the teacher.. my ger told teacher she wana pee and guess wat - she came out of the washroom without WASHING HAND.. and she din wear her short propertly...i adjusted her short and teacher look at her saying - SO EASY ALSO DUN NOE HOW TO WEAR, SO BIG STILL DUN NOE HOW TO WEAR UR SHORT PROPERLY, SHAME SHAME U.....

- Last week, my ger's bag was wet even inside... her bottle is those with sling so impossible to wet inside... she told me GOR GOR pour water inside... not the first time.... Feedback to the teacher she told me - OH IS IT

- the teacher feedback that while she is teaching, my ger told her she wana drink water.. teacher asked her to wait but she refuses... (I muz admit that my ger is super stubborn type) and teacher told me she raised her voice and say - 'CANT U WAIT TILL I FINISHED MY LESSON' ... ... since that day, my ger dare not drink water or taking her snack in class.. her water bottle is always full. she keep telling me she cant drink water in class becos teacher will scold her...

- The teacher told me she keep changing hands to do colouring and complained that she dun noe how to colour well as compared to the rest of the kids... somemore she likes to ask teacher what colour to colour

- the class divided into 3 groups and each group activities is different.. The teacher complaint that she likes to join the other 2 groups especially when the other groups r at the playcorner..

I expressed my concern to the teacher on the very first day that my ger is very active and stubborn, her concentration level is very low, she cant sit still etc... and the teacher told me - NO WORRIES, KIDS BEHAVE TIS WAY. GIVE THEM SOME TIMES ETC.......

When my ger was in playgroup last year, she will tell me wat the teacher taught her... but in PAP, she will tell me I DUN NOE..
hello all..

Happy Friday...

Sporty, u mean u go back to check emails nia.. u v good leh .. i so guilty.. normally for me if aft long leave the official 1st day for me is to clear emails.. not work yet :p heheheee

Airy. .my boy lo..he 2006...
wah i see your qns i stressed.. As per my FIL's feedback, they play n sing song..coloring nia..nothing much.. My boy knows A-Z & 1-10 since playgrp lo.. now any progress i oso nt sure :p i oso relaxed style.. i think in K1 all the stress wil slowly come pouring in..Airy, let ya princess relaxed first la.. K1/K2 then must to stress them :p hehehee

depends wat u wan?there's quite a few nearby... but those more interactive ones like GUG is lackin lo here.. wat course u keen?
oh dear, tat sound bad...
i din find out too much, coz tot i see my boy is ok n happy..good engf... but i know there are some pushing I see small blue black but i tot is common...

May I know ya gal is in which class?
N? AM or PM session?

If u really nt happy, i suggest u change fast.. good luck ukmum..i startg to worry :p
mine is in N3 , AM session de.... phew.. sorry i kinda relieved for a while, it nt the bad teacher. but i think their std shd be similar hor :p

I been asking my boy got go pee or nt, he never, think he control, coz he used to ask us to help him not other strangers...

so wat's ya plan?maybe u wanna talk to the principal first?

I find the teachers soso oni, when i talked to the teacher, she not v enthusatic..but i see quite ok, so i let my boy go.. coz v near to my pl.
me same as u. heheh. 1st day go back to wk aft long leave is read emails. hahahaha. i dun read emails during my leave UNLESS its really really urgent =P

wah...sounds bad...if me, i will pull out...anyway, my hubby n i also planned to send him to private sch for nursery n kindergarden if we can afford...
Thanks val and Shan, but GUG too far leh...

Don't know what course to send, haven't decide yet. Still looking and would like to hear from Mummy here in Yishun which course they pick for their kids and why. I did not send my child to any cc or nursery. She stays at home with me and do "nothing"
I am feeling more and more guilty each day now. But I don't want to send her to cc or PAP nursery b'cos I heard too many stories like what ukmum is experiencing. Actually my intend is to send her to PAP only at K1 or K2 to get her ready for Primary school but if PAP standard still like that than I don't where I should send her to when she reach K1 or K2.
mayb u can search ard amk, semb or woodlands area ba. i am sure there is something near our place too...just whether its to ur liking or nt.

besides PAP, there are always other private sch to all boils down to wat u wan actually...anyway, even private sch may exp the same thing as ukmum experienced lo...
hi ladies...been busy with work :p

why not send her to those 2 to 3 hours playgroup?? those generally just focus on teaching and have less "incidents" than CC
Hi all

tink PAP dun teach chinese... they give me a enrolment form for chinese enrichment class on the 2nd week... is twice a week on wkday.. i called up the admin office and was told that they will not teach hanyu pinyin for PAP..?????

initially we wana sent her to Little Green House or Little Campus but no more vacancy .. somemore being a SAHM, the Sch fees per mth ard $490 for LGH and $530 for LC a bit high leh.... And most importantly, i dun want her to go there to learn how to sleep and eat.. hahaha their actual study and learning is ard 4.5 hours...

Currently the sch fees for PAP is $110.. and i sent her to Zheng Fei for chinese lesson and LCentral for English Phonics.. total spending ard $300...

i wana put her in the 7 hours K1 and k2 in 2011 and 2012, so if i withdrawl her fm nursery now... i might not be able to get a slot later... the prority is given to those attending their nursery...

Hi shan

Ur boi lucky leh....N3 is the best teacher compared to N1 and N2.... Jus now i bring my ger back, the new relief teacher open the door and some kids jus run out when they c their parents outside.. the teacher shouted at them and pull all of them in......
hello all
me back home liao!

goldilocks, i used to send my boy to GUG... mainly is for him to interact with other far i think it helps him to adapt in skool...

val, i normally go back to my stylist, been with her for more than 10 yrs liao since i was in uni...she's at novena sq...hahha, maybe i'm always dressed in dark color so cant see tummy ba! went office for the whole morning and stayed until lunch...need to clear my mails, restart my systems, do my claims etc lor

ukmum, if i were u, i will reconsider the skool...esp the teachers abit like bo chap kind...

shan, i also went to restart my system and do other admin stuffs la...if not i cannot catch up with my work on go back today first lor...
ukmum..oic.... N3 best? sure? :p n i still don think of her v highly :p
u gv it a thought first
good luck to u ...

Val , saw ya mail.. will tk note

sporty, u good empolyee! hee
shan, not good employee la...juz wanan make sure i can do the handover smoothly next week...if not i cannot knock off on time!!
hi shan

N3 teacher is the least experience but most approachable compared to the other 2...

hI Sporty

the teacher not ABIT bochap... is TOTALLY bochap case....

Hi goldilocks

how old ur kid?

u can consider sending ur kiddos to LCentral for english phonics...
wow wow.. this thread is so long and i dun even noe it till jiayi refer me here... din noe got so many smh yishun mummies! hiya my first visit here, staying in yishun too and would like to join in..
ukmum, if totally bochap...u really have to reconsider or can u change her to shan's son's class...since the teachers are better?

busymama, hihi
where do u stay in yishun?

jiayi, today so early koon liao ah?
Morning all.... for those out there who are interested:

District 27: THE ESTUARY, new Waterfront Condo in Yishun

You are invited on a memorable getaway every day in a private sanctuary filled with every luxury your heart desires. Spectacular views of nature's glorious greens that is Lower Seletar Reservoir greet; while finest facilities amidst lush greens and cascading waterfalls,and life's conveniences and even adventures await.

- Condominium with 7 blocks
- 1 / 2 / 2 + 1 / 3 / 4 Bedrooms
- Basement carpark and recreational facilities
- Site area of 26,949.1 sqm / 290,080 sqft
- Elevated Ground with UNOBSTRUCTED Reservoir View
- Minutes walk to MRT, Entertainment, Recreation and Amenities
- 99 years lease
- Price between $750 PSF to $820 PSF
- Estimated TOP end 2013
- Open for Priority Booking NOW!

1 Bedroom 592 to 603 sqft
2 Bedrooms 904 to 926 sqft
2+1 Bedrooms 1,119 sqft
3 Bedrooms 1,184 to 1,302 sqft
4 Bedrooms 1,453 to 1,528 sqft

Call Developer Sales Team at 6100 9897
or SMS "ESTUARY, <your>" TO 8116 3868
sporty - not now la, but will probably just pop in to see. but the price is crazy. i calculated based on biggest 3rm, is $1.6M!!! for yishun??? 99yrs??? no way lor...if i go, is just to see the interior design.. haha.. go n be copycat

jiayi - i got the email today leh, so showflat should be ready. u going?
jntt: I checked already, the showflat is not ready. You have to call the agent to have a pre-viewing presentation, and give a blank choice. The show flat is due to open for priority viewing between 22 Feb - 26 Feb.
poo3bear: I keen to go see see look look, but if walk-in, then have to wait for the full open house, no priority viewing/booking. Not buying, too ex!
hiya sporty im stayin with mil now at 309, mum stay 636, new flat @ 442 building.. hee... im stuck in yishun liao! hee...
busymama, 309 near to 255?? i am 'staying' at 255..trying to recall where is 309..near NTUC yishun ring?
trying to recall..out of yishun 364days liao(1 more day 1 year aniversary)
busymama - is ur place the ones that is still being constructed?? if yes then u are quite near me and sporty...
Sgal: estuary soft lanch shld be this mth. It's under mcl land

pooh3bear: u hv a contact in us or a singpost acct? Old navy n gap don't do international shipping right?
i use singost tat Vpost acct. usually i order from the website then ship to the US vpost add, then re-ship back to sg. Shipping within US is free, but ya lor, the old navy and gap, they dun do international shipping..
jntt/jiayi/sgal, the showflat not ready yet la...juz tha the agents set up their own tents this agent called me a few times liao but i have no time to go and see... and they want u to give cheque and ur i/c copies to "prove" tha u are keen lor...

busymama, where's 442? new ones isit?? if new ones then very near jntt and me..hehe

pooh, yeah...i saw old navy sale...kekek...i juz ordered 3 weeks back! hahha...lemme see if i need anything and might tag ur order!

ya lor.. i tempted by the new rompers lei.. and the shirts.. aiyoz,.. i just told myself must spend only when necessary... but... keke...
pooh, i browsed thru yesterday...saw this time round, alot of nice clothes for kids are on sale...thas why abit tempted!
morning ladies, long time no heard from me
how everyone... Lots of new ladies here, warm welcome...

haiz, this time bf had never been a smooth sailing for me... past week i had updown fever due to blocked ducts and think it developed into mastitis and today going to lactation, hoping it can cure me and becos of this, my ss had dropped by half but what sadden me is not my ss is the pain i am going through, felt like just give up BF lor... act wanted to engage a massage lady to clear blocked ducts but she went aust for a 2weeks job be back next week, think i will be dead waiting for her return..
ok, we talk again... btw, wishing all a properous tiger year and may this year be wonderful and smooth sailing for all of us
morning gals...

i went estuary oso last sat, coz Hubby's agent fren under Propnex is there.. ask us to pop by... nothing to see at all only the floor price ...don even hv price list leh ... how come jntt u got eh? >$750psf is considered ex eh.. for area in Yishun.. Maybe partly coz they bidded the land for high gotta mark up abit..

hello busymama... u stayg in b309 now? which level eh? my ex stayed there :p kekekeke...

poohbear.. i see see if got i let u know soon..hehehe...

wah i cant find my PT helper..she suppose to come last fri, but no news nothing at all ..kaoz.. sabo me! but heng i can do it myself! but nid hubby's help lo to wash window etc.. phew! i juz done w my curtains...bedsheet/sofa to go :p i hvnt fin washing my winter clothing :p die...
hello all
me back at work liao...

chacha, did u see a lacation consultant?? i kena mastitis before, its very painful and torturous...u better take care

shan, wah, ur PT cleaner must be bz la...thas why MIA

pooh3bear: When you need to know the orders. I want to long bang you leh!

chacha: You too have a great Tiger year ahead! All the best to your breastfeeding.

shan: You didnt get to see the showflat? The estimated prices are out with the agents, probably based on the price of the land when MCL Land purchased it. Yes, it's v expensive for Yishun. A bit like the one at AMK. May not be v good for investment cos who will pay u $1 million for a condon in Yishun??

I am looking ard cos really hopes to have my own place, but then $ is always an issue. heehee

Just kpo, 'my ex stayed there' means your ex bf ar? :p
