Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

ya...actually can la...but so used to nt taking liao. hahaha.

everytime see ppl drinks feels like drinking...but i nt so tempted as to go n buy =P
heee aku aunty me, juz back from shopping..hee
bought abalone $31.90 New Moon from New Zealand.. hehehee

yup if got headache don tk caffein.
Val tk good care eh.. try to go home early... don fall sick durg CNY period eh.
ya...trying to drink lots of water and liang cha as well. choi choi...cant fall sick during cny...i on 1 week leave...wanna go out n enjoy myself de. hehehe.

wah, buy abalone ah...nv buy for me? hehehe. j kidding.

gd job! hehehe. u bought new clothes for O and urself n ur hubby already ?

hahaaha. this resolution nv works for me. whahaha.
hahah... ya lor.. sadly lei.. it;s been my resolution for so many years and still nv works well for me..

**eyes bad lei...** last time see own stuff, nw with a kiddo, the first place go shopping is always the kids dept....
yes. i agree...last time is shop for our is shop for our kids..then for ourselves...

but i think i can control myself nt bad...haaha. have not been buying much toys for him since xmas 09. hhahaa.
hehehe.. i still trying my best.. to control the urge to buy for him... nw i realised i got too many clothing for him, this coming CNY, i didnt even buy any clothing coz still got alot of new ones he haven wear yet..

hubby and mom was nagging said i too kua zhang liao....
hahahhaa. coz once we see something nice we buy next time see something nice buy again mah.

dun worry u nt the only 1...

i have a special drawer in which i stock all new clothes...and now its full...v hubby got a shock when he opened it. =D
pooh3bear n Va|: mine girl, more things to buy! I keep buying clothes and also bgt many hair clips and she doesn't like anything on her head! Now largi best, she takes a toy from dept store then dont want to put back, hb also buy. Crap.
val - yes i bought for O and hubby liao. last year my hubby no buy new clothes cause i in confinement. so this year must buy for him...
see weekend i free i go take pics of the drawer full of clothes then i post here to show u. hahaha.

agree...gals more things to buy. if i really strike #2 and is a gal then i will be super broke coz buying for #1, hubby and then #2! aahahah.

oh. okok. i realised hubbies dun really buy clothes for themselves but "rely" on us to get for them...
jntt & Va|: my hb dont want new clothes, so I also didnt buy for myself. My bb gets the full new package, from clothes to shoes. haha
actually kids these days are really more lucky than our times... guess with duo income, we can afford to really splurge on them. but on the other hand, sometimes i see those kids from not so well off family also surviving the same without these new things, i feel kinda guilty...
got new socks, pjs n hm clothes nt? hehehe.
anyway, i buy the clothes for my hubby so he got new clothes n dun nd him to buy he wldnt mind. hahaha.

jntt, nowadays are indeed more lucky than us...i think it gets better each generation...
jntt: even if we can afford to splurge, we should not do so. Will spoil the kids lor.

Va|: haha, socks have. PJs and home clothes also hv new ones though not purposely for CNY, cos' I buy and buy. haha

I offered to buy for my hb, he says dont need, buy for girl can liao. aiyo, then I also save lor, dont buy for myself. LOL
then same same la. My boy oso all things new frm head to toes. Pjs n hm clothes I specially go buy red color. Haha.

My hubby says dun nd buy for him but I still bought. At least I feel 1st day must have new clothes lo. But clothes tt I wear at hm I nv buy new pieces for my hubby n myself.
val, have a good rest tonite, hopefully by tom ur headache's gone...

re: caffeine during bfing
i take lotsa tea everyday leh...bubble tea, teh si n ice lemon tea...i only abstrain from caffeine during pregnancy...hee

jntt, u never buy anything from ur lunch shopping? good gal!!

re: clothes for kids
i also like to "stock up" their clothes during cny or what, no need to panic to buy...hee
morning gals...

Hey Ukmum, ya, why u wanna withdraw ya gal? i think my R oso there..the one opp the basketball court rite?
wat's wrong eh? share share plz..
so far, my R is ok there..except he tells me got some notty boys/gals..
then FIL feedback he go once to spot check, see they all watching tv...

on CNY..
i oso no new clothings.. oni R hv.. too fat liao.. i like one all cant suits me, my sis bought, so i envy her lo ... i cant wear she can..
so sad
morning ladies.

since on ML nt going out then new clothes nt a must la. for me, if staying at hm then nt necessary to get new clothes but if go out to pai nian then need new clothes at least for 1st day =)

how was ur buffet today? hehehe.

thanks. headache slightly better today...but still got headache. ahhaha.

hahaha. ya...i like to stock up too when there is sales...but this time rd i think i stocked up too much le...=x

u nt fat la. mayb u just need to find the right cutting of clothes to suit urself =)
shan, dun say u fat la...u looked ok to me lor, think u having too high standards la....

val, didnt go buffet yesterday as A was not well...wah, stocked up too much eh? sounds
gals.. i "grown" further since the last time u see me ok..
i think my mid-lower part of body + arm... sigh.. for my face i gv up lioa..coz i like my mum got broad face.. u see i seldom post my pics lioa.. coz all too ugly to post..
Btw ytr R coughing then vomit out his Milk again..sighz.. i tink his digestive system really nt good.. guess wanna bring him to TCM for long period of jiao yang
mine is fatter on the tummy area.. pple tot i preg again.... haiz...

the FB pic is abt 2 yrs back when i haven give birth.... dun dare to change to current one.. coz too fat liao...
oh. wat happened to A? hope he recovers soon.
hahaha. ok la...he still have BN cltohes in size 18m...i havent even wash them yet =P

look at the special drawer...filled to the brim...end up..some new clothes goes into the laundry bag directly =P


oops...did R coughed too hard?
wah.. val, think we all mummies very kua zhang esp on kids clothings and stuff lei...

got bring R to see doct? maybe can ask them wat happen?? or his tummy too many wind or ??
hello ladies...

sgal - pine garden (amk) cake not bad. u can send them ur design if u have, ie if u cannot find anything u like.
aiyo juz nw type type, the post MIA.. urghh...

gotta retype..

Poohbear, same as u too

Val, your headache left u? gd gd

Wanna ask, if u gals observed abnormal discharge, u prefer gg gynea or normal GP?
I had since Dec, went to see Dr Adrian, told him abt my discharge n wanna do papsmear,but he say no nid, n din comment on my discharge..issit becoz i had D/C so "it" suppose to be v clean now, hence no nid papsmear?
Coz i abit worried lo..

I shd go n consult a doc rite..better hor, instead of feelg scare..
normal GP can help or not eh? i thinking of gg to a female doc..else v paiseh if they nid to inspect "it"
better than headache but still there...

if u are worried, i think u sld seek a 2nd opinion frm another doc. for peace of mind...

hmm...if me, i prefer to see a specialist instead of gp le...
hi ladies,

today wear red, go bank put cash into your account (bit late now but still ok cos atm 24hrs), be happy, dont angry ok. luck will always with u all..good luck

u sound so much like my friend who told me the same thing

today is li chun, consider new year in the lunar calender...
oh. okok. i didnt know its li chun wats the diff between li chun and the cny we be celebrating next weekend???
rehi gals

me back from salon & lunchie...feeling damn pumping!

shan, dun think u have "grown" tha much as u had mentioned la...u so petite wun be tha bad lor... hope R's cough goes away soon!! anyways, i think u better seek 2nd opinion with another gynae for the discharge lor...juz in case la...

sgal, u can try baker's inn cakes...some designs are nice and they taste good...

val, A having cough...better now liao... wow, thas alot of new clothes!!
wah. wat did u do to ur hair this time rd? =P

oh. Hope the cough will go off soon. hehehe. alot now i need to chop chop my more sprees n bps...dun see = dun buy =P
wah sporty, u v stylo milo!!!! hahahaa waiting to see your new image., val eh u oso....

all little ones n big ones oso. .get well to enjoy CNY!!!!
tmr u gg back... not next week eh?
ya wait she got a shock.. looked like a rebellious gal.. haa from the way u describe... waiting to see your pics :p

u like my colic... yue sheng yue nian qin (gv birth more, become younger).
She oso lidat... turn v vogue n dress trendier... v good... hee
