Any father has ever win child custody in divorce


New Member

First of all, thanks for reading me post. I am really appreciate your advise if you can offer me.

Please let me say brief of my current conditions of my marriage.

First of all, our marriage is less than 3 years . We have 2 years of one daughter.

From the second years of marriage, we have arguments very often. My wife is short tempered. She uses to throw things at me whenever there is argument. Even TV and laptop. I got injured a few times. I just take the pain then try to walk away all the times. The reason of the argument is like working over times, not washing hand etc... I have tried to follow her advise when to wash hand. and work less over time like 2 hours a week. But her demands are not possible to follow lately.

I find external help for consultation. I have gone Family service centre, Private psychologists, hospital including IMH. And all those help lines that i can find in the news paper and advertisement. All do not help to settle her problem.

Nowadays she makes the kid cry a lot to make me painful as I love my so much my daughter . She is only attached me as I spend more time with her. My heart is very painful wherever she aim the child.

Therefore I am thinking to file divorce and get the full custody of my daughter. I can do anything as my daughter is my life and my priority. She has even mentioned in one of the consultation that her priority is herself and the rest is the seconday. So how i am going to leave my daughter with her.

My worry is that mother will get the custody based on the women charter.

Therefore if any father has ever won the child custody please share me how can i win it too.

Thanks for help..


只是听你的故事,hear only one sided story. Hard to convince.
Hi there, I do agree with Toblerone that's its just one sided story we hear from u...

U are not alone in a tough marriage..A lot of ppl are... If you need legal advise U may go to LEGALAID or seek for other professional lawyers.

If you need someone to listen, u can drop me a pm thks.
Thanks for the Pm and advises.
I believe in honesty. Law is meant to be fair.
I will present myself in the court rather than hiring lawyer.
At the end, I hope there will be fair judgment for my daughter regardless of who win or loss.
Thanks & Regards
hi victor, if u are interested in get the custody of your child, the minimum u should do is to get a good lawyer.

by u representing yourself, u might waste a lot of time and effort and at the end u might not get the custody.

Lawyer are professional in their field, they knows certain family laws which we as layman might not know.

And if do not know hw to grad the opportunity, when it arises, to prove your wife mental health, a good evidence because unless.
From wat I know..the only way the father can win the custody is when he can prove that the mother is mentally unstable which cannot fit to look after the child or she has signs of child abuse...
Victor, my view is to talk with your wife. Divorce is always the last move. Kids that are very young will normally goes to the mother. Men loses care and control is often due to this outdated view.
