Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

I always see him in the morning, so waiting time shorter...most of the time, less than half an hour....only once he happen to be out to deliver, so waited for him for more than an hour....
godchild, puea

Yes but MIL bo chap. But hor he kept callin my hubby telling him tat she wanna see baby loh.

My hubby tell me abt it but i treat him singing song. And i forbidded my PIL to come my place. Cos i warn if they come press door bell i will never open the door for them even if im at hm. Let my dog bark until they die. Hahaha.

I suffer for 9 mths i oso want them to suffer. I very bad hor, cos i find being good oso give ppl say. I will oni bring my son back to see them next chinese new year.

As i will start working in april and i told hubby sat & sun is very precious to me. I oni hv these 2 full days to spend with my son, i don't want ppl to come and spoil our happy time. But these rule oni apply to his Parents. Hahaha. :D
Bao Bao,

Agreed with you lor.
We suffered for 9mths, and someone juz take it for granted, and still want to "snatch" our sons.

At least your hb dare not to do anything funny. Mine jia lat, always quarrel wif me if i really want to make things difficult for my mil.

Ya lor, sat & sun are precious to me too cos my bb now is "full time" @ nanny's house.
I told my hb last week tat i've signed up "little crawler" class for my son, and it will be on Sun, for 10 weeks. Then immediately he said "Like tat har, then we will go back to msia on fri nite instead of sat morning liao". Why??? I told him off, every Sun is his mum bathes my boy, why Sat oso wants her to bath my boy??? Who is the real mum for my son? Her or me?? So heartache, you know... my hb values his mum more than me.

Wow hubby very side on yr mum. If my hubby like tat i confirm quarrel with him. Cos when im preggy her mum always say Feng Liang Hua which oredi make me very angry and mad with her.

Think my son oso noe i like my MIL there once she carry my son cry leh. I was so happy manz. Than i pass to my mum he guai guai let my mum carry.

Than i start to say wow u like Po Po ah. heehee....
Hehee.. good idea to let your dogs scare your in laws.. :p

Not bad what, at least you will let your son go back to see them next CNY, i thought you don't intend to let your boy go over liao leh.

So you will let your boy stay at your sis' mil hse until friday night then bring back your hm?

Eee.. why your mil like that one? She wanted to help you bath your boy ah..
Huh, die die every wk got to go back to your in law hse once ah?
which branch u going? I'm at the cck dr adrian is there everyday from mon to sat from 9am to 2pm...and he's only at cck branch on mon & thur evening, 6pm to 9pm

for sk branch, not sure

No lah after work than go bring my son back loh. I oredi requested fm my boss to let me go back 15mins early.

I will miss my son if put at my sis mil hse till friday. My hubby and me wanna see our son want. anyway she stay very near so kinda convinient lah
Hi there,

Baobao and Pueu, thanks once again for the info.

Baobao, is the supplier for mamex gold product only?

just to check as I haven decide which hospital to deliver and also they is no letter from tmc yet asking me to confirm.
I am at 27 weeks now, is it too early to confirm the hospital?

Anyone sign up the First Born Incentive - TMC?

Can I have the list of retail partners?
I ask TMC and they say only sign up then can provide me the list which I find it abit weired as if we dunno if the things we wanted to purchase are entitled for discount, we sign up and no use then waste money. Isn't it true?

thank you.
Hi Lian

I signed up FBI last year, can email to you the lists tomorrow. Pls provide me ur email address. The discount beside retail shop and also hospital & doctor bill if you deliver at TMC.


Ya, my hb very side on his mum one... tat's why we always quarrel over his mum...

And sometimes quarrel over his bro too, the one who stays wif us...

Hmmm, ur dad so good...


Ya, my mil very kiasu that my son can't recognise him... whenever we go out to eat or shopping, she will be the one carries my son... as if she is the mother... can't stand it...

Ya lor, every weekend we got to go back msia... sianz... though my parent oso stays in msia, near my mil house, but i can oni go back to my mum's hse for a few hours...
And somemore, my mil said i must go back to her house first, b4 i can go back to my mum's house! Very angry ley... wat century now!

And my hb oso agreed wif her.... fainted!

And i can't tahan one is, my hb die die oso want my mil to bath my son every Sun morning no matter wat...
There was 1 time, she went out to market till 11am oso haven't come back, so i told my hb, i want to bath my son liao...
Guess wat? My hb called his mum hp & asked her quickly come back & bath my son!

My daddy doin his own business. So can fetch me to and fro loh. Actully all my relative and his frend noe that im his precious daughter.

Cos whenever i saw my daddy frend they confirm will say yr daddy always take abt u one. Even my relative all noe oni i can talk and discuss thing with my dad. All my other siblings can't really communicate with him.

And he dote on my son very much oso. Whenever wat i want my daddy confirm give it to me. Even my mummy oso say my daddy treat me beta than treating my her.

Even my hubby oso scare to bully me cos on wedding day i daddy told him that he love me the most. Maybe tatwise my hubby always give in to me loh without hurting me.

Yeah the nos i stated oni to Dumex brand.

I don't understand why must ask yr MIL to bath for him. If is me i oso will quarrel with him too cos too much as u oni get to see him on weekends leh. Spare a thoughts for u mah.

If my MIL carry bb i think i beta don be around cos i will show black face until very obvious. As the hatred is there loh, no matter hw she carry i oso bua shong
Huh.. she will snatch your son away to carry as if is her own son.. jialat.. but not to worry.. think your son know that you are his mother, so die die also will want u to carry him. when your mil carry him, just relaz yourself, take a rest..

Hmm, what is the reason that you mil must bath him every sunday? Your hb know the reason? Still call your mil HP somemore to get her back.. wah

Next time don't tell your hb you gg to bath your bb, just go ahead and do that if your mil still not back from mkt. Tell your hb, your son poo liao, his buttock cannot wait for "nai nai".. if not red red will got rashes.. :p

wah, still got such thing, got to die die go her place 1st b4 u can go your mum's place.
Good for you then, at least you know you will got a "kao4 san1" (your dad), if your hb dare to bully you. haha
Bao Bao, Puea,

My hubby oso always ask me don't bother wat mil say etc etc say she her talk without using her brain. but i heard that from him.. i will tell him lo. dun tell me this, u know ur mum talk brainlessly.. u go tell her la. tell her rite in her face! make sure she knows wat she is doing! he will go tongue tied.

Bao Bao.. imagine i went thru 2 pregs.. my first was bad cos hv to face mil, crazy sil n her crazy son everyday.. now my #1 very bad temper oso. but no choice.. still my boy.. there are oways time when my #1 makes me laugh n all the time, i see him onli.. he keeps me happy.. #2 due this may06, i still hesitatin whether to do confinement at my own place or back to my mum. i know that if i go back to my mum.. my hb wont stay there with me everyday oso.. probably disappear most of the time.. i hate that.. it oredi happen during #1. do at home.. good thing is that i dun hv to burden my mum to take care of me.. n the 2 kids.. still got to cook n wash for me everything. she can concentrate taking care of #1 at her place.. while i do confinement on my own.. n oso to keep watch on hb who will b on leave during my confinement.. but sian thing is wat if mil comes back? dun want her to get close to my son.. dun want her to carry.. thou i oredi warn hb b4.. if his mum is gg to come back oways n disturb my rest.. i will bring bb back straight to my mum. i told him.. i come back here for confinement is to hv proper rest, hv peace.. n lessen my mum's burden.. not back here n kept having his mum to come n disturb my peace here.. think she comes back on sat n hb not at home.. i will rtn to mum's place.. mil realli very irritating.. see her face onli wan to wack her!

puea.. my hb oso kept talking abt buying car.. i object al the way. no means no. i didnt want to tell him straight in his face (buy car for wat? end up oways need to become chaffeur to send his mum to n fro work.. think petrol very cheap har!) cos dun want to hurt him to direct.. if he can afford buying the car on his own.. he get his own car n pay for his own petrol.. i wont want to chip in.. cos its not worth.. do good oso let ppl say.. so wats the point of doing good.. somemore.. if i m the one who pay for the car n petrol.. his mum will oso take for granted that ask my hb to drive her.. n my hb will just do it. then go tell EVERYONE THE CAR BELONGS TO MY HB! then got things happen to the car onli.. she will put all the blame on me! thats why i oways tell him.. its better to get separate cars on our own. he got so muchh petrol $$ to waste on his mum.. he do it at his expenses.. not on mine! my dad who is still not that well after his cancer ops for more than a year plus liao dun even expect my siblings who own cars to purposely to drive him ard or to hospital for checkup or purposely send my mum to the market.. unless my siblings are free or my parents realli need it.. my mil the kind.. see got car onli.. will give stupid excuse.. say she late liao la.. just wan to show off to ppl that got car send her to work.. etc.. know will b late then go out earlier la.. if not take cab la.. drag n drag for wat? then if its lorry.. say go pick her.. she will say dun make her lose face! wat a FxxK! she think she some big shot meh?! wat a BITCH!
Bao Bao, Puea

i will never let my mil touch my son when it comes to bathing n giving bb food. cos i see how she bathe for her crazy grandson b4.. horrible!!!.. that boy was not even a year old yet.. bring him to shower at 12am .. see properly hor.. its 12AM.. make the boy sit on a stool.. the windows not close.. toilet door not close oso.. so cold at nite.. she bathe the boy with cold water somemore.. realli siao le.. no wonder the boy oways sick.. fever.. cough, flu.. non stop one.. we ladies got monthly period.. the boy monthly sure get sick.

then see my mil cook the porridge for the boy.. she use claypot to cook.. stir n stir.. then she will leave it to boil.. she can totalli forgot abt the cooking.. come back.. the porridge "chao ta" .. she bo chap.. just stir.. stir super hard somemore.. imagine the "chao ta" are oso get mixed in the porridge.. everytime i look at the porridge i want to vomit.. cos all sorts of colours.. where my crazy sil n mil both tot that put all kinds of food together means the boy will get all kinds of nuritions.. the porridge look like a pool of shit to me.. got orange, yellow, green, BLACK.. white.. brown.. they even left some for me to eat b4!! i simply reject the food.. rather eat instant noodles when i was preg with #1..

they oways think they very expert at taking care of kids.. over my dead body! still want to teach me somemore.. then they know tell me i wont listen.. they brainwash my hb.. end up my hb will come n tell me "my sis or my mum say".. i will look at him n ask.. whose son does our boy belong to? are they paying to take care of my son? if no.. pls ask them shut up! i hv my way of taking care of my boy.. thanks to them for being so "KIND HEARTED".. keep their skills to that boy.. i dun need it.. n pls oso stop ur "my sis n my mum say".. i dun need that oso.. he kept quiet for sometime.. n then start repeating that again.. till i end up quarrel with him.. ask him to go tell his sis n mum.. "my wife say ask them to shut up their big mouth!"
Wah.. your MIL like that come bath young infant at 12AM... abit siao leh. Your SIL didn't voice out ah? Sure bb will catch a cold...

"chao ta" porridge.. hmm. wonder your mil dare to eat the porridge a not.. so your mil grandson got eat the porridge a not?

I just wonder, if our bbs are girl, will our MIL still bother to take care of our bb a not hor?

You don't be so agitated leh.. you preggie ah.. must think of your #2.

You #2 is boy or girl? Forgotten.

both my mil n sil are siao! they dun see time to bathe for bb one. its a must to bathe bb in the morning.. 830am means 830am.. if bb still sleeping will just wake bb up n bring him to shower immediately.. when the bb's body is still so warm after bathing.. both "sot plug" one.. thats why i cant stay with them.. neither can i accept their "kind words".. which are nothing but rubbish!

aiyah.. my mil oways hardly eat wat she cook.. she cook for us to eat in the past.. she cook alot but she herself eat so little onli.. say we need more food than her. her cooking lousy oso.. either too salty, too sweet.. totalli not edible. but she oways say that her colleagues say "VEEERRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEE".. yucks! the grandson still eat wat she cook la.. cos still dun understand mah.. the boy oredi eat wat she cook for 2 yrs liao.. onli he can appreciate her cooking.. duno why she add pepper, salt, sugar to cooking porridge for the grandson??? my mum cook for my son porridge.. i dun see my mum adding such things oso.. my son enjoy eating so much.. now still fleshy fleshy.. 11kg when he was 1yr old. my mil's other grandson.. weigh onli 12kg at 2.5yrs old. sigh.. anyway.. not my problem oso.

she wants to take care of my kids even if my bbs are girls.. i will still reject! since she doesnt know how to take care of kids.. neither do i trust her.. ever told hb b4, he dun even trust her.. n dun tell me that he is ok with her actualli this n tat. if no one take care of my 2 kids.. i rather dun work n take care of them myself.. thou life mayb tougher.

DS.. my #2 is oso a boy. 2 boys i have. dun worri so much! i love my boys.. so whenever i m unhappy.. i will talk to my boys or play with my eldest son.. they keep me happy oways..
BaoBao, DS, Jo,

My hb wants his mum to bath my son is to let my son get closer to her...

Then I told him off lor, "Then you ask my son to call her 'mum', instead of calling me 'mum' lah"... Then he ll lor, & said his mum getting old liao lah, dun make things difficult for her lah... blah blah blah... all the bullshits lor.

Ya, I oso wonder, if mine is a girl, will my mil so dotes on her...
Last time when I was preggie, my mil said she die die oso wants me to give birth a boy, despite she doesn't have any grand-daughter now! I was so angry tat time, & somemore she said this to me when my hb was not around. So when I told my hb, he simply dun believe his mum will say that!
See lah, how "smart" my mil!
hi est

i personally find worth getting it. i used it for my ward, gynae, PD, antanal class discount during my delivery as i stay in TMC.

recently my baby was admitted, we also hv 5% discount for the ward.

if you want to know more, i can email the list to you.

Bao Bao, DS, Puea

irritating rite? mil's oways like to do things behind the back of their son to us. even when confronted by their son.. they will simply deny! then our hb wont believe us at all. even if things happen rite b4 their eyes.. they will give us lots of bullshit.. "they old liao la.. tolerate abit la.. they dun hv many years liao.. afterall she is my mum.. she wont do any harm to me.. etc etc".. yah.. dun do harm to their son.. but can keep harming us the dil.. i even told my hb.. she dun hv many years.. means i hv la? allow her to carry on her nonsense like that .. will shorten all our life!

when i get very pissed off at times with hb.. i will bombard him with wat his mum ever said to me b4!! i will ask him, "hey.. u oways make ur mum like an angel.. n me a devil.. go ask ur mum wat she say to me b4.. can tell me that as a mil.. other ppl's daughter marry into their family got to treat them well.. even they do wrong cannot scold them etc.. n from there i will ask my hb pls go ask ur dearest mum if she ever say these things to me b4.. n whether she dare to go out tell everyone wat she preach? but her actions doesnt say so that she is treating me this way!! she dare to voice out she treat me well.. she will b strike by lighting!! ask her to touch her "liang xin" b4 saying anything..

but my hb will just go tongue tied.. wont dare to ask her.. i believe cos he still wont b able to accept if wat i say is true..
Puea, DS, Bao Bao..

yesterday, hb n i were talking having a maid.. then he told me that where are we gg to let the maid sleep? i say no choice but living room lo. then he reply me, say not very convenient to hv a stranger in the hse.. later things go missing again.. more trouble gg to start.

well.. i can sense wat he trying to do.. he just want to push me to a dead end.. kept refusing to let me employ a maid.. die die make me end up with no choice but let his mum take care of my #2. which i die die wont let her take care. how can i entrust her to take care? somemore, my sis wont allow me to leave my maid at her place. oredi told me that rite from the start.. then this fellow here still want to push me to dead end. which he will never understand that shld i leave my #2 with his mum.. i will end up worrying everyday.. oso means i will hv to stay at home n take care of my kids n face her everyday.. still hv to give her $$ somemore.. for wat? as if i very rich..
Puea, DS, bao Bao..

after typing the above msg to u gals this morning.. i asked him "did u actualli tot of getting ur mum to take care of #2?" he immediately reply say "no. never think of it b4".. at that point of time.. there was a form of relieve in me.. but still i hv to get a maid b4 i return to the work force again.. probably, talk to him again when i m in the mist of confinement..

me realli tot of strangling her to death.. very irritated once i hear her talking.. 130am liao.. still talking at the top of her voice in the kitchen. scared ppl duno.. kept telling my hb she bought 4D la.. win $$ under ibet.. then say "i very clever hor".. then elaborate wat she do la.. again "i very clever hor".. this phrase alone.. i hear at least 5-6x.. just in a short 4min conversation.

then again.. talk in the living room so loud.. show off her hp to my hb.. ask my hb how to use etc. when i was sitting in the room thinking.. "u so smart.. still need ppl to teach u how to use meh? give u hp oso no use la.. who gg to call u? waste my hb's $$ last time for 24mths of subscription n oso a new hp for her. then she say the hp too big la etc.. then give her a smaller hp.. she say used one she dun want. wat she using now oso a used one.. somemore her bro pick up from the streets one..

once my #2 is born.. the hse will b left abt 1yr 2mths b4 the 5yrs maturity.. but again.. i realli pray hard my hb will say want to sell flat immediately.. n tell her that we not gg to stay with her. ask her to get flat with her crazy daughter. we need a place of our own with our kids. no place to accommodate her. i hate to hv her ard in the same hse.. no privacy at all. then if she just lock one room up as if its her room.. leaving us with 2 rooms again when we need 3 rooms in total for ourselves, my 2 boys n a room as study.. then again its like LPPL..

last time told hb b4.. if we get a flat of our own.. we are not supposed to give anyone our hse keys.. not his mum nor my parents.. cos i dun want his family to walk in n out of our hse as n when they like. somemore, they got bad habits.. say let them stay for one nite.. they will oways stay everynite.. n will become long term at the end. for my parents.. he shld feel safe.. cos they dun like to do such things. they care abt our privacy.
Wah, Jo, so late liao, you haven't sleep. :p
Try to get more rest...

Re: Maid
Ya, I agreed lor, it's kind of weird to have a stranger at home. Somemore you can't leave the maid wif your mil & #2 at home alone, you will never know what will happen.
Dunno why, I oso very resist to have a maid at home... I think too much tragedies related to maids happened in spore.
And, you're right lor, there is no place for the maid to rest too.

Re: New House
Your case is even worse than mine. You still got sil stays wif you all. So all rooms are occupied liao. Then when your #2 is out, where got space to move around??

Hmm... does your Auntie come regularly after delivery? Mine the 1st 2 mths are ok... now 3rd mth oredi late by 4days liao...

Hope it's not #2... :p
hi girls...

wow, all the 'interesting' posts on MIL and maid

Baobao - your case is reali so unique but glad tat HB is on your side.anyway, its now better since u dun hav to see your MIL... rather than having to go back every weekend to pay visits... im almost tired out every week wf visits to my dad's, my grandfather's..

Puea - your HB so 24 xiao! where got ask MIL to b closer to baby than mummy one... so sad...

i dun hv too much worries abt haing a maid.. cos my maid will b with me most of the time as long as i hvnt return to work force.. even if i do, the maid n my #2 will b with my mum. my 2 boys will b taken care mostly by my mum.. while i will get the maid to do hsework for her. onli get her to help with the kids as n when need.

oh.. now my sil no longer stay with us liao. hahha.. she got kick out by my hb after creating too much politics at our place. oso the time after my #1 was born.. thats during mar05.. she is out! yippy! that time she ard n i preg.. i will preach to hb to get her out.. cos her son super noisy! yak n yak .. with her bb language outside our room.. dun even wanna sleep till 3-4am.. if she still carry on stay here by then.. how can i except my boy to hv good development? i kept telling hb that i dun want our son to b like his nephew.. cannot tahan lo.. somemore.. throw all toys all over the place.. dun even want to keep to one side of the hse.. its dangerous for me le.. when i preg with #1 then.

now i just pray hard that after i deliver #2.. my mil dun come back so often.. since the day sil shifted out.. mil oso left with her n come back onli on sat nite. dun want her to come disturb me n my boy.. as if she is very much welcome by me! no way man!

Ya lor, that's why i keep complaining to him... instead of calling me "mummy", maybe ask my boy call his mum "mummy" lah! And he is like "aiya, not tat serious lah, anyway my mum so old liao... blah blah blah..."

He is oredi 24 siao x 2 liao.


At least now not so bad for you liao, your mil oni comes back once a while...
Me dunno got to wait until when my bil will split the house wif us...
Cos my hb bought the house with him under a joint name, so we can't buy another HDB flat... if really got no choices, then we got to buy condo liao... but very heavy financial burden lor...
Morning all...

so tired,yest HB suposed to take night shift in looking aft celeste should she wake up. ( she is sleeping thru the nite since 2 weeks ago ). but she refused to take the FM somehow, and i got to wake up n BF her... think its my HB's way of carrying which made her feel insecure. after tat, i was able to feed her the FM too... shes rather cranky these 2 days... she wana talk more than drink milk!!

Updates on Celeste :
2days old

2weeks old

2months old
Wah.. where got pple add pepper, salt into bb's food? Your mIl dont eat the food she cook, then how she know the food that she cook nice a not hor.. aiyo

Then she not bad, at least she is not a "zhong4 nan2 qing1 nu3" person.

Oh. boy ah.. icic.

Arh.. he want your boy to have closer bond with his grandma.. icic.
But does your boy likes it when your MIL baths him?

Your hb is your MIL's only son?

Wah.. hmm.. if your bb is girl.. then maybe hard to say.. i thought now girl or boy also ok liao hor.. Why your hb don't believe u. Tell him, if you bluff him, u also won't get any $$ what. kekeke

Thanks for sharing your girl's photo.

Your princess so cute...
Wah, so fast she can sleep throughout the nite liao?
Actually i read from this forum, it's ok for dunno how many mths bbs not drink milk for 12hrs ley. You may want to check wif your PD too?

I oso training my boi to sleep throughout the nite... can't afford to keep wake up & feed him while next day still got to work... :p Soon my panda eyes will appear... Kekeke!

My boi kinda of playful type, as long as you talk to him, play wif him, then he happy liao. So he is ok when my mil bathes him lor.
No lah, my hb is the youngest son. He got 2 elder bros. But bcos all other grandsons seldom go back msia when they're small, so my mil keeps telling my hb tat is her regret lor... tat's why my hb so insists to let my mil to bath my son.

Ya, I oso scared, sekali a girl my mil oso behaves the same thing... :p
Aiya, my hb always "yi sen yi gui" one... i better save my saliva... :p
Puea - thanks for the comments...

yup, she sleeps thru since 2 weeks ago when i returned to work... but once a while, she will fuss and search for pacifier, or if she reali does cry, i will feed her and norm it oni takes 1 breast to satisfy her and she hits back to bed... my MS very low one, now the milk well slowly drying up liao...

oh, my panda eyes have aldy appeared for your info!!! haha... BIG sacrifice i made for Celeste, including the enlarged hips cum flabby tummy !!!

Celeste sayang you mah, maybe she knows tat you're back to work liao, so dun want to "disturb" your sleep. So good girl...

Ya, my boi oso trained by the bbsitter last time, dun wake up at nite liao... but like Celeste, once a while he will wake up & fuss, so i just feed him plain water to make him back to sleep again... Very bad mummy hor... :p

Hahaha! Me too, still got 8kgs to shed off ley... haiyo... tummy still very very flabby.
When did you start giving your boy drink water? My boy (3mth+) don't like to drink water, we had a hard time feeding him water..haizzz
Puea - actuali my MIL also say feed water can liao so tat they dun make it a habit to get up for milk. if not, it can drag til they are 1 or 2 yr old... sama sama, me also 8kg to lose. imagine i put on 24 kilos!!! but im glad tat i shed 16kg aldy, so stil trying to find time to lose tat 8kilos... tried to jog, but kana blisters cos my shoes alittle tight for me (stil a little water retention)...

DS - i started giving celeste water when she was bout 3weeks old. water doesnt do any harm so i started off early. Babies are smart, at first celeste can take the water so well, bout 100-150ml per day. but lately she realises its too plain for her! so she wll use her tongue to push n push... but stil, i made sure she drinks her gripe water after bath ( 40-50ml ), and then 20ml 1.5hr after every milk feed. she will take it in small amount cos she will thirst by then since milk is heaty... but anytin more than tat, she wont want aldy...
you girl so early drink gripe water liao? Thought is only when bb growing teeth then we let them drink?

Wah, you MIL even tell you that can feed them with water at night.. But will your bb cry? Maybe yours wld not.. since you started off giving her water early.. i think for my case, if ever i give him water at night, guess he will scream like hell...

Do you have the telephone no. that you bring your boy to do his tai mao pi?

now thou she onli comes back once in awhile. i oredi very headache. me dun like to see her ard nor hear her voice at all. simply feel very restricted once she is back. i get very irritated with watever she do!

now i waiting for about 1.5yrs to go.. hse mature can sell liao. but again, i forsee problems oso. she may refuse to sell n i will b stuck here. she bought the hse together with my hb. i dun want to stay with her.. irritating n no peace at all. she talk like barbarians.. so loud.. bad for my kids!!

just hope my hb is able to convince her to sell the flat n stay separately. let my crazy sil get a flat together with mil. dun b kaypoh to say want to take care of mil.. want her to stay with us.. dun make my life miserable. now, i planning to get a maid during my confinement period.. oso headache.. hb oso feel uncomfortable.. that later my mil gg to find trouble again.. thou he doesnt want to tell me exactly wat he is thinking.. but i hv been with him for 4 yrs can sense somehow with wats his tots. thou not all the time accurate.. as he very fickle minded.


my mil crazy one la.. she tot that cooking food for adults is the same as for young infants.. so anyhow add.. she cook she dun eat.. even she eat.. its not nice.. she will oso say its VERY NICE! she dun want to make herself lose face mah.. anyway.. no one likes wat she cook.. she just like to self praise thats all.

i feel that cos i give birth to boys.. she got nothing to say. if my first is a ger.. i tell u .. she sure got more things to say.. cos both her daughters' kids both 1st one are boys.. hahah.. but they boys oso no use. external grandchildren.. sad to say.. "ill-bred" like my mil.. duno how to greet ppl.

if my first is ger.. she oso cannot tell me off infront of me.. cos she oso give birth to 2gers than my hb. lucky, i same as my mum.. my mum gave birth to 2 boys then 2 gers..

anyway.. i gg to keep my boys away from my mil as far as possible. i rather let stranger carry my sons than to let her carry. duno when she gg to poison my kids..
