Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

if u not comfortable, then look for anothe rgynae..more impt is your comfort level...

I have urine test every time I see him, and blood test....but my first visit also no urine test....coz maybe too early, not neccessary loh...he also will explain to me what we see on the ultrascan monitor loh, like the heartbeat, leg, etc....

I think sometimes, Dr Adrian dun say too much, also good loh...coz he dun wanna make us worry unneccessarily loh....during preggy, most important thing is to stay happy....nothing beats a happy MTB

Hi peacegal,

I enquired b4 and the nurse told me if you signed up during 2nd visit, the first consultation will be wavied...
Hi zenn,

Thanks for your info.. I encountered spotting yesterday. Was bad yesterday but better this morning, however there is still some brownish liquid
. Called Dr Adrain and he just asked me to increase my intake of hormones tablet.. from 1 to 2 now.. Do anyone of you encounter this?
hi okasa,
True.. think I will further monitor him during my 2nd consultation with him to c whether I'm comfortable with him or not.. Thanks..
Bao Bao, DS,

Where are you gals?
Wanna ask you gals interested to attend this massage class not.

I checked with them liao what is the purpose of this class & bb got to be how many mths then can participate.

Here is their reply.

"The class is cater for babies from 0 to 9 months. Research has shown that daily massage helps stimulate baby's physiological and psychological development, and growth in pre-term infants. Hence we encourage mummies to start massaging their little ones as early as possible. You will be learning strokes that will help your baby sleep better, improve digestion, relieve discomfort from gas, colic, constipation and more."

If interested, let me know, then we can go together.

I have 2 colleagues who is interested too.
Don't worry har, I'm doing "hardsell", juz to check whether you gal are interested to go together not.
And I don't want to get any rebate or commission out of tat too.

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Your Gift Of Touch.doc (30.2 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Hi peacegal

I also have spotting during my last pregancy. Initial was spotting for the first two mths but when I am at my second trimester, he ask me to stop taking but the spotting came back after sometime and it is like menuse. So I call him and he aslo ask me to increase the intake and him later.
If you need rest, call the clinic and they will issue MC to you.

take care
Hi IC_69,

So nothing will be done expect asking us to keep increasing our hormones tablets intake?? So are you better now? You mean that if we need MC, we just need to go to the nurse to ask for it?? Don't have to go through Dr Adrain to subscribe
hi peacegal

yes. if you are uncomfortable you can go to his clinic and he will scan for you. how many weeks are you now? nothing can be done unless got problem. it is normal to take hormone tablet for initial stage, for me i took for a few mths.

oh i hv gaven birth last sept. yes for mc just called the clinic will do.

I am in my 5 weeks now...
. I c... think will visit him tonight...

For MC, we just need to call the clinic and told the nurse what has happen to us and would like to have MC? And go down to the clinic to collect? Is that simple?

Oh congratulation, so is a boy or girl? Are you going through natural delivery?
hi peacegal

Agreed if you are uncomfortable, should visit him tonight.

You only need to tell the nurse you are not feeling well and need MC, they will ask you to collect at the clinic.

Mine is a boy and it is C-section.

Thanks for the useful info... THought of seeing a GP instead to get a MC to rest at home because Dr Adrian is at Chua chu kang branch this morning..

Oh.. congrat!! so how is your boy now?? Must be very cute
btw, when u visit Dr Adrian during the day, u can also get mc from him...when I schedule my detail scan, I got mc weeks before the scan so that I don't even have to go back to the clinic to collect the mc

oic, always thought that we have to c him on that day to get that day
MC :p

so fast ya.. 5mth+,is your son able to call dady or mummy already?
hi peacegal/puea

i brought it at $74.25 during robinson member sale and it is this tuesday only.

i thought nobody will organise the bulk purchase sad. Luckily not much different.

It's ok lah, not much diff.

At least u got yours now. The bulk order dunno got to wait until when lor.
Still waiting for mine...
Anyone here gave birth in TMC before?? I will be gaving birth there and would like to find out what they provided and what things we did to bring. Do they provided longan&amp;red date tea or we must pay for it?

I juz gave birth at TMC during dec...They provide toileties,tissues,cotton wool etc... In fact u don have to pack lot of things...Juz bring a jacket or shawl (if feel cold),socks,breastpad,pyjamus. They don't provide logan n red date leh. But i think mount A have
Halo all mummies.

I am back from work liao.

Sorry to MIA for so long. Was bz taking care of my boy at home alone. Only got time to scan thru the thread when i come back to work.

Thanks for answering my Qs. You bery good one, come back will faithfully answered all Qs posted to u.
Thanks hor.

Me stay at home really like a maid, so hot.. messy hair.. go toilet, eat meals also must do it chop chop.

Later then i read abt the info on massage hor

RE: Pap smear test.Until now i also have go do my test, in fact the last visit to see Dr Adrian, he told me to go back do the test after 1 mth, i have go leh.

So puea, end up u go for the test already?

You got go for the pap test?

mY bb boy photo. He will be 3 mth old tomorrow.

So he has the same date as your boy. Only thing he 2 mth younger than your boy. (right?)

Welcome back!

Ya, taking care of bb alone at home very siong hor... I know... kekeke! I was desperately hoping go back to work that time! Hahaha!

Yeap, I had my papsmear test during the last checkup. The next checkup will be 6mths later (in July liao).

Soooooo cute your boy... He looks very alert hor!
Looks like you or ur hb?

Ya, same date as my boy, on 15th. Hee!

He still got alot of hairs hor. U din shave it off? I shaved my boy's hair again on 4th mth, cos his hairs doesn't grow evenly ley... :p

Massage class
Dun worry, take your time to read.

Anyway, I will just take up the class next mth liao. Cos can't stand my sil &amp; mil, keeps saying my boy very dumb, coming to 5mths liao, still dunno how to flip by himself. Then keep saying her boy can flip himself during 3rd mth liao though he is a very premature bb. Koaz!

So i told my hb, no matter wat i'm going to bring my boy to join those activity classes liao, to train him all these "stunts"! :p
Thank you.

Hannor very siong.

I also like u, keep counting down to go back to work, since office is air condition. Hahaah

Wah.. you auto called up Dr Adrian's clinic to book appmt and go do the test huh?
Huh.. after that still need to go back again ah..

Thanks for the compliment for my boy. He looks more like mummy. This is the comment given by almost all. Haha.. make my hb so jealous.

What about your boy, he look more like who? You or your hb?

High 5, so our boy have the same birth days.

Aiyah, we didn't shave him when he 1 mth old. Cos CNY mah, wanted him to look handsome handsome. haha. That why got so much hair lor. A bit regret, cos he is dropping hair now. We will wait till he 4 mth old then shave off his hair liao.

Aiyo.. how come your SIL and MIL like that one. Cannot compare too much leh, different bb what. Who knows end up your bb smater than hers!

As long as bb growing well can liao mah.

So will u be bringing your boy to the massage class alone or need your hb to go along?
Read that.. sounds good. Will ask my hb.

Hmm.. about the recommendation.. can we write each others name.. then at least can get the vouchers.. hahaah

Hahaha! Then when u back to work, u will start missing ur boy liao... very contradicting hor... :p

No lah, it's Dr Adrian asked me to do the test.
I haven't asked him when to do the test hor, he did it automatically for me... heee hee...
Ya, still need to go back checkup, dunno until when ley...

So good ley, ur boy looks like you.
Mine looks like my hb exactly... so jealous him...

Oops, drops hair liao?
Actually, have you ever think of using his hair to make the "tai mao pi"?
I did tat for my boy, plus the cord stamp too.
I oso bought my boy back to the Tai Mao Pi shop to shave his hair again on 4th mth. He enjoyed the haircut indeed... didn't cry at all... hee...

Very bad hor they all... I tried not to think of wat they said, but cannot ley. Every time my sil sees me, she will definitely ask "Can your boy flip already?", "Can he holds things properly liao?"... Then when she sees my boy still can't grab things properly, then she commented again!

Very sian &amp; stressed whenever meet up with them every weekend...

Hmm... I will ask my hb to drive us there for the massage class but they can only allow 1 parent goes into the class, so I will be the one since my hb still very "chicken hand duck leg" when taking care of my boy. *Sigh*

Dun worry abt the recommendation.

I told my colleagues (got 3 new mummies interested), all write my name as reference, then when i get the rebate, then we split among ourselves lor. Kekeke!

So, if the best is, we can get 10 mummies in 1 class, then we oni need to pay $90 instead of $100 (after deducting the rebate).

Yah.. very contradicting indeed. :p

Wah.. he auto say need to go back again in jul. i see.

So you auto go back that time to do your papsmear? Or the nurse call to remind you? keke

Hannor, hair drops liao..
Got consider, but feel that will be a "rubbish" later on. So never want to do the brush. kekek Lazy to think of a place to keep.
We do keep his "dried cord" in an ang pow. Keep inside his cloth cabinet.

So how much they charging you for shaving your boy's hair?

Aiyah, who know when your boy grows older, he will also look like you a bit? Maybe her character will be like you.. never know.

Hannor, why like that.. compare and compare.. Next time whatever thing they ask, just say your boy don't know, even though he know liao. Let them realise it themselves then they will besurprise.. then also they may know that you are angry with them. Haha (i very bad hor?) :p

Just treat them singing lor.. .. your hb diam diam when they make such comments?

Yah, read liao, they only allow 1 parent. Haiz.. then the responsiblities will be on us liao.. if learn liao next time never massage our boy.... hb will comment .. mummy lazy to massage bb. Hor?

My hb is good in handling my boy also.
Hi there,

Any mummies do breastfeeding, can guide me.
I would like to know what i need to buy/prepare for breastfeeding.

And how should i go about it to my baby?
If express out for her, how to prolong the freshness and do we need to warm it before giving her?

thanks in advance.

So sorry, forgot to give you the massage lady's contact. Pai sei har...

Her name is Sue, hp: 97624410.

Me worst went to remove the stitches. Nurse gave me a date asking me to go back review and pap smear till nw i yet to go. Maybe will go end of the mth

My boi 2mth+ noe hw to flip. Tat day i put him in bounces on the So Smart vcd 4 him. He looking at it, so i make my way to toilet. The next moment i see him. He oredi Flip. Maybe it just try &amp; error. Hahaha.


Tis my son sad face.
Wah.. you never go back ah.. i see.

C-section need to remove stitches ah? I thought the threads will dissolve by itself.

Hmm.. your boy flip liao.. heee Is there any straps that you can secure him under in case he do something while u inside toilet leh..

Aiyo.. very fast will 4th mth liao, today my boy 3mths liao.. very fast your boy's turn.

Your boy look like daddy or mummy?

I requested for the liquid to soften my stool from hospital. And the antiseptic solution, later on realised that i can actually get the two liquid from pharmacy.. if ever got another one. will not request from them.. will go and buy it myself.

My boi look like me. And look like my father his grandpapa.Never thought he will flip so early mah. Juz nw i mop floor he flip again. wait huh i upload the pixs here for u to see. this is after his flip

Don't worry tat yr son didn't flip. Some bb skip it.Like me i didn't learn to crawl oredi noe hw to walk. By the way my mum told me i start to walk when im 9mths. So i seeing hw fast will my son be
Hi gals! Phew, finally got time to sit down at my workplace liao... wat a busy morning... :p


Ya, I auto went back to have the test, no nurse reminder. Very obedient hor... hee hee hee!

The shop charged me $10 cos I'm the existing customer. If new customer, they charges $20.

Kekeke! Ya har, my mum commented that luckily my boy's character like me, like to play &amp; smile all the time... hahaha!

Aiyo, u r not bad liao, i even worse... I immediately showed the "black face" to them when they compare this &amp; that...
And my hb oso very "stupid" one lor, every time diam diam when they commented...

He very "scared" of his mum &amp; sis one, hopeless guy!
But anyway, I'm going to join the Oct Mummies to attend the Baby Jumper Gym class @ bukit batok next month. Hee!

Massage Class
Ya lah, i think even after class usually mother is the one will help bb to massage one lah...
Can't pin my hope on my dumb dumb hb...

And I told my hb, all these classes fee I will pay for it... cos i dun want him "make noise"... and I want to "shut" his mum &amp; sis mouths! :p

Ya, last time i oso get it myself from the phamarcy, cos MAH gave 1 bottle not enuf ley... Kekeke!


Wow, your bb so fast ley!

So chubby his sad face! I feel like to pinch his cheeks... kekeke!

After shave his hair during 4th mth, you can apply some breastmilk or liquor on his head, then the hair will grow thicker.

I did that to my boy, now got effects liao... Kekeke!

Ya, i know, my mum oso told me tat no need to bother what my mil &amp; sil said. Some babies will skip certain "steps". Like my niece, she din learn to crawl, oredi know how to walk liao.
But hor, my mil &amp; sil are very "traditional creatures" ley, they die die oso think that every kid should know how to flip, crawl, then walk.
Siao hor!

Ya hor, long time din see Janis liao. Maybe she has popped liao...

Maybe your hb just don't want to pick a quarrel with his family members. You have got no choice but to "ren3". Maybe go home just "bomb" your hb with your anger lor. That is the only way to "fa1 xia4". hehe

Don't say your hb until like that, if he is hopeless, why you marry him in the 1st place? definately he has got some good pts that makes you marry him.

RE: Massage Class
Actually the class is more for what kind of development? My hb ask me leh.. i don't know how to anwser him back.. cos the info like didn't say much also hor?

Yeah, if really i bring my boy attend the class, will use my $$, in case next time hb complains... that i wasted his $$.

RE: Apply breastmilk and liquor
Overdue breastmilk can? Now my boy didn't even drink the BM that i expressed out for him. Waste my effort. Apply liao got to wipe off with a towel not?

what kind of liquor? Martel? Or any liquor will do?


Hahaha! That's wat I did lor... can only vent my anger on him after going home... :p
No lah, he is "hopeless" when taking care of bb &amp; concerning bb's future, i mean.
He just kinda of "simply bo chiap" type lor...

RE: Massage Class
I emailed them before to check more details.
This is their reply. Or maybe you want to email them or give them a call to find out more?

"The class is cater for babies from 0 to 9 months. Research has shown that daily massage helps stimulate baby's physiological and psychological development, and growth in pre-term infants. Hence we encourage mummies to start massaging their little ones as early as possible. You will be learning strokes that will help your baby sleep better, improve digestion, relieve discomfort from gas, colic, constipation and more."

I read from books, they said massage can strenghten the bond between mummies &amp; babies too.
Which I believe very much, cos my boy very enjoy when i'm doing a little rubs on his feet.

RE: Apply breastmilk and liquor
Ya, ya, ya, can! Too bad I dun have breastmilk liao, so can only apply Martel on my boy's head. Kekeke!
My mum said, after you bath bb, then you apply some on his head, then let it dry first for few hours, then you wash it away. Basically it's to let the "nutrients" absorbed into your bb's scalp lor.

Why your boy doesn't want to drink BM liao?
Like my boy, dun like the smell once they tasted the FM? Guess they so smart enuf liao to know which one is tastier... Hahaha!
