Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

<font color="ff6000">hi Serene</font>
erm, i've been bringing her to GP for all jabs and sickness and so far no problem. Only been to PD 2x..

once for the 1st follow up after birth, another time was when she was very sick.. somehow, still did not recover.. went to a GP i used to see instead .. was rather panicky abt her illness as she wasnt drinking well with phelmgy coughs, etc .. quite heart pain to see her suffer at 3-4mths olds and milk is her only food source.. also at that time, I do not know about KidsLink clinic yet... tts also why I did not bring her there.. :p

thereafter, thank gdness, she hardly fall sick.. even so, medication from GP is gd enough so far

but then i juz keep in mind that there's a PD in the area, in case i might need his/her help nx time .. ;)
tink Dr Winston whom Puea had mentioned is gd, was recommended by another fren as well..

i suppose its up to individual to decide whether to bring their child to PD or GP.

i'm also seeing Dr adrian again at CCK.. expecting my #2 in Oct

Hi chihiro, okasan, puea, bbnmum

Thanks for your info. Some of my friends say can go polyclinic for the follow up jabs too, no need to go PD cos PD's charges are expensive. Is Dr Winston's price expensive?

Okasan, I've visited the thread of june mtb but didn't join in the conversation/discussion. So, when's yr EDD?

Wow, you're expecting #2 liao...

How old is your #1 now?

Ya, Kidslink's PD is very patient &amp; caring.
Just brought my son to consult him last nite.
My boy's neck somehow needs to "tube" a bit.
Recently when put him in walker then realised that his head keeps slanting to left side.
So brought him to let Dr Winston to check, and conclusion is my boy's left side muscles of neck are abit tight, so need to do some physical therapy to "correct" it back.
So he wrote a letter to refer us back the hospital i delivered my boy, to do the therapy.
We asked alot of questions cos we're very worried that my boy's neck will forever like that.
Luckily he keeps assuring us it's not a major problem, just need to do a few weeks of therapy, my boy will recover.
Hope so lor...

Kidslink charges:

Hep B jab only : $57+
5-in-1 jab : $125+
6-in-1 jab : $150+

All above are including consultation charges liao.
Hi Puea

Thanks for your information and recommendation. Is there only one doctor, dr Winston @ kidslink? The clinic name is kidslink? Usually we will be using the PD recommended by our gynae during our delivery in hospital and the 1st follow up right? Then after, we can go to our preferred PD as we like huh?

Can i just walk in to Dr Winston?
Puea... so you must be helping your boy to do alot of neck exercises now lor??? dun worry, im sure he will be alrite... the link you gave me hor so-so only leh... this other link i have rite has more interesting clothes

Puea - how does the jabs work? when you say 5-in-1, its per jab at $125? do they have a package as in for all the jabs til 5mths???

You're welcome.

Yes, the clinic name is Kidslink Children Clinic @ 4th flr of CCK Centre (the building beside Lot 1), and there is only 1 doctor -> Dr Winston Ng.
The clinic opening hours:
Mon-Fri : 9am-12:30pm, 2pm-4pm, 7pm-9pm
*Tue &amp; Thur afternoon &amp; Wed nite closed
Sat : 9:30am-12:30pm
Sun &amp; Public Holidays are closed.
Tel : 63100900

There is another Kidslink clinic in Jurong East &amp; Seng Kang.

JE Kidslink
PD Name : Heng Joo Teck
Addr : Blk 130 Jurong East St13 #01-221
Opening hours :
Mon-Fri : 9am-12:30pm, 2pm-4pm, 7pm-9pm
*Tue, Wed &amp; Thur afternoon closed
Sat &amp; Sun : 9:30am-12:30pm
Public Holidays are closed.
Tel : 665675990

SengKang Kidslink
PD name : Vanessa Tan
Addr : Blk 237 Compassvale Walk #01-532
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri : 9am-12:30pm, 2pm-4pm, 7pm-9pm
*Tue &amp; Thur afternoon closed
Sat &amp; Sun : 9:30am-12:30pm
Public Holidays are closed.
Tel : 63884466

Yes, the 1st followup you need to go back to the PD that hospital assigned to you. Then subsequently you can go Polyclinic or GP or PD for jabs.

Yeap, you can just walk in to Dr Winston.
Or you can call to make an appointment first if you want to get jab for your bb.

Hope this info helps.

Ya lor, &amp; oso my nanny too. I told her to play wif him on right side so he can keep stretching his neck to right side.
Thanks, the PD oso said it's not very serious lor.

Re: Jabs
Hmm, Dr Winston recommended us to have Hep B 2nd jab first @ 1st mth. Then when bb reaches 3mths, take 5-in-1 jab, and again 5-in-1 jab @ 4th mth, then last one jab will be 6-in-1.
We did ask him why not take 6-in-1 jabs all the way, then my boy oni needs to take 3 jabs in total, instead of 4. He said though people said 6-in-1 jab won't cause fever but there is still 2% of bb will have fever after injection. So if my bb suai suai is in tat 2%, then too bad lor.
The end, we take his advice lor, go for 4 jabs.

Don't think they have package. They charges individually for the jabs.

Issit? Hmm... then u won't spend money mah. See, i so good, dun let you spend money anymore... Kekeke!
hi mummies..

i am seeing Dr Adrian at CCK clinic too. expecting my #2.. edd 21may06. Tot of sending my #2 to Dr Winston at Kidslink too..

anyone deliver in Mount Alvernia recently by Dr Adrian? wats ur breakdown for 2bedded &amp; 4 Bedded??

I delivered my boy @ Mt A last Oct.
I took the 2-bedded room.
The actual detailed bills I can't remember clearly liao. But it's roughly 3K for mummy's bill. Because I have complications &amp; I stayed for 2 nites, so my bill is higher. Normally will less than 2.5K.

i was wondering shld i go for 2 bedded as suggested by hb. knowing tat i hate noise! i delivered Walt last Jan and opt for a 4 bedded then. didnt pay out any cash.. took back my deposit as well. but didnt have good rest when my neighbour is a damn inconsiderate indian lady..

now got to decide fast.. since i m due 21may..

anyone deliver their 2nd bb earlier than edd??
Hi Jo,
my EDD is on 15 May. Btw, have u gotten any pre-admission letter from Dr Adrian? Me havent gotten anything yet. Quite scare that i will deliver early cos sometimes got tummy pain.. but dun know if its contraction or wat.
So where will u be delivering? Me at TMC.

Actually, not diff if your neighbor are incosiderate people.
Mine last time oso like tat, mine is 2-bedded. 1st nite still ok, my neighbor was very nice mummy, and her hb too.
But second day was headache to me. The new mummy &amp; her hb were very noisy &amp; inconsiderate. They invited their friends to the room &amp; stayed until 11pm+ which at tat time I was having fever &amp; very very unwell... i need to rest peacefully. But i just couldn't sleep bcos of them. Then the next day, I realised that they moved all the chairs next to her bed, so when my mum came, she got no chair to sit. And they just don't care.
Very bad hor...
Oh.. sorry to hear abt your boy's condition, hope he get well soon.
So is it to say that, since your boy taking 5in1 jab, so 1 jab per mth is $125?

I went back to see Dr Adrian for my pap smear test. Hmm, he still asked nurse to give me an appmt 6 mths later. Why must go and see him again har? Do you know the reason?

1st child? I think got to do more exercise, walking, climbing stairs, etc then will be easier to give birth.
You are not alone, i stay at TMC (2 bedded). I was sent to the ward around 10pm+ that night after delivery.. do u know that the mummy beside my bed, was still happily talking in her mobile phone. She breastfeed her bb, so the nurse will push her bb to her for breastfeeding even at wee hours. Best part is hor, she SNORES so loudly.... like nobody business. I got to tahan her snoring and her relatives are also quite incosiderate, talking so loudly.. tc set volume also switch on so loud like nobody's biz. She discharge same day as me. Sian ah.. so i cannot enjoy the room alone..
What is the brand of the gripe water that your boy is drinking. Is it blue/white colour (box)? Today try to give my boy drink by mixing it with water, he don't like leh. Try to "pui" out.. both hb and me tasted the drink.. got some taste.. hb was saying got alcohol taste leh.. hmmm

no le. havent got anything from Dr Adrian yet. I onli rem that time he ask me where i chose to deliver n how many bedded? I will b delivering at Mt A.

urs boi boi or ger ger?
I think Dr Adrian shall give you all the admission letter anytime.. if not, you can actually ask him for it. He will write it and give to you on the spot. That is wha i do when my delivery date gets closer last year.

aiyo.. why they like that??? so bad!! that time my indian neighbour make so much noise. my hb immediately rang the bell.. ask the nurse to come over n see for herself. the nurse told them to lower their voice n volume of tv. they not happy n even said we kaypoh! i just ignore her n everytime they make noise onli.. we ring bell.. haha..

if i were u.. they took all the chairs away.. i will go over n take it back. every patient shld hv a fair share of the chairs in the room.. must b automatic mah.. see others got visitors liao.. shld return chair.

thanks! think i will ask from him next week when i see him. provided i rem. realised i getting very forgetful.. n oso the intelligence in me all gone le.. tend to b kinda slow in reacting to things.. sob sob.. was telling my hb last nite.. n then see Walt.. he getting so smart.. looks like.. all given to him..
after seeing comments from mummies here.. think i just stick to 4 bedded unless hb still insist on getting me a 2 bedded. depend on luck lo.. good or bad neighbours. i dun wish to spend too much n end up having a super inconsiderate neighbour!

how much will u nid to spend in total at Dr winston for the jabs that bb need to go thru from birth to 19mths??
No problem. Maybe you can write down all your qtns that you have in mind as and when, then pass that paper to Dr Adrian for an answer when you go for your next visit. This is what i did last time. Hahaha very KS of me. :p

Yeah, 4 bedded can liao, if u choose 2 bedded, next time if you want to "downgrade" your hospital stay, will have difficulty leh. Save the $$ for your bb next time.

me oways got nothing much to ask Dr Adrian. most imptly is that my bb is developing well in me.

i going for ligation after this liao. dun intend to have my 3rd bb oredi. cant afford. 2 is enuff.. somemore, my #2 is boy. i headache having 2 boys.

can say lucky oso la. both boys. save quite alot liao. can hand down clothings n toys to #2. they can share oso. but scare will fight since its inevitable. just pray hard my 2 boys guai guai lo.. dun give me problem.
I know why, cos yours is no #2 liao, so u already know what's going on, that why nothing much to ask him hor..

True lor, if both #1 and #2 is the same genda, can save a lot.

bingo! i realised that i got nothing much to ask my former gynae as well when i conceive #1.

now i guess the onli thing i need to ask Dr Adrian is abt the Ligation. how it works?

any mummies here got any idea on that?

It's ok. Now I more relieved as the PD said my boy's condition is not tat serious.

Ya, I oso got appt 6mths later, around July time lor.
I think he just want to confirm our health or uterus condition bah.
Hee, I oso never ask him why. :p

RE: Jabs
Yeap, 5in1 jab is $125+ per jab.

RE: Roommate
Ya lor, those mummies how come still got energy to talk so much har after delivery??

RE: Gripe Water
Hmm... can't remember the brand, but it's blue &amp; white color box oso.
Got a baby pic on it one. And there is a sentence on it saying it's alcohol free.
I saw NTUC got sell it.
Does it taste sweet? Mine is sweet one, so my boy likes it very much.
Huh? No ley, no alcohol taste ley.
Will try to take pic of my Gripe Water box &amp; upload here for you.

Ya lor, really got such people ones lor.
Somemore, when the nurse came to clean my bed, I got to get down from the bed &amp; just stand in front of the bed, cos all chairs were at their side. Then her hb saw liao, oso dun bother to get one for me... sianz...

RE: Jabs charges
Hmm... haven't really calculated. But roughly it's more than 400 lor.
Cos once my boy finishes all 5in1 jabs, it's abt 400+ liao...

Har? 2 boys enuf liao? No daughter ley...
I told my hb, i want a gerger for next one, then can "shut down factory" liao... Hahaha!
But he prefers boy ley... I dun care, I told him liao, I want to "aim" zun zun to get a ger... Kekeke!

I got a funny coll here, she just delivered her gerger last Nov, then her hb said "finally got girl liao"... cos my coll doesn't want to stop "production" if she can't get a girl... Whahaha! Then she oso went for ligation liao, but the next minite after the surgery, she regrests liao, cried &amp; asked the doctor to "reverse" it. Very cute hor... she told me she likes to give birth, cos she likes kids, likes the process of pregnancy... Wat a mother...

Videtaping har? Not very sure, but I think can, cos Dr Adrian got asked my hb when delivery, how come we didn't take photos for my delivery process.
Hmm, i thought videotaping is not allowed? I mean for TMC....not sure of phototaking. But taking pics of the first sight of baby when he came out is fine, don't think is nice to take other process esp the 'part'.....
I have the impression that hospital dun allow videotaping coz my friend's hubby bought in a videocam and was asked to leave it in the end, they took the camera and secretly use the video mode in the camera to videotape....
I rem when i attended the antenatal course @ TMC, the lady told us they dun allow videa taping the process of birth becos there's one incident before that after the couple has taken the video, the woman came back to her gynae later and complained that her husband rejected sex since after watching the video! The hospital dun wish such incident to happen again so had stopped allowing video taping.
RE: Gripe Water
Think the brand is call woodsward? Yeah, the word alcohol free outside the box too. And had read the ingredients.. it doesn't contain alcohol.. duno y my hb taste until say got alcohol. :p

Oh.. taste sweet ah.. you add alot ah.. hehe

How much your nanny/yourself put into the water?
1ml to 10ml h20? Feed directly the gripe water then follow by water or mix the gripe water with water in milk bot then feed your boy?

I think cannot video tape leh. take photo of the bb (when just pop out) can..

So now your coll got how many kids?

Hmm, you got same thinking as me, i also want to aim for a girl next round..
but if bb is girl, then alot of thing cannot pass down to her, got to buy new one leh.

Oic... But tot the hb was there when delivery, so he shld see whatever things liao mah... Hmm...

RE: Gripe Water
Ya, correct, tat's the one.
I din add alot lah, just a small teaspoon oni.
Usually I put 1 teaspoon Gripe Water into 1oz water in milbot, then feed him lor.

My coll now got 3 kids, 2 boys 1 girl. Her hb was like "finally phew..." Hahaha!
She said if this time she got boy again, she will continue to aim for a girl... Tat's why the hb so worried... Kekeke!

Well, I dun mind cannot pass down things to next bb girl lah... clothes mah... cos I bought usually are white &amp; yellow colors, so no diff whether bb boy wears or bb ger wears.

But if it's a ger, then finally we can doll her up mah... Kekeke!
Tis morning brought my boy to Mt A do the physiotherapy. Ran into Dr Adrian there. Think someone juz gave birth.

do tot of having a ger.. but financially cant make it. so think abt it.. mite as well go for ligation. but i heard got perm n temp one le.. yet not 100% guarantee safe oso.. can b confusing to me.. will check with Dr Adrian on thur

har? cannot video tape? i know most gynaes dont allow video taping the part where bb comes out ... but other processes also cannot? Hiaz... so disappointing
