Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

cel_cel, DS,

I start to give my boy drink plain water & grip water since he is borned. :p
My sil commented me b4, saying tat her PD told her, not supposed to give plain water to bb which below 4mths.
Again, bcos of this "plain water" issue, I quarreled wif my hb again, cos he refused to give plain water to my boy after listening to his sis.
But I asked Dr Winston before, he said by right the milk will provide enuf water liao, but it's ok to give bb plain water.
It's no harm lor. Then my hb finally feel relief.

Ya, giving them plain water when they wake up during nite time, is to give them "signal", so when time passes, they knew tat if they wake up at tat time they won't get milk, so they won't wake up anymore by tat timing... hee hee hee
Luckily, my boi usually just make a small fuss when he knows tat is not milk, then back to sleep again.

Ya, giving gripe water after bath, it's good to clear the wind of bb's stomach & "cool down" heatiness.
My bbsitter & me do the same thing every day, my mil so against it. Dun care... :p
Wat I doing is, I mix the plain water with gripe water (30ml), or other supplementary juices.
Then i feed him plain water subsequently. So far he is ok. Maybe bcos I "trained" him to drink plain water since borned.

Yes, bbs are very smart ones, if they know tat is not milk, then will just use their tongue to push & push... my boy oso the same thing...

DS, maybe you want to mix abit of juices (those Heinz juices - not sweet ones, dun worry) into the plain water & give him to try.
But got to wait until he is 4mths...

Oh, I dun have the tai mao pi shop's tel now. Let me post it here when i get home. okie?


Ya, agreed lor. I can understand your feeling.
Me oso keep finding execuses not going back to Msia to face my mil... :p
Oic... got to wait till 4 mths then can take juices? I scare i give him the juice, he will drink, thereagfter feed him with water.. he will sure "pui" out.
Today, we inject some vitamins (liquid) into his mouth, he also "pui" out leh.. hiazzz

Isn't grip water more for drinking when bb having teething problem? I also wanted to give my boy gripe water.. but hb said is to be given only when teething time.. duno how..

Mamex going to increase price.... my boy drinking this also..

Bo bian, just got to "lun".. but you must be prepared that your MIL may not want sell the flat.. no security for her if ever she agreed to sell her flat...
Oic... got to wait till 4 mths then can take juices? I scare i give him the juice, he will drink, thereagfter feed him with water.. he will sure "pui" out.
Today, we inject some vitamins (liquid) into his mouth, he also "pui" out leh.. hiazzz

Isn't grip water more for drinking when bb having teething problem? I also wanted to give my boy gripe water.. but hb said is to be given only when teething time.. duno how..

Mamex going to increase price.... my boy drinking this also..

Bo bian, just got to "lun".. but you must be prepared that your MIL may not want sell the flat.. no security for her if ever she agreed to sell her flat...
hi mothers,

i am also a patient of Dr. Adrian Woodworth and will be delivering in mid-May. just learnt from him that he will appoint Dr. Lilian Lim as PD during baby's stay in hospital.

can anyone share feedback on Dr. Lim? or any recommendation of good PD in Sengkang or AMK area?

ur hb didnt talk to ur bro in law abt giving one room to u all?

i cant imagine if my crazy sil n mil still stay here with us.. all the noise she n her son make everyday. then not onli occupy one room all by her own.. she threw all her son's toys all over the hse.. soiled pampers threw under the tv console oso.. a stench in the hse till i discover it. worst! she will drip dry the wet clothings in the hse.. make the whole floor so wet.

drives me crazy..

i try to "lun" as much as i can now. whenever she comes back on sat n leaves on sun. i will stay in the room during that period of time she is home. neither do i want to see her nor greet her. not worth wasting my time. my hb oso cant say anything cos he knows well wat his mum did. he was oso the one who gave me permission not to greet his mum ever since some incident during our BGR period.

i dun see why she got no security to sell the flat? she still get the profit at the end. just that we didnt want to stay with her. unless thats the insecurity u talking abt. she can jolly well get another flat with her crazy daughter (a single mum) since both can get along well n sil need her to take care of her son too. i dun need her to take care of my sons anyway.. mil just refuse to accept the fact that she is such a nuisance to everyone. oways say that her kids love her alot la.. want to stay with her la.. again self praise n say until like she very popular n well like by her kids..

i think her son in law dun like her oso. but i know that the son in law dun like my crazy 2nd sil. just that no conflicts btn them. mayb mil scared that her daughter will b bullied by son in law shld she do anything. somemore, her eldest daughter not working.. financially dependant on the hb.

unlike me, i stay in her so call "the flat is totalli mine".. (feel like telling her dun keep dreaming la.. the flat belongs to govt as long as its not paid up in full.. even paid up.. the land still belongs to govt..") she oways think i m financially dependent on my hb. but most of the time, its opposite... cos i paid more than she can imagine.. except for the hse where i dun hv a name in it. she like to push all the blame to me when things happen.. even when its done by her son. thats why i oways tell my hb to spare a tot for me on wat his mum will do. dun just simply ask me to tell her its done by her dearest son.. cos she will still tell the whole world its done by me!

Yr MIL really one kind.


I oredi ask my frend to order the bulk 15tins to my pl liao. They deliver last sat. Heng ah. Lucky i order early.

i can never get the supplier on the mobile number. its always diverted to voicemail... any other way to contact them? i will also wana order leh...
thanks Baobao!!! i will try now...

Re : fussing during milktime

Lately Celeste has been refusing to take her milk and always shifts her head here n there and uses her tongue to push the teat out. I will hav to coax her for bout 30-45mins and at the same time, walk around and feed her... i will be changing the teat size today cos she's stil on number 1. any other ideas why she is like this??? but then she stil drinks bout 600-700ml a day now which is quite average... do your think her weight of 5.13 at 9+weeks is ok? she doesnt seem very chubby leh, as in her body is rather lean.. MIL was saying she's small built but definitely not light weight... * puzzled *

Yeap, usually you can read from the labels of those bb foods, some stated from 4mths onwards, some from 6mths onwards. So you can got read carefully.
Wow, so fast you give him vitamins liao?
The vitamins not sweet ones, izzit?
Cos my boy drinks those liquid medicine oso no problem ley, cos it's sweet one lor... heehee!
Hmmm... maybe you try to "sweet talk" to him when feeding...

Yeap, actually gripe water is for clearing stomach wind, rather than cure the teething problem ley.
Old folks usually will ask you not to give bb too much gripe water or too frequent, cos last time the gripe water got alcohol.
Now the gripe water doesn't have alcohol liao, dun worry.

It's time to stock up the milk powder liao!
You got 2 days time... Kekeke!

It depends which hospital you choose.
Mine is Mt A, so my boy's PD is Dr Terence Tan.
Not sure for TMC.

My bil is one kind one like ur crazy sil... he rather use that room for his study room, oso dun want to give it to us...
Somemore he owns 70% of the house, so my hb can't say anything lor...
My bil like ur crazy sil lah, always make the whole kitchen floor wet wet after washing hands!
And, always ask him got to close the corridor window, he dun listen one...
So every morning when i go out to work, i will close the window.
But when i reach home har, i saw the whole corridor are "flooded" cos of raining... he opens the windows again after i go out!
Then he dun bother to clean the floor ley... really drive me crazy!

You may want to check whether Celeste's stomach got wind not. Cos if bb got alot of wind in stomach, they will feel uneasy & refuse to drink milk...

Or issit her milk feeding time not reach yet tat's why she doesn't want to drink?
I dun have this problem as my boi always cry for milk then i will feed him... :p

how much did u pay for the milk? i called and she quoted me $111.20 for 5 tins... think the price increase aldy added in leh... cos i rem last time u buy at $21 per tin, now mine is $22.20
hi Puea,

thanks for your reply. i will be delivering at TMC and PD appointed is Dr. Lilian Lim.

any mothers engaged her as PD? I just need to know if she is reliable. if so, i will not waste time sourcing for another PD.
I bo bian, gave my boy vitamins (liquid) prescribe by PD, cos i told PD my boy's appetite drops.. so PD gave him the vitamins (liquid).. didn't taste it.. not sure sweet a not.. but my boy "pui" them out.. haizzz bo bian.. force him to drink by injecting into his mouth.

Gripe water no alcohol.. hmm.. will go and read the gripe water label again.. thanks ah.

Don't think i will stock up the milk powder.. never know when my boy will reject his current milk powder leh.. order too much if later he don't like then jialat liao.

What brand milk powder your boy is drinking?

Maybe can apply the ru ye oil on her tummy before u feed her? My boy will cry half way when i feeding him.. so now we always apply the oil on his tummy 1st b4 feeding him..
hi anastasia,

My son PD is Dr Lilian Lim. Her clinic is located at Rivervale Mall. I find that she is a very patient and detail doctor.


Ya lor, then no chocies lor, got to inject the vitamin into his mouth liao.

My boi drinking Mamex Gold Step 1 too.

Nope, I'm not hep b carrier.
What happened?


You shld be receiving the letter around 32weeks from TMC. Then you decide which hospital you want to go.

thanks for your reply.


i am delivering in TMC and Dr. Adrian has informed that he will appoint Dr. Lilian Lim as PD.
the PD is assigned by Dr Adrian one?...did he ask u if u have any preferences?

I'm lazy to source for PD so if he assign, I don't mind too...coz I dun intend to engage PD after that, will just bring baby to polyclinic for the neccessary jabs, etc...
Puea / DS

Celeste is so fussy now... i haven tried the ru yi oil yet... but i realise she chooses the teats now. she oni wants pigeon n piyo piyo ones... not Avent! and yest, my sis n i tried so hard to feed her but to no avail... guess wat?!?!? my hb took over and she sucked immediately!!!

Hahaha... so she not only choosy on teats, oso on people who feeds her... :p

Are you too fierce to her liao? Maybe you scared her liao, tat's why she "prefers" your hb.

My boy oso chooses people who feeds him, he doesn't like my hb to feed him. I guess it's bcos my hb doesn't carry him comfortably so he prefers me to feed.
Puea / DS - no leh, she can play and baby talk wf me so much!!! i was telling my hb mabbie cos she is trying to get attention from him! cos he hasn't been feeding / changing her ever since we got a maid... so it might not b a good thing also... haha

i juz gt tis little dress romper for Celeste online... so cute... i cant resisit buying it though i promised myself not to spend anymore $$$ on clothes for baby...

Hee hee... ya lor, maybe hor...

Wow, very sweet romper! You're "seduce" me to buy online again lah...

I just shopped online too last week, bought a few rompers for my boy & my niece, already cost me a bomb liao... big big hole in my pocket liao...
hi okasan,

Dr. Adrian is fine if you have a preferred PD and he or she can be from outside TMC. if not, he will appoint Dr. Lilian Lim. i am also too lazy to source for PD.

if you see IC_69's post on last thursday, she mentioned that Dr. Lim is patient and detailed. i should confirm her as my baby's PD. as for jabs, i may just bring him to my family doctor, a GP.
Puea - baby clothes are juz too cute to resist hor..haha
which online stores do u go to? cheap or not? can recommend the links??? hee... hands itchy again.. *oops*
<font color="ff6000">Hi Serene</font>

There's a KidsLink Clinic in the building besides Lot 1. You can try the PD there.

But I've not brought my child there for any consultation before as usually I bring her to GP instead.
me also due in june..seeing Dr Adrian at cck too....din see u at the june mtb thread

thanks for the info on the PD. think I'll just let him appoint
Hi Serene,

I see Dr Adrian at cck last time.
And I have taken my bb to the PD of Kidslink which chihiro mentioned, for all jabs &amp; when he falls sick.
It's Dr Winston, a very patient pd.
<font color="0000ff">I m also seeing Dr Adrian at cck.</font>
<font color="ff6000">For PD in cck, can go to kidslink , the doctor there is very good n patient.</font>
<font color="119911">I am due in Aug.</font>


I got this website through a email from Sunshine Babies... they sent the order form to me too.
If you want, PM me, then i forward that email to you.
