Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

hi ling, me visiting his clinic at CCK cos' am staying in jurong west. Am not pantang cos' am a Christian.


What is the difference between 18mths CC & playground? NTUC's program includes story telling, Chinese & English language, outdoor playground, water play, indoor gross & fine motor skills development using toys. They also encourage parents to stay in a bit later to participate in their program.

Heard of Wharton, but very expensive. $700++ after subsidy. Heard from mummies in the CCK thread that it is not bad. I din bother to check it out as I can't afford also it is not convenient for me as I stay behind De Lasal Sch.

Dr Adrian is very experience. Dr suggested I go for C-sect as at 40 weeks, DS is 3.7kg & given my built, the chances of getting him out naturally is 5 - 10% if I'm lucky. So I went for C-sect. Thank god I din try natural birth. DS was 4.075kg at birth. His stiching skills is good. Jus that when weather is too hot or if I wear pants that is too tight, wound will be a bit itchy. I got sensitive skin. My fren who delivered 2 bbs by him (C-sect) did not even take pain killer. She said not pain leh. She cannot tahan pain.

For natural birth, cheezel should be able to ans your qn.

This is a summary of my bill for C-sect with epi (4 days 3 nights) upgrade from 4 bedded to 2 bedded.

Total after FBI discount 3060
Less : Medisave deduction (2,750)
Balance 310

Baby's bill
Total after FBI discount 985
Less : Medisave deduction (886)
Balance 99

Total cash paid is $410. As I paid $600 deposit upon admission, I got refund of $190. This deposit can be charged to credit card.
Morning ladies

Hi Athen, thanks for the explanation. Noticed that he encourages ppl to go for C-section. My gf was oso told to C-sect. My last gynae prefers "natural" and dun encourage C-sect but I nvr go back to her cos expensive.. hehe

Playgroup is a term used in CC centres for kids around 18mths to 2.5yrs old. Playgroup is also another term for short hours class for young kids as well. So same word but used in 2 different situations.

NTUC sounds not bad. Since near your area, no harm trying. Vel's school no water play, they opt that out eversince the HFM some years back...

I have been to outside of Wharton. Really cannot see the inside cos no windows so duno wat happen in school actually. I prefer to be able to catch and see what the kids are doing... :D

Where is Cheezel?? Seldom heard from her.. :p

Tinyvoice... wow, jurong west to CCK. quite far hor.. So how much you paid for your webcamy?? Have you found a maid and when is she coming in?? :p

Not sure if Dr Adrian prefers to do C-sect or not. My other gf delivered 2 bbs by natural. If u gone thru the achive, most mummies gone thru natural birth. Will be very time comsuming to read though. Took me 1 yr to finish reading.

Yah NTUC seems good hor. Guess jus got to wait for vacancy lor.

Maybe cheezel is busy with her bb.

I din eat anything special. Jus balance diet. Must have meat & veg for lunch & dinner sometimes fast food. Breakfast will be cornflakes with Master Hi Lo milk or biscuits with milo sometimes Mac. No chinese medicine or bird nest. Dr Adrian does not encourage Chinese medicine.

As DS is sick often, weight is like a normal toddler. Only 11kg now.
hi Ling

I don't know how much is the webcam leh, sorry. I tink there's a wide range in the can check out at challenger. My friend runs a maid agency so am getting him to source for us, preferred the maid to be in mid-August.

Anytime natural birth is better unless no choice. Today my colleagues commented my tummy suddenly looks like ballooned, hee hee! Baby's growth picking up but I can't tell if i have BH anot, how to recognise if it's BH?
wat is BH?

yr EDD sept and your maid coming in only mid-aug?? btw u getting indo or filp? Im getting a fresh filp and prob early sep cos my edd end oct wor...

Athen, nvm heavy or light as long as baby healthy and pray dun fall sick so often will do :D
Tiny VOice

What is BH?


Ya lor. As long as healthy can liao. Dr Winston did not raise concern on his weight. I guess should be ok bah. I think is weight is between 50% - 75% percentile. So ok lah. Too heavy also no good.
hi Ling & Athen

BH = Braxton Hicks.

I wld be getting a filipino maid too but requested for someone with experience to take care of baby.
Tiny voice

OIC. Braxton Hicks is the womb practicing contraction for the real thing. If u feel your tummy suddenly feels very tight, that is BH.
morn ladies...

i do feel my tummy tightening leh at 5mths plus.. how?? I can feel the whole tummy hard like stone and the baby at one corner... mi scare..

Tinyvoice, mi oso getting filippino ones but fresh ones cos im taking in earlier to help out my housework hehe... but at least have handled newborn before...

Don worry. It is normal to have BH. If u r uncomfortable about it. Do talk to Dr Adrian. He will give u more assurance.
thx Athen... I will check with him during my next visit, which is 3 weeks later.. :p

The thread seems quiet these days..

Did Dr Adrian prescribe Ventolin to u gals before?
I keep having tummy hardening & cramps very often, so he prescribe me Ventolin, must take 3X a day! Anyone taking this medicine too?
Tiny Voice,

I cant rem wat Dr said but roughly rem wat the nurse said, something like preventing the uterus from expanding, oso cant rem much lah!

I keep having cramp very often, Dr said not suppose to give birth yet as bb head still upright, unless opt for c-sect which i dun want cos now still consider pre-mature!
Angeline, i duno about ventolin... My tummy oso harden quite often leh and i scare oso hehe... But take medicine 3 times daily? ok anot?

btw, I have alot of discharge leh.. doc gave me 3 inserts to stop le and take test le but still have wor... tml check with adrian again.. sigh.. any advise on this?

3X a day shd be okie since its prescribe by doctor, read from other thread that one of the mummy taking 4x a day ah!
Clarify with other mummies, its for contraction pain, to prevent bb from coming out early!

I do have discharge but normal leh.
Wat do u mean by doc gave u 3 inserts to stop?? sounds scary leh!!

I went for my 1st appointment with Dr Adrian a week ago but he seems to be very rush and fast when seeing patient. It made me very nervous... He don't explain much unless I asked more questions... Is he always like that?

Any idea how is his stitching skill? Actually, I'm considering him and Dr HK Ho. I heard that Dr Ho's stitching skill is really good, no need painkiller after that and recovered that next day. Is Dr Adrian's stitching skill as good? Thank you.

Not sure about the use of Ventolin on preg woman. DS is on Ventolin if he has cough. It is to open & relax his airways muscle so that he can breath better. Hmmm... Maybe Ventolin is to relax the womb muscle so that will not have contraction????

Maybe lor cos i keep having contraction pain. Beside contraction pain, my vaginal pain too, kind of like feeling tight tight one, dun really know how to describe the pain lah!
Hi snowbelle

That's dr. adrian's style. If you're looking for someone very detailed and chatty then he won't be the one you will be comfortable with. He's a man of few words!
He will definitely answer your qns if you have any doubt. Me first time using him but heard from my friend that his stitching is good. Most important you have to be comfortable with him.
Hi TiNy VoIcE,

I guess I'll see what happen during my next appointment... his package is cheap and near my place too... so a bit reluctant to change... but will see how the 2nd appointment go... maybe I may try Dr Ho too before I decide...

I really scare of pain one... so hopefully Dr Adrian's stitching recover fast and painless...
Hi angeline

These days my pubic area and lower back pain pain when i awake in the morning, might be due to bb pressing against it while am sleeping. I tried to sleep on my sides but will end up on my back. haiz...
Tiny Voice,

My lower back oso very painful, especially when i lie on bed & wanted to turn to my side, sharp pain sia!

Sometimes when i sleep on my side, in the middle of the nite, my leg become numb! Wonder is it becos i kept that position too long or bb pressing against my nerve or wat! Sleeping is such a torture too!!
Tiny Voice,

Mine is both side leh, got to endure the pain & slowly turn to the side!
Another 1mths plus to go! Jiayou!!

Anyone know wat number to call to donate cord blood to public banking?
Hi, I am new to this thread. I have just discovered a faint positive line on the test kit. I have booked an appt with Dr Adrain coming weekend.

May I know, what can I expect from the first appt? Is there any specific question I need to ask? From my routine gynae checkup with the other gynae, i was quite traumatised by the pain experienced in the V scan. But it is inevitable to go throu it right?

May I know, which hospitals is Dr Adrain attached to?

Thanks so much
Angeline: u can check SCBB at Tel: 63945011 to find out more. They will require to meet you up for a talk and fill up some forms.

Hi Winnie: Congrates! Just have to let him know that you have done a home test and tested positive and wish to confirm the pregnancy. I have done V scan with him too, it shouldn't be pain. He will then explain his package details to you and prescribe you some vitamins and folic acids. If you have any question re: pregnancy, you can ask him too.

He can delivers in Mt. A, TMC and a few other hospitals.
Oh Winnie: A V-scan is only necessary if scan from your tummy is not visible due to the sac is too tiny in very early stage of pregnancy.
Tiny Voice,

Thanks, will call them to find out more

I got abt another 6weeks to go!! Counting down man, more & more excited liao!!


Angeline, Tiny voice

What u experience is normal. BB is putting a lot of strain on our back & pelvis. I used to hear cracking sound from my pelvic bone when I toss & turn in bed. Very painful to turn also. Can't be help. Jus got to endure till birth.

Try to sleep on the left side. Read somewhere that it provides the most oxygen to the bb. Avoid sleeping on the back as the weight of the bb will compress one of the major vein & decrease the amt of blood flow to the womb.


Congrats. Dr Adrian also delivers in Mt E, Gleneagles & East Shore.

Eversince DS was hosp, he is taking so many type of medicine that I know what kind of medicine is for what symptons. My cupboard is like a mini pharmacy. Sad rite?
Athen: waaah, cracking sound...must be scary. I can't sleep on my side for long, will somehow turn to lie on my back leh. Now is pubic area alot of pressure and pain, haiz...everywhere pain and ache. Must endure for the sake of baby, jia you jia you!!!

Don't be sad Athen, we all learnt through experiences and am sure your DS will be nursed back to health very soon under your delicate care.
Ladies, thanks. I will take note of it, waiting to see him. Hope everything will be fine. cos i have a bad experience with another gynae before for my annual check up and thus, i am quite worried about finding a good one.

I cant sleep too long on my side, my hand & leg will get numb easily!

These few days keep experiencing pain on the bone near to our vaginal, is it normal? Hv u experience before? Its only at my left side, cant lift up my leg, very painful!
hey angeline, are you referring to the pain at the pubic area? Me experiencing that quite frequent now, esp. at night and early morning when awake and yes, it's on my left side too!! I going to ask Woody next monday re: this pain and why on the left side.
Tiny Voice,

I dunno how to explain to u leh, its actually very near to our vaginal area, dunno is it the muscle or bone pain leh, really very painful, cant lift up my left leg at all!!!! When walking, oso feel pain, difficulties in walking leh!

Mine started a few days ago, getting bad to worse, the pain is whole day one!

Is yours the same as mine???

Is it feel like something is pressing at that area? If yes, is probably the bb's head. Check with Dr Adrian to double confirm.

No leh, dun have this kind of feeling!
Hard to explain to Dr Adrian over the phone, got to show him where's the pain! But my apptmt is next friday evening leh, paisey to keep going to him!
Hi Athen/angeline

Yah, my type of pain is like something pressing at the area, dat's why i feel pain at where the pubic hair area is (sorry if i sounded gross!)
Tiny voice,

My pain is on the left side, errmmm, inner thigh, near to our vaginal. Super painful when i try lifting up my left leg! Mine is not like something pressing against it.

Please check with Dr Adrian if really uncomfortable. Remember, u paid for his service.


U r due in Sept rite? I have this feeling towards the end of preg leh.
