Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

hey angeline

my agent from manulife told me that his coy H&S will payout as per bill, not co-shared. Sounds a good deal. My colleague's daughter just admitted to hospital due to pneumonia today, not sure if she has bought any H&S insurance for her daughter. Alternatively, you can buy incomeshield from NTUC and add on cash-paying riders and it is as good as they will pay in full for claims. If just the normal incomeshield, it is co-insuranced, means income pay a portion and insured has to bear certain percentage too.
Tiny Voice,

U mean manulife will pay out as per bill even for private hospital ah?

My hubby looking at NTUC incomeshield, he's very interested lor!
Angeline, yes, that's what my agent told me!

You can ask your hubby to check out incomeshield and to confirm if to add cash payment riders to the incomeshield, issit also can claim full?

Currently manualife only have H&S policy, they yet to launch medishield, maybe year end. Their H&S policy is from $232 annual premium onwards.

We went to a financial advisor company who will assess whether we are adequately cover for retirement & kid's future education plan. If we are not adequately covered, they will recommend the type of policy which suits our needs. They are able to recommend insurance from different insurance companies. As compared to say agent from AIA, they are only able to sell AIA insurance.

They will usually recommend term insurance as the premium is cheap & provides high coverage. Term insurance are insurance that does not incorporates savings plan & bonus cash. I understand that 80% of the bosses of insurance companies buy term insurance.

I bought Enhance incomeshield Preferred Plan (Paid by CPF $129) plus rider (Paid by cash $111).
Tiny Voice,

Okie, will get hubby to find out more, thanks


Oh ya, my hubby looking at Enhance incomeshield preferred plan too, got the price mixed up liao!
After pregnant, my memory very jialat leh, keep forgetting things!

The H&S plan u got from NTUC is the Enhance Incomeshield Preferred Plan u were talking about? I went to NTUC website and didn't really see any specific H&S for kids. Sorry if I'm asking stupid qn, I'm v bad with all these insurance stuff. Hurr..

It is normal to have bad memory. It will get worse after delivery.


I think it is jus a normal H & S policy. Jus that his premium is low as he is very young. The premium will increase with age.
Hi all.. the thread is quite active now
nid to spend some time to read.. and get confused with the insurance stuff.. hehhe
U ladies so lucky can depend on hubby to do research.. My hubby let me do research n decide myself..


I dun have robinson card member.. Btw, which Robinson that has more bb's stuffs? I see that OG orchard has more than Robinson orchard does...


Yeah.. that what happen when a new management in charge.. thou bz.. u still gotta take care k..

Btw, when and where the motherhood fair will be hold?

Hmm.. u gained 11kgs oredi.. Still 2 more mths to go..
I can't imagine how many kgs I will gain.. Coz till now I oredi gained 6kgs.. now 19wks.. arrghh..
Hi Eufrasia

The motherhood fair ended yesterday, if you didn't go, you don't miss much lah, heard there's nothing much and super crowded.

I find that Robinson Centrepoint kids' dept nothing much, very hi-class one, they revamped it. I think Robinson at Raffles city has more stuff.

I think both Robinson have abt the same stuffs bah. Major brands have recommended retail price so if buy during non-sales period, everywhere is about the same price.

For bb's daily clothing, no need to buy from those dept stores. Go to those HDB shops in your housing estate. They sell at very good price. I got a few at 5 for $10. Toa Payoh & bugis (near the temple) have many of these shops.

I find that JL at Specialist Centre has more things than Robinson.

BTW Kiddy Palace is having 20% off storewide excluding nett price & offer items. U can also get Kiddy's Palace VIP card at a fee of $10 per yr. U'll get 10% regular price items. If there is any storewide offer, 10% is not applicable liao.

Har, after delivery memory even worsen ah?? Im still pinning hope to recover my memory after birth ah, think muts eat more "bu nao" tonic liao


Yup, i will take care, u mummies too!

Ya lor, i already put on 11kg liao! Heard last few weeks, will put on even more weight!
Hope it still under acceptable weight!

My coli she's only week 16, she put on 8kg already, more than u ah!

Most important is baby is healthy lah, dun worry too much abt weight gain!

Yup, motherhood fair very lousy, nothing to buy one!
Hi ladies,

just to share,if you are thinking of banking your bb's cordblood, Dr Adrain is tied up with Stemcord. Cost is a one-time payment of S$840 (inclusive of 1st yr subscription fee) and S$250 for year 2 onwards.
Athen, Tiny Voice,

Tks for ur infos.

I din go to the fair at expo. I believe it was v crowded n v long queue. I saw in the newspaper that they sold bb cot at 29 onli on thurs, and also got diaper in a low price.

Yup, I think I'll try to find bb's clothing at toa payoh and stop by at kiddy palace tis weekend

Went to Robinson at Raffles City. Yeah.. the price n the goods are more less the same compare to Robinson Orchard. One thing I notice, Robinson sells 330ml Avent bottles more expensive than OG does.

Btw, I find blue / purple / red brushes on my legs n feet.. I'm afraid I'll get varicose...

Also notice that the blue veins on my stomach become more visible.. Perhaps the skin in that area become thinner.. ???


Yup. Most important is bb's healthy.

I went for check up 2days ago. I'm confused.
Cos on the scan is written as follows;
AC: 17.1cm 21w6d (tis suppose the bb's length, i think)
FL: 2.9cm 18w5d (tis suppose the bb's head, i think)
average: 20w2d

What make me confuse is that the difference is too big. Based on my conception, m should b 19w4d pregnant. The weight is heavier than it should be in 22wks (based on the your pregnancy week by week book)..
Arr.. I dun understand.. I should've asked doc. But I only have chance to read the scan after I was out of his ofc..
Is it normal to get those reading?? Please share with me.. Tks...

I'll have my detailed scan on 23rd June, Kinda nervous
I really really hope that bb's healty and okay...

RE: bb cordblood banking.
Doc is tied up with Stemcord? I tot was cordlife, coz there are many cordlife brochures in the clinic.

Sandra, Angeline, Have you signed up to any cordblood bank?

Paisey, i oso not sure abt the reading, im more interested to see baby's weight, whether is hegrowing anot. Perhaps ur next visit u can check with ur gynae or u can call up the clinic to ask

Congrats on the gender of ur baby!! Ur hubby & in-laws must be super happy!!

Is this the first grandchild in the family?

Dun worry too much abt the detailed scan, its just like normal scan, do not give urself extra stress!

No, haven sign up yet cos pretty X leh, still ocnsidering! Was thinking even if we store his cord blood, TOUCHWOOD if really need for transplant, can we afford the operation fee??!!
Of course if we store the cord blood, there's still pin of hopoe to save the child/adult! Very contradicting leh, still cant make up our mind!

But if we decide not to sign up, we will still donate to public banking, incase other pple need to use them rather than throw away, very wasted!
hi eufrasia

just take the average as the EDD lor, i think it will flutuates depending on baby's weight.

For me am not intending to store my bb's cord blood, cos' i believe life and death lies in the hands of God. And i heard high chances the child cannot used back his/her own cord blood if it is a genetically illness/diseases, so the cord blood will likely benefit others or his/her siblings. Anyway, to store or not is very individual.
Hi all,

I read from the papers recently that if disease caused by genetic problem, cannot use own cord blood. However, I stored his cord blood. I'm treating it as an insurance. I also heard that Dr Adrian store his kids cord blood. If u decide not to store, u may want to consider donating to public bank. Jus my personal view.
Hi Athen

I went into scbb website and learnt that they mentioned:

"We are currently working in collaboration with the KK Women and Children's Hospital (KKH), National University Hospital (NUH), and Singapore General Hospital (SGH.) We are actively in dicussion with other public, as well as, private Singapore hospitals so that more Singapore mothers have the option to donate to our Singapore public cord blood bank."

Not sure if for TMC, they will do collection anot.
hello ladies!!! long time no chat....hows everything??

i also gain 20kg during preggie. lose 10kg aftre birth. after discharge, lose abt 4 kg after 7 still have 6 kg more to go. me on partial bf.....though wt didnt drop much, but find tat the tummy smaller liao...

understand ur confusion. cos me n my hubby were like this b4. dun worry...all these r just an estimation. normally dr adrian will basedon ur NT scan EDD. dunno y...cos everytime i ask him my EDD, he will bsed on the NT scan one.
Hi Sandra,

Thanks for sharing


Long time never hear from u!!
Glad that u coping well!

Wow, u lose weight pretty fast man, only left with 6kg! Im sure u can shed away these extra kilos & back to ur usual weight!

Wat do u mean by partial BF? U give formula to ur bb too ah?

Btw, wanna check did TMC shave for us? Is it clean enough or more advisable for us to do BW before we are due?
tiny voice,

Maybe u can call SCBB to check if they collect CB from TMC. It would be a waste if throw away the CB if they can't collect & parents do not want to store rite?


I also partial BF during confinement. But TBF after confinement as BM oversupply. I think probably I gave FM during confinement bah so not so much DD so lesser SS.


Dr Adrian's C sect stitches are quite good. I heal quite fast jus that every now & then when weather is a bit hot, the wound is a bit itchy. Maybe I have sensitive skin. My fren who also had C sect with him did not even take pain killer. Not that she can tahan pain. She said not painful at all. Don't know why.

Charges is $1187.50 after FBI discount.
i giving FM as supplement for my bb. his demand more than my supply.

ya...upon admit, the nurse will get u ready for labour n will shave. duno if we shave then will they shave again. cos they also shave near the vagina there....

My finger joints aching, cant clench my fist at all! Even my toes oso started, my sole will be very painful when i walk!

Any way to reduce the pain har??

If latch more often, ss will increase. Meaning once he cry for milk, let him latch. But will be very tiring for u lor. It will take 2 - 3 days for the ss to really increase.

Jus to share my experience. At one time, DS was crying for milk every 1.5 hour. So he is perpectually at my breast. Siong man.

Then I express out to let hubby feed cos too tiring liao. End up over supply as I pump every 3 hours although he feeds 4 hourly & I empty the breast during each pump. If I let him latch, he does not empty the breasts as he only drink what he needs. So u can see. Demand = supply. Jia you!!!!

Then comes another problem. He refuses to latch as it is easier to drink from bottle. So end up BF by pumping.
me currently pump during the day n latch on at night cos i simply too lazy to go prepare milk n feed him.

ya..agree...when latch on, he only drink wat he wants....sometime i really wonder if he is full..cos he only suckle for 10-20min. sometime only one breast n then he falls asleep n i just leave him cos i also wanna sleep....hehe
Hi Cheezel,

Ya, your weight loss same as me. I still got 6 - 7 kg to go. Sometimes lose 1 kg then next day weigh gain back, I think kenah stuck at this 6 - 7 kg.

I should have done partial bf like u ladies. Now my bigger problem is DS doesn't like formula. I want to stop bfeeding also cannot. I did partial once when he was 2 mths plus for a few days when supply was low. Then later on ss ok so I TBF again. Now he is so used to BM he refused FM when offered to him. He would cry and cry. And now my SS is also quite low. Am taking medication to keep it going. And I feel so tired. I am still expressing every 3 hrs.

Also last time before I went bk to work, I was taking care of him on my own, so I latch him direct cos easier. End up he refused bottle when my MIL take care of him and had to train him on bottle again. So just sharing in case you gals encounter these problems.

Btw, I also signed up with Stemcord. They were having a promo at that time.

To conclude, even if TBF, not advisable to latch on all the time, better to pump out & bottle feed, especially for working mum, rite?

Thanks all mummies for sharing all ur precious info!

Wat is the diff between gripe water & delrosa? Y must fed them with these water & when start to feed them har?

Seems like your bb is at the other extreme. Refuse bottle. Mine refuses breast. I guess we got to stike a balance between breast & bottle.

I do agree that TBF bb may have problem drinking FM. DS also refuses FM when I tried to stop BF. So I mix FM with BM & slowly increase the proportion of FM. It took a few months to get accustom with the taste FM. Try giving him FM that taste more like BM. I heard Mamil gold & Nan taste closest to BM. I gave him Mamil gold. Although some Dr do not recommend mixing BM with FM, my PD said no problem. His view is when bb drinks BM & FM separately, it gets mixed up in the tummy anyway.


Hmm... Depends on bb bah. Heard gals are not as stubborn as boys. My fren's gal do not have this problem. She TBF by latching & do not have problem giving bottle. Most of my frens who have problem are having boys. Like I said earlier, must strike a balance between bottle & breast lor. If pump out also tiring. If I din pump, get very engorge leh. Also difficult to get rid of blockage when bb refuses to latch. I had a hard time clearing blockage.

Not sure what is Delrosa. I only gave DS gripe water if he has stomach wind. It should only be given after 1 mth.

O, O, im expecting a baby boy!!
Hahaha, boys prefer mummy's breast more than bottle!

Ya, must strike a balance, else ownself suffer ah!

How u mummies clear the blockage? I do have milk ducts on my nipples, always use my finger to scratch out leh, is this the correct way?

Noted with thanks

I think if he does not cry for milk, putting on weight & peeing well, he should be drinking enough. DS also used to drink from one side then ZZZZZZ liao. So always got to pump out the other side. My other frens also got this problem. Always lop sided. What we read from books & What we learn from class is different from real life hor.

Your boy only suckle for 10-20 mins ah. DS can be at the breast for 1 hour leh. So he is perpectually at the breast. Maybe comfort sucking. Thats why I pump out & gave him bottle so end up he prefers bottle. Hee....

Ehh... I think u got it wrong. Milk ducts are the tissue in the breast that produces milk. The white substance on the nipple is milk.

The best way to clear blockage is to get bb to latch. When DS refuses to latch, I'll use hot towel & massage to soften the blockage area. Massage the blockage towards the nipple. Must use strenght hor. If not does not work. Once the blockage is cleared, milk flows out like tape. No need to squeeze. Jus use a bottle to collect the milk at the nipple can liao. If towel not hot enough, fill small milk bottle with hot water & roll it on the blockage area. Take care not to scald yourself.

Paisey, i got mixed up liao!
Shd be i got white substance on my nipple, quite alot leh, always have to use fingers to scratch out!
All these white substance need to clear (scratch) away one anot har? Sometimes i scratch till my breast pretty painful leh!

Any other way to clear them?

Wah, once blockage cleared, milk will just flow out ah! Hope its always clear den no need to pump till so painful! hehe

I don't really have this problem. Only once in a while got milk on nipple. If I notice, jus use finger to gently pick it out. Be gentle to your nipple hor. If the white stuff is not making u uncomfortable, jus ignore it. Or use towel to clean it off. Do it during shower should be easier.

If got blockage, must clear. Blockage is usually due to breast not fully emptied by bb or breast pump. So try to empty the breast. But then again, if always empty the breast, may be oversupply like me. Oversupply till my freezer almost explored. Nothing in freezer except BM. If bb does not empty the breast, then use pump.

Okie, will be more gentle! I die die want to remove the white substance, so use more strength to dig out! haha

Yup, i usually do it during shower

Aiyoyo, so many things to take note!
Mother really very "wei da"

But BF is better than FM mah, of course we want the best for our kids!
No choice got to endure this & that lor!

Don't know if BF is good or not leh. Cos DS still gets sick every month & got hosp somemore. OR maybe he is in infant care? Don know lah.
te lactation consultant say 1 hr latching on is too long liao. the most 30 min ....

chat again....need to feed bb again


Hmmm, think maybe is the infant care.
Ever read from paper that there's one lady looking for infant care, so she went to a few to survey. One of the caregiver let the baby cried for almost an hour, this lady commented y dun u go & take alook at the baby. The caregiver just replied it ok one, the feeding time is another half a hour later. Wat kind of service is this, maybe the baby poo or wet the diaper, crying for someone to help change diaper or might not be feeling well too!

Aiyoyo, the caregiver so bad sia!
